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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Civil War Generals Stats and Abilities

Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:23 pm

In order to ever improve the historical accuracy of Ageod's American Civil War, we would like to offer our work (Staff and Beta team) to community screening.

You'll find attached to this post two EXCEL files (sorry only registred users can access to them, but if you want to post and contribute you'll have to login anyway :sourcil: )

1) "AACW Ability" is a list of abilities available to AACW generals (naval abilities are missing). We can create variations of existing abilities but to create brand new abilities with brand new effects on the game won't be possible in v1.0.

2) "AACW Models" is the list of all AACW generals available for scenario creation.

Nation tag: Obvious
Name: Obvious
Alias: Alias for scenario scripting (see the modding form). Rank is displayed at the end for convenience.
Ability 1, 2, 3, 4: Abilities proposed for this leader (max 4 for graphic presentation reasons)
VPValue: Victory points value, how much VP you loose if this leaders gets killed.
PolValue: Political Value: How much morale points you loose if you relegate/refuse to appoint this general.
Leader Rank: 1: Division General; 2: Corps General; 3: Army General 4: (honorific) Maximum rank. You'll notice some leaders exist in different ranks with different abilities (improving or reaching incompetence level while being promoted)
Seniority: Obvious, same as BoA, the less the more senior.
Land/Naval leader: Obvious. The engine can handle leaders with both.
Strategic/Offensive/Defensive: Obvious, same as BoA. AACW has been designed with 1-6 values, but the engine can handle more important stats.

What can we do together?

1) Spot typo mistakes in generals names
2) Discuss proposed Leaders stats and abilities.
3) Propose and discuss new leaders (with names, ranks, abilities and stuff)

This is a participative historical work, no blunt affirmation or misrespect allowed. If the community does not reach consensus, in the end the AGEod team will assume its design choices :cwboy:

Let's go... :dada:


NB: Only one general per thread
NB: Please being your General thread by past and copy the full line in text format in order to enable every reader to know what is being discussed without having to open the EXCEL file.
NB: Make some precise proposition using the EXCEL format. ex:
170|CSA|Nathan B. Forrest|ldr_CSA_Forrest2|$Cavalryman|$Fast_Mover|$ Partisan|$Patriot|7|10|2|27|General|1|NULL|6|6|3
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"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:57 am

Meaning of the command ratings, beware the meaning is slightly different between Strategic and Offensive/Defensive.

How the Commander is good at the operationnal and strategical level. How fast he is to react to unsuspected events, how fast he can take the right decision, jump to help his comrades by marching to the sound of guns, how able he is in general to command his men, for force marching, setting elaborated earthworks etc.

0 His men would be better without him
1 Poor, apathic commander
2 Below Average Commander
3 Average Strategist
4 Good Strategist
5 Superb Strategist
6+ Military Genius

How the General is able to direct men in a battle, either by preparing them correctly, planning the right move at the tactical level, setting the right formations at the right place, giving the right combat order at the right moment, how he is also charismatic and give a fighting spirit, or prevent demoralization, etc.

0 Don't have enough skill to improve the performance of his men
1 Average Commander
2 Able Commander
3 Good Commander
4 Very Good Commander
5 Superb Commander
6+ Tactical Genius

The difference: Having a Strat Rating under 3 can leads to penalties in various parts of the game (failing to move at the right speed, giving penalties to subordinates). Whereas Off/def is always a bonus to the effectiveness in battle.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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AGEod Guard of Honor
Posts: 1982
Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:33 pm
Location: France

Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:16 am

132 CSA Samuel Cooper ldr_CSA_Cooper4 NULL NULL NULL NULL 15 15 3 1 General 1 NULL 4 1 1
133 CSA Robert E. Lee ldr_CSA_RELee4 $Fast_Mover $Reckless $Engineer NULL 25 100 3 2 General 1 NULL 6 6 5
134 CSA Albert S. Johnston ldr_CSA_ASJohnston3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 20 20 3 1 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
135 CSA P.G.T. Beauregard ldr_CSA_Beauregard3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 15 50 3 2 General 1 NULL 5 1 3
136 CSA Robert E. Lee ldr_CSA_RELee3 $Fast_Mover $Reckless $Engineer NULL 15 20 3 3 General 1 NULL 6 6 5
137 CSA Joe Johnston ldr_CSA_JJohnston3 $Skirmisher $Indian_Fighter NULL NULL 15 20 3 4 General 1 NULL 3 1 2
138 CSA Braxton Bragg ldr_CSA_Bragg3 $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 16 20 3 5 General 1 NULL 5 3 1
139 CSA Earl Van Dorn ldr_CSA_VanDorn3 $Cavalryman $Indian_Fighter NULL NULL 15 20 3 6 General 1 NULL 6 1 0
140 CSA Edmund K. Smith ldr_CSA_EKSmith3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 11 10 3 7 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
141 CSA John B. Hood ldr_CSA_Hood3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 13 15 3 8 General 1 NULL 6 4 1
142 CSA Leonidas Polk ldr_CSA_Polk3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 14 15 3 9 General 1 NULL 4 0 1
143 CSA John C. Pemberton ldr_CSA_Pemberton3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 8 5 3 10 General 1 NULL 4 0 1
144 CSA Thomas J. Jackson ldr_CSA_Jackson3 $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 6 5 3 11 General 1 NULL 6 5 3
145 CSA Braxton Bragg ldr_CSA_Bragg2 $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 11 10 2 1 General 1 NULL 5 3 1
146 CSA Thomas J. Jackson ldr_CSA_Jackson2 $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 3 2 2 10 General 1 NULL 6 5 3
147 CSA James Longstreet ldr_CSA_Longstreet2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 2 General 1 NULL 5 2 6
148 CSA Edmund K. Smith ldr_CSA_EKSmith2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 3 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
149 CSA Leonidas Polk ldr_CSA_Polk2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 9 10 2 4 General 1 NULL 4 0 1
150 CSA William J. Hardee ldr_CSA_Hardee2 $Master_Driller NULL NULL NULL 8 5 2 5 General 1 NULL 4 1 2
151 CSA John C. Pemberton ldr_CSA_Pemberton2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 8 5 2 7 General 1 NULL 4 0 1
152 CSA Robert M. Holmes ldr_CSA_Holmes2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 8 General 1 NULL 5 0 1
153 CSA Earl Van Dorn ldr_CSA_VanDorn2 $Cavalryman $Indian_Fighter NULL NULL 10 10 2 9 General 1 NULL 6 1 0
154 CSA James E.B. Stuart ldr_CSA_Stuart2 $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Indian_Fighter NULL 8 5 2 11 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
155 CSA Richard Taylor ldr_CSA_Taylor2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 10 2 12 General 1 NULL 4 1 1
156 CSA Richard S. Ewell ldr_CSA_Ewell2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 13 General 1 NULL 4 2 1
157 CSA Ambrose P. Hill ldr_CSA_APHill2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 14 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
158 CSA Daniel H. Hill ldr_CSA_DHHill2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 15 General 1 NULL 5 3 2
159 CSA Wade Hampton ldr_CSA_Hampton2 $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 14 15 2 16 General 1 NULL 6 4 1
160 CSA Benjamin F. Cheatham ldr_CSA_Cheatham2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 17 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
161 CSA William D. Pender ldr_CSA_Pender2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 18 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
162 CSA John B. Hood ldr_CSA_Hood2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 8 5 2 19 General 1 NULL 6 4 1
163 CSA Jubal A. Early ldr_CSA_Early2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 20 General 1 NULL 6 2 3
164 CSA Richard H. Anderson ldr_CSA_Anderson2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 21 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
165 CSA Alexander P. Stewart ldr_CSA_APStewart2 $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 22 General 1 NULL 5 2 2
166 CSA Stephen D. Lee ldr_CSA_SDLee2 $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 23 General 1 NULL 6 2 2
167 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner2 $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 24 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
