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Shogun's Defiance: Japan against the West

Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:16 pm

Hi all. I will be doing an AAR of the alternate reality campaign I have modded, called Shogun's Defiance. :)
I will be playing from the start of the grand campaign till the death of the penultimate Shogun, event that closes this alternate reality adventure and puts Japan in the Imperial shadow. In the end I will provide the save game files for those that want to fight the Boshin War. I will play this campaign as it comes, I won't be rushing any events, nor play in a gamey way (with too much hindsight).

This is Japan in the beginning of the game. It is ruled by an isolated but aware of the future possibilities Emperor, Komei, and a weak Shogun, Ieyoshi. Japan starts with rather "backwards" F1 stats and its rulers do not give adequate Imperialism, Administration, and Diplomacy attributes for a protagonist game. We will have to glide on the various global events and be careful with our international relations.


The Japanese armed forces are at best feudal. No fancy weapons, mostly dedicated Samurais. Even in the capital of the Shogunate, Edo, the biggest army is made of two brigade-level units and some artillery (all in all, circa 9000 men). The fleet is pathetic as well, made of typical Asian junks. Japan starts this era in a rather sorry state.



Thankfully, the Ministry of War is not demanding on reinforcements for the moment. But this will change as early as the next fortnight. Bear in mind I am playing with 2x supply demands (modded basic consumption) and historical attrition.


The ultimate goal is to resist the Westerners, instead of embracing their ways and being forced to sign unequal treaties...

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Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:44 pm

Good luck with this adventure. Work like this mod keeps this game alive ;)
Excuse my bad english, don't doubt to correct me ;)

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Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:32 pm

Thanks. The potential of PON is really staggering. This is the only AGEOD game that can literally take all aspects of nation competition, not only war campaigns. I hope the developers see the love we enthusiasts put in it and continue to support it. :)


The economy of Nippon in the beginning of 1850 is contracted. The few international commercial ties mean that we do not have a flourishing market. Anyway, our lands are blessed with fertile fields and the Japanese are industrious people. At the moment, most of our internal market's needs are met. I will keep, for realism, the tax levels to the default levels, changing them only for certain semi-historical reasons (thus tariffs will remain high to abstract the closed economy, etc). Moreover, I won't be trading with the external world without good justification that I will be posting here. The entire Japanese demand shall be satisfied through internal production (including craftsmen). This is done again to abstract Japan's isolation.



Japan on the strategic map has not much saying. This has been a closed land for more than two centuries. Nonetheless, Japan is aware, through Dutch and Chinese traders, of the world and its evolution.


These are the Japanese cities in ranking according to population. Edo, the Shogunal capital, is on top, surpassing the ceremonial power of the imperial capital, Kyoto. The land is very well developed and the education of the Japanese people, for Asian standards at least, is rather high. The potential of our land is limitless! It is interesting to notice that the poor of Japan, which are many, have the same needs in food, common, and luxurious goods as the richest (the aristocrats). This is not an equal society.


The Academy of Sciences collects all the important knowledge of our fledgling nation. With only 15 techs in the beginning, it is rather clear we are a backward country with much distance to cover. At the moment we do not face any danger, but we know that the Westerners are powerful and lurking...


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Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:58 pm

nice idea to see you showcasing your (second) mod. Since it seems that the early game Japan is a bit boring it'll be interesting to see if you can manage to spice it up ...
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Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:56 pm

Indeed. There have been complains in the past (I remember them even in the Paradox forums) of Japan being boring in the early stages of the game, essentially up to the Boshin War. But this is the historical reality of that country. It would be fun to see what would have happened if the Shoguns had the balls to say no. The Chinese tried that historically and failed (Opium Wars, iirc). Let's see if Japan can pull this crazy scheme of bouncing its enemies. I have not made any attempt to balance the difference in power ratio, this is the real deal. If at war with the West, it would be really hard!


