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Your biggest battle ever

Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:26 am

This is my biggest by many times over and I just have to post it.

I'm playing as the CSA in the W/ Kentucky 1861 Campaign and its the Summer of 1864. The North has been pretty timid in the East largely because of some early victories that allowed me to build up a decent army.

I noticed that the AI randomly garrisoned (what I thought was) a couple Corps in Alexandria, Va. So I jumped on the opportunity to lay siege with my 4 Corps (led by PT Beuregaurd with Corps commanders Jackson, Lee, and Longstreet).

At first there was a small battle... and to my horror I saw that he actually had a lot more troops than I knew in the area (and possibly in D.C.). So I could only watch and wait to see if they would come out and they did.

First Battle

Main Battle
Fortunately I double my manpower from the first


Oddly enough Jackson's Corps was utterly obliterated and probably took the brunt of casualties. The only thing left in his Corps is now Arty and some of the divisions are totally gone. Blamed for heavy losses obviously

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Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:52 am

Next turn he attacked again.

I captured 5 Siege Arty Guns, 4 Coastal Batteries, and 7 supply wagons! Another first. Go me

It was enough to put the North Below the 60 morale threshold for me to win. I wish it depended on an "actual" election like the original one of these games I remember though. I seem to remember the North "holding" an actual election McClellan vs Lincoln in the original American Civil War by a different developer.

And even in that case... Lincoln was not going to just give up until he left office. And quite possibly McClellan might not have either so its a little anit-climactic. I will have to raise Union morale and continue until I at least deal with this 100k+ garrison at Alexandria


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:24 pm

That is what I call a bloody fight! :dada:
[color="Navy"][font="Georgia"]"Mi grandeza no reside en no haber caído nunca, sino en haberme levantado siempre". Napoleón Bonaparte.[/font][/color]

[color="Blue"]Same Land. Different Dreams. - Photobook[/color]


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