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It s a long way to Moscow, it s a long way to go (1812 PBEM)

Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:02 am

Pour lire l'AAR en francais , utilisez le lien ci dessous :

This is my first attempt to write an english AAR, so I beg your pardon for grammatical, vocabulary errors and weird sentences you ll read further below.

This AAR is picturing the game I play against Jagermeister, in the successive campaigns we re playing.
After Prussia 1806, Austria 1809, here we are against Russia in the 1812 campaign
Game patched in 1.03, full historical attrition.

Like previous AArs, Jagermeister won t have acces to my AAR, like I wont either read his one until end of this game.
(so please do not reveal any information you may find reading Jagermeister's aar)

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Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:13 am

So despite having offered our freindship to the russians, and proved many times the superiority of the french army, Tsar Alexander has chosen to open his ports to the english merchant navy, betraying the continental blocade and so collapsing all our efforts to crush down the british willingness to rule Europa (instead of us ;) )

Last attempt to save the peace have been turned down, and now there is no other option than WAR !

Spring 1812 , starting positions :

Xeme Corps (prussians) : McDonald (3-4-4) : 15.000 men

IXeme Corps : Victor (5-3-3) : 36.000 men

HQ Grande Armée : Napoleon (6-6-6) : 17.000 men

Garde Imperiale Cavalerie : Bessières (5-4-4) : 8.500 men

Garde Imperiale Infanterie : Mortier (4-3-2) : 31.000 men

Ier Corps Cavalerie : Nansouty (4-2-2) : 13.500 men

IIeme Corps Cavalerie : Montbrun (4-3-3) : 12.000 men

Ier Corps : Davout (5-6-6) : 81.000 men

IIeme Corps : Oudinot (3-3-4) : 43.000 men

IIIeme Corps (wurtembourgeois) : Ney (3-5-5) : 42.000 men

IIIeme Corps Cavalerie : Grouchy (4-3-2) : 10.000 men

IVeme Corps (italians) : Beauharnais (4-3-3) : 45.000 men

VIeme Corps (bavarians) : Gouvion St Cyr (4-3-2) : 20.000 men

Veme Corps (polish) : Poniatowski (4-4-4) : 34.000 men

VIIeme Corps (saxons) : Reynier (3-2-1) : 13.000 men

VIIIeme Corps (westphalians) : Jerome (3-1-0) 12.000 men

IVeme Corps Cavalerie : Maubourg (4-2-2) : 9.000 men

XXIIeme Corps (austrians) : Schwarzenberg (3-0-1) : 30.000 men

XXIeme Corps : Augereau (5-3-2) : 43.000 men

Danish Corps : Ewald (3-0-0) : 8.000 men

The map


..further south


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Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:43 am

Let s analyse the situation :

This campagain is not like other : In front of us an endless ocean of lands. It will allow armies to manoeuver, avoid, flank ennemy

Moscow is 40 days away, but certainly much more of it, as we will have to consider securing our supply lines, rest our troops, and hopefully fight the russians before reaching it.

It sounds so necessary to figh, and defeat the russians as soon as possible before they fade away deep in the ukrainian country, where it will be very difficult to catch them.

The Russian army, as per our first reports is made of 2 main forces :

Northern Army in Livonia blocking the road to St Petersburg, with several divisons and huge artillery : Not a piece of cake

The second One, 2nd Western Army (is there a 1st wetern army somewhere elses ? ) commanded by Bagration, with several other Corps.

Between them, several units with different size

The russian army seems not be prepared for a decive battle so early in the campaign, which made it very vulnerable to our offensive, but also very difficult to catch and to destroy.
Behind, it is the Big Question Mark ( I didn t play this camapign against the AI, and so do not know the ennemy OOB, neither if there is some events during the game)

Like I presume, ennemy will soon start a retreat, marching East, avoiding battles, with our amies chasing.
We will have then to secure our supply lines, and capture russian depots to progress eastward.
By doing this, we will also cut off supply to potential russian counter offensives, and force ennemy to fall back on new defensive positions, until he will agree, or be forced, to fight.

