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List of possible scenarios

Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:55 pm

Hi all
The idea of the project is to create a test scenario, II Punic War, and see how it works with the game engine. If it does work it is possible that other Ancient scenarios could be made, here some ideas

1) I Punic War: An obvious one, although maybe not very suitable, as it has a very large naval component. Besides it could be very long indeed.

2) The Campaigns of Alexander

3) II Macedonian War: The classical fight of Legion vs Phalanx

4) Rome vs Antiochus the Great: Rome faces the largest Hellenistic power.

5) Caesar vs Pompeius

6) Marius vs Sulla

7) Fall of the Roman Empire

I am sure many more could be implemented, anyone?

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Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:25 pm

8) Caesar's campaigns in Gaul

9) Augustus v. Antony

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Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:55 pm

runyan99 wrote:8) Caesar's campaigns in Gaul

That is I think one that could be developed along the lines of BOA, the Romans playing as British, with armies arriving by event. OTOH it could be difficult to implement the succesive wars with different tribes, maybe the scenario could be limited to the Vercingetorix revolt.

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Another scenario option

Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:47 am

In 280 BC Pyrrhus invaded the boot of Italy with an army of Greeks to assist the Tarentines. This is a simple campaign...which might fit your purposes.

However, it introduced the Romans to the War Elephant at Heraclea where the Roman army under Laevinius was defeated with heavy losses to Pyrrhus' army.

The following year on the outskirts of Rome the battle of Asculum was fought where Pyrrhus defeated two consular armies under Sulpicius Saverius and Decius Mus. Again with heavy losses to Pyrrhus' army.

It was later said: "If we defeat the Romans in another such battle, we will be totally ruined." Pyrrhus became famous for Pyrrhic victory as a result.

Several years later Pyrrhus was actually defeated by the Roman General Dentatus at Beneventum.

I believe these may have been the first battles where the early legionaires met the phalanx/hoplite system. Not sure about that.

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Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:16 pm

It is a good possible scenario, right now however I am too deeply involved in the II Punic War scenario, but it is one that surely could be made as a short introductory scenario

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Fri May 16, 2008 8:52 pm

10. Peloponnesian war, though it lasted 47 years in two parts

Osprey is releasing a new book on the sicilian expedition

About Alexander the Great conquest of Persia, if you are modding NCP with its european map, how can it be done?

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Sat May 17, 2008 8:14 am

The map can be expanded

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Sat May 17, 2008 8:58 am

Oh, good then :innocent:

The map from what I have read here is the work of a dedicated artist.

Well, the problem with the units and commanders is the same anyhow. How will you do it in the punic war mod you are working on? Are you drawing them yourself? Will you extract them from pictures available in internet?

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Sat May 17, 2008 7:56 pm

Sorry to post here but I have a personal request.
Could you consider adding some battles of Philip II of Macedon i.e. the Rise of Macedon :

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Sun May 18, 2008 7:59 am

Nikel wrote:Oh, good then :innocent:

The map from what I have read here is the work of a dedicated artist.

Well, the problem with the units and commanders is the same anyhow. How will you do it in the punic war mod you are working on? Are you drawing them yourself? Will you extract them from pictures available in internet?

Philippe Thibaut is the legal owner of all materials done (including graphics) for Pax Romana and Great Invasions, so I don't think there will be problem on that.

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Sun May 18, 2008 5:15 pm

I confirm do not hesitate to ask :coeurs: :cwboy:

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Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:21 pm

You can add the Mithridatic wars too even Diadochoi's wars if the map can be extended to the east

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