The colonial landscape in 1850 is rather uninteresting. Most nations, except for Great Britain and France, have few if any colonies. The old empires of Spain, Portugal, and Netherlands are in decline. New players may come in. Japan has immediate ties only with the islands of Ryukyu in the South and Sakhalin in the North.


Japan's only ally is King Sho Tai of Ryukyu. Historically Ryukyu was a Chinese vassal, but China is certainly unable to enforce its will now. Japan is the de facto protector of the islands and has eyes itself on Okinawa. Relations with the major powers are neutral to positive, but that is mostly because we didn't have anything to do with them up until now, with the exception of returning some shipwrecked crew now and then.

Russia can potentially be a pain in the North (especially on the island of Sakhalin whose ownership is disputed). Great Britain and France may come from the South to exert their colonial desires. The USA could come from the ocean in the East. The Netherlands is not a major power, anymore, but we still look upon them with respect.


Japan is trailing in almost every metric. We are still considered a primitive country, to be Westernized, our technology is at best antiquated. Our prestige gain lies in our ability to exert our rule on the home islands and those of the immediate vicinity (Okinawa, Taibei). Pusan, in the Korean peninsula nearby, might also be a good objective reminding the 16th century attempts to annex Korea of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but we should not antagonize their Chinese overlords.

Russia is the most powerful nation on this earth, courtesy of its vast manpower and seemingly endless armies. Great Britain follows close by with its important navy. The United States of America are according to our calculations 3x stronger than us. Our National Morale is only 85, showing the tiredness of our people in the regime. All other nations seem more psyched up.


These are the most important (and strategic) resources of the Japanese economy. We are proud of our silk and luxurious goods. Steel, coal, and manufactured goods are produced in adequate quantities. Military supplies and ammunition is enough for the small Shogunal Army and Navy.

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Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:51 pm

Hi Kensai. I see you've started the latest entry in the PON AAR forum. Thanks! As you probably know, I'm more of a reader than a player, so I appreciate another dose of PON goodness in the form of words. Japan should be an interesting country to watch. I'm assuming Perry and his black ships will show up in 1854, so that gives you four years to prepare. Let's see what you can do with that time. :)

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Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:53 am

I will be posting every semester or year of gameplay, except for this first turn just to get the save games for the other nations disappear.

January 1850

The Shogun has summoned his ministers, telling them that he desires for a strong self-sufficient realm. Nippon should be strong at least where it can be. Its rice fields and seabeds are blessed. We should strive to achieve the biggest rice and fish production in the next 10 years. This will not only allow us feed our growing population, but also partly feed China, our big cousin in the West. We should do our best to improve relations with them and have formal trade contacts.



Japan is aware of the new technologies that are available in the world and slowly researches them. But it is impossible for us at the moment to invest on something in particular. The state coffers are almost empty and we have to invest on infrastructure. The contentment is average, we do have some trouble with demonstrations in Nagasaki. Nearby Kagoshima*, though, is pleased with the regime... strange but true!

(*historically the Satsuma were against the Shogunate)


PS. I will be playing Japan in a slow and conservative way, not rushing any events. The Shogunate was aware of the Westerners, but no special actions will be taken before the West blatantly tries to force Nippon open. This will add to the challenge. :)
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Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:13 pm

Fish and rice. Exciting stuff! ;)

Playing Japan seems hard enough as it is, without roleplaying its historical isolationism. I look forward to finding out how well you can do.

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Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:59 pm

your relative power chart shows the extent of your challenge, ok any one has a challenge reaching Japan, esp before they have coal ships, but its scary. You should have a good chance at the rice challenge, not so sure about the fish.
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Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:01 pm

Early 1850

February is not even out and we have an important development: Russia declared war against China. We don't know the exact reasons, but we suspect imperialism, what else! We should do our best not to fall in the same trap. The Shogunate needs its own trade ships for some important strategic resources we cannot produce or find in Nippon. We have ordered our first commercial ships. The internal market quotas have been set. Goods that are not in adequate numbers have been curtailed until further notice. We also took measures against the Nagasaki demonstrators by dispatching troops to silence the local disruption. We want harmony in the realm.