Our first objectives :

Kowno, Vilnius, MINSK, Brest Litovsk, RIGA, Dvinsk


South front is guarded by our austrians 'friends' with Schwarzenberg commanding the XXII Corps. In front of him, only few russian calary units, nothing serious.
His mission is to seize the Brest Litovsk fortress and its depot, and later on, if possible, reach and capture Kiev (30days away)

Our reserves : Augereau in Warsaw, and the danish corps to secure our supply lines, in case, like I presume, russians try to sneak behind our armies while marching toward Moscow

The so called French Army, which would rather be named the patchwork army, as made of multiple natinalities
Its strengh : Number
Its weakness : Number...

In fact, with so many unit,s it will require so much supply, that it would limit our oprational abilities, running for supply depot, and waiting for our ammnution carts to reach front lines.
Also, if we can't doubt about valor and fidelity of our dear allies, we are also lacking volunteers to fill in its ranks when we will experience our first losses during the campaign.


The Russian campaign can now start !


(re : I bet it will be quite difficult to capture the objective city of Donegal before end of the game.... :siffle: )

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Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:42 pm

Argh...another typo in the objective list (if typo, the default objective is always Donegal...that's how we spot it, our Irish undercover analyst... :nuts: :sourcil: )

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Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:11 pm

16th June 1812

Imperial Declaration to the Army :

" Soldiers !
The Second War of Poland has started. First one has ended in Friedland and in Tilsit..
French arms will find again glory in this second war like in the first one, and the peace we obtain will also bring this garanty : It will terminated the 50 years old deadly influence of Russia in Europe. "

First Orders : Crossing the Niemen:


Mc Donald et Victor will cross Niemen along the baltic coast to enter the prussian fortress of Memel.

The Grande Armée will cross Niemen around Kowno to seize the city and its depot, and then march to Vilnius.
A little more South, Poniatowski, Beauharnais, Grouchy, Gouvion St Cyr, Jerome, Maubourg et Reynier will protect our right flank, advancing in ennemy territory to Fort Oleg.

Augereau will leave Warsaw to Liblin in order to close to the russian border, and eventually react to any russian attempts to sneak and enter in Poland.


In the South Schwarzenberg will advance to Lutsk, small russian city used by the russian cossacks.

Also, we will now have a close attention to our light cavalery units which will have 2 main missions :
- Being our eyes when advancing in ennemy territory to recon and spot russian positions.
- These units will also be able to seize russian undefended location, putting pressure on the ennemy with the necessity to maitain garrisson and troops if he wants to slow down our advance in the Motherland

Baden Hussards are detached from Victor Corps to enter in the coastal city of Libau.


8eme polish lancers will go to Dvinsk on the east side of the Dvina river, which its supply depot will be important later on in this campaign.


They will ride alongside with the 7ème Chasseur whom mission will be to recon and capture Drissa fort, protecting the futur crossing of Dvina river.


These light cavalery units will have so a crucial mission during all this campaign, and they will have to be economized to avoid unnecessary losses, as their combat values are quite low, like their replacement rate...

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Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:49 pm

22nd June 1812


First Setback :
Despite the calendar reads that we are in sumer, last week saw heavy rains which have transformed the countryside in mud fields, with result of slowing down the progression of our armies.

We didn't managed to reach Vilnius , and only Kowno and its supply depot have been captured.
Guarde Imperiale will stay in Kowno in order to restore order while rest of Grande Armee will keep on marching on Vilnius.


Our light cavalery units have performed well : Drissa fort has been captured, but we will leave the location to avoid being capured in it. In Dvinsk the polish lancers have spotted differents units in garrison (unfortunately too much for them), so we leave to reach new location further East : Polotsk (maybe undefended)

With our units already deep in Russia, the ennemy will have to take measure enabling our troops elsewhere to advance without opposition.


Our Right Flank has been more succesfull : Despite Saxon army had been stuck in its starting positions, Beauharnais had lead its troops in a battle against some russian units, inflicting them some losses, especially against their cavalery.
Our tropps will remain in Fort Oleg, waiting for Reynier and its saxons to join, and also waitig for Napoleon to enter in Vilnius, so our future progession will remain coordinated.
Unfortunately, this decison will give russian a free week to work on their defense positions


In the Baltic lands, Russian army has vanished, surely now in Riga fortress.
McDonald and Victor leave Memel to pursue the russians.


