Posts: 515
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:57 pm

Act of Union Broken?

Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:44 pm

I am in a PBEM in the Western campaign as Grand Alliance using the latest version. I spent 500 EP to activate the Union of Ireland, Scotland and England into a new United Kingdom. The attraction of this is that the tool tip advertises the union will increase pro-Grand Alliance loyalty to 100 percent. However this did not happen. All that changed was that I was now able to play the draft card in Scotland and Ireland - loyalties were unchanged.

Can anyone advise if this is a known bug? If so, any ETA to patching it? Thanks.

PS - also, any guidance on posting the saved game file is welcome. I tried saving the .hst file but the forums said it does not have the proper extension. I recall somewhere someone posted how to attach files on these forums. Thx.

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Re: Act of Union Broken?

Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:17 am

Try putting the file(s) in a zip or rar package and then uploading. Uploading is restricted to the tech support part of the forums.

Posts: 515
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:57 pm

Re: Act of Union Broken?

Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:24 pm

Thanks....here is the zip with the turn
WSS Act of Union.zip
(484.01 KiB) Downloaded 227 times

Posts: 515
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:57 pm

Re: Act of Union Broken?

Sat Sep 01, 2018 4:03 am

Alas, I am finding this game to be sadly bug-ridden. Aside from the above-described game-ending bug, in subsequent PBEM and solo games, all on Grand Alliance campaign:

- my Bourbon opponent in PBEM decided to quit when one of his Spanish armies, sent to quash a rebellion in Africa, simply disappeared

- in a solo game, when I played the Grand Alliance option of having Savoy switch sides, an identical Savoy army, including the leader, spawned as pro-Hapsburg, while the original pro-Bourbon Savoy forces, including the identical leader, remained on the map

- in another solo game, I gave up when newly purchased British militia garrisons I tried to place in England also simply disappeared on placement

It has been about a month for this bug post, with no reply. I understand that people are likely on vacation...but we'll see. Post release quality control for many AGEOD games seems limited to non-existent, and we are talking significant known bugs. It is really sad because so many of these games are very promising, but it seems once they get released they are semi-abandoned, bugs or no. Again, these aren't minor work-around bugs, but pretty bad ones. I wonder if WOS is now to follow this trend of abandonment.

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