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Portugal and Spain events

Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:24 pm

Does anyone know which events and scripts run in the Iberian Pennisula.

We have a multiplayer game running and as the French approached Lisbon, the Portuguese corp disappeared, and the British reform event, although adding two corps, actually decreased the number of Available divisions. There appears to be events about the Portuguese royal family departing for Brazil, garrisons in Portugal and the forming of a legion. Any help concerning what fires these events and what they actually do. would be helpful.

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:10 pm

Where is Bohemond? :siffle: Wait for him for a complete answer.

It is the conquest of Lisbon by the French what fires it:

The King runs away to Brazil.

The Portuguese army is disbanded (not all?).

Portuguese fortresses are taken by the French and garrisons created at Lisbon, Elvas and Almeida.

A Portuguese French Legion is created (35 % probability, not sure this 35% also includes the garrisons).

May you post the save folder?

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Thu Oct 12, 2023 5:11 pm

Nikel: thanks for your feedback. Looks like Bohemond may be away from the forum. We used your answer to realize the disbandment of the Portuguese Army is normal, but are stopped by the British reform event that states it fired but has not seemed to have had any effect on the Nritish army. What should the British player be seeing?

I would be happy to send any file you wish but unclear how to send what appears to be a 14 MB file, or how to attach, etc.

Any help getting us back underway would be most appreciated.

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Fri Oct 13, 2023 12:37 am

Hi there,

I did miss the post in September.

I do not get what you want to fix regarding these events. Could you please provide more details ?

If you are running the multi game with TWC I can have a look at the saves in DropBox.


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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:57 pm

The questions center around the end of 1807 and early 1808. The Spanish are allied with the French who are being careful to not alienate the Spanish and have entered Spain with 3 French corps and a cavalry corp but pushed on Gibraltar only entering Portugal as far as Elvas.

The entire Portuguese army and navy disappeared when the 'British Expeditionary' event triggered. No British units spawned, the French had not taken Lisbon or Porto and the Spanish were at peace with Portugal.

When choosing the “Moore reforms”the division cap is reduced from ten to five divisions, is that correct?. The message box acknowledged the event but no changes occured this time so it appears the event did not fire.

How is the reform event supposed to act and how does it strengthen the British army as from what we can currently see, it has weakened it? Does it perhaps have a period of time or turns to complete? And was the dissolution of the Portuguese army/navy triggered by something else than an occupation of Lisbon?

Not sure what you mean by TWC Dropbox, to send the file. A bit of clarification there would help. Thank You.

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Sun Oct 15, 2023 1:28 am


Could you post a zip file with all the scriptreports (Scripts folder) from the host game ?

Is Portugal an AI faction ?
Is GBR an AI faction ?

Thank you

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:14 am


Thanks for your response:

France, Britain and Russia are human players and the remaining are AI.

I have sent you a private message which has a Google Drive link to the hst and a scripts folder for you to take a look.

Perhaps there is a way to attach the files here, but I am unaware of how I could do so, and my perusing the site has not located instructions for uploading the files, so I hope you are able to access the Google drive link which I set.

Your help is much appreciated.

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:32 am


First part : Portugal stacks removal.

This is due to Capture of Lisbon event (evt_nam_FRA_CaptureOfLisbon) that will trigger when Lisbon region is owned by French. Quite weird as Lisboa is not French and the event occurence is set to 0.

Second Part : Moore Army Reforms
Even is if new cap for Divisions number is 5, the existing ones are not removed.
Most of the event impacts are for ForcePool. No existing units will be removed or transformed.
Mid term impacts will be some cohesion increase and some models upgrade for infantry.

Let me know if you want more details.

Hope it helps.


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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:42 pm

So there is a bug in the Capture of Lisbon event?

Do you detect any in the code Bohemond?

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:52 am

No bug detected, I miss some of the scriptReport to know when (what turn) the event did trigger exactly but it did.

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:19 am

Bohémond wrote:No bug detected, I miss some of the scriptReport to know when (what turn) the event did trigger exactly but it did.

Hi Bohemond,
Greatly appreciate that you've taken the time to look at this. I'm playing Russia in this PBEM.

The odd thing about the Capture of Lisbon event is that it fired without Lisbon having been captured or the region entered by French forces. One turn the Portuguese troops were on the map, then they were gone. The GB player asked me to look at his position to see if I could find them, but I only found a few naval units and even those were gone when I took a second look the following turn. We'd opted to try moving on to see what would happen.

We had been getting errors during the game during turn processing for a while that caused crashes, those crashes ended when we all turned on error logging. Many of those errors were marked StrucEvalCount and they occurred after the 7 days movements & battles were displayed and just before the "New Turn Ready" blurb.

Thank you again, Will.

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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:29 am

If the event fired and Lisbon was not taken, but there is no bug in the event code, then is a bug in the engine?

EvalStrucCount was the buggy command in the engine that agsu fixed, perhaps the continental blockade event is interfering with the capture of Lisbon event?


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Re: Portugal and Spain events

Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:15 pm

Nikel wrote:If the event fired and Lisbon was not taken, but there is no bug in the event code, then is a bug in the engine?
EvalStrucCount was the buggy command in the engine that agsu fixed, perhaps the continental blockade event is interfering with the capture of Lisbon event?

Nikel, thank you very much for pointing this out and providing the link.
Going to add agsu's fix for the .exe and the LocalStrings.csv over the weekend and let my PBEM partners know about it.
:hat: Will

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