In the South, russian cossacks have entered in Austria, threatning some of our positions. But these forces are estimated to be light, and not very dangerous for the time being.
Schwarzenberg's orders remain unchanged, and he keep on its march toward the small and now undefended russian city of Lutsk


Fortunately, Augereau is now close and General Digeon's divison is detached to reinforce our local positions, with its napolitan troops


Breaking news : The young United States of America has declared war to the Untide Kingdom


We are not anymore the only, poor and innocent victim of the british imperialism, and our fight for Freedom and Justice has gained a new member... :siffle:

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Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:52 am

1st JULY 1812

The sun shines agains, and dries the roads enabling our armies to go on at normal speed.

Victor and McDonald have left Memel and keep going north : Our baden scouts have spotted a russian regiment in garrion of Fort Peter, guarding the Dvina estuary.


The Grande Armée is still marching towards Vilnius where Uvarov's Corps is reported.


We are only facing light opposition, and the few ennemy cavalery units we meet are easely swept.


On our Right Flank, bavarians and saxons will advance a little further in order to keep pressure on the ennemy.

In Dvinsk, we pull back our light cavalry units as more ennemy troops are spotted and we don't want to loose this valuable units.
Furthermore, they are now very low in supply, and need to return to secure positions.


South front, Augerau is close to Brest Litovsk fortress, while Schwarzenberg's austrian seize Lutsk, eliminating also some adventurous cossacks on his way.



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Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:07 pm

8th JULY 1812

On North front, McDonald and Victor can now see the church towers of Riga, but also estimate the ennemy forces there, which is more than we expected :
Essen's Corps with 3 full division is camping in the country, and Witgenstein's Corps is behind the city wall : Too much that we can wisely fight.
Fuerthermore, Victor and McDonald are far from their supply lines, and if a battle must be fought for Riga, like it seems, we first need to secure our supply lines by controlling each area between Memel and Riga.


Center : Napoleon easely seize Vilnius without any losses despite the russian garrison who fight for its defense.


City and its supply depot are captured : 105 supply carts and 52 ammunition cases...

Next objective is Minsk :
All our units are now marching toward Minsk to set position West and South West before the final push as we estimate that ennemy may fight to defend it with more troops than the battle we fought previously, despite only few cossacks untis have been spotted between Vilnius and Minsk, for the time being...


Unfortunately, due to our huge number of troops, and the small corridor used to advance, we are now experiencing our first supply issues : Some of units are not 100% supplied.

South : Augereau enters Brest Litovsk fortresse and capture a war treasure :
674 supply carts and 348 ammunition cases


We will need to establish communication lines from this depot to our front lines, so our units can benefit from this.

Schwarzenbergs is keping on it s duty : Securing the border : Bianchi division is left in Lutsk for' garrison, while rest of Austrians are marching South to Dubno


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Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:51 pm

16th JULY 1812

North, McDonald and Victor, who have turned back to secure their supply lines, can now go back to North, toward Riga, sure that their logistics can now follow.


Bitter surporise of the week : Russian have landed troops by sea in Libau where they surprised our baden hussards and eliminate them....


Fortunately, our brave danish are now active, and lead by Gnereal Ewald, they are marching to join Victor and McDonald

Center : We are now close to Minsk where Uvarov troops are now in defense, after escaping our attack in Vilnius.
Order is given to attack and capture the city :


Oudinot and Ney have different orders : Going North to Dvinsk and its supply depot. Their forces seems not necessary to outclass russians in Minsk

Also, our cavalery will chase cossacks who are circling for days around our troops : They are not dangerous, but qyuite numerous and they can report all of our movements. Thus time is to eliminate them, which have already be done for some this week.



South : There is also cossack units riding through the austrian country and threatning the poor peasant. As the only nation being able to secure Peace all over Europe , we have to provide them our support.


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Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:30 pm

22nd JULY 1812

Victor and McDonald are back ont the Dvina shores, seizing the local fortifications : On the other side, Riga but also a lots of russians, who seems are sincerly willing to prevent us from crossing the river and capturing the city.
Essen and Wittgenstein forces are stronger than us, and obvioulsy we cannot plan to go for battle until new reinforcements have strenghen up our forces in the area...


In Minsk, this time Uvarov has decided to defend the city, what he did not do a few days ago in Vilnius. while our forces are attacking lead by Napoleon himself

Once again, Uvarov has managed to escape, but this time alone, without any troops to command...

