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Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:15 pm

Hello Civil War 2 Community,

me and Naturmix are fighting now ourer sixth game. I lost every Game, but this will now change!

Because Naturmix have really much fun to write his first AAr, i want also try this. This will be my first AAr and I'am not a native english speaker, pls have leniency for me.

This will be my view of our game, if you want to read Naturmix view, you can read his AAr below.
"Naturamix(CSA) vs Murtagks(USA) Also Late to the Afterparty"

1.Fort Sumter.png
1.Fort Sumter.png (2.32 MiB) Viewed 15880 times

The first shot and the first battle, on the 12.04.1861. This day will the Union always remember the beginning of the war and for the soldiers, that fought bravery against the invaders and killed for every Union soldiers 13 CSA soldiers.

2.Blockade.png (4.2 MiB) Viewed 15880 times

I have the feeling this will be ourer longest game round. Thats why, i will build many blockade ships.

3.Sharpshooters.png (2.08 MiB) Viewed 15880 times

I must say, I like the Sharpshooters, and they have an important role in my Army, I have in every commander division. One Sharpshooters for the ability.

4.My strategy .png
4.My strategy .png (2.97 MiB) Viewed 15880 times

And now my strategy for the game. I have two main objective that I want to archive!
The first is Richmond, I want to take his Capital and this in the beginning of 1862, but I know that Naturmix have a big Army in the north, Johnston and Beauregard. And because of this I will navel invade Norfolk and the city north of Norfolk to attack Richmond.
The Second objective is, to conquer the cities with the iron works. I know that Naturmix built iron works in Tennessee and Georgia.
Rome, GA
Nashville, TN
Memphis, TN
I think that with a army Grant and Sherman can take the cities. And additional I will try to cut of the supply, of the army that Naturmix send, against Grant and Sherman with cavalry.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Mon Jan 07, 2019 4:28 pm

5.First Union victory.png
5.First Union victory.png (3.27 MiB) Viewed 15810 times

The first victory for the union. For me this city Clarksburg is a small objektive.
First to ensure the safety for my railroads in the north and also to get a position to lunch raids against the enmy railroads in the south, that connect Virginia with the rest of the province of the CSA.

My second step is now to completely crush this small Division.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:28 pm

6.Battle of Fredericktown.png
6.Battle of Fredericktown.png (3.35 MiB) Viewed 15799 times

It's now early Aug, and Naturmix is threatening now Washington, D.C. But also he give me a perfect opportunity to take Richmond.

7.The area of Maryland.png
7.The area of Maryland.png (3.57 MiB) Viewed 15799 times

In the Early July the force of General Joseph E. Johnston cross over the river defeated R. Milroy and taken Fredericktown.
But this is a mistake, that I can use! :sherlock:

8. A good opportunity.png
8. A good opportunity.png (3.77 MiB) Viewed 15799 times

Because now the forces from Naturmix are in the north and I think that no force is defending Fredericksburg.
With this opportunity I can perhaps take Richmond or threatening Richmond and also lift the threatening of Washington, D.C.

And Washington, D.C. is safe, I have enough forces to defend and attack simultaneously. But I have the big problem, that I don't have enough Generals, because of that most of my army have only one General.
Last edited by Murtagks on Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:30 pm

9.My plan fails.png
9.My plan fails.png (4.44 MiB) Viewed 15774 times

My plan failed, I was hoping that Fredericksburg is undefended! I don't think, that i try to cross over the river, he has entrenchment and river crossing bonus. That's why I must try somenthing else.

10.My new strategy2.png
10.My new strategy2.png (4.05 MiB) Viewed 15774 times

Ok, I have now a new strategy. I will try breakthrough in the north, my first step is to attack Longstreet with Irvin McDowell. I know that Longstreet he far a more capable defense general, but I must try with more man to atack him!

The second step is, to assemble my army in the north of Joseph E. Johnston and then to attack him without the his river bonus have have!

I know that I have don't enough generals and also they are really bad, that's why I try to attack him with more mens and guns.

11. Victory in a defeat.png
11. Victory in a defeat.png (3.17 MiB) Viewed 15774 times

A Victory in a defeat. Yes, I have lost more men and the battle against Longstreet. But I have now the control of the city and my strength is far about him now. I will attack him a second time.