China took the initiative in the Sino-Russian War and invaded Primorie. The reaction of Russia, as she started this war, didn't delay much. A big hammer arrived. It is obvious to us that Russia desires an ice-free port exit to the Pacific as well as colony (Haishenwai) to the expense of China. We noticed a Russian fleet pass the La Perouse straight between Hokkaido and Sakhalin, we did not intervene. We allowed one of the first private investments, a tobacco field in Shikoku, near Matsuyama. Not enough money was available so we helped (inflation +1%). We also sent our Junks fleet to the Tatar Straights to watch the Russian movements closely as well as hunt for pirates that have been active in the area.

By June, the Russian are already trying to make a deal (treaty) with the local chiefs of Haishenwai that feel ok to leave the Qing oppression.




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Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:21 pm

Late 1850

Another relatively quiet semester. The Shogun is aware that the world is changing, but he doesn't want to force changes in the country as that might disturb the equilibrium of his weakening power. A new fleet of commercial ships will be sent to trade with China, one of the few if not the only partner we have in the area. Let's hope the Russians don't get angry over this... btw, the Russians seem to have trouble making inroads in their campaign to capture and colonize Haishenwai. Two large armies seem to have appeared, one immediately on the North of the colony, the other in the Northwest (Central Siberia), both bounced. In fact, by Late November Russia sends a peace offer which is agreed by the Chinese. We learned a lot from this... not every "Western demand" has to be satisfied! :D

The Shogunate is very eager to create a "health industry" in order to appease the population. We shall take advantage of the natural volcanic springs in our lands!


We also made the decision to construct war junks in order to fight the pirates that are lurking the waters around Nippon. We have also requested a contribution from the Ryukyuan Kingdom: they will be constructed in Kagoshima.

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Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:03 pm

Another Great AAR is coming! And it 's coming from a PON fan which means it will be played to the end. By the way I see you ordered 3 war junks to fight the pirates around Japan.
What is the actual damage they do to the economy? I have never understanded the damage they do.

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Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:54 pm

Kensai wrote:
The Shogunate is very eager to create a "health industry" in order to appease the population. We shall take advantage of the natural volcanic springs in our lands!

Indeed, nothing marks out a modern industrialised nation like having a few health spas ... seemingly one where people do additional consumption as a result of visiting too ... :)
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Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:27 am

Lemoni wrote:Another Great AAR is coming! And it 's coming from a PON fan which means it will be played to the end. By the way I see you ordered 3 war junks to fight the pirates around Japan.
What is the actual damage they do to the economy? I have never understanded the damage they do.

Unfortunately, I won't be playing this to the end, but only as long as the Shoguns are in charge in order to show how my mod works. When the last Shogun arrives I will make the saves available for other players to play the Boshin War and continue from there. Bear in mind though that I might not even survive the ordeal as I will try to challenge the Westerners. ;)

Early 1851

After the recent Russo-Chinese confrontation we came across the ideas of Henri Jomini. Although the Russian war was not successful (the Russians were unready), it showed us the advantages of certain tactics.


We also got news that in Australia gold has been found. What if we could find gold ourselves?


A confrontation between Ryukyuan sailors under our banner and pirates was done between the islands of Okinawa and Taipei. Although we were outnumbering them we had a great wind disadvantage. Eventually we had to flee and many ships got damaged by light cannon fire from the pirates. The ships will return to Kagoshima and retry again in the following months. Piracy has to be defeated!



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Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:54 pm

Late 1851

By August we had a very interesting standoff between two major European nations. Although the crisis spiraled out of control, for some reason (I don't know exactly, probably friendly relations >25) war did not erupt but now their relations are somehow -50. Given the role of France in a potential Italian unification, this is a rather important development.

It was a close call, both nations played "issue ultimatum" as their first step, ready to hit the guns. In the end Austria had the better of it and went away with some more Prestige, surpassing for a few points France in the process.