Further north, Oudinot and Ney are marching on toward Dvinsk.
The russians seems having some thoughts for this city, the last supply depot in the area, as they commit some troops in addition of the garisson.

Meanwhile, remaining of our forces will advance and secure some lands further east in order to prepare our next step : Smolensk. Which is indeed a huge step as the objective is very far...
Our last week cossack hunting has been succesful, and I hope to see less of them in the next days...




Unfortunately, it seems that our march to Moscow will be delayed as we will need to commit more troops to seize Dvinsk, and especially Riga.
But in the other hand, it could be a strategic error of the ennemy, as I prefer to fight battles and eliminating the russian army so close to our frontier than fighting deep in Russia, far from our supply sources and in worst weather conditions...
Whatever, we cannot go further east flank is secured.

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Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:41 pm

1st AUGUST 1812

In the North, nothing new : Both army are facing each other, on the different shors of the Dvina estuary. Only a russain fleet had been spotted as a new comer...

IN Divinsk, Jerome, Ney and Oudinot's Corps have regrouped in the fortifications of Drissa before attempting to cross the Dvina

Russians seems to take care of this location, committing some troops :
Zakomelsky, Baggovut et even several cavalery units in Kraslava further East

Important part of our plan, is that Davout will turn left and march North, to cut the retreat path of the russians in Dvinsk : Only few light cossack units have been spotted on its path, nothing serious, able to delay him in his mission.

Further south, Beauharnais has reached the Beresina shores, a nice and quite river...

But our main worry of this week, is the appariton of an important ennemy army in the South, Russian Danube Army led by Tormasov made of 5 ennemy Corps : Too much for the Schwarzenberg's austrian who have to retrat on safe position in the north, avoiding for the moment any batlle, and waiting for reinforcement.
This is a serious threat and I believe I am to commit Napoleon himself to fight the Danube army.
However, until Dvinsk and Riga are captured, as I can t march to Smolensk, it is a choice to rest the Grande Armée or to support our southern forces ( Schwarzenberg, Augereau, Reynier...)


( re : Strange, Essen is listed on the Danube Army, when there is also a Essen located in the same time in Riga : Bug ? There is already huge russian forces, so if I have also to fight a clone army, it could be more than I can bear... :evil: )

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:45 am

8th AUGUST 1812

The Battle of Dvinsk


3rd Aug 1812, a sunny and hot morning in the russian summer. French army is on the move, drums rolling, fife singing.
On the Left, Jerome with his wesphalians troops, In the center , and commanding our forces, Ney with French and Wurtemburger, on his Right, Oudinot’s Corps.
On the otherside of the Dvina river, Russians are waiting for us, ready for the battle, lead by General Baggovut.

Our men are crossing the river under the protecting fire of our artillery which is shelling on russians positions.
The battle is long and uncertain, both sides are fighting tooth and nail. Russians are holding firm their positions, despite huge and increasing losses, one of their general, Veliaminov, will even die during the fight.
At the end of the day, the battle is over, and we are finally victorious.
We lost 7000 men on the field, but the Russians losses are heavier : more than 17.000 men, including 1500 prisonners, and in addition of the precious, and targeted supply depot, we seize several artillery units and supply carts, in addition of 324 carts and 157 ammunition cases, which are like a gift after this battle.

This glorious victory is an excellent news as it is the first battle during this campaign and the nation is welcoming it : (National moral + 8 )


Russians have lost their last supply depot and the area, and also 2 army corps, which will not annoy us anymore.
Jerome, Ney, Oudinot, will rest some days in Dvinsk before moving again toward West, toward Riga to assist Victor and McDonald

A little more East, Davout reached Polotsk, closing any possibility for enemy troops, if any remains, to retreat on Smolensk’s road


Though, situation is far from being idyllic. In Riga area, McDonald and Victor are still stuck on the south side of the estuary. Worst, some russian troops, 40th infantry division, have crossed and are now besieging the Fort Peter where Victor and McDonald are located.
Furthermore, there are more and more Russians spotted in Riga…. Are they reinforcing for to defend the city, or to counter attack ?


