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Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:24 pm


Murtagks and I have found ourselves equally late to the Civil War 2 party, but we are enjoying enough for me to do an AAR on it (my first).

This is our fifth game against each other other, with me as the USA in four of our games including this one and Murtagks as the CSA.

Murtagks has vowed vengeance on me as I have had some degree of success in our past games and we have both ironed out many of our more rookie errors so I expect this will be a hard fought match.

Mandatory firing on Fort Sumter Shot. Beauregard was delayed, but subsequently took the fort. We then started to take up our positions.
Sumter_1_Bomb.png (3.11 MiB) Viewed 10463 times

In the east I did some scouting, but otherwise simply gathered my forces. I love naval invasions so I have readied some cavalry that I will land somewhere as a diversion and I will then perform a proper invasion to take out a major city and crank up that blockade percentage.
Amp_force_2.png (4.46 MiB) Viewed 10463 times

In the past I have tried Norfolk against Murtagks, but it is simply too easy to divert troops from the ANV to push them out. My preference is naturally New Orleans, but if it is too fortified I will open with Mobile, Savannah or Charleston.

In the west I will change tack from past games and not drive down Springfield towards Little Rock. I think I'll let him take the initiative there and focus my forces on the Mississippi instead. I'll be ready to cut off his supplies if Price makes a drive at St Louis.
Murtagks appears to have gone crazy with development in this area so I assume he wants build up forces to ambush U.S. Grant before he can get promoted. I will simply match his investment and trust that Grant can roll over him.
Mississippi_3.png (4.25 MiB) Viewed 10463 times

We will probably continue tomorrow.
Last edited by Naturamix on Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:38 pm

Welcome to the party.

Nice to have an AAR again.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:53 pm

Citizen X wrote:Welcome to the party.

Nice to have an AAR again.

Thank you, good sir!

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Fri Dec 28, 2018 4:22 pm

Turns 5 - 8

We started getting a few light skirmishes picking up.

I was initially trying to surround Floyd, but Murtagks decided that discretion is the better part of valour and retreated next turn. This does leave me with a good hold on the WV rail line all the way to HF.

Kill_Floyd_4.png (4.47 MiB) Viewed 10405 times

In the West it seems Murtagks had the same idea as me more or less and did not contest Springfield at all! Lyon will probably take it next turn, though an annoying depot garrison has spawned causing a slight delay. Sam Houston's event fired so I have another two cavalry regiments that are bravely running away up north hopefully to some supply.

All_Quiet_On_Western_5.png (4.62 MiB) Viewed 10405 times

Around Cairo I took New Madrid and Charleston (MO) with some losses as well as sending some volunteers to take Popular Bluff. This should leave him with no cities in MO and so I won't be seeing any of its unit cards deployed. The lack of movement though does leave me concerned that he is massing for an attack towards Cairo. My fear is further heightened by the massing brown-water fleet in island 10. I dropped another few units there and railroaded some of the volunteers being trained by McClellan over.
Camp Dick Robinson has spawned and Kentucky hasn't seceded which is nice.

In the east I am mainly holding fast and forming 3 future Corps. I've dispatched my cavalry by boat to AL to worry Murtagks a little whilst my amphibious force finishes training. They will land under Millroy. Still not decided on the location.

Furthermore I've been a cheeky b******* by running around with mounted volunteers and Schurz's cavalry rippinng up rails and I even took Manchester at one point! I also nipped over the Rappahannock to take Fredricksburg briefly and blow up its depot. I'm not going to hold though. I'm also not going to walk into dug in Confederates. I'll eat the 10 NM hit from not getting Manassas.

Cheeki_Bastard_6.png (4.77 MiB) Viewed 10405 times

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:42 pm

West to late September

In the west Murtagks's navy hit me south of Cairo and destroyed my Gunboats. I've got more on the way and I'll outproduce him on ironclads in the end, but hopefully Cairo is strong enough to hold until then.

Naval_Loss_7.png (2.49 MiB) Viewed 10397 times

Murtagks also pushed Humphreys out of New Madrid MO using Shelby. I'll reconquer it with Grant who has now spawned in Cairo. He has a nice big force ready for him.

New_Madrid_9.png (2.76 MiB) Viewed 10397 times

Finally Polk (who has become a bit of a meme for us) decided to chase Houston's cavalry westwards through indian territory...

