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CSA Longshanks vs Union Dudosh

Sat May 21, 2011 12:56 pm

Hi all!

This is my first PBEM, and probably only my 15th game or so overall. I’m still learning the nuanced rules. I’m playing Dudosh, who told me this is probably his 100th PBEM. So, I expect to be, uh, challenged! But I learned long ago that the best way to learn is against the most experienced. Dudosh is playing the USA and I’m the CSA. Dudosh claims he plays like McClellan, but I don’t buy it for a minute. Anyway, we’ll see. Regardless, here’s my strategy for the first year.

PS I'll be following Yellowhammer's format for the most part. I enjoy his write-ups and attention to detail. I'll add a map or two from time to time too.

1861 Strategy

Develop three fronts:

In the East, at least two constructed forts along the Richmond-Charlottesville axis with a depot built that will feed Covington and Christiansburg. Build a fort in Fredericksburg if possible. Generally, I will defend here but see below.

In the Midwest, build forts in Paducah and Bolwing Green if possible and equip them with artillery. I don’t plan to invade Kentucky until October, if I have to at all.

In the West, go after California if the cards fall right, otherwise defend Missouri. Threatening the SW also helps defend TX. More below.

Build brigs early to maintain at least 5 in each blockade block. WS will be the limiting factor at first. Conscripts will be later because we’re not allowing mobilization until 1862. I’m not planning to work industrialization in first year.

Build up Rail/boats to improve movement and supply.

Get NM to 105 asap. After that, use superior CSA activation and defense to win some battles and start improving the generals, especially Stonewall and Longstreet.

Steal as many units as possible out of Missouri and Kentucky (i.e., recruit there). In Missouri this will mean building all the militia and reinforcing it, but really looking to hold Charleston MO.

California or Bust! For this I plan to move the bulk of the Ft. Sumter assault units all the way to Vicksburg and then to Fort Smith and Tucson with two supply wagons. From there they will either head to California, stay to defend Texas, or turn back to help defend Missouri, depending. Polk’s units will move to Charleston MO and from there to Paducah.

Build gunboats to stop long-range Union movement and river crossings on the Ohio, Mississippi and in the West.

Defend major ports like N.Orleans, Charleston, etc.

Units to build: militia in MO and VA as stopgaps, artillery for making forts, the cheapest infantry in AL and FL and some of the very best infantry in VA. Brigs, as already mentioned. Replacements, which are the quickest way to “build” new units. Build some Texas units, especially if I turn toward CA. Build the TX Rangers regardless as nuisance raiders, and send three of them east of the Mississippi.

Overall play: this being my first game, I don’t plan on too many “wild rides.” I’ll be concentrating the South’s firepower under its best leaders with two “attack stacks” in the East, one in Kentucky, and hopefully, one in Missouri. I’ll pounce on the weak stacks and improve my units and generals (and hopefully NM) with wins. Otherwise, I’ll be on the defense.

So, there is nothing really new in this strategy, which I suspect is pretty pedestrian. No Delaware invasions, no columns to take Baltimore, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, etc. Mostly counterpunching.

House Rules:
1. No mobilizations until 1862. First one then must be partial.
2. Redeployments: 1 “teleport” per turn, but only for the turn the unit arrives – after that, you’ll have to move it the regular way.

I’m sure I left out something, but that’s about it!
(we're using v. 1.16)


TURN 1 – Early April 1861


Split Ft. Sumter units. Send militia and cav to take the fort. Send all the rest west via rail to Montgomery AL, on their way to Vicksburg and thence further west.

Rail = 30
Boat= 15
1 field arty replacement.

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John Sedgwick
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Sat May 21, 2011 2:10 pm

Hi Longshanks!

I'll be rooting for you as a fellow CSA'er. Interesting plan going after California early - I briefly toyed with the idea myself, of maybe sending a fast moving leader with some cavalry and lots of supplies, since I'm sort of roleplaying a very naval-focused game (i.e. steal a Pacific port to circumvent the blockade in the east - I believe this is abstracted by having San Francisco produce lots of money), but opted to focus on Kentucky instead. I'll be interested to see how this works out for you, though.

Good luck! And may your lessons not be too painful ;)
"I'm ashamed of you, dodging that way. They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."ImageImage

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Sat May 21, 2011 5:33 pm

Thanks, Gen. Sedgwick! If I could match your success, I'd be a happy camper indeed! (I like your AAR posts as well as Yellowhammer's btw!)

TURN 2 - Late April 1861

USA NM = 88
CSA NM = 101
Foreign Help = 2
USA Combat losses = 0
CSA Combat losses = 90
USA VP = 85
CSA VP = 85
USA VP per turn = 36
CSA VP per turn = 38
Rail = 102
River = 35

Virginia secedes.

CSA won Battle of Fort Sumter – Union Defeat
USA 45 men, 3 cannon vs CSA 1920 men, 600 horses, 0 cannon
USA loss 0 vs CSA loss 92 men
PS. In my tests, this is the minimum force to assure a victory every time: the Cav and the Militia. I send the Cav cause it’s easy to extract and the Militia cause it stays as the garrison until the free garrison unit shows up.

Results of Move Orders:
The “California Legion” (i.e., Sumter force) left Charleston and got to Montgomery as ordered.

Suffolk Militia => Norfolk
California Legion to Jackson MS
McCulloch redeployed to Jackson MS (as per House Rule)
1st GA Cav to West Point AL on way West to join Cal Legion
Winchester Militia to Allegany MD to cut rail next turn (and support our brothers in Maryland!)
Militia unit and captured guns at Ft. Sumter stay to become the garrison.

Rail = 20
Boat = 10
0 Replacements

116 men
51 WS

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Sun May 22, 2011 8:40 am

Longshanks - interesting idea about taking California - quite a coup if you pull it off (San Francisco CA Depot = $68 and 1 War Supply).

Here's Gray Lensman's Kentucky post:

"There are 4 distinct possiblities that Kentucky could choose to secede.

1.) If too many USA forces are too close, there's a 50.3% chance of secession in that game.
2.) If too many CSA forces are too close, there's a 26.5% chance of secession in that game.
3.) If too many of both sides', forces are too close, there's a 35.3% chance of secession in that game.
4.) If neither sides' forces are too close, there's also a 35.3% chance of secession in that game.

Finally, if neither side chooses to invade Kentucky, and Kentucky does not secede, it automatically joins the Union in the 1861, Early November turn."

Definitely keep your NM as high as you can: it provides draft and financial benefits in addition to making your armies stronger.

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Sun May 22, 2011 2:13 pm

Thanks for the tips and advice, gents! It's welcome.

I'll be posting a turn each time we complete one. We're about 9 months ahead in the actual game, so this way I'm not revealing anything new to General Dudosh, or as we call him down South, "The Great Doodah" all the doodah day.

TURN 3 Early May 1861

USA NM = 87
CSA NM = 102
Foreign Help = 3
USA Combat losses = 0
CSA Combat losses = 90
USA VP = 120
CSA VP = 124
USA VP per turn = 35
CSA VP per turn = 47
Rail = 133
River = 50

Josiah's Steel Mill
Union Leaves Norfolk
AR, TN secede (note: Tarheels last as usual!)
Free Militia, supply units and replacements
SC militia that assaulted Ft S. is now Irregular Light Inf.


Results of Move Orders:
all went as planned
USA sent two ships to block movement across James Estuary. Get those barnacle infested tubs outta my waters!
note: no USA ships in sea boxes

Corinth Supply to Memphis and on boats towards Ft. Smith
McCulloch joins California Legion as its leader (4-1-1), then moves via rail and boat towards Dallas (just past Shreveport) ... hoping for the Sam Houston event! California Legion is: Bartow's Bde, 1st SC Bde, GA arty, CSA arty, supply train, with GA cav coming along behind (to Jackson MS). PWR=160 w/out the cav
Norfolk Guns to Richmond (Siege arty, Howard's arty, supplies)
Suffolk militia stays in Norfolk for now.
Winchester Militia - blow rails in Allegany and head to Hampshire WV in hidey-hole mode
Set front line single Militia to green/green
Galveston brig in hide mode to Gulf blockade box, Charleston one to Atlantic
War Bonds 8%
Exceptional Taxes
$1000 volunteers (no mobilization as per house rules)
Cotton Embargo (to get closer to 105NM)

Rail = 10
2 SC 6-lb, 2 LA 6-lb, destined for fort bldg in VA unless KY invaded very soon
2 AL 12-lb, 2 GA 12-lb, ditto
3 TX rangers
2 MO militia
4 VA militia
1 FL 2-inf regiment unit
3 GA inf (all of them)
6 VA inf (all of them, although I'm always nervous about where they get placed!)
1 VA cav
2 mid-atlantic Brigs
2 gulf brigs

1 Lt arty
1 field arty

69 men
4 WS

I should fall short of 105 NM barring a very lucky combat result and VPs will drop too. However, these builds will give me a good start in establishing the front in the East and a steady stream of overseas WS. Money... that's another issue. Gotta wait until the next round on that in what, Late June?

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Ol' Choctaw
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Sun May 22, 2011 5:57 pm


so you already have played out your California Expedition by this time.

It was a good security idea to delay your reports.

Keep ‘em coming!

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Sun May 22, 2011 8:01 pm

Ol' Choctaw - let's explore the security question. Sedgwick and I agreed not to view each other's AARs until after the game. Sedgwick has also posted a thread asking me not to read. As honorable players, we respect each other's privacy - after all it is just a game and we are adults with self-control trying to have fun.

Before we started, I searched on everything I could about Sedgwick, after we started no more searches because I don't want to see his posts.

I think that commenters are cautious enough not to spoil the game - I know that my commenters have been respectful.

I post my reports as soon as I write them (at times before Sedgwick returns his TRN file). I've written about "secret operations" where the details were not revealed until later, but that was more a 'literary device' (cough, cough) for my and my readers' enjoyment.

Just my opinion on gameplay and opponents...

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Late May 1861

Tue May 24, 2011 2:10 pm

TURN 4 Late May 1861

USA NM = 88
CSA NM = 101
Foreign Help = -8
USA Combat losses = 120
CSA Combat losses = 510
USA VP = 96
CSA VP = 96
USA VP per turn = 35
CSA VP per turn = 50
Rail = 139
River = 54

Union Total Blockade
Economic Sunshine!
Inflation at 3%
I ended up with most of my VA builds in Richmond, but the 1st Cav is in lightly defended Winchester and Campbell’s Bde is in otherwise undefended Hampton. These are vulnerable, as they are not easily reinforceable.
Lots of USA ships in Northern shipping boxes now.

CSA lost Manassas (two phases) – Union Force of about 1100 elite infantry destroyed Manassas Militia 120 men. The bullies!

Results of Move Orders:
All went as ordered, except for late-leaving ships.
Cotton Embargo did not go through. Not sure what happened, since I had the bucks. Perhaps I overspent on units and didn't leave enough, or inadvertently "unsigned" the order.