Another annoying point : cossacks … They are swarming all otgher : Like rats, we kill one, Ten new are coming…
They are threatning our supply lines, and Grouchy cavalery is on duty to chase and eliminate them…


In the South, with the last week spotted Russian army, Danube’s Army, are troops are retreating North to avoid known lost battles and to combine to make a more respectuous force. On their way, they will meet some Cossacks which are more easely defeated than the Russian army on their rear…




Meanwhile, our forces are converging to Brest Litovsk, meeting point


But the Question remains : What are the intention of the enemy in the South ? Don’t we commit to much troops to fight them, with the risk to critically delay our march to Moscow… ?

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:16 pm

16th AUGUST 1812

Dommed and betrayed....

Russians have launched a large counter attack all over the front that swept our most advanced positions.
In the South, Schwarzenberg' austrinn Corps caanot avoid battle and is literraly annihilated by Tomasov's army.




Not only in ukrainian plains, russian regiments are marching to us.
Confident in their superiority, russian are crossing the Dvina estuary near Riga to besiege Victor and McDonald.
Victor'sfrench troops managed to resist to russian attack, but McDonald's prussians seems to have ran away when first shell was fired, leaving us all alone.


Betrayed by the prussians, Victor has no choice to set his remaining trrops behind the walls of Fort Peter, without supply and totally surrounded by the enemy.


There si no doubt that our so called germanic allies, Austri and Prussia have betrayed us when the first occasion had risen.

Rusians ? , There are plenty everywhere, from North to South, but also in the East where a new army has been spotted, 1st Western Army which arrived around Polostk.
Davout is then in a bad situation...


More than this, cossacks are everywhere, spotting and giving precise information about our positions and our movements...


So they should be aware of our concentration is Brest Litovsk, so russiand Danube army may turn south with perspective to force our amy to run after, driving it very far from our northern positions... Thuis could be a trap..


So the choice is : do we have to run after Danube army in the South, leaving free the 1st Western army, or do we have to turn back to fight new spotted 1st western army, and leave Tomasov free....?
Anyway, a choice is to be made...

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:32 pm

22nd AUGUST 1812

Situation is critic

In the South, Tomasov's army seized small city Lust lightly defended by a french brigade..


But this is not the area where we want to rebalance the situation in our favour. Tomasov'sarmy is too much evasive and so difficult to catch up.
So we will lead there a defensive warfare by crowding the fortress of Zamosc with Beauharnais Corps, and Brest Litovsk fortress with reynier Corps...
Meantime, russians are resting in Lemberg, enjoyeing their new captured supply depot.


So this is in North that we want to play the game.
Russians are increasing thir troops around Polotsk, where Davout is still standing.
A victory against the Baltic army would be very welcome, allowing us to free davout. and giving us the intitiative back.


We plan that Russians keeps a defensive conditions to enjoy Kutusov bonus, so in order to join a future battle, Oudinot, Jerome and Ney have left Dvinsk to close to Polotsk.
Our paln is so to gain time in order to organize our army before a last push toward russian positions...


But there is nothing we can do yet to assist Victor still besieged in Fort Peter, with his supply lines cut.


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Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:43 pm

1st SEPTEMBER 1812

That was not planned...

When Napoleon and his troops are reaching Minsk, Oudinot, Ney and Jerome have received order to avoid battle for the moment.

But for a reason still unknow, they have decided to engage batle without waiting for the Emperor...

The Battle is long and fierce. Losses are heavy both side.
Russian won the first set, destroying all Jerome Westphalian Coprs.


But then, came Ney who push through the enemy lines forcing the russians to retreat, destroying by the way precious supply carts.


Ney is not yet satisfied, and run after Kutusov, inflicting him a defeat with severe losses : 2nd set is for France...
We can call it a draw....


So Kutusov should be out of play for some times, but still remains somewhere the 1st Western Army led by Bagration...


Elsewhere, the situation is quiet.


Victor should be feeling the time very long as no escape seems possible for him...


Polotsk battle is a draw, but we have managed to force russian to retraet, without involving Napoleon army.
We could now use it to march toward Victor and free him...


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Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:47 am

de bien beau screens en tout cas!

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:46 pm

Merci ;)

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Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:55 pm

8th SEPTEMBER 1812

Victor surrenders...
too late to come to his rescue
Russians have exited Riga to assault fortifications where Victor was standing.


