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Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Sun May 20, 2018 3:40 pm

I am really not sure what I am doing wrong. It is the April 1862, I am playing the Union and playing "The Coming Fury Scenario". I am unable to establish a Corps in any theater with any Army.
I believe that I have met all the requirements to create a Corps in the greyed out box. Here is what I have tried:
- Create a Corps with both 2 and 3 star generals with no other units in the stack
- Create a Corps with both 2 and 3 star generals with a unit or two in the stack with them
- Create a Corps with a former Division Commander (division deactivated) with subordinate units both within the stack and not in the stack
- Deactivated and then re-activated the Army to which I want to assign a Corps
- Create a Corps in the same geographic region of the Army
- Create a Corps in an adjacent geographic region of the Army

Obviously, I am doing something wrong! What is it? I have read the forums and have followed advice. I have done the tutorials and am able to create a Corps while playing. Getting a little frustrated. I have played this game many times in the past (took a couple years break) and I do not recall having this issue in the past. Please help!

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 3:52 am

You are not doing anything wrong. The ability to form division and corps are a question of time. You cannot form corps early in the war. So just wait and it will become available.

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 4:13 am

Thanks for the answer. I thought that I read on the forum that you could form Corps after March 1862- did I get that wrong?

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 5:24 am

Well, I often get things wrong, but I think in this instance you just need to wait a bit

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 6:53 am

The 1861 July Campaign ("The Coming Fury") gamefiles states the Corps Formation Event as occuring on the first turn of March, 1862:

SelectFaction = USA
SelectRegion = $Prince_George_MD

SelectFaction = USA
SelectRegion = $Prince_George_MD
StartEvent = evt_nam_USA_CorpFormation|1|1|NULL|NULL|$Prince_George_MD|NULL

FixedDate = 1862/03/01

SetFormedCmdMax = 9999;6


Since Corps Formation should be allowed based on the game files, then something else must be happening. Glitch? Clicking error?

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 10:26 am

I wish I knew- it does not seem to be a clicking/ user error, although I kind of hope that it is and someone can say, "are you doing this __________?" Then I could have a V8 "duh" moment and move on with playing the game. All other aspects of the game seem to be functioning as they should.

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 4:17 pm

This is the string in the CW2 DB:

String 2298: "USA adopts the Corps command structure. Armies limited to 6."

See if you can form 6 Army commands. If not, then IMHO this might confirm that the event did not trigger for some reason. You might reload the turns back to February 1862 and perhaps replay the March turn to see if this triggers it. Good luck!
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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 5:23 pm

I wish I could have a look at your hst file. It sounds like you are doing every thing correctly. What activation setting are you playing with? You might be having a bad union activation day. (I believe inactive leaders cant form corps, though i could be remembering incorrectly)

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Mon May 21, 2018 5:38 pm

Is the leader you are attempting to give Corps Command to within the Command Radius of the Army Commander?

Select the Army Stack and press and hold the <Shift> key. A large number of regions will be overlaid in blue indicating the Command Radius of the Army Command. If your ** or *** leader you wish to give Corps Command to is not within these blue-overlaid regions, you will not be able to give him a Corps Command through that Army Command for as long as he is outside the Command Radus.

On a side note, if you position a Corps Stack outside the Army Command Radius of its commanding army, there will be a substantial penalty to the Corps Commander's Strategic, Offensive, and Defensive Values, for as long as he is outside the Command Radius.

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Tue May 22, 2018 4:34 am

PGR: Not sure what a .hst file is or how to get to it. Since this is my first time playing the game in years, I am playing with the no activation penalties option. I would think that this would for sure allow the formation of Corps.

Captain_Orso: I have tried to activate/ establish a Corps in the same geographical region as the Army. I have also tried to activate in the adjacent geographical region. Both without success. When pressing the shift key, my 2 stars are well within the radius of the Army. What I have noticed is that two Armies have overlapping geographic regions- but I did this after I could not form a Corps. In order to get past th lack of Corps, I have been forming Armies so I can have larger formations than Divisions.

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Tue May 22, 2018 8:08 pm

What does the Create Corps Command SO button tool-tip say?

Overlapping Army Command Radius is inconsequential. The Corps will belong to the closest Army. I think if both Army Stacks are equal distance, the "first" Army Stack it finds will be chosen, possibly going by the internal stack number.