Militia blow rail in Hampshire WV and move to Winchester via Strasburg Depot
1st Res and Winder from Richmond to Fred’burg.
Bookers Mil. from Lynchburg to Fred’burg.
1st GA Cav from Jackson MS to Ft Smith AR
Corinth militia from Ft Smith to Fairmont IT in hide mode
California Legion (PWR=150) ordered to Tucson via Dallas (10 days to Dallas, 30 to Tucson). I’ll revoke 2nd stage of move if necessary.
Continue moving brigs into shipping boxes.
Moving gunboats to Memphis as they activate, preparing for Kentucky or Missouri campaigns.
Trying again on Cotton Embargo!

Replacements: Lt arty, Field arty

95 men
28 WS

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Tue May 24, 2011 5:19 pm

You ran out of money. If you notice, you have like $145k or $140k in the bank. The game almost always cuts out the embargo if you run out of money. The pre turn resolution is an estimate of the amount of $/CS/WS you will get, and end the turn with. Sometimes it is off by a little.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Tue May 24, 2011 7:33 pm

Thanks, I may have run it down to a dollar or so left. I should have listened to the game, which was trying to tell me "Don't invest in the embargo!" given the results!

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Turn 5

Wed May 25, 2011 2:30 pm

TURN 5 Early June 1861

USA NM = 89
CSA NM = 101
Foreign Help = 6
USA Combat losses = 120
CSA Combat losses = 510
USA VP = 131
CSA VP = 151
USA VP per turn = 35
CSA VP per turn = 51
Rail = 164
River = 66

1. Cotton Embargo, +14 (which cancels out USA's total blockade from previous turn)
2. Lincoln's Inaugural Address - I presume this makes it less likely KY will secede. Dang!
3. St. Louis Massacre
4. the other usual leaders, etc.
5. Banks and McCall with USMC and ?? sitting outside of Manassas.


Results of Move Orders:
Went as ordered. Got good weather in West, so am moving into Southwest from Dallas, with arrival set at 19 days. Tempted to force march .... but won't, as I don't want loss of power.

Sibley joins California Legion, which brings power up to 166
CA Legion is 19 days away from Tucson. Supply wagon is down to 60/80, but a second one is due there in 16 days. I expect I'll get one good attack against 2 US Cav units there are there. After that, it's pullout and move toward Fayetteville. If I succeed, it's on to Frisco! Hippie chicks, woot!
1st GA cav from Ft Smith to take Ft. Gibson IT, I hope. They'll either help Price or follow into Tucson.
Lyons always kicks Price, so I'm leaving him just over the border into MO, but not to Springfield. He'll retreat back to Fayetteville at the first sign of trouble. He's being sent to MO to add his bonus to the free unit possibility.
Rolla militia: blow depot

Shurz and 1 cav moved into Louisa, so I moved my new Fulkerson's Bde with GW Smith to fight him, or clean up the cut rails.
Moved Floyd West, to occupy a spot and mebbe go scout.
Magruder and his force to C'ville. Go Hoos! This means that the peninsula is very nearly empty. I'll reinforce it later if I can, otherwise Richmond must be the rock on which their ship breaks.
Moved the newly formed and under strength 1st VA Cav from Winchester to Manassas in hidey mode in order to blow rail next turn. Should be safe unless he gets a free stack to move in there.
In the East, moved militia around to garrison all VA cities

moved an AL inf (Colquitt) into Nashville
other inf units raised last turn moving toward VA

6 VA Militia
6 MO Militia
1 of each type of NC Inf (2 total)
Replacements: 1 Elite Inf, 1 lt arty, 1 field arty

36 men
59 WS
Drafts and Money next turn!

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Turn 6 Late June 1861

Thu May 26, 2011 9:00 pm

TURN 6 Late June 1861

USA NM = 90
CSA NM = 101
Foreign Help = 7
USA Combat losses = 240
CSA Combat losses = 990
USA VP = 168
CSA VP = 202
USA VP per turn = 35
CSA VP per turn = 51
Inflation = 3%
Rail = 169
River = 70

News: no big news
1. I will get 8% bonds, but wait until next turn for drafts and taxes in order to get NM over 105, I hope. Big battles are a-brewin'!
2. Cotton Embargo (again. already. we really mean it this time! no cotton for you! etc)

CSA lost Battle of Rolla MO (2 phases) my two militia (one was just raised) was wiped out by Asboth's miliita, arty, and 2 Inf. The 4 units are now in the city.
CSA also lost their Frigate to bombardment from Ft. Monroe, even though it was on hidey mode.

Results of Move Orders:
A few surprises.
1.The California Legion completed its move to Tucson - and in good order. Even got more supplies in the wagon! The units were set on defense, so the USA escaped battle, but I was surprised it was even an option! So I'm sitting there with PWR 171 facing two cav outside the city at PWR 55. I like my chances to take the Strategic City. I note that Frisco has been reinforced, but can't tell exactly with what.
2. The Stack Brigade followed Price into MO. Not sure what happened there, as it was supposed to stay at Fayetteville. Maybe they thought it was a beer run!
3. The VA 1st cav retreated south out of Manassas so I didn't get to cut the rail.
4. USA has sent a large force to Ft. Monroe: about PWR=400.
5. Cairo also reinforced. PWR = unk, but Wallace's bde plus two more and the garrison.
6. Sigel ("I fight mit Sigel!") has 3 of my weak new militia besieged in Jefferson City. I hope they can last at least one more turn! This is a bit like the Russians throwing infantry in front of the Panzers in WWII. But I digress ...
7. McDowell sits hulking in Alexandria. Probably in Old Town in a bar .... We've secretly offered to pick up the tab if it'll help him drink more. We recommend bourbon, of course.

1. McCulloch is active, so Assault is on in Tucson! Second supply on its way in too.
2. TX Rngr to Laredo to capture it.
3. TX Rngr north for later raiding.
4. TX Rngr east to eventually be in Kentucky or WV.
5. GA cav from Ft. Gibson to Ft Smith, which is currently "nekkid"! 3rd US Cav appeared to take Cherokees back. Enjoy it, while you can.
6. No sign of Lyons. A bit nerve wracking. Price will move forward to Springfield where another militia has appeared. That's 4 altogether for him but a low PWR rating of around 60 when they all combine.

1. Bushrod Johnson is entrusted with the defense of the peninsula. From Richmond, 4 inf bdes and supply with PWR=255, plus a separate move of the only spare arty, the siege guns (with a inf bde escort). In one of those game oddities, if i combined them it took 18 days to get to Williamsburg, but 14 and 13 respectively if sent separately. Fine with me. Separate checks, please!
2. Lots of considerations about where I might move Jackson or the Army, but ultimately I moved the Army of the Shen. with Jackson into Winchester. On defense, at least for now. PWR=367. Stripped a lt arty and sent it to C'ville.
3. Longstreet is stripped from Army of the Potomac and sent to help entrench and defend Fredericksburg. This puts about PWR 260 there behind the river, but without any arty yet. If Dudosh doesn't come take it, my line may be much shorter = Fred'burg to C'ville with forts at both.
4. Army of Potomac sits in Richmond at PWR=745 in reserve. I am aware at some point, the Liberal Yankee Press will require an attack on Richmond, so I don't want it to be an easy one.

1. 2 gunboats and a transport (which might be used to build depot) from Memphis to Cape G to block crossing.
2. Memphis Force ( a cav and a bde) to Charleston MO to oppose any crossing. I get there in 11 days .. hope that's soon enough. I'm sure Dudosh has a new force in St. Louis. Will it go South to Charleston, or SW to Springfield or be split?

3 SC 6-lb arty
2 LA 6-lb arty
3 NC 12-lb arty
3 NC 10-lb arty
2 TX Rngrs
1 Medical
1 Signal
Replacements=2 Elite Inf, 1 Lt Inf, 2 Lt arty, 2 field arty,

2 men
35 WS

Commentary: you may notice I build a lot of artillery. In part, it's what's available to me since my conscripts are low for now, but also it's something the CSA is almost always behind on. Plus, they're used to build forts which make defense much better.

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Turn 7 Early July 1861

Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 pm

TURN 7 Early July 1861

USA NM = 92
CSA NM = 104
Foreign Help = -14
USA Combat losses = 570
CSA Combat losses = 1530
USA VP = 204
CSA VP = 183
USA VP per turn = 34
CSA VP per turn = 52
Rail = 188
River = 81
Inflation = 5%

Lincoln's Call for Volunteers
Cotton Embargo Backfires! -23 to Brits. Perfidious Albion! A nation of shopkeepers!
3 ironclads laid down as per usual
Lyons ported from St. Louis to New York!

Charleston MO (defended by a forming militia unit with 30 men) falls to a weak union force. Another wiped unit. My gunboats got there a day late and my occupation force 2 days late. Do I land anyway (I'm two days away on boats)?
Norfolk landed 20 hits on USA fleet.

Results of Move Orders:
1. As expected, except for the Charleston move (see battles).
2. A large union force is in the James, being followed by numerous smaller ones from the Chesapeake. Where will he land, and when?

1. $1000 bounty Draft
2. Exceptional Taxes
Didn't reach 105 morale (a long shot really, since I needed a big win in Tucson or elsewhere and there were no big battles). So now I'm down on the income this turn because VPs are lower and lose another NM point. But, big reinforcements, which of course I really need.
3. The four scouting squadrons are finished and sent to sea. This will put me at 5 in the Atlantic and 4 in the Gulf, and give that little boost that the CSA badly needs. The fifth one in the Gulf will come from scheduled reinforcements. So far, he's leaving them alone. Small fish?

1. All four 12-lb arty that I built way back when will move to Richmond, barring any interference. They should start next turn there for either defense or fort building. If Dudosh assaults Richmond directly - and he might as there is no Lee penalty for him yet - it'll be close. Hopefully, he'll land and prep first, giving me time to finish the fort.
2. Thanks to replacements, Johnston's army is up to PWR=436, so I'm assaulting Harper's Ferry which is very lightly defended. Am I taking the bait? No doubt this will be the turn that McDowell is loosed!
3. Several arriving inf bdes being sent to Huger in Petersburg which seems a likely target for the invasion force in James.
4. Johnson has arrived in Williamsburg where he will sit until the invasion force lands.
5. Moving some cav to Rockbridge, the last know location of Schurz according to battle reports.
6. Buchanan runs the gauntlet in hide mode towards Charleston. He's of no use in the East where he'll just get sunk. Richmond gunboats making same run.

