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Fri May 15, 2009 9:17 pm

Might I suggest changing the wording in the message that you get playing the French, F&I war scenario, when the British get more merchants. At present it reads

"English send more merchants IN America"

Perhaps to "to" :thumbsup:

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How to Form a Group in the World of Warcraft

Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:23 pm

World of Warcraft has over 11.5 million subscribers worldwide. There are things you can do to try to get friends and family interested in the game. You can use a few strategies that will keep the game interesting and get more people involved. The first place to look for a group is usually your own guild. While it's possible to level up without running instances, many players will drop what they're doing to get into them. Even if there are only high-level characters online, they may have low-level alternate characters that could use the instance run. They may also offer to run you through the instance, whether to accept or not is a matter of preference. I have both given and accepted instance runs, but I try to limit them for new players who are still learning their classesYou can invite friends and family members to play the game along with you. Schedule a certain time to teach the game to others. Have two computers set up side by side if you can, otherwise take turns one at a time. Teach them about the flow and rules of the game. Team work will inspire other players to join your party. It is more effective the larger the party gets. If the server is geared more to PVP play then host tournaments and challenges to see if the game is geared to a newbie’s interest.Put the word out on blogs, web logs, and forums where you can write about your experiences, both positive and negative. Indicate a few key features that you like about the game and things that you would like to see changed. You can make use of web 2.0 tactics when writing in blogs to make your point wide known. Start a group in the game that meets at a regular time. After you get a few people interested you will need to set up a schedule for playing the game. Your group can host small tournaments once a month or so to interest more people in joining your [color=#0000ff]group. Trial periods are offered to see if people are interested in the game.Cheapest WoW Power Leveling and Cheap World of Warcraft Power Leveling are our primary service, Get WoW Power Leveling Guide from
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