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George Sykes

Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:36 pm

George Sykes:

USA George Sykes ldr_USA_Sykes2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 2 2 26 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
USA George Sykes ldr_USA_Sykes NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 1 1 17 General 1 NULL 3 1 1

Nothing particularly outstanding here, so I think the stats are correct. Sykes uneventfully commanded a division at 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, Fredricksburg, and Chancellorsville. He commanded the V Corps at Gettysburg. In the "Mine Run Campaign" of 1863, Meade complained about his "lackluster" performance. When the Army of the Potomac reorganized in 1864, Sykes lost his Corps and was shipped out to the Department of Kansas.

Sykes was given the nicknames "Tardy George" and "Slow Trot" by his fellow generals.

My suggestion: (Add Slow_Move) + pick a nickname

USA George Sykes ldr_USA_Sykes2 $Slow_Move NULL NULL NULL 2 2 2 26 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
USA George Sykes ldr_USA_Sykes $Slow_Move NULL NULL NULL 2 1 1 17 General 1 NULL 3 1 1

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