1. It's hot in Tucson and we're all very thirsty (we took 10 hits from bad weather). We hear they make really good wine in California. Gawd almighty, it's a long way! 59 days! Four turns, and that's with the current Fair weather in both zones. At 16 supplies a turn, and with 32 on the units and 68 on the wagon, I get 6 turns and maybe 2-3 battles. It's a long shot, but fun. My scouting Tx Rangers will give me a full report, but it looks like there is only one unit outside the city, a militia. Big garrison indoors. Nearest reinforcements in the Rockies with Sumner. They probably match me, based on my recollection of Union forces around the area, but they have to move to CA too, and I'm betting they don't have supply wagons.
2. My spare Tucson wagon is sent to Dallas to replenish. I should have researched the feasibility of depots way out here. If I build one in Tucson, it won't be connected, so I'd have to build 'em in Beaumont and Henderson to link up to there, and then mebbe another in Tucson? Seems pricey, even if I can build a cheap one in Beaumont with a Riverine Transport .. I'd have to defend 'em too .. hmmm....
3. My three militia units PWR 35 in Jefferson City got to build up, but they're besieged and Asboth is pulling out of Rolla, so I'm beating the heck outta Dodge. Well, no, that's in Kansas, but you get it. Maybe they'll make it if they can sneak past the PWR 58 Sigel. So it's an 11 day run to Springfield in full hide mode. Blow the rail and blow town! Good luck boys!

1. Used my once-per-turn-teleport-for-new-leaders to put Pope in the Charleston MO region. He's active, but gets no bonuses this turn. My offloading troops are set to attack. I need some luck here. The good kind.
2. Sending a transport to Beaumont. Just in case. (see West orders). Also sending a "spare" supply to Henderson TX. Might as well try it. Can always pull it back or send it to MO.

Units= 3 "heavy" VA inf
1 "heavy" TN inf
1 SC 6-lb.
Replacements=arty, 2 of each including Hvy.

100 men
7 WS

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TURN 8 Late July

Mon May 30, 2011 7:10 pm

TURN 8 Late July

USA NM = 93
CSA NM = 103
Foreign Help = -27
USA Combat losses = 1200
CSA Combat losses = 1860
USA VP = 253
CSA VP = 236
USA VP per turn = 34
CSA VP per turn = 53
Rail = 180
River =80
Inflation = 7%

Total Blockade, -14 British. At this rate, I'll be lucky if they don't declare war on ME!
Railway accident
free replacements

1. CSA lost Battle of Charleston MO
one of those odd ones where we both lost: 338 men and 153 horses. I got bumped one region west, but units are in pretty good shape.
2. The Guns of Navarone, er, I mean Ft. Monroe, wiped out my attempted run of the ironclad AND the gunboat. Both were on full hide mode, and I've done this against the AI before, so either I got unlucky or there's something about naval movement I don't know. Buchanan recuperating near the front. (Why do they always do that?)
3. The Huntress squadron was sunk at sea as well.
4. CSA won the Battle of Harper's Ferry. Johnston seniority to 4. I lost 0 and he lost a 300 man militia unit.

Results of Move Orders:
1. California Legion is still 49 days away, which means we only moved 10 days worth. Fair weather too. :( On the positive side, my supplies there actually went up! However, he's somehow reinforced it with enough units that it might be bigger than mine. No leader it appears and no supply wagon either.
2. USA sent 4 gunboats to Cape Gir. and booted me out. No damage.
3. The three militia escaped unscathed from the Jefferson City siege all the way to Springfield. They're even in full order.
4. Failed to find Schutz's Cav three times in Lexington, Montgomery and Florence VA, with a nasty 3%, 0% and 0% chance. My three cav apparently went the wrong way. Can't target him because I can't see him. At least he's stopped blowing the rail.
5. USA's Hamilton is now sitting across from Harper's Ferry with PWR~460.


1. Building a Fort in Richmond with 4 12-lb and Huger's Supply.
2. Sending another 12-lb there too.
3. Sending Smith's 2 cavs all up and down the raillines looking for Schurz. I'm a 5 detect now, and am retracing steps to find him. In offensive mode.
4. Johnston is blowing the Harper's Depot and rail but sitting there. His Cav is sent to Clarke to scout Manassas.
5. 6-lb artys still on way to C'ville and should arrive this turn. At this point, they'll be moved on to F'burg.

1. continue to CA
2. TX rngr into IT


1. Supply unit and inf bde from Memphis to Charleston MO
2. 4 Gunboats from Memphis to Reelfoot lake, making the total there 6

1. TX rngr
2. 2 TN Inf (2 inf, 1 12 lb kind)
3. TX Inf (2 inf, sharpshooter kind)
4. LA 6-lb arty

54 men
31 WS

Commentary: The waiting is tense. I've declined to jump out several times for fear that McDowell will come forth and wipe me out. Hard to find a place where I can get any quick victory and/or territory, short of invading KY which just came available this turn. I still decline. Sooner or later, Dudosh will have to make his move on Richmond. I want to be ready.
I'm short a brig (or two?) in Atlantic.

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Ol' Choctaw
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Mon May 30, 2011 10:09 pm

What are your command penalties on your group headed to California?

It may move faster is you cut out the excess units and have them move independently until you are within a turn of getting there any way.

Of course you are already there by the time you posted this so it is a trick to try some other time.

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Tue May 31, 2011 1:40 am

I thought of doing that, but I was nervous about showing up piecemeal in the (unlikely) event that Frisco was set on Offense, or that he decided he would try that once some of my units DID arrive. Even a Texas Ranger in perfect weather can't get there in one turn. Maybe I could have cut it to 3 turns, but without the artillery. It's a tough go.

However, you'll have to stay tuned to see what happens!

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TURN 9 Early August

Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:22 pm

TURN 9 Early August

USA NM = 97
CSA NM = 110
Foreign Help = -25
USA Combat losses = 2550
CSA Combat losses = 5821
USA VP = 249
CSA VP = 342
USA VP per turn = 34
CSA VP per turn = 55
Rail = 208
River = 83
Inflation 11%

News from Liverpool
Be Driven Away from the South Forever
Union Troop Buildup Increases Near Kentucky Borders
Kentucky Joins the Confederacy (!!!!!!!)
CSA Entrenchment at 4

1. Longstreet Crushed at Manassas!
Lost 2 NM on this one. Against Banks no less. So much for my superior Generals!
CSA 12000 men, 2700 horses, 40 guns vs 16300 men, 1800 horses, 80 guns
Losses: CSA 3750 men, 800 horses vs 1170 men
USA even took 200 prisoners. I had 8 routs to his 1. Two of Longstreet components were destroyed in pursuit.
Longstreet's unit took nearly all the casualities - Johnston's were at full strength at the end of the battle. They were both timed to get there in 11 days, and they both did, but the battle was apparently lost early with Longstreet. I still like him though!
Combat value was CSA 608 vs union 581, and I won the "luck" roll by 5 so it must have been the entrenchments because all his units had the "favorable ground." So, my first lesson that defense is better than offense and that you better have at least 2:1. You'd think I'd have learned that already. At least there were no penalties to my generals, and Dudosh had not moved anyone, even to take Harper's Ferry.


2. Some cav vs cav skirmishes in IT. I lost 'em, but units are ok. He actually came out of Cherokee land and ended up fighting only one of my Cavs. Price showed up late, fought by himself and was injured! Now in Panther, AR recovering for 4 turns. What a fiasco.
3. Very small battle at Charleston MO (I was on defense), resulting in a draw.
4. Overall, I lost a lot more troops than Dudosh, which is not sustainable for the CSA. Still, I have to look for places to attack and can't sit back passively while he builds up and overruns me, even if it's bound to happen sooner or later - unless CSA moves to take big cities, which I had already decided not to try.

Results of Move Orders:
1. Johnston and Longstreet both made it to the Manassas battle and both retreated to different regions: Longstreet to Stafford, Johnston to Culpepper.
2. All ingredients needed for a fort at C'ville are present. Shall I move them to F'burg?
3. Farragut and three transports are sitting in the upper James River practically on top of Richmond. Davis says "We shall fight them on the beaches. We shall fight them on the parapets. We shall fight them in the streets. We will nevah surrendah!" I can't believe he'll attack next turn, as that's when Lee shows up.
4. Dahlgren and two transports still sits in James Estuary.
5. 1st Battery of KS Lt Arty has shown up all by itself in Tucson! My Cal Legion is there in the city.
6. The Tx Rnrs in Frisco have reported Sumner, with many units and PWR of 310 PLUS the California Batteries of another 250, sitting outside the city, but with no supply unit. I never attacked - did simply entering the region release the garrison?! Time for the Rangers to leave.
7. Humphreys sits across from Louisville with 2 Regulars and 5 Irregulars. I assume this is what helped to prompt Kentucky's secession. There're also 3 unknown units in Cincy, a regular with an arty and two supplies in Evansville Keyes with 15 movable units worth PWR=670 at least. Nothing much between them and Paducah or Bowling Green but open water. McClellan and a very large force also sits in St. Louis. My only real hope here is that they all fail to get their command roll, because if they do, they'll conquer Kentucky in a turn.
8. Schurz's cav has cut the Sussex rail. He never showed up on the replay. Why hasn't he starved? If I send units north, in three turns they're without any supply.
9. MO built its Inf bde in undefended Jefferson City. Smart move. Maybe Dudosh's inactivity will pay off!

1. Build depots in Beaumont and Henderson which will, if I understand the supply rules and who does, ahem, will supply Tucson, which is three regions from Henderson.
2. moving cav around - back to towns to heal and rngrs north; had to send 1 ranger to Laredo, and the stupid Texans picked that town to build last turn's inf unit in! With the arty one region away, can't risk it.
3. Pulling out the spare supply unit.
4. California Legion is outside town to fight the union arty. Is anything else coming too? I doubt it - no supply unit.

1. Magruder's entire force to F'burg. I'll build the next fort there. Johnston is protecting C'ville for now.
2. Gen. Whiting towards KY.
3. various reinforcement from south move north. I'm piling up arty in Petersburg to bombard his fleet.
4. Gen. Smith continues to chase Schurz, who now is getting Mosby's reputation.
5. Blow the Strasburg depot. No one is in the valley, and I'm not leaving it for Dudosh.
6. Longstreet to Richmond for R&R and a lecture.

1. Nashville, Humboldt units to Paducah, in hopes of storming it before Union arrives. Inf, 2 cav, 2 millitia
2. Nashville boats to Decaturville. Trying to avoid Union boats and prepare a depot on the Tenn. River later.
3. CSA fleet of 8 gunboats move to Cape G to fight Foote and 4 gunboats and 2 transports. Foote is formidable, but I need to disrupt his KY plans somehow.
4. Polk to assault Charleston. PWR 127 vs 50, if it ain't lying.
5. TN partisan to Prestonsburg KY in ambush mode.
6. TX rngr from east of Knoxville TN to Lexington KY also in ambush mode. Man, those guys move! He had 3 days to spare.