168 CSA Robert E. Rodes ldr_CSA_Rodes2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 25 General 1 NULL 5 2 2
169 CSA John B. Gordon ldr_CSA_Gordon2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 9 10 2 26 General 1 NULL 6 3 1
170 CSA Nathan B. Forrest ldr_CSA_Forrest2 $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Partisan NULL 7 10 2 27 General 1 NULL 6 3 2
171 CSA Joseph Wheeler ldr_CSA_Wheeler2 $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 9 10 2 28 General 1 NULL 6 3 1
172 CSA John C. Breckinridge ldr_CSA_Breckinridge2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 8 2 29 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
173 CSA Major General ldr_CSA_MajGen NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 2 30 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
174 CSA Leonidas Polk ldr_CSA_Polk NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 5 1 1 General 1 NULL 4 0 1
175 CSA Benjamin Huger ldr_CSA_Huger NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 5 1 2 General 1 NULL 4 0 0
176 CSA Braxton Bragg ldr_CSA_Bragg $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 3 General 1 NULL 5 3 1
177 CSA Earl Van Dorn ldr_CSA_VanDorn $Cavalryman $Indian_Fighter NULL NULL 5 5 1 4 General 1 NULL 6 1 0
178 CSA Robert M. Holmes ldr_CSA_Holmes NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 5 General 1 NULL 5 0 1
179 CSA John B. Magruder ldr_CSA_Magruder NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 6 General 1 NULL 4 1 0
180 CSA William J. Hardee ldr_CSA_Hardee $Master_Driller NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 7 General 1 NULL 4 1 2
181 CSA James Longstreet ldr_CSA_Longstreet NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 8 General 1 NULL 5 2 6
182 CSA Thomas J. Jackson ldr_CSA_Jackson $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 9 General 1 NULL 6 5 3
183 CSA Edmund K. Smith ldr_CSA_EKSmith NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 10 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
184 CSA Richard S. Ewell ldr_CSA_Ewell NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 11 General 1 NULL 4 2 1
185 CSA William W. Loring ldr_CSA_Loring NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 5 1 12 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
186 CSA John C. Pemberton ldr_CSA_Pemberton NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 5 1 13 General 1 NULL 4 0 1
187 CSA Sterling Price ldr_CSA_Price NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 10 1 14 General 1 NULL 5 0 1
188 CSA Benjamin F. Cheatham ldr_CSA_Cheatham NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 15 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
189 CSA Daniel H. Hill ldr_CSA_DHHill NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 16 General 1 NULL 5 3 2
190 CSA Thomas C. Hindman ldr_CSA_Hindman NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 10 1 17 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
191 CSA John C. Breckinridge ldr_CSA_Breckinridge NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 1 18 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
192 CSA Lafayette McLaws ldr_CSA_McLaws NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 19 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
193 CSA Ambrose P. Hill ldr_CSA_APHill NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 20 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
194 CSA Richard H. Anderson ldr_CSA_Anderson NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 21 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
195 CSA James E.B. Stuart ldr_CSA_Stuart $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Indian_Fighter NULL 3 3 1 22 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
196 CSA Richard Taylor ldr_CSA_Taylor NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 23 General 1 NULL 4 1 1
197 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 24 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
198 CSA John B. Hood ldr_CSA_Hood NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 25 General 1 NULL 6 4 1
199 CSA Georges E. Pickett ldr_CSA_Pickett NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 26 General 1 NULL 5 0 1
200 CSA Patrick Cleburne ldr_CSA_Cleburne NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 27 General 1 NULL 6 1 4
201 CSA Jubal A. Early ldr_CSA_Early NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 28 General 1 NULL 6 2 3
202 CSA John A. Wharton ldr_CSA_Wharton $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 29 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