By November the Shogunate decided to prepare a provincial force together with military police for permanent control of the Ryukyan affairs. King Sho Tai is friendly, but we want to be on top of it.


By the end of the year the old Shogun decided to raise taxes considerably after decreasing the total census from 3% to 2% the previous months. This is to avoid "corrupting" the Japanese population, as well as bringing some much needed money in the state coffers to boost R&D in the interesting ideas that come from the West.


The recent moves by our regime have somehow decreased the military power with the West, but we are still very behind in technological prowess. We also see the first victims of the vainglory of nations: Russia, France, and the Ottoman Empire have registered victims in their wars, mainly against rebels and colonial populations. China (not shown) has also a huge amount of victims, but I guess it is in its quest to pacify its internal affairs.

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Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:56 pm

Early 1852

By February four ominous ships arrived out of the gulf of Edo steaming. The day we have been afraid of has finally arrived. It's the Americans with Commodore Perry demanding to meet the Shogun and give him a letter of demands.
(for some freak bug the event does not give an event image for Japan, I had to load the American side to have this piece of newspaper...)


Some kind of demand by the Russians for the so called "Holy Lands" was accepted by the Ottomans. This probably means war was averted for now there. Too far away from us, thankfully. The Russians have also disallowed child work. As per event message: "Russia gets access through the Ottoman Empire without shooting a gun. However, the Turks have a Casus Belli and a lot of anymosity against Russia, and seeking support in France and Britain. Austria cancels previous treaty in reaction."

(uploaded a better image)


We sent our Ryukyuan Force in Okinawa to check on King Sho Tai. The four thousand troops are more than enough to keep the entire situation under control. We also decided to bribe the local lords to keep them quiet.


After a couple of months of lull, the Shogun decided to summon the Daimyos of the realm and albeit his age and apparent weakness, took the difficult decision of actually RESISTING the Americans. The Barbarians will have to be defeated, as China has done with Russia. The fortifications of Edo and Nagasaki have been beefed up and we also decided to upgrade the harbor of Yokohama into a naval station. We also decided to invest much more to military knowledge including sail frigates (we can only build up to corvettes) and percussion cap muskets (to substitute the obsolete old ones).

The nation is actually feeling an euphoria and the situation of the Shogunate, taking action, has improved!



News of our defiance have reached the Western nations and our relations have taken a dive. We are mostly worried by the Russians in the North and the Americans that will be returning next year, mostly.


We also had news of the Taiping Rebellion getting steam in China. The Qing Dynasty will be in real trouble dealing with that and external dangers at the same time.



In June we had a major upheaval in Europe. Bad relations, probably over trade agreements and simple pride, degenerated relations between Prussia and the United Kingdom. The result, after the crisis escalated, was war! Prussia has already mobilized.


France accused Austria of unfaithful trade measures. There was already bad blood running between these countries. The result was quite straightforward: war! Now wondering what Prussia and the other minor German nations, allied with Austria in the German Confederation will do.


PS. I swear: I have nothing to do with this mess in Europe!! :p
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Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:28 pm

err.whow, two AI disputes leading to war ... not seen that before.

And you really are going for the collision course with the West. Be interesting to see what sort of responses that sets off.
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Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:37 pm

Technically, the French-Austrian one was expected as if you see they already had a crisis last year and it really ruined their relations. In fact, only 1 round was needed to escalate. But the British-Prussian one was actually an unlucky moment: it only escalated in the 6th round after gathering steam!

Game-wise, I am not at all sure if this will benefit the Prussians. They already have a lot to do to become powerful (and it breaks my heart to report the AI is not playing at all unification cards, two years into the game) and now they will have to declare war to the French as well, if not yet more Prestige to lose. And if I recall correctly the Prussian Navy by the 50s is rather puny.