Because now that I will try to attack him a second time I have only Butler to secure the city Alexandria .
That's why I send him more reinforcement and also my Fleet that will support him and stop Beauregard if he want to cross over the river to Washington, I hope they coming in time. I'am worried that this was a mistake from me and give me a hard time.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:54 pm

12. trying to encircle Joseph E. Johnston.png
12. trying to encircle Joseph E. Johnston.png (4.51 MiB) Viewed 15767 times

Now this is perfect, only one area is under the control of the CSA that supply Joseph E. Johnston, if I can take it with George B. McClellan, I can possible inflict a heavy damage to Naturmix! I hope he doesn't know this and will go in my trap!

I send a small army from Washington to Montgomery south of Fredericktown, to ensure he will not cross over the river!

14.Victory against Longstreet.png
14.Victory against Longstreet.png (3.16 MiB) Viewed 15767 times

The second offensive against Longstreet was a success, I defeated him and he is now retreating to Manesses.
Argggg! :mad: Naturmix knows me , he have retreated with Joseph E. Johnston!

13.The end of the big Army!.png
13.The end of the big Army!.png (3.13 MiB) Viewed 15767 times

Now this will be my biggest plan! I will try to attack Longstreet with Irvin McDowell a third time! To take Manassas and cut of the supply from Beauregard! I have secured Washington with a army and with the flett, the north, west and south also with an army, I think when Beauregard try to attack any side I will defend it successfully!
Now everything depends on Irvin McDowell!
I think that Beauregard will take the city and not retreat, and Longstrett will be defended Manassas.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:15 pm

1861, Late Sept.
Now let's watch the situation in the east.

15.Grant!.png (4.23 MiB) Viewed 15752 times

Finally Grant has spawn, but because Naturmix is really aggressive in Virginia, I don't have time to send a army over to Cairo, now I decided to get with Grant to Washington, to prepare a army with generals and units for him. After this I will attack the south of Cairo.

16.The east.png
16.The east.png (3.39 MiB) Viewed 15752 times

In the far east, it seems a little bad for my the general. In the south I have a enemy army with a strength of 140 and the other enemy Price with a strength of 300. I hope I can destroy Benjamin McCulloch army with John C. Frémont, before he gets reinforcement.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:01 pm

1861,Late Sept. - Day 15
17.My plan is failing.png
17.My plan is failing.png (3.08 MiB) Viewed 15732 times

My plan failed. General Irvin McDowell was not successful to take Manassas and cut of the supply of Beauregard.
I will try to attack with general Joseph K. Mansfield, I hope he is successful.

18.Butler why.png
18.Butler why.png (3.09 MiB) Viewed 15732 times

And Butler.... why did I expect anything from Butler? Entrenchment Bonus, river crossing bonus and he lost. Typical Butle.

19. Grant you are my last hope.png
19. Grant you are my last hope.png (3.06 MiB) Viewed 15732 times

I see my plan to cut of the supply of Beauregard is destroyed. I will now retreat with my army and wait for Grant, he is my last hope.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:45 pm

1861, Early, Nov

20.Grant is finally here.png
20.Grant is finally here.png (3.23 MiB) Viewed 15729 times

Finally Grant is here with a really big army.

With this new army and with a good general, I have now two objective. The first one is to attack wtih Grant, Harper's Ferry and then go south and attack Joseph E. Johnston.

The second objective is to attack with Irvin McDowell again Longstress but this time I have much more strength!

21.I lost the east for now.png
21.I lost the east for now.png (2.89 MiB) Viewed 15729 times

The east is now in a bad position, but after I destoryed Beauregard I have enough forces to reinforce the east.

22.the far east is really bad.png
22.the far east is really bad.png (2.45 MiB) Viewed 15729 times

Yes, i need to quickly reinforce the east. I will now create 2 armies and send then to the east.

23.naturmix mistake.png
23.naturmix mistake.png (2.26 MiB) Viewed 15729 times

This is really surprising. I never thought about this, that he will attack me. A really big mistake for Naturmix but a perfect opportunity for me, to cut of the supply of Beauregard.

Ok my strategy is, that I will attack on 3 areas, in the next 15 days.
My first attack will be in the north to attack Joseph E. Johnston with Grant, I give Grant Marines and I know he can do this.
My second attack will be on Manassas with the General Joseph K. Mansfield. I know that only the cavalry with the strength of 200 and also with a 35% penalty is in Manassas, I hope Beauregard will not withdrawn his army to Manassas.
The thrid atack is on Longstreet with Irvin McDowell.