203 CSA Joseph Wheeler ldr_CSA_Wheeler $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 30 General 1 NULL 6 3 1
204 CSA Robert E. Rodes ldr_CSA_Rodes NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 31 General 1 NULL 5 2 2
205 CSA Henry Heth ldr_CSA_Heth NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 32 General 1 NULL 5 3 1
206 CSA Alexander P. Stewart ldr_CSA_APStewart $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 33 General 1 NULL 5 2 2
207 CSA William D. Pender ldr_CSA_Pender NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 34 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
208 CSA Wade Hampton ldr_CSA_Hampton $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 8 8 1 35 General 1 NULL 6 4 1
209 CSA Stephen D. Lee ldr_CSA_SDLee $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 36 General 1 NULL 6 2 2
210 CSA Fitzhugh Lee ldr_CSA_FLee $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 37 General 1 NULL 6 1 1
211 CSA Brigadier General ldr_CSA_BrigGen NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 50 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
212 CSA Nathan B. Forrest ldr_CSA_Forrest $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Partisan NULL 2 2 1 38 General 1 NULL 6 3 2
213 CSA John B. Gordon ldr_CSA_Gordon NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 39 General 1 NULL 6 3 1
214 CSA Stephen D. Ramseur ldr_CSA_Ramseur NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 40 General 1 NULL 5 5 1
215 CSA William Mahone ldr_CSA_Mahone NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 41 General 1 NULL 4 1 2
216 CSA John S. Marmaduke ldr_CSA_Marmaduke NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 10 1 42 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
217 CSA Franklin Gardner ldr_CSA_Gardner NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 43 General 1 NULL 5 1 2
218 CSA Frank S. Armstrong ldr_CSA_Armstrong $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 44 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
219 CSA John H. Morgan ldr_CSA_Morgan $Cavalryman $Partisan $Master_Spy NULL 1 1 1 45 General 1 NULL 6 2 1
220 CSA John Pegram ldr_CSA_Pegram $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 46 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
221 CSA Henry H. Sibley ldr_CSA_Sibley NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 47 General 1 NULL 5 0 0
222 CSA Stand Watie ldr_CSA_Watie $American-Indian NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 48 General 1 NULL 6 2 2
223 CSA William C. Quantrill ldr_CSA_Quantrill $Cavalryman $Partisan NULL NULL 1 1 1 49 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
224 CSA John S. Mosby ldr_CSA_Mosby $Cavalryman $Partisan $Master_Spy NULL 5 5 1 50 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
225 CSA Franklin Buchanan ldr_CSA_FBuchanan3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 14 15 3 1 Admiral NULL 1 5 3 3
226 CSA Franklin Buchanan ldr_CSA_FBuchanan2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 9 10 2 1 Admiral NULL 1 6 4 3
227 CSA Raphael Semmes ldr_CSA_RSemmes2 $Blockade_Runner NULL NULL NULL 11 10 2 2 Admiral NULL 1 6 2 2
228 CSA Raphael Semmes ldr_CSA_RSemmes $Blockade_Runner $Seaman NULL NULL 6 5 1 1 Admiral NULL 1 6 3 3
229 CSA Belle Boyd ldr_CSA_Scarlett $Master_Spy NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 70 General 1 NULL 5 0 0
230 USA George B. McClellan ldr_USA_McClellan3max $Slow_Mover $Training_Officer $Charismatic $Bad_Spy 8 100 3 1 General 1 NULL 1 2 4
231 USA Winfield Scott ldr_USA_Scott4 $Slow_Mover $Good_Administration NULL NULL 25 20 3 1 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
232 USA Ulysses S. Grant ldr_USA_Grant4 $Master_Logistician $Charismatic $Siege_Expert $Skirmisher 8 20 3 2 General 1 NULL 6 6 4
233 USA William T. Sherman ldr_USA_Sherman4 $Hated_Occupant NULL NULL NULL 3 5 3 3 General 1 NULL 6 5 4
234 USA Irvin McDowell ldr_USA_McDowell3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 15 3 5 General 1 NULL 2 2 2
235 USA John C.Fremont ldr_USA_Fremont3 $Charismatic NULL NULL NULL 9 20 3 6 General 1 NULL 3 2 2
236 USA Benjamin F. Butler ldr_USA_Butler3 $Occupier NULL NULL NULL 8 15 3 7 General 1 NULL 1 1 2
237 USA George B. McClellan ldr_USA_McClellan3 $Slow_Mover $Training_Officer $Charismatic $Bad_Spy 8 100 3 8 General 1 NULL 1 2 4
238 USA Nathaniel P. Banks ldr_USA_Banks3 $Slow_Mover NULL NULL NULL 9 10 3 9 General 1 NULL 1 2 3
239 USA Don Carlos Buell ldr_USA_Buell3 $Slow_Mover NULL NULL NULL 3 5 3 10 General 1 NULL 2 3 3
240 USA William S. Rosecrans ldr_USA_Rosecrans3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 5 3 11 General 1 NULL 4 2 3