Polk_9.png (4.2 MiB) Viewed 10397 times

In the south my cavalry got bottled up in fort pickens. Hopefully he will nonetheless send more troops at them.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:51 pm

East to Late September.

I've come off a little worse in the east.

Initially Hamilton managed to take Winchester off J.E Johnston after the latter was sent to chase after Schurz's cavalry (it always pays off just to infuriate Murtagks).

Winchester_8.png (2.97 MiB) Viewed 10396 times

Unfortunately Freemont was in a position between Johnston's and Beauregard's stacks and Murtagks decided to stomp him with Beauregard. He got the better of him, but not catastrophically.

Battle_Clarke_10.png (2.95 MiB) Viewed 10396 times

In the same round Holmes had crossed the Rappahannock with a small stack. I sent Hooker to deal with them whilst McDowell held firm with the main army in Alexandria.

Battle_Falmouth_11.png (2.81 MiB) Viewed 10396 times

I decided to clear out the rest of the Shenandoah with Halleck who was also training volunteers. Unfortunately he actually died! One dead militia card is a bit of a low return for one of my training generals.

Halleck_Died_12.png (2.7 MiB) Viewed 10396 times

In the larger strategic sense it is good for me that the attrition has started but I have lost 1.4 guys to each of his. I'd like to even this out a little in our next round. Hopefully Grant's arrival will help.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:03 pm


Murtagks' fleet came out for another round. This time admiral Foote got the better of him having been reinforced by some timberclads. There are five or so ironclads on the way so the situation will only improve for me.

Fleet 2 Electric Boogaloo 13.png
Fleet 2 Electric Boogaloo 13.png (2.63 MiB) Viewed 10373 times

I've finally got Grant's force together with three incomplete divisions. These should nonetheless be plenty to push Shelby out of New Madrid. There is a further division of Missourians and Wisconsinites massing behind him in Cairo. I plan to use this one to take out Island 10 when I get them a good commander and naval superiority.

Admiral Farragut's fleet will in the Gulf of Mexico next turn. My scouting reveals that New Orleans is completely unguarded on the land and so is definitely the target! I guess he has his navy downstream of it. I can just offload around the side and walk up to NO to avoid it. My two good divisions under Milroy should stomp any forces he has in the area. Zolicoffer was sent to react to my cavalry in fort Pickens with half a division which is perfect! They will probably redeploy to meet my NO landing, but by then I will be ashore and entrenched.

Long term I hope for my forces advancing up the Mississippi to meet Grant coming down it.

In the east I have done some solid scouting and found Albert Sydney Johnston of all people in Richmond with around two divisions.

Intel_14.png (4.51 MiB) Viewed 10373 times

I count about six divisions of Confederates in total in the east and I have about seven. Not good enough odds for a sustained attack, particularly with my generals. I'll keep tightening my lines around him and see if I can snipe a province within two spaces of Richmond next year. Beauregard moved back off Mananas as soon as he got me to eat the -10 NM; it would be good to avoid it in 1862.

In the west I seem to be allowed to take Fayetteville.

West_15.png (3.09 MiB) Viewed 10373 times

If I get the depot I'll see if I can cut off his troops from Arkansas using cavalry (the texas brigades made it all the way to Missouri) and just let him starve. I don't want to send Lyon any further backup, the resources are best spent with Grant.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:08 pm

End of 1861

1861 had a promising ending.

Grant_16.png (2.72 MiB) Viewed 10363 times

In the West Grant saw off Shelby as he marched down the west side of the Mississippi.

Dead_Scouts_16.png (2.37 MiB) Viewed 10363 times

My scouts finally met their end to ABS with a stack of cavalry, but they had done good work.
When Kearny arrives I'll stack all the cavalry up into a proper Corps. Otherwise we held our positions

I took Island 10 with the Flottilla Brigade to open up the river further

Island_10_18.png (2.48 MiB) Viewed 10363 times

Finally: Polk had a go at attacking Lyon and failed miserably.

Polk_Fail_17.png (2.7 MiB) Viewed 10363 times

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:18 pm

Start of 1862

The following year did not have nearly as promising a start.

Beauregard seemed to weaken a little, so I sent McDowell across the river at him. This proved expensive. I did manage to get to 5% control on the tile, however so I can no hold him here without any further disastrous attacks.

Expensive_Crossing_19.png (2.45 MiB) Viewed 10363 times

Lonstreet on the other hand managed to cross and attack H.Berry's half division no problem. I didn't really guard this crossing sufficiently in hindsight.