Units=10 KY militia, 2 TN inf., 4 TN 10-lb, 1 LA 6-lb, 1 VA columbiad, 2 VA inf, 1 MO cav, 1 KY cav
Replacements= 2 line inf, 2 cav

24 men
17 WS

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TURN 10 Late August 1861

Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:58 pm

TURN 10 Late August 1861

USA NM = 97
CSA NM = 110
Foreign Help = -23
USA Combat losses = 3520
CSA Combat losses = 6394
USA VP = 288
CSA VP = 398
USA VP per turn = 37
CSA VP per turn = 55
POWs = 400
Rail = 221
River = 82
Inflation = 11%

Commissioners Sent to Europe +2 Foreign
Five New Generals
Supply Steamer Capture +5 WS

1. Battle of Cape Girardeau - CSA Victory
Wow, our gunboats beat 5-5-4 Foote! Pwr 60 vs union 57, i took 4 hits, he took 10, Losses: CSA 32 men/4 cannon; USA 102 men, 10 cannon. +80 NM.
2. Battle of Paducah - CSA Victory. CSA Power 42 vs USA 14. CSA Losses 30 men/30 horse, USA Losses 276 Men. They routed.
CSA also won a follow up battle, in which the remaining 180 USA troops were captured. CSA lost zip and took the city.
3. Battle of Lexington KY - USA victory. USA PWR 130 vs 14. CSA took 14 hits, USA 10; CSA Losses = 490 of 600. USA Losses = 307, 61 horses of 7201/600. His elements present = 7 militia, 4 light inf, 2 conscript line inf, 1 cav, 1 line inf. He took 900 pows. In a follow up "stalemate" battle, CSA lost 76 men to union's 123. He did not take the city. My newly arrived Tx Rngrs got caught up in this battle and were destroyed in pursuit. All that way for nada!
4. Polk takes Charleston MO when union runs away.

Results of Move Orders:
1. Boxes now both have 4 ships each. Result: $6 21 WS. Yummy!
2. Union occupied Louisville.
3. Strasburg unit successfully blew the depot and skedaddled. Because we had decided to abandoned the place, the Powers That Be decided to build a new VA inf unit there. Gah.
4. Schurz did no damage and, I presume, has finally starved to death. More likely he tried grits and choked on 'em!
5. Two of the militia in Springfield have upgraded to Conscript Line Infantry.


1. Adm. Buchanan, now well again, has been sent west to run the riverboat campaign.
2. Jackson leaves Johnston and heads to Winchester.
3. other units move toward front
4. Gen. Smith and his 3 cav to Albemarle.

Phifer's bde from Laredo to Tucson.
TX Rngrs causing mischief, including trying to retake Cherokee. Another one is moving East again.

1. Remnants of Lexington KY militia will attempted to retreat south.
2. Mtd. Partisans into Indiana.
3. Gen. Whiting to Bowling Green.
4. Militia and Inf bde from Chattnooga to Nashville
5. Prestonsburg Bushwacker into Hamilton OH

Units= 1 MO 10 lb, 1 KY Inf (the ones with the 12-lb) - these builds are part of the plan to "steal" some units out of the border states. 1 AL Columbiad for river or port defenses. 1 TX Rngr. AR skirmisher, MS skirmisher (sharpshooters)
Rail= 0
River= 0
Replacements= 2 field arty

9 men
60 WS

Commentary: I really wanted to move Jackson on to Franklin PA all the way from Culpepper VA. I could there get without moving through any federal troop areas and it's only two regions from a seemingly undefended Harrisburg. But I just couldn't risk losing him, especially with bad weather coming soon. Sigh. Would like to make Dudosh move.

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TURN 11 Early September

Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:01 am

TURN 11 Early September

USA NM = 97
CSA NM = 110
Foreign Help = -22
USA Combat losses = 3550
CSA Combat losses = 6409
USA VP = 321
CSA VP = 453
USA VP per turn = 38
CSA VP per turn = 54
POW = 400
Rail = 214
River = 81
Inflation = 11%

Hindman, Bragg, Dorn, Hardee, Johnston arrive
Texas Ranger Cav Brigade free unit arrives
An obscure West Point graduate with the memorable name of U.S. Grant reports for duty in Cairo, IL.

1. Just east of St. Louis my Bushwackers were attacked twice by a union cav unit that outnumbered them 10-1. The wackers not only survived it, they actually won the second fight. Overall we lost 15 men and took down 30. I've renamed them the Navy Seals and sent them to R&R for the week. Polk is pickin' up the tab. This was the ONLY pitched battle this turn.

Results of Move Orders:
1. California Legion (Tucson) failed to engage enemy arty with a 65% chance.
2. My Rangers, Partisan and Bushwackers are cutting every east-west rail junction from the Ohio to the Great Lakes. This will take a couple more turns, but it should pester the beejeebers (that's a Civil War era phrase, right?) outta Dudosh.
3. Two union Sharpshooters are in with Johnston's command in Culpepper. Rail cutters or something else?
4. One of the built KY units (Inf) is in Bowling Green. The other (an arty) is by itself in besieged Lexington, where outside the gates is Howe and a big force. If he doesn't take Lexington by force and kill that unit, I'll have to wonder about his sanity. Maybe he can't tell what's there?
Five other cities to build in but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
5. Fredericksburg Level 2 Fort completed with the very unfortunate name of Fort Spotsylvania. I mean, really? I'm sure its nickname with the troops is Fort Spotty Bottom.
6. Rail suddenly cut near Marion VA. No sign of a unit. Ghost Riders? Even though 30 miles of rail was wiped out, no one saw or heard a thing. Amazing.


1. Sending Smith's Cav (3 units) to chase down the sharpshooters, along with other cav in the area, all converging on C'ville in offensive mode.
2. Jackson in Winchester to Johnston in Culpepper.
3. Longstreet in Richmond to Johnston in Culpepper.
4. 3 6-lb arty from Petersburg to Charlottesville, along with a supply from Richmond. Can build a fort there next turn (1 arty is already there).
5. Since we're not allowing redeployment of support units, my Army HQ is moving from Richmond to Nashville.

1. Hardee to Springfield MO
2. Hindman to Memphis
3. Van Dorn to Hardeman TN, just SE of Covington.
4. TX Rngr from Beaumont to Vicksburg.
5. More Rngr mischief. One will try to take undefended Lawrence and St. Joseph in one turn.

1. Bragg redeployed from Tallahassee to Charleston MO. There he picks up the force and moves it to Paducah. This turn Grant shows up in Cairo and Dudosh has built a force of 22 units with a PWR=1030, compared to best stack, which would be the combined Polk-Bragg force at 340. Can't defend both spots and Paducah is worth more. Of course, what he'll PROBABLY do is redeploy Grant to Virginia.
2. Sent the 5 Memphis Gunboats in offensive mode to the Mississippi Confluent to slow or stop any movement through there to Paducah or points south. Of course, he can move straight towards Memphis and there's only Island 10's guns to ding him. If he does, Memphis is his.
3. Scouting Squadron to Gulf Box. 5th one there.
4. Two Cape G gunboats to Nashville to resupply and refit.
5. Dumping a LA 6-lb off a riverboat into Memphis.
6. TX ranger off a riverboat moving to just south of Humboldt TN.

Units= 3 SC 6-lb, 1 LA 6-lb, TN 20-lb, TN 10-lb - All destined for Kentucky/Tennessee.
Rail= 50
River= 10
Replacements=2 Line Inf

11 men
52 WS

Commentary: With Grant showing up this turn, and with obscenely large armies, I think I can expect activity at long last from Dudosh. Will it be in the center or in the east?

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TURN 12 Late September 1861

Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:04 am

TURN 12 Late September 1861

USA NM = 97
CSA NM = 110
Foreign Help = -20
USA Combat losses = 3570
CSA Combat losses = 6499
USA VP = 362
CSA VP = 507
USA VP per turn = 38
CSA VP per turn = 54
POW = 400
Rail = 256
River = 90
Inflation = 11%

1. CSA Generals may now form divisions.
2. Grant is sitting in Cairo, in charge of 27 units with PWR = 1023. Also in the region is Halleck with 135 PWR
3. I see the Union is sending 2 artillery units south by Delaware. Siege guns?
4. Fort Spotsylvania (aka Fort Spotty Bottom) completed in F’burg. Funny, it told me that last turn too?! I guess now it’s REALLY completed.

1. Union did not assault Lexington. I guess my PWR=1 forming artillery was too intimidating.
2. Two union cav wiped out my mtd partisan in Clay IN. Beats me how he can track me down, but I don’t even see his raider units. I’m on double-green and evade. What else is there? LOL.

Results of Move Orders:
1. $23 and 3 WS from runners.
2. My spare Supply unit moving from Richmond to C’ville did not move. Guess I botched the order.

Orders: Forming divisions all over, 11 in total.

1. Jackson forms division, stays in his area but goes on Offensive to take out the Sharpshooters.
2. Smith forms 5-cav division, moves to take out SStrs.
3. Magruder forms division in Fort Spotty Bottom. Winder leaves to go to C’ville.
4. Move the supply unit from Richmond to C’ville. Fort then ready to build.
5. Gen. Johnson in Williamsburg forms division.
6. Holmes and Bonham form divisions in Richmond. Zollicoffer moves to Culpepper to assist Johnston’s army with command.
7. Huger in Petersburg forms division.
8. Gathering militia units to be trained by Cooper while he’s here. He’s already converted two.
9. Gen. Ruggles from F’burg to Norfolk.

1. California Legion becomes Arizona Division. Sibley splits off and heads towards Memphis.
2. Hardee forms division in Springfield.

1. Gunboats return to Memphis for resupply and refit and to pick up Buchanan.
2. Hindman continue move, now to Nashville to form a division under Johnston.
3. Bragg forms a division under Polk (higher power with them in same stack).
4. Van Dorn to Paducah to join Cav there.
5. Paducah has two 6-lb arty there already, with another in Memphis and another on the way to Memphis. If I get the chance, I’ll build a fort with them in Paducah.
6. Moved some militia (renamed after my local home town!) into Island #10, named after the beautiful Indian Princess #10 of the Numerical Tribe.

Units= none
Rail= 0
River= 0
Replacements= 1 inf, 1 skirm, 1 raider, 1 field arty

12 men
58 WS

Commentary: Will Grant be loosed or is he drinking again?

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TURN 13 Early October 1861

Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:11 am

TURN 13 Early October 1861

USA NM = 98
CSA NM = 110
Foreign Help = -18
USA Combat losses = 3690
CSA Combat losses = 7678
USA VP = 410
CSA VP = 561
USA VP per turn = 39
CSA VP per turn = 53
POW = 400
Rail = 248
River = 89
Inflation = 11%

Grant Attacks! Grant comes out of Cairo with a large gunboat fleet, sweeps aside my 6 defending gunboats, sails to Island 10 and pounces on its defenders, which had been recently reinforced. See Battles for results.
Frankly, Grant can go wherever he likes from Island 10: Memphis, Paducah, Nashville, Bowling Green, but Dudosh has already told me he’s headed to Memphis. I expect Vicksburg will go the turn after. Do I strip all defenses from Paducah, Nashville, and Bowling Green to go to Memphis? To Vicksburg? To Cairo and points north? To Louisville? With Winter coming soon?