241 USA Henry W. Halleck ldr_USA_Halleck3 $Administrator $Training_Officer NULL NULL 7 10 3 12 General 1 NULL 2 1 3
242 USA Ulysses S. Grant ldr_USA_Grant3 $Master_Logistician $Charismatic $Siege_Expert $Skirmisher 8 10 3 13 General 1 NULL 6 6 4
243 USA William T. Sherman ldr_USA_Sherman3 $Charismatic $Hated_Occupant $Forager NULL 3 5 3 14 General 1 NULL 6 5 4
244 USA John Pope ldr_USA_Pope3 $Slow_Mover $Hated_Occupant NULL NULL 4 5 3 15 General 1 NULL 3 2 2
245 USA Ambrose Burnside ldr_USA_Burnside3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 3 16 General 1 NULL 2 2 3
246 USA Joseph B. Hooker ldr_USA_Hooker3 $Good_Administration $Training_Officer NULL NULL 4 5 3 17 General 1 NULL 2 2 2
247 USA Oliver Howard ldr_USA_Howard3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 5 3 18 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
248 USA George H. Thomas ldr_USA_Thomas3 $Slow_Mover $Training_Officer $Good_Administrator NULL 3 3 3 19 General 1 NULL 3 2 6
249 USA George G. Meade ldr_USA_Meade3 $Engineer NULL NULL NULL 3 3 3 20 General 1 NULL 3 2 6
250 USA James B. McPherson ldr_USA_McPherson3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 5 3 21 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
251 USA Nathanael Lyon ldr_USA_Lyon3 $Charismatic NULL NULL NULL 6 0 3 22 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
252 USA Samuel R. Curtis ldr_USA_Curtis3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 5 3 23 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
253 USA Edward O. Ord ldr_USA_Ord3 NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 3 24 General 1 NULL 4 4 3
254 USA John F. Reynolds ldr_USA_Reynolds3 $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 4 5 3 25 General 1 NULL 5 4 4
255 USA Robert Patterson ldr_USA_Patterson3 $Slow_Mover NULL NULL NULL 1 1 3 26 General 1 NULL 2 1 1
256 USA George B. McClellan ldr_USA_McClellan2 $Slow_Mover $Training_Officer $Charismatic $Bad_Spy 8 100 2 1 General 1 NULL 1 2 4
257 USA Ulysses S. Grant ldr_USA_Grant2 $Master_Logistician $Charismatic $Siege_Expert $Skirmisher 8 5 2 2 General 1 NULL 6 6 4
258 USA Edward J. McClernand ldr_USA_McClernand2 $Patriot NULL NULL NULL 8 5 2 3 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
259 USA John Pope ldr_USA_Pope2 $Hated_Occupant NULL NULL NULL 4 5 2 4 General 1 NULL 3 2 2
260 USA Ambrose Burnside ldr_USA_Burnside2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 10 2 5 General 1 NULL 2 2 3
261 USA Joseph B. Hooker ldr_USA_Hooker2 Good_administration $Training_Officer NULL NULL 4 10 2 6 General 1 NULL 4 4 2
262 USA Oliver Howard ldr_USA_Howard2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 5 2 7 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
263 USA William B. Franklin ldr_USA_Franklin2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 2 8 General 1 NULL 3 2 2
264 USA William T. Sherman ldr_USA_Sherman2 $Charismatic $Hated_Occupant $Forager NULL 3 5 2 9 General 1 NULL 6 5 4
265 USA George H. Thomas ldr_USA_Thomas2 $Slow_Mover $Training_Officer $Good_Administrator NULL 3 5 2 10 General 1 NULL 3 2 6
266 USA George G. Meade ldr_USA_Meade2 $Engineer NULL NULL NULL 5 5 2 11 General 1 NULL 4 3 4
267 USA James B. McPherson ldr_USA_McPherson2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 2 12 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
268 USA Nathanael Lyon ldr_USA_Lyon2 $Charismatic NULL NULL NULL 6 0 2 13 General 1 NULL 5 4 4
269 USA Samuel R. Curtis ldr_USA_Curtis2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 2 14 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
270 USA Edward O. Ord ldr_USA_Ord2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 2 15 General 1 NULL 4 4 3
271 USA John F. Reynolds ldr_USA_Reynolds2 $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 4 4 2 16 General 1 NULL 5 4 4
272 USA William T. Sherman ldr_USA_Sherman2 $Charismatic $Hated_Occupant $Forager NULL 3 3 2 17 General 1 NULL 6 5 4
273 USA Winfield S. Hancock ldr_USA_Hancock2 $Fast_Mover $Charismatic NULL NULL 5 5 2 18 General 1 NULL 5 4 5
274 USA John Sedgewick ldr_USA_Sedgewick2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 2 19 General 1 NULL 4 3 4
275 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon2 $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 3 3 2 20 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
276 USA Frederick Steele ldr_USA_Steele2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 2 21 General 1 NULL 3 2 3
277 USA John A. Logan ldr_USA_Logan2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 8 10 2 22 General 1 NULL 4 4 4