I expect this British-Prussian war to be quite the standstill (who will invade really? the Prussians don't have ships, the Britons don't have serious land armies), but it could give an interesting twist to the Crimean War, if it lasts until next year when the Crimean fires. The French-Austrian war could have the same implications, but technically Austria can only harm France as it can march through the minor Germans that border France, while France cannot. So unless the minor Germans are crazy enough to declare war on France, I believe they will take the prestige hit and even say thanks. :D

Last, a sidenote: wars and crises ruin relations and are always perfect moments to see if monopolized techs work as intended. Indeed, if one of these nations has access to a tech before another, then the runner up should be really slow in developing it. ;)
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Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:32 pm

Late 1852 - Early 1853

Not much happened this last year. The British-Prussian and French-Austrian wars are more of "phoney" conflicts than real wars. Yes, there have been exchanges of fire between trade ships, but not much more. Prussia was ridiculed after not declaring war to France as well, essentially disregarding its defensive agreement with Austria in the German Confederation. Japan is actually higher in Prestige now, but I guess not for much time, given that Prussia earns a lot more per turn.


Two British Generals landed in Okinawa, thankfully we monitor the situation. No other troops are present, however we that Sho Tai might make agreements with them. Ryukyu should be considered Japanese land!


In other news, Japan has now a working understanding of dynamite and how horse-drawn mowers could be used for better results in mining and agriculture. We still need to apply this knowledge to practice. Russia declared Kazakhstan as one of its colonies. The old Shogun has decided to allow some Westerners to buy things we have in abundance in order to leave us alone. Fish, rice, tea are some of the products we give away. We still tax all imports very high, although we refrain from buying anything from outside (except from China). Construction of furniture and processed food have opened in various cities around Nippon. We have also decided to create a fortified castle for the Emperor in Kyoto. He has to be "protected" from foreign influence. We are expecting the return of Commodore Perry soon. He won't be happy with the reply we will give him...


This might partially explain why the Brits and Prussians are in odds.

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Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:34 pm

Late 1853

By mid summer 1853 Commodore Perry returned. A no, he was not happy at all with the answer he got. Actually he said that we had to agree with the Americans otherwise far worse Westerners will come and colonize Nippon. Just in case, we decided to bribe the local ringleaders in the island of Sakhalin which is shared with the Russians. We should be more aggressive to Western nations that threaten our assets.



In July the old Shogun also died, right at the arrival of Perry. Did the stress kill him? His son, Iesada has taken over control. He is not the brightest of men, but hopefully his closest advisors will make the right choices for him.


By December, Prussia precipitated further down the chain in Prestige after it let expire another opportunity against France.

Care to unify Germany as Austria? Recreate the Holy Roman Empire of the 20th Century:
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Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:24 pm

Early 1854

As expected, the Americans did not let us loose. By April our nation is officially in war footing. Some Daimyos even suggested we slaughter all American envoys, but we decided for a milder approach. We still say no as we prepare the armed forces for the inevitable conflict. Relations have literally taken a dive with all major Western nations, especially the ones with colonial interests in Asia. The Shogun asked for a further raise in taxes: 20% for corporate activities and 125% (max) in tariffs. He also demanded the construction of a modern shipyard in Yokohama which makes a natural harbor near the Shogunal capital. This is it! Time for defense, we shall resist! Any Western nation could declare war at any moment.

The Shogun has also given permission to trade with clandestine Prussian merchants that give us access to the markets of Berlin. Wine, fruits, chemicals, and mechanical parts are being asked to enrich our own lacking supply. Prussia, Austria, and Sardinia-Piedmont seem not to be interested into colonizing near us, thus they can be our partners.





Care to unify Germany as Austria? Recreate the Holy Roman Empire of the 20th Century:
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Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:46 pm

Yikes, man, good luck!

A list of some rulers of nations who bravely (or stupidly) defied the U.S. government:

1). Saddam Hussein
2). Mohammed Mosaddegh
3). Jacobo Árbez Guzman
4). Salvador Allende
5). Patrice Lumumba
6). Antonio López de Santa Ana

So, I'd say you have good odds :)

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Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:46 pm

well your Prussia is pretty suicidal in its early diplomacy.