1. Lexington (and its PWR=1 artillery) falls to an assault. (polite golf clap)
2. CSA chases sharpshooters out of Culpepper. They retreat before combat. How they do that against 5 cav, I’ll never know. Those are fast runners!
3. CSA, USA Troops Walk on Water! This one is funny. I sent two militia to Island 10 via boats. They met Grant's whole force, also on boats. This resulted in the Battle of Reelfoot Lake, with my two militia against all of Grant’s force...fighting IN THE WATER. We retreated, taking 584 losses of 870, but we survived it.
4. Battle of Island #10. USA victory. PWR 176 vs 719, so that was quite an invasion penalty for Grant, as his value in the Reelfoot battle was 1164, and his value in Cairo the previous turn was over 2000. My PWR was 176. CSA losses=615 of 1020, 16 cannons; USA losses = 123 of 16196 men, 72 cannons. I think those Yankees slipped off the boats and drowned, because we skedaddled and sure didn't shoot 'em. USA captured the guns. I’m amazed I survived at all. No surrenders! I have no idea why the guns never fired on the boats. I tried turn after turn to press the “bombard passing ships” button, and it was never there to permit me to do so. Very disappointing. [This was subsequently cleared up in the forums to my satisfaction.] Grant’s PWR after the battle (sitting in Island #10) is 1025, which while very large is at least manageable. Based on the change in union NM and VPs, it looks like they got 1NM and 10 extra VPs for winning.

Results of Move Orders:
Let’s review the situation in the Midwest.
1. Paducah: Polk, Bragg, Van Dorn and PWR=554
2. Nashville: Johnston, Hindman and PWR = 387, a forming arty, 2 gunboats
3. Bowling Green: Whiting, PWR = 217, plus 37 in locked forces.
4. Memphis: Buchanan (the admiral, who might be an excellent combat leader if the game will let him – he’s a 4-3-2), PWR = 20 arty, PWR = 56 garrison and the unfinished USS Arkansas (the presence of this unit and the value of Memphis is why I think Dudosh will head here). The tiny (27) battery is at least set up to bombard, as are the other arty.
5. Misc mobile units in the area: Cav and militia with PWR = 92
6. TOTAL possible PWR that can be sent to Memphis by stripping everything else: 1326…if it can all get there on time. I presume Grant will move by boat to Memphis, a 4 day trip, assuming landing takes 1 day. He might sit one turn first and regain cohesion, although I don’t know that is much of a problem for him. Dudosh is very methodical and paced, so I am betting he’ll sit one turn.


1. Release Jackson’s Division to the Midwest.
Here’s the dispositions:
2. Culpepper: Johnston (PWR=553) entrenched at 3 (but with Longstreet); Smith with 225 Cav
3. F’burg: Magruder (381) entrenched at 4, with (63) inside the fort
4. Richmond: Bory (1109) entrenched at 4, Cooper (76) with 5 militia inside the fort at entrenched 4; garrison (44) – btw, the cannon won’t target the adjacent ships.
5. C’ville: Winder, garrison (204) inside at 4 entrenched; fort 25 days away.
6. Williamsburg: Johnson (408) entrenched at 4
7. Norfolk: Ruggles (192) inside, entr=4.
8. Various garrisons

10-lb arty and Price to Ft. Smith AR. (arty previously released from Arizona Division, Price now healed in Panther).

1. Moving most everything to Memphis. Paducah, Nashville and Bowling Green are all very lightly defended.
2. Partisan cutting last E-W railway between Chicago and Michigan City and then heading south. Dudosh is making little effort to clean up rail cuts. I guess he has a plan as he must have experienced this many times.

Units= 1 KY militia, 1 VA 20-lb arty, 2 TN 20-lb arty, 2 Gunboats in SW
Rail= 0
River= 0
Replacements= 1 inf

17 men
84 WS

Commentary: Big doings in Tennessee!

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TURN 14 Late October 1861

Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:15 am

TURN 14 Late October 1861

USA NM = 98
CSA NM = 111
Foreign Help = -18
USA Combat losses = 3750
CSA Combat losses = 7693
USA VP = 419
CSA VP = 614
USA VP per turn = 39
CSA VP per turn = 53
POW = 400
Rail = 241
River = 88
Inflation = 11%

1. Alliance with Native Americans (Really? in 1861 it was "Indians.")
2. Cooper Retires (We hardly knew ye!)
3. Election Day in the South +1 NM (the poll at Island #10 was closed due to voting irregularities… Lincoln apparently carried the precinct!)
4. Stewart shows up in Nashville.

1. $21 and 7 WS from runners. (not sure why this always appears in Battle Report.)
2. A tiny skirmish at Alton IL on day 7. Later generations can build monuments over it. Someone will write his Ph.D. thesis on it. Draw. CSA lost 15 men, USA lost 30 men and 30 horses. Three days later (having restocked the beer supply) they did it again: CSA victory! CSA lost 0, USA lost the same 30 men and horses. Well, not the same. You get it.
3. Johnston stared so hard in Grant's direction he got the "Heart Dropsies." You know, that's when "You drop down and you just ain't got the heart to get up." Okay, I made this one up, but it shoulda happened. That'd be a great event.

Results of Move Orders:
1. Everyone gathered at Memphis as ordered. Johnston formed the Army of the Mississippi too. PWR=1136. Van Dorn there too, PWR=94 until I made a Division out of him. Then it went down to 89. Strange. Buchanan there with CSA Arkansas and 6 gunboats badly in need of R&R. PWR = 115 Also a stack of 4 6-lbs and a supply unit. Guess what that's for!?!


adjusting units, create two more divisions, shuffling militia into garrisons

Cherokee Tribe to Englewood IT. Ranger mischief. Pretty soon there's going to be more cut rail than working rail, I hope!

1. Johnston at Memphis and sitting there. If Grant comes down river, so be it. If he moves elsewhere, I'll try to get there via rail to fight him.
2. Van Dorn’s cav division (PWR=92) in Memphis and other Cav screening across the regions from Dyer to Henry, TN.
3. Artillery moves north into Nashville, Memphis and Bowling Green.
4. Jackson to Nashville.
5. 4 partisan/ranger units in Illinois. BOOM!

Units= TN 20-lb arty
Replacements=3 Inf

16 men
77 WS

Commentary: Initiative in Midwest is clearly with Grant. However, I’m devising a plan to take it back - more on that later. I can't get to him in Island #10. Will he sail down the river to Memphis or try something else? I've given him many juicy targets! East is currently a stalemate. I'm about to build my fourth fort in Petersburg. Snow is in SC, NC, and VA in the lowlands (must be global warming) and in the northern half of the Midwest states. Soon, winter everywhere. Wouldn't be a shame if Grant's boys got a case of the Southern Trots?

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TURN 15 Early November 1861

Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:19 am

TURN 15 Early November 1861

USA NM = 104 (+6 in one turn!)
CSA NM = 111
Foreign Help = -18
USA Combat losses = 4650
CSA Combat losses = 8293
USA VP = 494 (+75 in one turn)
CSA VP = 667
USA VP per turn = 39
CSA VP per turn = 53
POW = 300
Rail = 282
River = 87
Inflation = 11%

Fort Nelson completed in C’ville.
4 6-lb arty in Petersburg, but no supply for a possible fort there.
11 days to completed of Forth Memphis.
Grant sits in Island #10.

1. Only one land battle, but it was a doozy:
USA Takes Ft. Clark in North Carolina!
Lyons leads a mixed force of 8800 men plus horse and 47 cannons and storms the fort along the Outer Banks (OBX on the bumper stickers). He lost nearly 1,000 men, but CSA casualties were 615, including 200 captured. I can’t tell if he took the batteries. He snuck up on me here – I didn’t even notice the ships last turn. Bad on me!
2. CSS Sumter sunk in Shipping box. By 6 unescorted transports no less. Embarrassing. Tsk, tsk!

Results of Move Orders:
Pretty quiet elsewhere (except Ft. Clark)

1. With the fort finished in C’ville and it being still well behind the front, I’m pulling Winder’s Division out to send south to respond to Lyons. Winder gets to New Berne in 11 days. This helps protect Goldsboro, a vulnerable rail link and supply depot. It may be a close call on the timing, but I’m betting Lyons is low on cohesion.
2. Huger leaves a well-entrenched garrison in and out of Petersburg and his division moves to Garysburg (only 2 days away), which is the most logical target for Lyons as it’s reachable by boat, a depot, and it's a pinch point. Winder = 268, Huger = 412.
3. Bee (leader only) to Ft. Morgan – but in 16 days. He may make it yet!
4. Semmes got caught in the blockade box and roughed up (nothing sunk). Sending 4 brigs to R&R in Wilmington.
5. One new brig, on the way to the blockade box, is instead sent into Pamlico Sound to scout on Lyons.

1a. Operation Shinhawk: A sharp-shinned hawk is a raptor that swoops down from nowhere and takes out other birds. It is a year-round resident in MO, IL, KY and TN where this operation is occurring. Jackson is my shinhawk. Van Dorn is his wingman (har, har, get it?) Jackson (with Stewart; PWR=488) moves from Nashville to Metropolis, IL by riverboat, then to Alexander, IL (Cairo). All this is in G/G evade mode, which I call full hidey mode. As we’re likely to have snow next turn, he probably won’t get that far, but all is well as long as he lands in IL.
1b. Meanwhile, Van Dorn’s cav (PWR=92), with a supply unit, rails from Memphis to Paducah and also crosses at the same place, and moves to Benton, IL, weathering permitting.
1c. In Missouri, Hardee’s Division (PWR=149) emerges from Springfield with a supply unit, and moves to Jefferson City, which is still held by the CSA. There, he will find Bowen’s Bridgade and the 1st MO cav, which will join Hardee’s division, dropping off a militia or two for the garrison instead.
1d. All these forces are heading towards St. Louis (total PWR=340), which is currently cutoff and isolated due to numerous rail cuts. It is reinforceable from Rolla (2 militia and 15th Division) by land and from Cairo (about PWR=1000) by river.
1e. So, Buchanan will emerge from Memphis NEXT turn with CSA Arkansas and 6 gunboats to challenge Foote once again, who is currently floating in the waters of Cape Girardeau.
1. Summary: Complicated? Yes. Difficult? Yes. Risky? Probably. On my side is the speed of Jackson and Van Dorn and the seeming “attack” on Cairo, which I am hoping he thinks is my target. If McClellan (in Cairo) attacks me (or Wallace or Humphreys under him which is more likely), I’m hoping to retreat and do so northwards. Both my stacks plan on moving to Hill, MO (which is CSA controlled) and then into St. Louis by land to besiege the town. Sooner or later, he’ll send units there, and then I’m outta there like lightning. If he doesn’t, I’ll try to take the city when Hardee arrives, or at least retake Rolla and defeat the forces there. Maybe you could consider this a raid in force. If he futzes around, I’ll move to Springfield, IL and Chicago, and he can chase me. I wouldn’t consider this likely, however, as Jackson must be preserved.
2. Two transports sent to Memphis from points south.