278 USA John Schofield ldr_USA_Schofield2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 2 23 General 1 NULL 3 2 3
279 USA Abner Doubleday ldr_USA_Doubleday2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 6 2 24 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
280 USA Daniel Sickles ldr_USA_Sickles2 $Patriot $Reckless NULL NULL 7 10 2 25 General 1 NULL 4 3 2
281 USA George Sykes ldr_USA_Sykes2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 2 26 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
282 USA Fitzjohn Porter ldr_USA_FJPorter2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 2 28 General 1 NULL 2 2 2
283 USA Henry W. Slocum ldr_USA_Slocum2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 6 2 29 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
284 USA Jesse L. Reno ldr_USA_Reno2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 3 2 31 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
285 USA Alexander McCook ldr_USA_MCCook2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 6 2 32 General 1 NULL 3 2 2
286 USA George K. Warren ldr_USA_Warren2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 2 33 General 1 NULL 3 3 4
287 USA Stuart Heintzelman ldr_USA_Heintzelman2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 2 34 General 1 NULL 3 0 1
288 USA Joseph K. Mansfield ldr_USA_Mansfield2 $Engineer NULL NULL NULL 2 2 2 35 General 1 NULL 5 1 1
289 USA Major General ldr_USA_MajGen NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 2 50 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
290 USA George H. Thomas ldr_USA_Thomas $Slow_Mover $Training_Officer $Good_Administrator NULL 3 3 1 1 General 1 NULL 3 2 6
291 USA Goerge G. Meade ldr_USA_Meade $Engineer NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 2 General 1 NULL 4 3 4
292 USA James B. McPherson ldr_USA_McPherson NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 3 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
293 USA Nathanael Lyon ldr_USA_Lyon $Charismatic NULL NULL NULL 5 0 1 4 General 1 NULL 5 4 4
294 USA Samuel R. Curtis ldr_USA_Curtis NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 5 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
295 USA Edward O. Ord ldr_USA_Ord NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 6 General 1 NULL 4 4 3
296 USA John F. Reynolds ldr_USA_Reynolds $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 7 General 1 NULL 5 4 4
297 USA William T. Sherman ldr_USA_Sherman $Charismatic $Hated_Occupant $Forager NULL 2 2 1 8 General 1 NULL 6 5 4
298 USA Winfield S. Hancock ldr_USA_Hancock $Fast_Mover $Charismatic NULL NULL 5 5 1 9 General 1 NULL 5 4 5
299 USA John Sedgewick ldr_USA_Sedgewick NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 10 General 1 NULL 4 3 4
300 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 11 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
301 USA Frederick Steele ldr_USA_Steele NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 12 General 1 NULL 3 2 3
302 USA John A. Logan ldr_USA_Logan NULL NULL NULL NULL 8 10 1 13 General 1 NULL 4 4 4
303 USA John Schofield ldr_USA_Schoffield NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 14 General 1 NULL 3 2 3
304 USA Abner Doubleday ldr_USA_Doubleday NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 6 1 15 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
305 USA Daniel Sickles ldr_USA_Sickles $Patriot $Reckless NULL NULL 7 10 1 16 General 1 NULL 4 3 2
306 USA George Sykes ldr_USA_Sykes NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 1 1 17 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
307 USA Fitzjohn Porter ldr_USA_FJPorter NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 5 1 18 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
308 USA James G. Blunt ldr_USA_Blunt NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 19 General 1 NULL 3 2 2
309 USA Franz Sigel ldr_USA_Sigel $Patriot NULL NULL NULL 7 10 1 20 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
310 USA Edward R. Canby ldr_USA_Canby NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 21 General 1 NULL 3 2 3
311 USA Darius N. Couch ldr_USA_Couch NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 10 1 22 General 1 NULL 2 2 2
312 USA Henry W. Slocum ldr_USA_Slocum NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 1 23 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
313 USA Jesse L. Reno ldr_USA_Reno NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 24 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
314 USA Alexander McCook ldr_USA_MCCook NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 5 1 25 General 1 NULL 3 2 2