Lonstreet_Crossing_20.png (2.3 MiB) Viewed 10363 times

Finally the weather in the west has brought Grant's cohesion down to a pitiful level and just then ABS turned up with three divisions...

Western_weather_21.png (4.3 MiB) Viewed 10363 times

I'm beating a hasty retreet. To add insult to injury Sumner has been promoted by event to get higher seniority than Grant...

Hopefully he gets away and the spring weather gives him better fortune. At least sherman should take fort Pillow and open the river completely down to Memphis.
Last edited by Naturamix on Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:17 am

Up to early April.

The last few turns have been rather reactive and bruising from my perspective.

In the west Lyon crossed to southern Arkansas, but took a beating from Polk's command.

Polked_22.png (2.52 MiB) Viewed 10343 times

I have now secured both Fayetteville and Fort Smith, so I am good for supply if I can muster the troops for a push on Little Rock.

In the east things took a difficult turn. I forced Longstreet back over the Rappahannock, but in my enthusiasm to march onto Richmond I ran Whipple's corp straight into a power 1000 stack under Bedford Forest on its way to reinforce Longstreet.

Lonstreet_Thrown_Back_23.png (2.57 MiB) Viewed 10343 times

The latter engagement ended poorly with Whipple attempting to retreat into Beauregard (not sure if I selected the wrong province or something, but that was not good). The ensuing battle was bloody on both sides, but it resulted in Whipple's entire corps being destroyed.

Whipple_Destroyed_24.png (2.41 MiB) Viewed 10343 times

This is not ideal. I am rushing divisions from NE and PA as they are completed to plug the gap. I may nonetheless be able to get around Longstreet downstream and threaten Richmond with Berry's corp so that I can at least avoid the 10 NM hit this year. McClelland has moved over from Ohio to train divisions in VA since Halleck is no longer with us. He is on training duty as a corps commander. One silver lining of the earlier carnage was that Hooker can now be promoted so I will at least have one good corps commander.

The NO front is depressingly static. I have a toehold with both forts under my control, but Shelby (back in action after his run in with Grant earlier) has been pressing Butler. The main force under Milroy is being drained of cohesion by the swamp movement, so a push on the city is not going as rapidly as I had hoped. It is nonetheless worth it in the end as it contains two iron works and a good number of armouries and arsenals. A further division is on the way which will put me on four to his two.

NO_stalemate_25.png (4.34 MiB) Viewed 10343 times

I predict that the brightest spot for me in our next round may bizarrely be around Memphis where things were only just falling apart.

Grant_Recovering_26.png (3.09 MiB) Viewed 10343 times

Grant finally got away from ABS and is not digging in with reinforcements in Osceola. ABS seems to be following him...
If that movement works like mine did he should attack a dug in Grant whilst his own cohesion is sapped by the march through the swamps. Meanwhile Sherman is moving on Memphis after taking out fort pillow and Covington TN. Hopefully clearing the garrison will finally see him promoted. If I understand the mechanics correctly ABS cannot actually cross the river whilst my ironclad fleet is in it (if anyone reading this is more knowledgeable please correct me, preferably before next turn). I'll burn the depot in Madison AR with Morrells small force that has come down from MO.

If all this works as planned I could trap all four of ABS' divisions up against Grant's command on one side and Sherman on the other with ABS' supplies rapidly running out and I'll hold Memphis. Dare to dream of a stack wipe.

On the strategic scale I think my advantages are likely to come in the west. I count about 9 divisions in the east and I have a similar number. More reinforcements would be required before attempting anything major. In the far west Lyon and Polk can chase each other into the sunset; it matters little. Grant and Sherman have five divisions to ABS' four and there are two divisions around NO holding four of mine in check.
I also have two divisions of Ohioans sitting in Louisville KY. We got an event a few turns ago saying that they were leaning to the Union. If they come in on my side soon then two strong divisions will make a beeline for Nashville TN. Since we're are quite even on most fronts I doubt he has a reserve left for this. Maybe we will get a historical result for the first state Capitol taken by the Union.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sun Dec 30, 2018 2:34 pm

Up to Late May,

ABS hit Grant a little earlier than hopped. Grant managed to inflict more casualties than ABS, but was pushed back.
Sherman will do round two with ABS.

Grant_ABS_27.png (2.92 MiB) Viewed 10315 times

My attempt to avoid the 10 NM hit from the threaten Richmond event was unsuccessful. Forrest through Berry back across the river, I can at least be happy that these casualties will eventually stack up for him.