1. Hardee moves to Jefferson City as per above.
2. Stand Watie (love that name, PWR=51) moves to attack 3rd US Cav (PWR=25) which just moved into Cherokee. Defense of the tribal lands!
3. 9th Tx rangers to Rolla to scout out forces there.
4. 5th Tx rangers to north of Missouri River to cut rail.

Units=5 NC militia (maybe one will plop down in the right city!), 1 NC cav, 1 12-lb arty
Replacements= 1 Field arty

1 men
105 WS

Commentary: Will Grant finally move? Will Operation Shinhawk start off well, or by stymied by weather? Where will Lyons go?

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TURN 16 Late November 1861

Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:24 am

TURN 16 Late November 1861

USA NM = 106 (+2 this turn!)
CSA NM = 110
Foreign Help = -18
USA Combat losses = 6525
CSA Combat losses = 11294
USA VP = 547
CSA VP = 720
USA VP per turn = 39
CSA VP per turn = 53
POW = 300
Rail = 293
River = 96
Inflation = 11%

Trent Affair +1 NM
Epidemics, Mid-Atlantic
Fort Shelby (Memphis) completed.

1. First Battle of Fort Donelson – USA Victory -1 CSA NM
Grant moves by river to Ft. Donelson, passing Jackson who is also moving by river on the way and inflicting 50 hits on CSA while receiving none in return. Hard to figure, as Grant had no gunboats or even transports. I guess this is one of those “walk on water” fights you see sometimes. Jackson was in full hidey mode … but so what? Ft. Donelson had 2145 men and 16 cannons; Grant had 14397 men and 81 cannons. Losses were CSA 1286 men, 6 cannons; Grant 1045 men. 500 CSA captured by the USA. They also got the 10-lb arty. Again, no pre-battle fort bombardment due, apparently, to the “double adjacency” rule, which am I looking forward to exploit one day when I play the Union.
2. Second Battle of Ft Donelson. – USA Victory. The slim remainder of my forces were eliminated. Grant lost nothing. Grant is now 6-6-4, btw. USA got a bunch of VP I expect. Floyd is blamed and wounded, so a bad day all around for grumpy ol’ “Pink” Floyd!
3. Battle of Cairo. – USA Victory. -1 CSA NM Still not sure I understand the river crossing rules. I went from Kinsale, IL to Benton IL to Alexander IL specifically to avoid crossing a river and initiating combat (Jackson was in G/G evade mode). Apparently the little nub of a river there takes precedent over the long, unrivered regional border. Or perhaps Lil Mac was on Offensive Mode and active. Hey! It could happen! Anyway, another defeat on Jackson (two in one turn!) and he’s down to 86 PWR and blocked from any retreat path other than to Chester IL. Not sure why. Van Dorn is in Kinsale, in good order and with a supply unit, but Jackson isn’t allowed to go there. Lil Mac is still sitting in Cairo. Jackson lost 30% of his remaining men, having lost 50 hits worth (=?) earlier. He did dish out 876 casualties, to his 1752 losses. Lil Mac has 22,000+ men and 100 cannon there. The game has plotted Jackson's move to Charleston MO, but I think not. He can’t fight of course: his cohesion is down to around 15% and most of his units are at half their complement.
4. USA cav avoids combat with Stand Watie. The chief will try to catch him again this turn.
5. One small victory (not a battle). Lyons tried to march to Ft. Morgan, but I sent a brig right over his path and the replay showed him returning to Ft. Clark. This will give me a chance to reinforce Ft. Morgan I think.

Results of Move Orders:
They went through as ordered, except for the Jackson fiasco. Not his fault though!


1. Winder Division to Fort Morgan (9 days), Bee to same (1 day).
2. Zollicoffer splits from Huger in Garysville and goes to inside New Berne with 3 inf (PWR=105). Huger stays at G’ville (PWR=415)
3. Brig in Pamlico to Blockade Box.
4. Shuffling new militia around.

1. Hardee with a Supply to Vienna MO (one region east of Jeff City). I should have had the garrison there repair the rails last turn.
2. Stand Watie tries another attack on the cav at Cherokee.

1. Jackson to Potosi MO. Headed to meet up with Hardee next turn. In the meantime, I hope he “disappears” to Dudosh!
2. Van Dorn moves back across river to Paducah.
3. Army of Mississippi to Nashville by rail (10 days) and thence to Ft. Donelson by rail arriving on Day 14. I hope to catch Grant recovering or moving to Nashville. Army is PWR=1176, and so is a fair match for what I think Grant could be (somewhere slightly less than 1000 after a battle and without entrenchments). I’m set on Offensive, not Assault in case he’s inside the Fort.
4. Moving cav and rngrs around to keep an eye on Grant.
5. CSA Mississippi from New O. to Memphis.

Units= none
Rail= 30
River= 15
Replacements= 3 line inf

2 men
118 WS

1. Next turn: financials, drafts, cotton embargo, etc.
2. I’ve let the union get above 105, which is going to increase their draft and cohesion in the field. Not good.
3. On the other hand, I’m still at 110 which considering the recent defeats ain’t too bad.
4. Operation Shinhawk got wrecked by a freakish “walk on water” army fight. I just wish Jackson had returned SOME hits to Grant. BTW, Jackson could have reached the depot at Salem IL, but not Van Dorn. If they both could have, I’d have gone there, because Dudosh has no reserves that could have reached me in one turn due to rail cuts.
5. Recently I learned how to play CSA vs USA against myself (see Gray Lensman’s post on that). That is really helping me to see the limitations of each side, and I’ll take some lessons from it for the next game.
6. Next turn: results of Johnston’s move and we’ll see what happens in the OBX.

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TURN 17 Early December 1861

Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:36 pm

TURN 17 Early December 1861

USA NM = 104
CSA NM = 110
Foreign Help = -22
USA Combat losses = 8535
CSA Combat losses = 15479
USA VP = 596
CSA VP = 773
USA VP per turn = 39
CSA VP per turn = 53
POW = 300
Rail = 313
River = 110
Inflation = 10%

Economic Sunrise, -1% inflation

1. Jackson evades a fight. 70% chance. McClellan inside Cairo.
2. Van Dorn also evades at Miss. Confluent in another "walk on water" battle. He makes it to Paducah.
3. USA Takes Ft. Morgan. 507 PWR vs 104. Losses 615 men CSA, 153 men USA.
4. CSA's Army of Mississippi Routs! CSA Power 1130 vs Grant 559. Men 19350/71 cannons vs 15455/88 cannons. Losses 3526 CSA and 1875 Grant. Grant was outside fort. Battle fought in Snow, Harsh Weather. Range firing commenced at 4, which is a bit of surprise given the weather. We both had 12 lb arty and 10 lb. We both had 7 arty, but 3 of his were horse arty. I lost luck 52-50, but that's close. He dished out 116 hits, while I dished out 6-quite an advantage. 8 of my 46 units routed and they took 33 (more?) hits. The biggest differences were ground: nearly all his units benefitted plus his trench rating was 204 (not sure how that's possible as it was his first turn and he wasn't in the fort); and leaders: Grant 6-6-4 vs Johnston 4-2-1. Grant's subordinates are both 3-1-1s, CSA's are 4-0-1, 5-3-1, 4-1-1, 3-1-1, and 3-0-0. So, it was defense and leadership. I at least got there and got the battle off. If that army can't beat Grant, I don't have one that can. Is my best hope to grind him down? How can I win that battle of attrition?

Post combat PWR: CSA=710, Grant=~410

Results of Move Orders:
1. Jackson stayed put because Foote and the fleet moved to block his movement.


1. some minor militia shuffling
2. Bee to Ft. Macon

1. Stand Watie to Ft. Smith. (the 3rd cav has completely
2. Hardee moves by river from Vienna MO to Lexington MO, which has a single militia garrison.
3. Shuffle rngrs, partisans

1. Jackson (PWR=155) to Paducah
2. Army to Nashville. A 12-lb and 20-lb join them from the south.
3. 2 gunboat squads to Great Confluent (to stop Grant from moving to B.Green.)
4. Buchanan, CSS Arkansas and 4 gunboat squads and 2 transports to Obion Confluent to stop/discourage raids on Memphis.

Exceptional Taxes -1 NM +$912k
No bonds this turn-maybe next
Cotton Embargo - probably a lost cause unless I win this one and Dudosh looses on next blockade.
Volunteers $1k bonus; 279 of them.
Units= 2 hvy TN inf, 1 AL inf sharpshooter type, 1 LA inf zouve/6-lb type,
1 TX rngr
2 NC militia
1 VA cav, 1 TN Cav
1 VA columbiad arty, 2 AL 12-lb, 2 TN 20-lb
Army, medical, signal; TN supply, NC supply
Rail= 0
River= 0
Replacements= 1 raider, 2 Lt arty

43 men
69 WS

Commentary: Next turn: a wrap up of 1861’s plans.

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TURN 18 Late December 1861

Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:38 pm

TURN 18 Late December 1861

USA NM = 106
CSA NM = 109
Foreign Help = -41 forget 'em!
USA Combat losses = 9195
CSA Combat losses = 17849
USA VP = 659
CSA VP = 831
USA VP per turn = 40
CSA VP per turn = 52
POW = 300
Rail = 304
River = 109
Inflation = 11% but about to rise

Cotton Embargo, -20 I can't catch a break! lol
Trent Affair -1 NM "All is Well!" he sang as the capitol burned around him.
Smith, Jackson, Longstreet, Holmes promoted to two stars.

Fredericksburg Falls! Magruder was entrenched outside the fort. He simply ran away, and McDowell and an army that would scare Ghengis Khan crushed the relatively small fort defenders. What a pointless waste. Note to self: put ALL UNITS INSIDE THE FRICKIN' FORT OR ELSE DON"T BUILD IT. I foolishly misinterpreted the forum's advice to keep people out of structures. -2 NM

Results of Move Orders:
1. Jackson still pinned in IL. Supplies good for one last turn. Trying to get to Henderson KY
2. Quiet on OBX Front


1. Abandoning Peninsula. Johnson from Willilamsburg to Richmond.
2. Army of Potomac from Richmond to Clarke.
3. Johnston from Culpepper to Clarke. Reorganization.
4. Dispersal of new generals.

Hardee on Assault to take Lexington MO which is undefended.

Union cav at Knoxville. Sent units to repair rail and deal with it.
Polk split off and sent to Memphis.
Johnston sits in Nashville.
Lots of rngr, partisan movement.

Partial Mob
War Bonds, 8%
15 inf bdes in AL, TN, NC and VA
2 SS
11 Militia in NC, KY and VA
Rail= 0
River= 0
Replacements= 9 of various types

2 men
11 WS

I'm behind the historical confederate positions by about two months. No major victories either, which means the union is way ahead in NM. I'm hanging in at or above 105 in spite of my defeats.

