Col Ret
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Negative Cash at turn start (-71)

Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:46 pm

I've played this game for years, mostly PBEM, but I have never seen this happen before. Now it's happened twice in the same game. The second time it was -71! How does this happen?
Here’s what the treasury note tells me:

54 (+214)
Initial amount 347
Cities income +213
Unit Replacements -152
Recruitments -390
Blockade Runners +36
Events/Strategic Decisions 0

Final amount 54

Inflation 0%

All those numbers add up as far as I can tell. 347+213+36=596
152+390= - 542

How do I end up with -71? Shouldn’t it be 54?

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Re: Negative Cash at turn start (-71)

Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:49 pm

I do not know the answer, but I didn't want your message to get lost as someone might know.
I think you are saying that twice the value returned was -71 even though not justified by the displayed numbers. If this is the case, my bet is that at some point in pbem play you used uncompressed files; that is, files that were not zipped or rarred. If this is the case, some corruption has crept into you files which returns this false value.

If you concur, the best thing is a fresh install. Just a guess.

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Re: Negative Cash at turn start (-71)

Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:21 am

Col Ret - Hope you saw this suggestion?

Col Ret
Posts: 47
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:44 pm

Re: Negative Cash at turn start (-71)

Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:36 pm

I did read your reply. Both I and my opponent have had this happen last game. Several times actually. We've played this and EAW quite a lot via email but it had never happened before. No we don't compress our turn files. Never been a problem in the past. Thanks for the suggestion.

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