Run_Forrest_Run_28.png (2.83 MiB) Viewed 10315 times

There are simply not enough troops in the east for me to take Richmond, but J Johnston seems to be wandering off into the Shenandoah. I'll try cutting him off.

Butler is not succeeding in holding back Shelby. Fortunately Rosecrans spawned in southern Mississippi so he can take over that stack. I also landed my reinforcing division up river in Baton Rouge.

Butler_you_suck_29.png (2.09 MiB) Viewed 10315 times

I hope that when I have my armoured frigates ready I can finally take down this Mississippi ironclad fleet that Murtagks has assembled.

Kentucky stayed with the Union and as I predicted Murtagks does not have any troops in the area. Nashville should fall next turn. A promoted Hooker is on his way to take over and lead the charge towards Georgia. I'll keep my eastern army quite static so Hooker is wasted in that theater.

Grant took Corinth just to rip the railroads and blow the depot, thus preventing any reinforcements from using it as a supply base. I have to hope that Sherman can keep ABS in check next turn. In the meantime will keep chocking him off from supplies. My Mississippi fleet is really proving its worth here. Taking out ABS' stack looks achievable.

Trap_ABS_30.png (3.08 MiB) Viewed 10315 times

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sun Dec 30, 2018 4:49 pm

To Late June

I take it all back, Butler did a good job.

Butler_Win_31.png (2.46 MiB) Viewed 10305 times

Rosecrans has now replaced him since Butler is injured. The next order of business is to get Milroy round the back of NO and attack Shelby to take the city. I don't think a river crossing into it is a wise idea.

ABS pushed had two encounters with Sherman and this is certainly raising the CSA casualty count.

SherMAN_Win_32.png (2.98 MiB) Viewed 10305 times

SherMAN_again_33.png (2.74 MiB) Viewed 10305 times

Unfortunately Sherman retreated the second time. I sent Grant Across the Mississippi in case ABS tries to flee westwards. The tracks are blown so he won't have an easy time of it. Lyon might also be able to take Little Rock.

Beauregard is rushing westwards to help ABS. I'm now very pleased that I wrecked Corinth.

Middle_Tennesse_34.png (4.32 MiB) Viewed 10305 times

Sherman Can dig in at Memphis to safeguard my supplies whilst Grant gets three divisions to deal with ABS.

Meanwhile Hooker can keep right on for Chattanooga

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:30 pm

Up to Early September,

The game has taken a sharp turn in my favour.

I mistook Murtagks intentions with Beauregard. As it turns out he was on his way to Nashville. Hooker made an about face and held the city.

Hooker_def_35.png (2.58 MiB) Viewed 10291 times

My plan to kill ABS and his four underling divisions has been proceeding apace. He is now stuck inland away from any supply with Grant grinding him down at every opportunity.

Grant_Chasing_36.png (2.7 MiB) Viewed 10291 times

Fort Pickens finally fell after about a year of siege. The fact that it has tied down about 1000 power for that long is fine by me. It did well.

Pickens_Fell_37.png (2.39 MiB) Viewed 10291 times

Following these developments I surrounded Beauregard around Nashville forcing him to attack into Hooker again and again.

Hooker_is_Boss_38.png (2.63 MiB) Viewed 10291 times

Hooker is now getting his third star. My plans in the west are now fairly simple: Crush ABS and Beauregard in their current positions and then spread out to occupy all the objective cities. He will have no way to stop me once these forces are gone. Polk has made a rescue attempt on ABS, but with control of the Little Rock - Memphis railroad it was simple enough to move Sherman in and I still control the river so they should now both be trapped.

Polk_to_the_Rescue_39.png (4.87 MiB) Viewed 10291 times

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:43 pm

The Eastern Situation

The east warrants its own entry as it has got complex.

Unfortunately Murtagks has not let me cut off and destroy any of his stacks here.

East_Early_Sept_40.png (3.79 MiB) Viewed 10289 times

I was not aware that failing the June "On To Richmond" offensive the newspapers just ask for another immediately after!
Having already eaten -10 NM wasn't keen for another such event to hit me so I did a limited version of the peninsula campaign. I sent Hamilton's Corps of three divisions to Williamsburg as this is close enough for the next event not to fire. The rest of the army is pretty much even starring at the confederates across the Rappahannock, and with Lee in charge I don't want to try my luck. McClelland has had to stop a push by J Johnston up the Shenandoah, but otherwise it has been uneventful. With all my successes in the west I can pump a all my production into Virginia and they will cave sooner or later.

