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Shiloh scenario regional decision issue

Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:38 am

The 1862 Shiloh scenario has an issue with regional decisions. Specifically, the script creating the scenario never changes the faction selection before running the command that creates the regional decisions. The end result is that the CSA gets regional decisions it should not have (like "Unionists") and the USA gets no regional decisions at all.

Below are the relevant lines from the Shiloh scenario script, "ScriptShiloh62.ini". As you can see, the last faction selection before ChgRgnDecisionFP is run is from the file (CSA). After that, the ChgRgnDecisionFP command is run twice with no faction selection change. If all of those decisions had been meant for one faction, they probably would have been put in one command. I believe they were intended to be run with a faction selection change in between them.

SelectFaction = USA
SetFacRelationships = CSA;-100
ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdPlunder;2;$rgdDefensiveWorks;1;$rgdScorchedEarth;1;$rgdLandMine;1;$rgdPartisansRaid;2;$rgdPartisansAmbush;2;$rgdUSPartisansCreate;2;$rgdUnionists;1;$rgdSeaMine;2
ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdPlunder;2;$rgdDefensiveWorks;1;$rgdScorchedEarth;2;$rgdLandMine;3;$rgdPartisansRaid;2;$rgdPartisansAmbush;2;$rgdCSPartisansCreate;2;$rgdCopperheads;1;$rgdSeaMine;1

Posts: 506
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:38 am
Location: Arkansas

Re: Shiloh scenario regional decision issue

Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:07 am

On a whim I decided to see how long it would take me to fix this using the official method. Not as long as I thought, but I'd still prefer a different method of producing the scripts. The spreadsheets are somewhat more user-friendly when it comes to the models and units.

The problem in the original script spreadsheet (CW2_Setup1862_Shiloh_v5.xls, from June 2015 DB) is that there's NULL values for the faction tags associated with the ChgRgnDecisionFP command. I've added the appropriate faction tags. I exported a .csv version of that spreadsheet, and then generated a script using the CSVSplitter (version 0.85). After that, I ran the script through scenario generation process using the latest version of CW2 I have (1.06).

Included in the compressed file attached to this post is the following.

1. Corrected spreadsheet so you can see the changes.
2. Exported .csv file from sed spreadsheet so you can generate your own script if you want to.
3. The generated script.
4. The generated scenario.
1862 Shiloh.scn

I strongly recommend that you back up any of the original files before you use these. I am confident that they don't contain any additional problems besides the ones that they already contained when the game shipped. However, a backup is never a bad idea. I also recommend at least generating your own version of the scenario using the generated script.
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