Here is my evaluation of the 1861 plan:

Develop three fronts:

In the East, at least two constructed forts along the Richmond-Charlottesville axis with a depot built that will feed Covington and Christiansburg. Build a fort in Fredericksburg if possible. Generally, I will defend here but see below.
Built all these, but then failed to defend one of them correctly and lost F'burg.

In the Midwest, build forts in Bowling Green and Paducah and equip them with artillery. I don’t plan to invade Kentucky until October, if I have to at all.

Took them, but no forts built.

In the West, go after California if the cards fall right, otherwise defend Missouri. Threatening the SW also helps defend TX. More below.

Getting to CA during that time of the year - or any time - is s l o w business. But Texas and Arkansas have been left completely alone, and Missouri nearly so. This may be as much Dudosh's strategy as anything I did. I did, however, get a comment out of him about all my troop presence. I seem to have released his garrison by simply moving a Texas Ranger there to scout (I did not attack).

Build brigs early to maintain at least 5 in each blockade block. WS will be the limiting factor at first. Conscripts will be later because we’re not allowing mobilization until 1862. I’m not planning to work industrialization in first year.

Brigs worked fine, but he knocked some out so the Atlantic has not been full. Been getting good income and WS anyway.

Build up Rail/boats to improve movement and supply.

I'm not at the top, but it's working well. I almost always have 1/3 left and sometimes have 2/3 left.

Get NM to 105 asap. After that, use superior CSA activation and defense to win some battles and start improving the generals, especially Stonewall and Longstreet.

Did NM okay, but Dudosh left very few small stacks and they were well away from my units. His attacks really didn't begin until Grant showed up.

Steal as many units as possible out of Missouri and Kentucky (i.e., recruit there). In Missouri this will mean building all the militia and reinforcing it, but really looking to hold Charleston MO.

This has worked well. I lost 1 arty in Lexington, but so far have gotten everything else in both states. Have worked KY harder.

California or Bust! For this I plan to move the bulk of the Ft. Sumter assault units all the way to Vicksburg and then to Fort Smith and Tucson with two supply wagons. From there they will either head to California or turn back to help defend Missouri, depending. Polk’s units will move to Charleston MO and from there to Paducah.

Went as planned, except I didn't get to California. Kentucky seceded, which gave Polk a jump.

Build gunboats to stop long-range Union raids and river crossings on the Ohio, Mississippi and in the West.

I built a few (4?) but not nearly enough. Need more ironclads too. Union owns any river if he wants it bad enough.

Defend major ports like N.Orleans, Charleston, etc.

I've been unchallenged there so far. Have to say I've lucked into it.

Units to build: militia in MO and VA as stopgaps, artillery for making forts, the cheapest infantry in AL and FL and some of the very best infantry in VA. Brigs, as already mentioned. Replacements, which are the quickest way to “build” new units. Build some Texas units, especially if I turn toward CA. Build the TX Rangers regardless as nuisance raiders, and send three of them east of the Mississippi.

Unlike vs the AI, I get to build many more artillery vs Dudosh. Brigs got built on schedule and even added some more later. All the rest got done.

Overall play: this being my first game, I don’t plan on too many “wild rides.” I’ll be concentrating the South’s firepower under its best leaders with two “attack stacks” in the East, one in Kentucky, and hopefully, one in Missouri. I’ll pounce on the weak stacks and improve my units and generals (and hopefully NM) with wins. Otherwise, I’ll be on the defense.

I'm learning the nuance of fort defense, which I've never had to do vs Athena. It's cost me big, but I'm still in the game, even if on the defense. My attempts to go on the attack have been failures mostly, and sometimes moderately costly. No real disasters though. I did take one wild ride with Jackson, but it didn't go too far due to another nuanced rule concerning combat on rivers between infantry units. Still seems weird to me.

Dudosh doesn't play like McClellan, he plays like Grant. Buildup, pick a spot to overwhelm. Repeat. He just doesn't take any chances anywhere else, and leaves very slim pickings. Frankly, I wish he'd drink more while doing his turn. Maybe I should send him some bourbon .... hmmm........

Considering I'm one game into PBEM, I suppose I haven't been blown out yet. That's at least 5 turns away!

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TURN 19 Early January 1862

Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:40 pm

TURN 19 Early January 1862

USA NM = 101
CSA NM = 106
Foreign Help = -39
USA Combat losses = 9480
CSA Combat losses = 17864
USA VP = 596
CSA VP = 780
USA VP per turn = 40
CSA VP per turn = 52
POW = 900
Rail = 295
River = 108
Inflation = 13%

A bit better turn for the South this fortnight.
1. Lots of economic activity for both sides. USA took 8% bonds, partial mobilization, partial income tax (translating from the German here, since Dudosh's reports often show up in German on my "News"), volunteers.
2. blockade runners brought $1, 19 WS. nice.

1. My Tx Rngr unit has a union stack besieged in Rolla. Although my guy is BADLY outnumbered, he is inflicting hits on them due to the siege. Works for me!
2. I finally dropped some hits on moving union fleets: 11/6 (hits I delivered/hits he gave me back) on Farragut as he left James River; followed by 16/3 in James Estuary. No biggie compared to my earlier losses, but at least I hit him.
3. My Partisan and Tx Rngrs copped a nice move in Evansville, destroying two forming units: a SS and a Inf. I lost 15 men, they lost 45 - but actually a bit more of course!
4. Battle of Lexington MO: CSA Victory! (bet you gave up on seeing THAT headlines!). Wiped out 240 for 0 CSA losses. 200 prisoners. It's like Christmas! Hardee at seniority = 6 now. This is a depot, so I'll sit one turn to replenish, then move on.

Results of Move Orders:
1. Johnston and Bory did not move to Clarke as ordered. It was a 16-day move, but I expected to see them still heading that way with a "one day" marker. Instead they're joined at the hip in Culpepper. PWR=1893, which makes him the biggest army around. McDowell is still in F'burg (but outside the fort) and is around 1500.
2. Bushrod Johnson (what a name!) didn't get to Richmond, but is 1 day out. Lee is in Richmond with a LOT of forming units at PWR 217, so I need Bushrod in there too at 332 more.
3. Jackson escapes! He made to Henderson KY, a port that resupplied him too. Just beat the union ships there and evaded them. Cohesion has him down to 106 PWR, but his overall chances look better.
4. Lyons is loading up on ships off OBX. Where to next? I'm betting Richmond.


1. Johnson into Richmond (1 day)
2. 3 officers into Richmond
3. various reinforcements there too
4. Alexander forms division with 4 arty in Petersburg.

1. Hardee sits to resupply.
2. Some minor shuffling and ranger work.

1. Jackson's Wild Ride - Operation Shinhawk ends, with Jackson scheduled to return to Bowling Green. I don't think I really disrupted Dudosh, but I must have made his eyebrows raise. Too bad I got all shot up on the first turn. Still, Jackson squirmed out of some tight spots.
2. Cannons to Nashville. Infantry, cannons to Memphis.

Units= 1 MS Horse arty, 2 AL Columbiads, 1 MS Ironclad, 1 LA ironclad
Rail= 0
River= 0
Replacements= Line inf, field arty, supply train

7 men
4 WS

Commentary: Plans for 1862

1. Keep an eye out for those seaborne invasion forces. This is definitely a learning area for me, compared to Athena's behavior on those.
2. Fortify Virginia. Attack with Corps and Lee when they become available. Harass the edges.
3. Hold on to Kentucky as long as possible. Strike targets of opportunity, such as Louisville, Cairo, or St. Louis if they present themselves. Build a fort or two. Depending on where Grant parks his carcass (here or East), build up forces there. Continue to "steal" new units out of Kentucky via builds. Those big infantry brigades are especially handy.
4. Hold on to Missouri as long as possible. Might be room for some very modest offenses there, since my opponent seems disinclined to spend any effort there at all. I'm looking at Ft. Leavenworth and Des Moines as targets of opportunity. The primary goal is to keep him out of Arkansas and Texas for the entire year, barring sea invasions.
5. Not sure what to expect from my opponent on seaborne invasions. I'll have to react to them as they occur, but will keep a few mobile units in both the Alabama-Louisiana area and the Carolinas-Georgia area in case he gets adventurous.
6. Probably will build a few more brigs.
7. Probably will form a "fast division" or two under Jackson or another one of the "fast move" leaders for raids-in-force behind the front. These stacks will seek to take and destroy depots, recruitment centers, and WS production areas. I won't seek to hold these unless there is no response to them.
8. Will continue to build up the size of the CSA army. At some point I'll reach the mark where it will be a choice to build more, or replace the losses from the units I already have. I think it will be the latter. I've never had to play past July 1863, so even though that's a long way away, I'll have to plan for it as 1862 draws to a close.
9. Get the rails and riverboats to full strength.
10. Point of emphasis on artillery building.
11. Try to build up my generals by winning battles. The way play is going (very few federal stacks that are very big), this one may be tough.
12. Try to remember to be patient and flexible.

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TURN 20 Late January 1862

Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:41 pm

TURN 20 Late January 1862

USA NM = 104
CSA NM = 107
Foreign Help = -27
USA Combat losses = 9900
CSA Combat losses = 19424
USA VP = 641
CSA VP = 832
USA VP per turn = 40
CSA VP per turn = 52
POW = 900
Rail = 286
River = 107
Inflation = 12%

Economic Sunrise
Forrest arrives in Trigg Co., KY
French Intervention in Mexico
Edward Johnson promoted to 2 stars.
Pemberton and Ewell also show up.

1. Ft Macon smacks Lyon's fleet (he's loaded up and headed out) for 47 hits, while taking only 3 hits. That's more like it!
2. Some minor skirmishes involving cav and partisans/rangers.
3. Battle of Paducah - Union Victory. Grant pulls out of Ft. Donelson, leaving a small force behind and sails to Paducah, where he chases off Van Dorn and others:
CSA loses 1168 men to USA's 276. USA captured 200. In the follow up battle against the militia inside the city, Grant captured all 360 of them, while losing 92 men. Grant is now at PWR=451, but I can't get to him in one turn due to blocked rails and rivers.

Results of Move Orders:
1. Lyon's Fleet moves from Ft. Macon NC to North Mississippi Delta in one turn. I guessed Richmond, which means I guessed wrong.
2. Fremont is building a big army in Ft. Monroe. He'll be on the march come Spring, possibly sooner if the weather stays good.


1. Huger (412) to Petersburg from Garysburg now that Lyons and his ships are gone.
2. Hoke (240) from P'burg to Richmond.
3. Peel off Holmes division (429) from Bory/Johnston (now 1777) in Culpepper to go after a single inf unit blocking rail in Louisa VA. Will McDowell bite and move there?
4. Winder to retake Ft. Morgan in OBX.
5. Zollicoffer's Division from Morehead City to C'ville VA.
6. Misc units and leaders from NC heading west.