When everyone is successfully, I have cut of the supply of Beauregard . Unfortunately he has taken alexandria, for now!

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sat Jan 12, 2019 8:47 pm

24.Grant is now a 3 star general.png
24.Grant is now a 3 star general.png (4.73 MiB) Viewed 15713 times

Joseph E. Johnston got away, at least I destroyed a little stack of cavalry and cavalry artillery, thank you Naturmix for this, because of this I can promote Grant! The next Step is to attack Beauregard with Grant.

25.Big victory but also my plan failed.png
25.Big victory but also my plan failed.png (3.16 MiB) Viewed 15713 times

Yes, Naturmix don’t make it easy for me, to encircle Beauregard. However, like I predicted Naturmix withdrawn Beauregard from Alexandria to Manassas. It was a good decision to send Irvin Mcdowell, and not Joseph K. Mansfield. The casualties for this are high.

26. The CSA lost more man then me.png
26. The CSA lost more man then me.png (3.09 MiB) Viewed 15713 times

This is good, the Rebels lost more men then me. This will really hurts Naturmix, we know both, that the union has more industry, men, guns and more of everything!

27.The river will be mine.png
27.The river will be mine.png (4.53 MiB) Viewed 15713 times

I build many monitor, to secure the river in the land, but this was also a bad decision of me, because Naturmix told me that the City-class ironclad are built in Cairo, and now I need to move the monitor to Cairo. Dammit. As a excuses, this is now the second time I play the union.

28.Union Victory Battle of Manassas.png
28.Union Victory Battle of Manassas.png (3.18 MiB) Viewed 15713 times

The first great victory for Grant!

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sat Jan 12, 2019 8:48 pm

29.We lost Saint Louis for now.png
29.We lost Saint Louis for now.png (2.88 MiB) Viewed 15712 times

I lost Saint-Louis, for now! I have a many armies in the east that I need to organize, after this I will send to the west.

30.Plan.png (4.74 MiB) Viewed 15712 times

I made a terrible mistake… I was thinking when I promote Grant to an army commander, then I get only minus 4 or 6 nation moral AND not 60! This really hurts me. However, for Grant it is worth.

I have now 3 objective. First objective is, that I will attack with Grant with a strength of 3800 Joseph E. Johnston.
The second is to send one army to Falmouth to secure the river and the third will take Winchester and then go south with the army.

31.Naval Invasion.png
31.Naval Invasion.png (3.97 MiB) Viewed 15712 times

I have now planned a navel invasion, but not for Richmond, rather for New Orleans I have seen that Naturmix also build iron works there.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:06 pm

32.Butler.png (4.35 MiB) Viewed 15667 times

My navel invasion with Butler, I will wait one round after this, I will attack New Orleans.
When I successfully taken New Orleans, I will then bring more reinforcement and then conquer the fortress. i have the highground.png i have the highground.png (2.66 MiB) Viewed 15667 times

The first defeat for Grant, but at least I have taken the hill and the enemy must retreat his army.
And now I have the highground!

34.Naval invasion failed.png
34.Naval invasion failed.png (3.36 MiB) Viewed 15667 times

Joseph E. Johnston, I did not expect that he is in new Orleans. Now, I hope I can retreat with Butler and his forces.

35. Grant attack.png
35. Grant attack.png (3.81 MiB) Viewed 15667 times

I will try to breakthrough in the north with Grant. I hope this works. When this works, I can then probably take Richmond.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:11 pm

36. first navel battle.png
36. first navel battle.png (2.31 MiB) Viewed 15666 times

The first naval battle in this round. As I expected I won this.

37.far west.png
37.far west.png (2.38 MiB) Viewed 15666 times

In the far west, I did successfully capture the City Fillmore. After this I will march to the south and will slowly conquer Texas.

38.Idid not expecting this.png
38.Idid not expecting this.png (2.71 MiB) Viewed 15666 times

This first great battle in the game, and I did not ecpectet the results. I almost won this.
I will now move Grant to the west and Irven Mcdowell will now take the position behind the river.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:34 pm

I am now back from my break of the game with Naturmix and I am ready to win the war!

39.Cleaning.png (2.82 MiB) Viewed 15547 times

Finally, I prepare an army with cavalry to clean the west. It was annoying to see, that small units have taken much land in the west. Now it is over!