These last few turns have got me up on 118 NM to Murtagks' 96. Quite a turnaround from a rounds back! I now just need to not screw anything up.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:15 pm

The West to Early December 1862

In the west the CSA has been haemorrhaging strength, and I begin to think that I may be able to conclude the match in early 1863.

ABS_Starving_42.png (2.25 MiB) Viewed 10251 times

Hooker_Killing_43.png (2.62 MiB) Viewed 10251 times

Hooker, Grant and Sherman have reduced Beauregard's army to about an eighth of the size it was when it came to Nashville and whatever remains of ABS' and Polk's divisions are starving in northern Missouri with the river controlled by my gunboats (despite a gallant rescue attempt by the CSA Mississippi fleet)

In the South Millroy and Rosecrans managed to push Shelby off New Orleans and I immediately gave the city to Butler for the +45% loyalty event.

Butler_45.png (3.78 MiB) Viewed 10251 times

I can pretty much bring up the list of victory cities and send an army to each of them.

Hooker has enough seniority from destroying Beauregard to get and army command. He has four divisions that he can lead to Atlanta.

Army_of_TN46.png (3.67 MiB) Viewed 10251 times

The other Western victory cities are either mine or soon mine. Sheridan is moving down to Vicksburg and Jackson as fast as possible; the California forces took El Paso; Mobile should fall to a naval invasion by Rosecrans in the next few turns.
The scraps of Beauregard's army might turn up to contest one of them, but unless Virginia is significantly weakened they are unlikely to be able to stop any of these pushes.

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:31 pm

The East to early December 1862.

In the east I still need to take Charleston which I plan to accomplish with George Meade, who has just landed in Georgia.

Meade_47 - Copy.png
Meade_47 - Copy.png (3.09 MiB) Viewed 10249 times

Most of the good USA generals (Meade included) have now spawned so I can get Hancock, Gibbon and Reynolds in my better divisions in northern Virginia.

The successes in the west just leave one thorny issue to be dealt with before victory: the Army of Northern Virginia.

Unlike in reality Lee has not been causing too much trouble for me, but has instead been entrenched along the Rappahannock opposite the much less competent McDowell.

I decided to transfer Sherman over so that I can have at least one good Corps commander with some new divisions I just built in PA, NY and NE under Reynolds, Auger and Doubleday respectively.

Unfortunately for Murtagks these arrived in Virginia just before he decided to attack with Lee.

Lee_48 - Copy.png
Lee_48 - Copy.png (2.79 MiB) Viewed 10249 times

I think that this attack is a critical error. The battle itself was not large, but crucially Lee and Longstreet are no longer entrenched. Furthermore, corps marching to the sound of the guns do not receive entrenchment bonuses. This is the moment to attack and grind down the ANV until I can take Richmond and Norfolk. All my production is now focused on giving me overwhelming forces in the east. This should finish the game.

East_49 - Copy.png
East_49 - Copy.png (3.48 MiB) Viewed 10249 times

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Re: Naturamix(USA) vs Murtagks(CSA) - Late to the Party

Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:49 pm

Union Victory and Roundup

As predicted I was able to charge along the Rappahannock with Sherman leading the most powerful Corps and Mcdowell some way back so that each battle had Sherman in command.

Sherman_50.png (3.11 MiB) Viewed 10207 times

Sherman_51.png (2.4 MiB) Viewed 10207 times

Sherman_52.png (2.46 MiB) Viewed 10207 times

Sherman_53.png (2.37 MiB) Viewed 10207 times

Murtagks conceded when all other victory cities had fallen and all the CSA forces were stacked up in Richmond and surrounded by Union forces.

Endsieg_54.png (3.3 MiB) Viewed 10207 times

I thought it was our most interesting game to date though not as long as our last one.
There were a good number of turns towards the end of 1861 when the Union was stalled outside New Orleans, stalled in Virginia and Grant was on the run in Arkansas, but then with Kentucky joining and A Johnston and Beauregard getting cut off and decimated the tide swung decisively in the Union's favour.

I think I made several mistakes by not scouting and watching my cohesion in the west, landing incompetently in NO and attacking with McDowell. Fortunately I was able to compensate for these as time went on.

Thoroughly enjoyable game, GG Murtagks.

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