Hardee to Ft. Leavenworth in Assault mode.
Stand Watie to St. Joseph (scout mission).

1. Bragg splits off and heads to Stewart to retake Ft. Donelson.
2. Forrest to fight a weak union cav in Clarksville and head on to Nashville.
Local reinforcements to New Orleans. Unfortunately can't reach the fort where Lyons is about to invade in time.
3. A somewhat under strength CSS Tennessee will move to the Delta in 5 days and bombard. I'll probably get sunk, but at least I can see what happens when Ironclads take on Frigates and transports.
4. Van Dorn from Columbus KY to Nashville

Units= none
Rail= 0
River= 0
Replacements= There's a weak fort at the mouth of the Mississippi. I suspect he scouted this out long ago. Lyons lists as 424 Power, but the fort is only 79, entrenched at 4, so that's a 5-1 but with invasion and a fort. This is due to a under strength battery. So, I bit the bullet and built 5 Heavy Artillery replacements. I'll find out if they land at the beginning of the turn if Ft St. Philip gets one and Lyon hits it.

28 men
19 WS

Commentary: Bory/Johnston are piled up in Culpepper, looking to make a move.

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TURN 21 Early February 1862

Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:42 pm

TURN 21 Early February 1862

USA NM = 103
CSA NM = 108
Foreign Help = -26
USA Combat losses = 12900
CSA Combat losses = 20984
USA VP = 680
CSA VP = 899
USA VP per turn = 39
CSA VP per turn = 53
POW = 1500
Rail = 277
River = 106
Inflation = 12%

Arizona Territory Formed +1 militia. Heh, I proclaim McCulloch as Military Governor!
First Confederate Congress +1 NM
Davis Inaugurated +1 NM
Loring arrives, Texas Brigade freebie.
blockade runners $16, 8 WS - these still aren't in full operation due to need to recently resupply.

Lots of action!
1. 10 hits to union in "siege" of Rolla from my Texas Ranger unit. Never has so much been done by so few!
2. Winchester VA under siege by a union cav. I take 10 hits. Touche!
3. Battle of Clarksville TN. CSA Win. Bragg destroys union cav unit. USA losses 480 of 480 with 200 prisoners. CSA losses are 61 men. Forrest was supposed to clear these guys out, but didn't. Hmmmm...
4. Battle of Ft. St. Philip USA Win. Lyons took it. Gun replacements did not arrive. CSA lost 522 of 705. Lyons (PWR=306) lost 307 of 7788. CSS Tennessee bombarded - delivered only 1 hit. It was sunk via enemy fleet action. No battle report on that. Also, I still have 5 Hvy arty replacements, so none of them have been deployed yet. Lesson learned. I'll keep an eye on them to see if they EVER deploy!
5. Skirmish in Stewart TN. Forrest lost 123 of 571. USA lost 30 of 570. Forrest was not supposed to be here, having been ordered to attack cav at Clarksburg and then move to Nashville. He ends up back in Trigg Co. KY after the battle, so a wasted turn with him.
6. Winder retakes Ft. Morgan NC. Union inf retreats. Two fort artilleries still there. I presume they are trying to extract, but will try to capture them.
7. Battle of Clarksburg Kentucky. CSA win. CSA PWR 48, USA PWR 79 but I'm entrenched 4 inside the city plus he was crossing a river. CSA losses 215 of 1560. USA losses 553 of 3060. My two artillery units, which just finished completion, must have helped. It was close, as both sides failed several morale checks. I took 7 hits, he took 18.
8. Holmes Retakes Louisa. CSA Win. Another small action. Holmes division beat the union inf bde there. USA losses 553 of 2448. CSA losses 246 of 6649. PWR 412 to 122. Hits 8 to CSA, 18 to USA.
9. Battle of Ruins of Ft. Donelson. (the fort was razed). Bragg's division pounded the remaining union brigade causing 540 of 540 losses and capturing 200. Power was 428 to 12. Bragg lost none. Bragg promoted. BTW, Island #10 fort has also been blown. So, the two forts that were "key" to defense of the Tennessee and Mississippi valleys are both gone, and never called me mother. (look it up)
10. Hardee Captures Ft. Leavenworth Kansas! General vows to build prison to house Yankee Invaders! This was a "two battles" battle. In the first report, PWR 103 to 30. I failed 12 morale checks to his zero and he won the luck roll, but in the end USA losses were 461 of 570, while CSA losses were 369 of 4546. Two of my units routed and 1 of his did. In the second battle, I lost 61 and his unit was eliminated when I captured the remaining 120 men and I took the fort.
Yes, I'm aware these are small victories and there was no NM morale changes. But the morale boost for me was BIG! Nice to win some for a change!

Results of Move Orders:
1. Forrest did not arrive in Nashville. See battle reports.


1. Loring redeploys to N.Orleans. Hate to do it, but I need a general down there fast. Johnson split off from Bory's Army and I sent him too. BTW, I have game set not to combine them but it happened anyway, and I lost Johnson's army hq as a penalty! :( So I sent the army hq and support intended for RE Lee down that way as well.
2. Army of Potomac getting low on supplies, so I swapped out some SUs.
3. Shuffling leaders and small units.
4. Tennessee Valley is settled for a while. Still have some cav on guard there and one leader too.

1. Units moving north. Hardee resting this turn. Stand W. joins him.

1. Jackson from BG to Nashville.
2. Army of Mississippi from Nashville to Columbus KY. Thought about going after Grant in Paducah, who is apparently due to receive 5 regular units via river move, but I'd have to go via river move and Foote and his big force could very likely crush me at the confluent.
3. Bragg from Stewart to Columbus too.
4. In Nashville a force of Cav, plus Jackson in 2 days and Forrest later.
5. Forrest to Nashville from Trigg Co.

2 LA Militia, LA Supply, two new divisions Ewell and one more.
Rail= 20
River= 10
Replacements= 1 elite inf, 1 line inf, 1 lt arty, 1 field arty

3 men
30 WS

Commentary: Next turn the remainder of the new units built by both sides in Jan I will start showing up at the front.

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AGEod Grognard
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TURN 22 Late February 1862

Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:44 pm

TURN 22 Late February 1862

USA NM = 103
CSA NM = 108
Foreign Help = -26
USA Combat losses = 13590
CSA Combat losses = 21764
USA VP = 728
CSA VP = 957
USA VP per turn = 39
CSA VP per turn = 53
POW = 1500
Rail = 288
River = 115
Inflation = 12%

1. Lee Takes Command! Oh rapture! Oh joy! Oh, crap! Last turn I sent the Army HQ off to New Orleans! D'oh!
2. Stuart, D Hill, Breckinridge all appear for me to abuse and exploit.
3. Corps structure adopted. Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Come to me my beamish boy, he chortled in his joy!
4. $13, 5 WS from blockade runners.

1. Union destroys my Winchester garrison, but city not occupied. Still controlled by CSA.
2. Battle of Fort Clark, NC. Day 7. CSA victory. Winder retakes the fort. USA forces routed and destroyed. Losses: CSA 184, USA 307, plus 21 hits in rout and no sign of troops, which were, I presume, wiped. I recaptured the fort artillery.
3. Battle of Ft. Jackson, LA (the other fort at the mouth of the Mississippi). USA victory. PWR 414 union vs PWR 192.

Results of Move Orders:
1. Again, Forrest did not go to Nashville. Instead, game tried to move him to Stewart, TN. Not sure what’s up with that. No feds anywhere around. He was supposed to move from Trigg Co. to Clarksville TN, get on the rail and go to Nashville. Instead, he went to Clarksville, stopped and planned a move for this turn to Stewart. DAMMIT MAN, you are ordered to go to Nashville! (Seriously, is this because he's supposed to show up there, but couldn't?)
2. Johnston and the Army also did not complete its move, stopping at Henry TN. I had ordered them to move south on the rail and around the long way to Columbus KY, but it seems they went the northern way, got caught in a cut rail and then the mud. Not making it to Columbus is a problem because Grant is in McCracken Co. KY, right on the edge of the Columbus region, and has been joined by Sherman. Their PWR=~1000 now. Bragg is at Columbus by himself for two days until Johnston can rail in. Bragg is at 550 and entrench=1. I hope he can hold out till the Army arrives.


1. Lee’s Command: Forney forms Corps under Bory, and in a stack with Lee in command, moves via rail from Richmond to Clarke VA, flanking Manassas and threatening the Valley. All thanks to Lee’s movement bonuses. Interestingly, Bory takes 15 days to move one region to the same spot. He’s staying put though. Bory’s PWR=262 (he has Hill’s small division), Longstreet’s new corps is 1896. They’re in two entrenched (lvl 4) stacks in Culpepper.


2. JEB Stuart’s new division (PWR=223) moves from Culpepper to Winchester via Strasburg rail to try to preserve Winchester (13 days). Set on Orange/Blue in case it gets reinforced.
3. Left in Fort Richmond: Hoke and the garrison: PWR= 505 and 117 respectively. Their job is to hold out one or two turns in case McDowell gets ideas. He’s entrenched outside F’burg.
4. Reorganized in C’ville: Smith’s command PWR=299 with garrison of 28. Both are inside at lvl 4 entrenchment. This depot is proving very handy.

1. 4 blockade runners move from TX ports back to blockade box.
2. Rolla siege called off due to supply issues. Got my money’s worth outta that ranger!
3. Hardee still only at PWR 105 in Ft. Leavenworth with Stand Watie, who retreated from St. Joseph. Have to wait one more turn.

1. Polk forms Corps in Memphis, PWR from 261 to 361, plus he had to expel two fixed units from his stack to form the corps. They’re still in Memphis and have PWR=55, so that’s a net gain of 155.
2. Bragg sits in Columbus KY, awaiting Grant’s attack and Johnston’s reinforcements. He can’t form a corps yet because he has no one currently with him to form a division. The net result would be a loss of around 100 pwr. That ain’t good.
3. Johnston and the Army by rail from Henry TN to Columbus KY (2 days).
4. Bushwacker from AL to Christiansburg VA.
5. J. Johnston and army depot, medical and signal towards N.Orleans. to Jackson MS. Also Holmes’ division to Forrest, MS, and E Johnson (future corps commander) to N. Orleans. Some reinforcements heading there too. Current PWR in N.O. = 295, entrenched at 4 outside the city, and PWR=12 inside the city.

Builds: Stuart, Loring and DHill form divisions
Units= Army HQ
Rail= 50
River= 0
Replacements= 1 Elite inf, 1 field arty

14 men
32 WS

Commentary: The union’s corps will appear this turn as well, I presume, and I’ll again be outpowered. But with Lee and my new corps comes the hope that I can fight back, especially as Grant, Sherman, and Lyons are all far away. Can I shore up N. Orleans fast enough? Will Grant strike first on the Mississippi? Will the union continue to allow me to have my way west of the Mississippi?

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