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I Give up with trying to work out economics

Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:17 pm

I have been trying to ignore what is happening, but can't any longer.......
The money income total/tooltip is powered by witchcraft........
Or that's what it looks like to me.
I have tried to ignore it each turn, only tweaking pop if it is showing a large negative income. I can't any more, I need some stuff explaining to me :bonk:

An example from this last turn. Playing as Britonae, leading in legacy.
My money toolip was as follows:
Total 2296 +216
Reg com 8525
Cit tax 4596
Mil Upk -3376
Admin burden -9539

Ok, that looks good for next turn doesn't it, no need to worry.
I process the turn and hey presto......

Total 1292 -149
Reg Com 8174
Cit Tax 4617
Mil Upk 3376
Admin -9574

Why? Nothing happened. I am not at war so no modifiers to lower my tax/trade. I didn't take any options that cost me lots. Ok, regional commerce has gone down by approx 350, but that is the only thing that looks like it has changed.
How did I lose 1000 money?
I think the tooltip should reflect your expected income for the next turn. At present it is just guess work.

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:23 am

Have watched this now for several turns.
Bit of a pattern. Every other turn I am losing 1000-1300 ish from my money stockpile, money that I already have. This loss is not accounted for in the tooltip, I am not spending it on decisions/options, no new national modifiers that alter income...
Where is it going?
I can't build up a stockpile of money, even with selling slaves and metal every time I get the options to do so.
This constant drain of about 1000 every other turn is stopping me from getting enough money to do anything

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:48 pm

one variable is trade, each turn the trade routes are recalculated, so you may import something one turn that another you source internally.

If I understand it right, the calculaton is based on an internal trade if this is possible, so the projected money is as good as it can get and the actual may be damaged by external trades.

I think this matters early game as you may well be dependent on a few regions/buildings for your surplus, but by mid game it should sort of come out in the wash - unless you are Rome and Carthage is still hanging around.

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:19 pm

If that is the case, then shouldn't the tooltip reflect this? It should be factored into the regional commerce total.
The player needs to see what is going on. Perhaps the tooltip should show the last turns income from commerce?
I have abandoned that game and started again as I was losing money every turn, despite the tootlip saying I should have been gaining by 2-300 each turn, it was going down by varying amounts every turn when I deleted it.
I have just started as Britonae again and on the first turn the money tooltip doesn't reflect what is happening. It is predicting +16, I end up with +14. The only trade is for hemp which is not available, so I am paying through the nose for it.
There is no trade to be factored in and still the tooltip is wrong.
If I look at each individual region the totals shown in them give me +14 when I process the first turn. This is what I end up with.
The money tooltip though is showing subtractions for upkeep and admin burden, -6 for the two, and an intrisinc production of 10. The tax is only showing as 8 when it is in fact 9 according to the regions. The commerce total is showing as the correct value.
I ran through the next turn too. This time I got what the regions predicted plus an extra 1 money. The regions though don't factor in the admin and upkeep, or the intrisinc production......
It still looks like witch craft :blink:

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:31 pm

Ebbingford wrote:It still looks like witch craft :blink:

And the chorus says, "All eh? We agree. You've persuaded us.

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:12 pm

Just started a new game with the two mods that Pocus posted on the Slitherine board.
The gold tooltip now does what it says :thumbsup:
No more loss of money every other turn :thumbsup:
You can now believe what the tooltip says :thumbsup:
Thanks Pocus :cool:

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:12 am

So no more witchcraft?
Man... was looking forward to a bonfire.
Ahh well. (tosses marshmallows back in the pantry)

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:27 pm

Yes, it was a bug of sort after all ... The order where things was calculated was unfair and led to this extra expense!

I'm introducing a new concept, the dev of a game proposing mods for his game! :niark:

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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:24 pm

I have been too busy playing the game since the release of the DLC to be active on the forums, but this fascinating thread caught my attention.

I too, ran into the same strange fluctuations in my money supply, on a number of occasions.

But it seems that the problem has been solved by one of the mods recommended by Pocus.

However, I was unable to find the thread where Pocus recommended the mods on the Slitherine fourm.

If someone has a link to that post, I would greatly appreciate it being posted here.

Best wishes and good health to all,


AGEod Guard of Honor
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Re: I Give up with trying to work out economics

Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:03 am

Thank you, Ebbingford.

I appreciate it, and the many helpful comments you make on the game.

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