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The 'punish' decision.

Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:44 am

Back playing AJE and with a couple of new issues.

I'm trying to use the 'punish' decision to boost MC in key locations but when I do, I get a message saying that it was unsuccessful. There seems to be a probability issue that isn't mentioned anywhere.

What determines whether the decision is applied successfully? Troop levels?

I'm also using the 'pacify' decision and that seems to fire much more reliably under the same basic conditions.



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Re: The 'punish' decision.

Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:38 pm

Did you hold the shift key to get the more detailed information? You will see loyalty and military control as well as city size affect if the event can happen, few events are without probability, but if you meet the key conditions, you should have some success.
The main event which needs further clarification is requisition, your regions need to be above 90& loyal for the event to fire.
Last edited by Durk on Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The 'punish' decision.

Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:31 am

Hi Durk

This screenshot shows the tooltip text for the 'pacify' and 'punish' decisions:

There is no mention of any probability of success - unlike other decisions which do have a chance of failure over multiple turns.

Looking at the tooltip text more closely but, I wonder if there is some inconsistency with the green province highlight that shows on the map where the decision is valid. I'm certain I got that green highlight on provinces without any city, for example! Indeed that was the whole aim - to disrupt supply by blocking a ribbon of provinces.

In fact, see the next screenshot. 'Punish' selected with several provinces without cities showing as valid!



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Re: The 'punish' decision.

Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:05 pm

Hi Zardoz - I am pretty sure that no city is included in the scope of regions with cities less than 25; no city has less than 25. I have used this command in regions without cities.
You may be correct on the probability score, but I think all decisions has a probability factor. At least it helps makes sense to me of some of the variability.

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Re: The 'punish' decision.

Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:51 pm

Dunno about AIE but in other games' Gamedata folder is a subfolder called "RgnDecisions" with all regional decision files.

Open in a texteditor and have a look

Here is a sample set of possible conditions for a decision to be valid in a region:

MinControl = 90
MinCP = 101
MustBeOwnedRegion = 1
DevLevelMin = 30
CityMinLevel = 2
BaseSuccess = 100

Basesuccess means 100% certainty of success. CityMinLevel indicates that target region must contain a city etc.
Pretty much intuitional and straightforward.

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Re: The 'punish' decision.

Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:12 am

Thanks for the heads-up on "RgnDecisions". That makes everything much clearer.

In the relevant files we have: Punish.rgd -> BaseSuccess = 33 and Pacify.rgd -> BaseSuccess = 75. Looks like I better use a lot more Pacify.

Neither file has "CityMinLevel" but both files have "CityMaxLevel = 25" which may be a placeholder for 0-25?

Anyway, case closed I think. Thanks guys.

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