315 USA George K. Warren ldr_USA_Warren NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 4 1 26 General 1 NULL 3 3 4
316 USA Quincy A. Gillmore ldr_USA_Gillmore $Engineer NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 31 General 1 NULL 5 2 2
317 USA Jefferson C. Davis ldr_USA_Davis NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 34 General 1 NULL 5 2 2
318 USA Gordon Granger ldr_USA_Granger NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 35 General 1 NULL 5 2 2
319 USA Brigadier General ldr_USA_BrigGen NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 50 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
320 USA Philipp H. Sheridan ldr_USA_Sheridan3 $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Charismatic $Good_Administrator 4 5 3 26 General 1 NULL 6 5 2
321 USA Philipp H. Sheridan ldr_USA_Sheridan2 $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Forager NULL 4 3 2 27 General 1 NULL 6 5 2
322 USA Philipp H. Sheridan ldr_USA_Sheridan $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Forager NULL 4 2 1 23 General 1 NULL 6 5 2
323 USA Alfred Pleasanton ldr_USA_Pleasanton2 $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 2 30 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
324 USA James H. Wilson ldr_USA_Wilson2 $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 5 5 2 36 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
325 USA George Stoneman ldr_USA_Stoneman2 $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 2 37 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
326 USA Alfred Pleasanton ldr_USA_Pleasanton $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 24 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
327 USA James H. Wilson ldr_USA_Wilson $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 5 5 1 25 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
328 USA George Stoneman ldr_USA_Stoneman $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 26 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
329 USA Benjamin H. Grierson ldr_USA_Grierson $Cavalryman $Expert_Raider $Forager NULL 2 2 1 27 General 1 NULL 5 5 3
330 USA Hugh J. Kilpatrick ldr_USA_Kilpatrick $Cavalryman $Reckless NULL NULL 6 5 1 28 General 1 NULL 3 4 1
331 USA Robert B. Mitchell ldr_USA_Mitchell $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 29 General 1 NULL 3 3 3
332 USA John F. Buford ldr_USA_Buford $Cavalryman $Good_Administrator $Charismatic NULL 1 1 1 30 General 1 NULL 4 5 4
333 USA George A. Custer ldr_USA_Custer $Cavalryman $Reckless NULL NULL 1 5 1 31 General 1 NULL 2 5 1
334 USA William Averell ldr_USA_Averell $Cavalryman NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 32 General 1 NULL 3 3 1
335 USA Allan Pinkerton ldr_USA_Pinkerton $Master_Spy NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 45 General 1 NULL ? ? ?
336 USA David Farragut ldr_USA_Farragut3 $Seaman $Fort_Runner NULL NULL 3 10 3 1 Admiral NULL 1 6 5 5
337 USA David Farragut ldr_USA_Farragut2 $Seaman $Fort_Runner NULL NULL 3 5 2 1 Admiral NULL 1 6 5 5
338 USA Andrew H. Foote ldr_USA_Foote2 $Seaman NULL NULL NULL 3 3 2 2 Admiral NULL 1 5 4 4
339 USA David D. Porter ldr_USA_Porter2 $Seaman $Amphibious NULL NULL 6 5 2 3 Admiral NULL 1 6 5 5
340 USA David Farragut ldr_USA_Farragut $Seaman $Fort_Runner NULL NULL 3 3 1 1 Admiral NULL 1 6 5 5
341 USA Andrew H. Foote ldr_USA_Foote $Seaman NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 1 Admiral NULL 1 5 4 4
342 USA David D. Porter ldr_USA_Porter $Seaman $Amphibious NULL NULL 6 5 1 1 Admiral NULL 1 6 5 5
343 USA Samuel F. Dupont ldr_USA_Dupont $Seaman NULL NULL NULL 8 5 1 1 Admiral NULL 1 3 2 2
344 USA John A. Dahlgren ldr_USA_Dahlgren $Artillerist $Good_Administrator NULL NULL 1 5 1 1 Admiral NULL 1 3 2 2
345 USA John Wilder ldr_USA_Wilder $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
346 USA Christopher Auger ldr_USA_Auger $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
347 USA August Willich ldr_USA_Willich $Surpriser NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 5 5 4
348 USA Thomas Meager ldr_USA_Meager $Reckless NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
349 USA Michael Cocoran ldr_USA_Cocoran $Reckless NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
350 USA Abel Streight ldr_USA_Streight $Fast_Mover NULL NULL NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
351 USA Robert Minty ldr_USA_Minty $Cavalryman $Fast_Mover $Training_Officer NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
352 USA John King ldr_USA_King $Master_Driller $Good_Administrator NULL NULL 0 0 1 55 General 1 NULL 6 4 4
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:11 am