Damned, it was this traitor of Langeron, french royalist who joined russain army several years ago who lead the troops against our positions..
Tired, hungry and without ammunitions, our soldiers had no chance...
fortunately Victor managed to escape and to reach friendly lines.

This is now our second Army Corps destroyed in the area and we have no more protection on our right flank
Then, Napoleon organize a new force to get initiative back and to take Riga which must be ours if we want to win tnis war.


Elsewhere, situation is quiet, but in the South russiand Danube army left Lemberg to march north.
Beauharnais and Gouvion St Cyr are few kilometers north in the fortress of Zamosc.


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Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:00 pm

16th SEPTEMBER 1812

Summer is now ending.
Almost everywhere heavy rains have transformed the country in large mud fields. Sticky mud which slows our progression, and sometimes event our units are stuck, like Napoleon in Vilnius.
A week is lost...


In South, nothing new, only a some cossacks have entered in Poland.
Gouvion St Cyr will try to catch them.


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Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:02 pm

great AAR! im watching it with interest

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Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:51 pm

1er OCTOBRE 1812

it smells powder..

Actually, both sides are now looking for a battle, and hopefully a victory...

In North, Napoleon is still, and still, marching toward Riga.
This poor russians forced to fight for the tsar are sacrified to estimate our forces..


So, if we can't march coordinated, at least, ennemy should have some difficulties to estimate our strengh...

In 4 days, we should arrive on Dvina banks...


In South, Tormasov is now under Zamosc's walls.
Beauharnais is set to defend the fortress, and has with him some efficient forces, even if he sufferes numeric inferiority.
He has some artillery and a supply depot which would allow him to support a long siege.


Center : Ruusians know that Napoleon is now around Riga and feel opportunity to advance.
Oudinot feels alone in Minsk when Kutusov's army approaching.
So he s ordered to join our forces in Vilnius, of course offering by the way Minsk as a present to the enemy.


In Vilnius, Grouchy, Ney and Davout will waiting for him.

Our startegy is not anymore to occupy the land because of the russian huge superiority in number , but to beat russian armies. And for this we are to be ready to give up cities like Minsk.

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Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:39 am

Excellent AAR! As I look at the map, I cannot help but wonder if Aegod will ever do a Drang nach Osten 1941-45.

Napoleon actually moved forward faster than the Germans did in 1941. He also got kicked out alot faster. If the scenario was extended into 1813, it would give l'empereur the historic option of halting at Smolensk, shoring up his supply lines, and continuing in 1813.

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Wed May 07, 2008 1:50 pm

Hi guys, sorry for delay in updating this aar but game had been put on pause after some winterskiing vacation,

8th OCTOBER 1812

Encore une semaine perdue....
A lost week again..

Grand Armée is still marching toward Dvina estuary, before attemting the cross to Eiga
But we are to make a new stop and regroup in Ogre, before arriving in Riga.


In center, russian baltic army under Kutusov command is closing to Minsk, and is now surely aware that our troop shave evacuated the city
All our forces in the aerea are now concentrating in Vilnius, where Ney is expected in the very next days.


With such a force, we will be able to fight against Kutusov...

In South, Tomasov is still besieging Zamosc where is standing Beauharnais and his men.
Unfortunatley, russian managed to breach the wall of the fortress...


Will they dare launch an assault ?

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Wed May 07, 2008 1:56 pm

16th OCTOBER 1812

At least we are now ready to cross dvina estuary and reach Riga.
Russians commanded by french royalist langeron are spotted retranched behind the walls of the fortress


So they should not interfer in our crossing attempt.

In Center, as expected, Kutusov enters in Minsk...


Westpahlein general Jean Victot Tarreausera is captured and killed by the russians...

In Vilnius, we are now waiting for Mc Donald to regroup


What will do Kutusov ? Will he push forward and come to Vilnius or stay carefully in Minsk ?

In South Tomasov is still beside our Zamosc fortress. In top of the fortification, Beauharnais has fun keeping on, every morning, shouting insults to besieging russians soldiers...


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Sat May 31, 2008 10:42 am

22nd OCTOBER 1812

Myabe Beauharnais's idea to insult those russians was not that good...
Excited, they have decided to launch an assault...

