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Attrition RNG

Fri Jul 01, 2016 2:08 am

I believe the new 1.03 patch mentioned a reduction in attrition for harsh weather and shelters. Well, just as a personal aside, the RNG is still devastating, took over 300 weather hits in a single turn. I take more damage from weather than any enemy action. Out of that 300, 4 units were moving, but the others were stationary (in city regions). That amount of attrition of insane. And then compare to the new reinforcement chart that shows PRU & AUS hits and see this France hits = 300-ish in 1 turn, PRU and AUS maybe 12 between the 2 of them.

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Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:29 am

It's reduced attrition if you play historical attrition. The normal one will still be deadly for troops in the open in winter.

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Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:42 pm

I actually play with "easy mode" attrition. Were troops are not supposed to desert or take as much damage when stationary & in friendly territory. Still, it does not matter, my corps can be sitting (i.e. stationary) on a home nation city and still take 58 weather hits. If this is the easy mode attrition, I'd hate to see the others.

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