Assume you are hoping that none of the European powers can really reach you. The British have their war with Germany to keep them busy. With sail ships and only limited bases on the West Coast, its hard to see the Americans really threatening you - and anything that arrives will be in a mess for supply and cohesion.

But ... you really are pushing this to the limit .... :)
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Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:51 pm

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:Yikes, man, good luck!

A list of some rulers of nations who bravely (or stupidly) defied the U.S. government:

1). Saddam Hussein
2). Mohammed Mosaddegh
3). Jacobo Árbez Guzman
4). Salvador Allende
5). Patrice Lumumba
6). Antonio López de Santa Ana

So, I'd say you have good odds :)

All true.

Add to this list Tokugawa Iesada! :w00t:

loki100 wrote:well your Prussia is pretty suicidal in its early diplomacy.

Assume you are hoping that none of the European powers can really reach you. The British have their war with Germany to keep them busy. With sail ships and only limited bases on the West Coast, its hard to see the Americans really threatening you - and anything that arrives will be in a mess for supply and cohesion.

But ... you really are pushing this to the limit .... :)

Yeah, Prussia's actions have been disastrous so far. Really plummeted in Prestige.

Regarding Japan's situation: France and Great Britain are currently occupied in their own idle wars, but they do have the means (transports, etc) to launch an invasion if they wanted. I will be surprised if the AI pulled this through though. Russia, by avoiding the Crimean War, has actually its hands free to continue its Great Game and potentially have a war with Japan, but I don't think it is in position to threaten the main Japanese islands as it lacks a serious transport capacity. Which leaves us to the USA which is the main topic of this mod... well, there is an event that fires later on and sets an important AI interest (including objectives) into subduing Japan. So if the USA keep their quantitative and qualitative advantage, it could in theory create trouble... but I am not sure about their manpower, honestly, it should be pretty abysmal in the early stages of the game.

We'll see how this alternate reality will unfold. I liked it that even China managed to bounce Russia in that early 1850 war. :)
I would like to do the unthinkable, honestly... more on this as we get to the thick of it!
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Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:50 pm

Something really fascinating I just noticed, I always thought it was bugged: look at the President of the USA in one of my previous diplomacy screens. It's the alternate (reality) candidate! :)

Want to think of it as a reaction to the Japanese defiance!!
Care to unify Germany as Austria? Recreate the Holy Roman Empire of the 20th Century:
Großdeutschland Mod
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Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:00 am

Winfield Scott? The Whigs are in power? I never thought they'd live to see the day!

I guess maybe their party doesn't dissolve after all. I wonder how all this affects the slavery question?

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Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:58 pm

Wow. Europe is going to hell in a handbasket (I've always wondered how that's supposed to work, but it certainly has a nice ring to it). This whole splendid isolation thing Japan is trying to cultivate seems like a better option with every turn that passes. I guess the good thing is that the British will be distracted from any Japanese adventures - but then, the Americans ever were your main threat, once you refused their 'reasonable offer'.

Good luck preparing for their return in force. Have you scripted in a definite hostile reaction by the US (i.e. war), or will war or peace depend on the US AI's calculations?

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Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:26 am

Have you discovered the railroad tech? That may be useful for a quick-responding defense.

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Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:17 am

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:Winfield Scott? The Whigs are in power? I never thought they'd live to see the day!

I guess maybe their party doesn't dissolve after all. I wonder how all this affects the slavery question?

Hehe, don't know, but one thing is certain. With his victory over Pierce, the United States are found with a President with different stats. Pierce is portrayed in the game rather weak in Administration but stronger in Diplomacy. With Scott's alternate reality presidency the United States have a 20% higher productivity so I guess their economy will be in a much better shape to absorb a war with Japan, if it ever comes.