40.Cleaning.png (2.62 MiB) Viewed 15547 times

Naturmix, have taken with smalls units a few cities in Missouri, but with my cavalry I will take the cities back!

41.My next plan.png
41.My next plan.png (4.59 MiB) Viewed 15547 times

My next plan will be to surround Stonewall Jackson. I hope I can encircle his army.

42.Butler is back.png
42.Butler is back.png (3.87 MiB) Viewed 15547 times

Welcome home Butler. He lost zero manpower and also the navel invasion.

43.Sry guys.png
43.Sry guys.png (3.2 MiB) Viewed 15547 times

I feel sorry for the 1800 sailors. Sry guys.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:42 pm

44.Will this plan work.png
44.Will this plan work.png (3.71 MiB) Viewed 15540 times

Ok, the first step is good I have encircled Stonewall Jackson. Now I must wait that his supply is not enough to supply his troops. In addition, I will move one troops in the south of Irvin McDowell to secure the hill. plan failed again.png plan failed again.png (3.62 MiB) Viewed 15540 times

My plan failed… again!! Stonewall has make a breakthrough of his encirclement with the help of Beauregard.

46.Kentucky.png (3.45 MiB) Viewed 15540 times

I moved Grant to the west. Now I try to encircle Albert S. Johnston. I hope this will work.

47.attack from many sides.png
47.attack from many sides.png (4.21 MiB) Viewed 15540 times

Ok, now Stonewall is a perfect position to be attacked. I will attack Stonewall, I think in two or three rounds. With Irvin McDowell, and because Irvin McDowell get reinforcement from the surrounding areas and Stonewall from Beauregard. This will be a really big battle!

48.plan in the west.png
48.plan in the west.png (3.32 MiB) Viewed 15540 times

The west is almost perfect for me, I don’t believe this!
Shelby is in the north without supply!
And Albert S. Johnston is also in the north and I can surround him!

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:43 pm

49. not really good.png
49. not really good.png (2.64 MiB) Viewed 15540 times

I don’t expected this… Joseph E. Johnston was too quick with his railroads… I hope I can retreat with Sherman.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:49 pm

50.What have you done  O.png
50.What have you done O.png (4.03 MiB) Viewed 15485 times

Naturmix try’s new plans to destroy me, this time with breaking the game. : D

51.POLK.png (2.7 MiB) Viewed 15485 times

Finally the first battle against POLLLLLK. (This is a great meme between Naturmix and me)
I have intercepted him with my navy at river crossing. I try this many times for Joseph E Johnston, but I was not lucky.

52.Come on sherman.png
52.Come on sherman.png (4.27 MiB) Viewed 15485 times

Come Sherman only 3 days and the navy from Naturmix is too far away, to intercept him.

53.Sherman.png (2.5 MiB) Viewed 15485 times

I lost the battle but I have successfully retreat with Sherman.

54. Big battle.png
54. Big battle.png (3.37 MiB) Viewed 15485 times

This is surprising, I was preparing to fight against Stonewall Jackson, but Robert E. Lee was much quicker than I was. I lost the battle and he is now moving forwards.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:57 pm

55.Big battle.png
55.Big battle.png (3.27 MiB) Viewed 15485 times

As I predicted, Robert E Lee is moving forwards to the north. Nevertheless, even though he won the two battle, this was a hardly victory and a dangerous.

56.The end of me.png
56.The end of me.png (4.54 MiB) Viewed 15485 times

Now the next gameday will be really imported! And this will perhaps decide which side will be victory.

I think that Naturmix will try to take Washington, because of this I moved Irvin Mcdowell and the army from William Rosecrans to the east of the position from Robert E Lee. And simultaneously will I move the army from Edwin Summer and C. Hamilton to the south to stop the possibly retreat and to encircle Robert E. Lee.

The Last problem that I have seen is in the south of the city Falmouth. I think that he will try to advance from the south to support Robert E. Lee, because of this I will move William B. Franklin to the city Falmouth to stop the advance.
I think there are 3. possibilities outcomes in the next couple of rounds.
1. He will take Washington and will mostly win this game
2. I will encircle him and destroy his army
3. He successfully will retreat.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:11 pm

57.Robert E Lee.png
57.Robert E Lee.png (2.48 MiB) Viewed 15435 times

I have predictit Naturmix move wrong. For him to possible to end the war was too risky, that’s why he moves his army to the south and withdrawn from the Union territory.