EDIT: BTW the hst file PRG spoke about, you can find in the .\Saves\scenario_name\ folder. The file name will be scenario_name.hst . It contains all the running scenario information from after executing the last turn, and it is what you load into the game when you load a running scenario.

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Tue May 22, 2018 9:53 pm

Gosh fellas, all the formality... lower case please!

Based on what you described above, I am at a bit of a loss for why you are having a hard time forming corps. Feel free to PM me if you want to have me take at your host file (hst).

You could also try a screen shot of what is going on, so we can try to make a more educated guess.

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Wed May 23, 2018 9:23 am

pgr wrote:Gosh fellas, all the formality... lower case please!


If you only knew ol' friend. I had to edit, because I wrote RPG the first time :mdr:

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Fri May 25, 2018 3:47 am

So when I hover over the create Corps button, I get a list of conditions that must be met in order to create Corps. I am not sure how to upload pictures here, otherwise I would post a screen shot.

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Sat May 26, 2018 5:48 pm

So i had a look at the file in question, it is indeed strange. He is in Jan of 63, and there is no reason the corps shoulden't form. Perhaps the corps enabling event failed to fire?

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Re: Why can't I get a Corps activated?

Sun May 27, 2018 3:01 pm

Short Summery:
If everything is being done correctly, and a Corps Command can still not be created, I'm guessing the running scenario had been corrupted some time during play.

Just out of curiosity, search the hst file for '_CorpFormation' (without the apostrophes). You should find:

Code: Select all


If you find the above, it shows that the two events allowing Corps creation for both factions had successfully fired, and will not be referenced again.

If both, or either, of the Occurences have '0', then that, or those, events did not fire, and because they only fire on a specific date (1862/03/01), and your scenario has already progressed beyond that date, they will not be checked for firing again.

In this case, the issue could be fixed to allow Corps formation after the next turns execution, with some careful work.

In either case, the question is, whether you wish to continue the running scenario, whether the issue is fixed or not, but since you've soldiered on without Corps until now, I'm assuming you do.

Whether the above events had already fired, this fix will not change anything other than allowing unlimited Corps formation starting with the next turn; so if either faction already has Corps formation allowed, they will simply have the allowance set again.

The Fix:
In this fix, the '.\CivilWarII\CW2\Events\1861 July Campaign.sct' script file will be modified. Therefore it is important to make a copy of this file into a safe place outside of the folders used by the game!

Once a copy has been made into a safe place, edit the '.\CivilWarII\CW2\Events\1861 July Campaign.sct' file with a text editor of your choice, and make the following changes:

Search for _CorpFormation to find the two events, which allow for corps formation:

Code: Select all

SelectFaction = CSA
SelectRegion = $Richmond_VA

SelectFaction = CSA
SelectRegion = $Richmond_VA
StartEvent = evt_nam_CSA_CorpFormation|1|1|NULL|NULL|$Richmond_VA|NULL

  FixedDate = 1862/03/01

  SetFormedCmdMax = 9999;6


SelectFaction = USA
SelectRegion = $Prince_George_MD

SelectFaction = USA
SelectRegion = $Prince_George_MD
StartEvent = evt_nam_USA_CorpFormation|1|1|NULL|NULL|$Prince_George_MD|NULL

  FixedDate = 1862/03/01

  SetFormedCmdMax = 9999;6


In each event, find the 'Conditions' section and the date parameters directly below them. Change the 'FixedDate' parameters to 'MinDate' in both so that they both read 'MinDate = 1862/03/01'; all this of course without the apostrophes. Save the files and exit the text editor.

Now in your latest hst file search for '_CorpFormation' as above and change the Occurences=1 lines to read Occurences=0 for both events.

When the next turn is executed, these two events will again be referenced, and since they now read 'MinDate = 1862/03/01' (Minimum Date) they will fire again.

After the turn execution each faction will find a message in their mail box, in the event texts sections (the small icon that looks like a leaf of paper the furthest to the left) stating that your faction can now create Corps Commands.

You can now return the original '1861 July Campaign.sct' file to '.\CivilWarII\CW2\Events\1861 July Campaign.sct', and soldier on ;)

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