Also, fun fact, Winfield Scott is on the map as well. The first and currently only 3-star General of the United States. So he is President and Commander-in-Chief at the same time. :p

Stuyvesant wrote:Wow. Europe is going to hell in a handbasket (I've always wondered how that's supposed to work, but it certainly has a nice ring to it). This whole splendid isolation thing Japan is trying to cultivate seems like a better option with every turn that passes. I guess the good thing is that the British will be distracted from any Japanese adventures - but then, the Americans ever were your main threat, once you refused their 'reasonable offer'.

Good luck preparing for their return in force. Have you scripted in a definite hostile reaction by the US (i.e. war), or will war or peace depend on the US AI's calculations?

I have written a backup event for the United States to declare war to Japan if everything else fails (ie, if the AI does not take the initiative itself due to the bad relations, power superiority, and the long CB). But even this event (part of the mod) has a relatively low probability to fire when its time comes, so I don't really know when it will fire which rises the suspense. :)

Indeed with the other European powers fighting in a deadlock, I guess Japan is secure, at least from the British and French. But the Russians can always find an opportunity, especially if they don't approve of our bribing in the Southern part of Karafuto (Sakhalin) island. The Americans are obviously upset that we shut Commodore Perry and his offer out. It remains to be seen what President Scott will decide. :p

The Japanese have, as in real life, a "feudal" army in this era. With Shogun Iesada taking a defiant stance, they could stand against the Americans. I am not at all sure if I can beat them in battle though. The Imperialism value of my ruler is rather low and the troops rather antiquated. The Americans are much more advanced. I would be totally thrilled if the AI tries to invade Japan through the AI interests I have set.

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:Have you discovered the railroad tech? That may be useful for a quick-responding defense.

I know. And I have. But I won't be (ab)using it. I want to portray a rather backward Japan. Perhaps later, when-if the war starts, I might throw a line between Kyoto and Tokyo to connect the Shogun with the Emperor but that's about it. Part of the roleplaying. :)
Care to unify Germany as Austria? Recreate the Holy Roman Empire of the 20th Century:
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Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:54 am

Late 1854

The Shogunate has decided to prohibit child work. The younger generation should learn letters and sciences in order to improve the chances of Japan to compete in this opening world. The Japanese population was very pleased by this development, pacifying many families around the realm. The Shogunate has also allowed some limited trade with the foreign traders to smuggle some goods that we cannot find in Japan or Asia. Wine from France and fruits (of all kinds!) and gold from the United States. This may win us some time to handle the Americans who are demanding an open trade. We also keep pressuring the Shakhalin warlords to cede territory to us, the Russians won't be happy.

By Early September our course of action has been rewarded. The Dutch, our historical European partners, have given us a number of ships in order to beef up our defenses. They say it's a lend-lease arrangement given our hard line against all other Europeans. In front of the Bay of Edo five powerful ships are present, constructed in Rotterdam but commissioned here in Japan. They all got names of the first 5 Tokugawa Shoguns. The Pride of the Fleet, a wooden battleship is named after Ieyasu. The other 4 frigates of his heirs who instituted our dynasty.

The Dutch have gained some exclusive rights with Nippon: passage and supply rights to all the Japanese ports! They help us, we help them.



Kaigun Admiral Katsu Kaisho has been commanded to come from Hiroshima to Edo to take lead of the ships. With these European ships under Japanese flags, we can now antagonize the Americans. We are still trailing behind them, but now the game is more even.
We are not afraid! Our Ryukyuan sailors lost some of their own ships (junks) hunting down pirates between Ryukyu and Taipei in a storm. Last, a great R&D breakthrough: we finally understand how to build our own percussion cap muskets which is a huge improvement. The Shogun is considering to create the first Guards Corps of the nation, using input from the Dutch and French advisers.

The cannons of the Dutch battleship were amazing in dispatching the pirates off our coasts! A single broadside and they were done!!


Care to unify Germany as Austria? Recreate the Holy Roman Empire of the 20th Century:
Großdeutschland Mod
Are you tough enough to impersonate the Shogun and defy the Westerners? Prove it:
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