First wave is contained..


But quickly, the numeric superiority of the ennemy becomes the key of the battle, and the wall of forteress do not seems to offer to the defenders the advantage to balance the fight...

erach day, the russians launch a new assault and our troops are melting down...





20th final assault, and nothing we can do to prevent the russians to capture Zamosc...


(well, first time I play a defense startegy, and it seems I have too much presumed of the defense bonus of a fortress...
What I thought was a good shelter was in fact a trap for my troops...)

Well If Beauharnais could not resist, no miracle to expect from Gouvion St Cyr and his bavarians.
They will have then to leave their positions and march north to join what was called yesterday the Grand Armée...


In Vilnius, McDonald is now close to join Oudinot, Ney, davout et Grouchy


Few kilometers East, Kutusov remains static in Minsk

In the North, crossing the dvina estuary is far more difficult and long than expected, our troops still being on the southern shore


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Sat May 31, 2008 10:52 am

1st NOVEMBER 1812

End of the russian campaign....
Beginning of the Polish campaign...

Our crossing attempt to Riga is a major failure and we suffer a bitter defeat.
Despite our superiority, russians assisted with their navy managed to repulse our tropps on their starting positions, on the otherside of the Dvina, leaving 7000 bodies on the north shore....
Only Mortier, and what remains of the Guard is still on the north side protecting the retreat...


Now, without any offensive ability, surrounded by 3 russian armies Riga in the North, Minsk in the East and Zamosc in the South, we are to protect our most true ally Poland and give up all our dreams to see Moscow walls...


danger is now that russians launched a counter offensive and we expect Kutusov to wake up and march toward Vilnius...


In The South, snow is covering the plains when Gouvion St Cyr and Reynier are marching to reach Warsaw


Will the Russians follow us and attempt to invade Poland ?

Maintenant nous allons voir si les Russes ont l'intention de franchir à leur tour la frontière et à se lancer à notre poursuite

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Sat May 31, 2008 11:01 am

8th NOVEMBER 1812


Napoleon is still marching to Memel while heavy snow keeps on falling down.
Fortunately, russians seems not willing to pursue


In the Center, our Army retreat to Kowno, and only davout remains in Vilnius as rear guard

But, here also, russians remain sit down in Minsk, only a few cossacks are seen around...


Well, in the South also russians seems stuck, but it will not take long for the enemy to understand that Brest Litosk is now defenseless


(This is 1812 campaign, but in the spirit of what I would have done in a 'Grand campaign', I have now to preserve and save my forces in order to fight a russian offensive in Poland and a 1813 campaign...)

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Sat May 31, 2008 11:10 am

16th NOVEMBER 1812

We are still retraeting to Poland, and fortunately the weather has improved...


In The center, Davout is still in Vilnius, and the only russians seen are cossacks which are hunted by Grouchy cavalery


And Kutusov is still immobile in Minsk, maybe he bought a datcha there...


In the south, cossacks learnt that the french army is still capable...


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Sat May 31, 2008 11:17 am

1st DECEMBER 1812

Sad 8th anniversary of the Imperial crowning...
Napoleon has arrived in memel with Poniatowski, but Augerau, Mortier, Bessiere, Nansouty and Montbrun are still behind when the weather is more and more diificult


in the center, snow like the temperature are falling down, our troops must find shelter in Kowno and Vilnius.
Only 40th and 49th infantry regiments dared to put their nose outside to reach Grodno where cossack have been reported.


In South, russians took Pimsk, a small town far in enemy territory only defended by a infantry brigade


With the cold, Gouvion St Cyr and his bavarians had to enter brest Litosk to protect themselves from the harsh conditions.


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Sat May 31, 2008 11:25 am


Bessieres, Augereau, Nansouty et Montbrun are still stuck in the snow on their way back to Kowno and Memel
each day, we are losing men due to the cold and lack of supply...


In South, russians instaed of entering in Poland are turning North to Brest Litovsk.
Gouvion St Cyr has to leave immediately the fortress to avoid the same fate than Beauharnais supported a few weeks ago. His forces are too weak to fight Tomasov army


Good news, polish citizens are revolting in Zamosc, left withouit garrison by the russian...
A small milice corps have even been created...(but I doubt it could resist the russian return...)


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