58. Defeat.png
58. Defeat.png (2.15 MiB) Viewed 15435 times

However, for the south in the city Falmouth, have I predict this right. But I also lost the battle and retreat to Manassas. However, I don’t think this is a defeat. Because he lost more than twice of his man.

The complete campaign from Naturmix in the north was almost a disaster and really costly for nothing.

59. wait for me Naturmix.png
59. wait for me Naturmix.png (2.45 MiB) Viewed 15435 times

I have too few Ironclad to counter his 2. in the rivers. But wait for me Naturmix, 7 Monitors are on the way to Cairo. When they arrived, I will have the completely control of the river.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:02 pm

I have two strategy, one for the east and one for the west, to destroy Naturmix.

60. west plan.png
60. west plan.png (2.87 MiB) Viewed 15379 times

In the west, I have two goals
I have two goals in the west.
The first one is to attack with Grant Beauregard, but I don`t want to have the river penalty. This why I move with Grant to the north over the river and attack Beauregard on the west side.

The second goal is to attack Joseph E. Johnston, for this attack, I have two steps. The first one is to prepare my army in the north and in the south. After I have prepared my army, I will attack him from one side, and I hope that my army in the south will also get involved in the battle.

61.east plan.png
61.east plan.png (4.13 MiB) Viewed 15379 times

In the east is my tactic to delay the retreat from Robert E Lee, to the CSA territory. I am still hoping that I can cut of his supply. To archive this I will move Irvin McDowell, to the city Winchester.

Simultaneously, will I attack with William S. Rosecrans the CSA generals James Longstreet to secure the river and the City Falmouth, I think that with the strength of William S. Rosecrans 1312 and the general William B. Franklin 876, that will support him from the west I can defeat Longstreet that only have a strength of 228.

In the north, I will attack the cavalry division with my cavalry. I hope this will work.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:39 pm

62..png (3.35 MiB) Viewed 15219 times

My plan to cut of the supply of Robert E Lee failed and also to stop his retreat, but at least, the campaign in the north was a failure with great casualties.

63..png (2.46 MiB) Viewed 15219 times

In addition, my plan in the west was also a failure, Joseph E. Johnston had a little skirmish with my units and have retreat to Saint-Louis.

64..png (2.63 MiB) Viewed 15219 times

This is perfect, I intercepted a unit of Naturmix and completely destroyed it. Now I will attack Beauregard.

65..png (2.66 MiB) Viewed 15219 times

I won, against Longstreet but under heavy casualties. I don’t expected this…
Because is shows me on the map that Longstreet have only a strength of 228 against my 1312. This why I thought that I will win this easily.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:54 pm

66..png (2.74 MiB) Viewed 15166 times

One of my plan was a success. I won against Beauregard with Grant, and I am now in a good position to attack Beauregard again with reinforcement from the north.

67..png (3.35 MiB) Viewed 15166 times

And like I expected, I lost again against Robert E. Lee and now he is retreating in CSA territory.

68..png (3.05 MiB) Viewed 15166 times

This is a beautiful naval battle I destroy two Gunboats.
And with now the Monitors, I have now the complete control of the rivers in the inland.

69..png (3.64 MiB) Viewed 15166 times

Naturmix what are you planning? I see your ships AND I will destroy them!

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:37 pm

70..png (3.17 MiB) Viewed 15155 times

The big disaster… sometime I hate this game… I attack with grant in the same province, like the battle before the only different is that I have reinforcement over the river… And I don’t know why but It seems, that only my guys over river attack Beauregard. Because of this I almost lost the army over the river completely.

This battle was really a disaster for me.

71..png (2.51 MiB) Viewed 15155 times

I do not know why Naturmix send the ships in this place but I destroyed them.

72..png (3.02 MiB) Viewed 15155 times

The cavalry battle. Naturmix have many smalls units in the west, that’s why I will build more cavalry.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:45 pm

73..png (3 MiB) Viewed 15155 times

Naturmix send Albert S. Johnston to attack Sherman and try to stop his advents to the south.
But he underestimating my strengh, I have more man, with this reinforcement I try to push Albert S. Johnston out of Columbus.

74..png (3.04 MiB) Viewed 15155 times

This time, with reinforcement. Come on COME ON! I will win this!