Warning statement:

Leaders having successfully fought only an handfull of fights will tend to be overrated.

Leaders that fought throughout the war, knowing both success and failure wil tend to be underrated.

When discussing Generals rates and abilities, you have to try to imagine how they would have performed in alternative situations, how an excellent division leader would have performed if promoted to Corps commander...

How this leader was getting on with his hierarchy and subordonates? He won every battle he entered? OK, but did he performe against the odds? Was he attacking or defending? Did he show initiative?
Every one of us has his pet peeve, do not hesitate to (respectfully) challenge others assertions.


"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:23 am

Some generals have been killed early and never made it the history books. But who knows what will happen in YOUR game, so feel free to propose a new general.

Give a small resume of his accomplishment, explain why he should be in the AACW Database.
Give what divisions he used to command, in which battles he took part (this will aslo help us for OOB).

Propose some ratings and abilities based on what you have exposed.

Provide us with a portait/picture

However, Sandra's schedule is already full. So be aware that your proposition might not get into AACW v1.0.


"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:59 pm

Political value:

10 POL is a good amount
20 and your leader is problematic to remove
50 is catastrophic
100 (McClellan), you can remove it, but don't be surprised if you lose the war 3 months after that.
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:08 pm

"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:34 pm

The list should completed by begining of next week.

We'll then make some adjustment with traits and ratings by comparing generals.
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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