75..png (3.02 MiB) Viewed 15155 times

OMG, I don’t believe this. I push Albert S. Johnston in the city. Now I must siege the city and cut of the supply and try the destroy his army! And I hope Naturmix will not try to help Albert S. Johnston.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:54 pm

76..png (3.08 MiB) Viewed 15154 times

I should predicted this, Naturmix will 100% not sacrifice a completely army to me. This why he send a strong army to help Albert S. Johnston
But also this is really a surprise for me. Because this army together with Beauregard, stopped Grant from advancing. But now Grant is free to move.

77..png (2.94 MiB) Viewed 15154 times

I should send more reinforcement to the west, but I will take Cairo back!

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I hope that Sherman army will survive this. But at least I can attack Beauregard with a strengh over 8000 and take Nashville.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:26 pm

79..png (2.35 MiB) Viewed 15099 times

Again, a disaster. I didn’t expect that his army moves to Bowling Green.

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In the far west, I almost finished to destroy his army and after this I can undisturbed conquer Texas.

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I also got a victory against Joseph. E Johnston. But, I don’t know yet, if I should move from the north to cross over the river and take St Charlies or if I should retake Cairo.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:09 am

82..png (3.8 MiB) Viewed 15083 times

Each time Naturmix and me are playing this game we are talking and starting the round with a screen sharing. Because of this, I decided to use psychological warfare, to stop his attacks, confuse him, to lure him into attack or to feint an attack.
This why, I have giving Naturmix false information about my attack at Beauregard. (I changed my plan, that I will not attack Beauregard)But my real plan was it to rescue Sherman and his army, because this is far more imported.
And this plan worked perfectly. I completely surprised Naturmix and now I have the control of this area. This why I send to small units to conquer the area in the north for the supply.

My army in the left will attack Naturmix little army in the area on Inland 10. His General is only a level one star and the strength is really low.

My plan for Grant is that I will send him to the river to stop the advance from Beauregard.
And I have now decide to take Cairo, with the army in the north to secure the supply of my army.

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The east is completely different then the west, the east is like a stalemate. And I don’t want to attack because Robert E. Lee is to strong. I think I will focus on the defense and send some of my army from the east to the west.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:16 pm

84..png (4.9 MiB) Viewed 15029 times

I have decided, after a long time of thinking that I will attack in the east. But first I will concentrating my army and then march to Culpeper.

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The initial attack was a success! The next step is to march to the city Charlottesville.

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My first try to retake Cairo was a failure. But round 2 is now starting. l will take it back and secure my supply!

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The map in the east.
I will try to secure my supply with 2. forces in the north.
I give Grant the task to attack Albert. J Johnston.
And Sherman and one two star general to defend the river against Beauregard.
In addition, I also send my fleet to stop the river crossing from Beauregard.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Tue Feb 12, 2019 8:19 pm

88..png (3.04 MiB) Viewed 14969 times

The second time to secure my supply was also a failure. This situation is getting slowly of my hand.

89..png (2.54 MiB) Viewed 14969 times

Is this really a defeat? I don't think so

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I was too greedy! I will move Irvin McDowell to the north and after I gathered my army I try a second time to take Charlottesville.

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At least I destroyed two of his gunboats.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:36 pm

92..png (2.44 MiB) Viewed 14962 times

That I don't have supply really hits me hard! I was starting the campaign with Grant with 55.000 man. Now I have only 16.000 left. I must retreat behind the river! To get any supply!

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And also I lost the third round. I must also retreat with him. I don’t have any more supply!

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This is ok, I lost only a little bit. But I have successfully retreat to the north and now I preparing a second battle!

95..png (2.28 MiB) Viewed 14962 times

That is not good. Not good. It seems that the complete western front will collapse and I will lose my army.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) The end of Naturmix series of wins (I hope)

Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:30 pm

96..png (2.66 MiB) Viewed 14891 times

This is not good for me, my army’s in the west do not have any supply and Beauregard is pushing my army to the south in the CSA territory. The last possibility to escape is on the river.

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My plan to lure some of Naturmix army in the west to the east to relieve the army in the east was a failure… Robert E. Lee has defeated my army and my hope.
I will try now to retreat behind the river, to secure my defense.

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This is now the map of the west. I successfully retreat with some of my small army’s but not with my main army Grant and Sherman…

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I think this is now the fourth or fifth battle of Cairo and and every time I lost.

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