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Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:32 am

I have a battle I am going into 2X power, but no matter what battle options I chose, I always lose. But I don't understand why.

It is version 1.06.

Would anyone be willing to look at my save game and run the battle and tell me why? (I might need to included screenshots of my game options as well.)


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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:54 am

Entrenchment, River Crossings, Commanders, Weather, Terrain. Probably some other factors as well. Yeah, send a screen shot of the battle result and I can probably give you an educated guess but I may have to defer to the more experienced players.

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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:44 am

Yes, thanks.

I will post some screenshots and zip of save game if possible.

I was playing around with it quite a bit last night.

Nothing I could do with the force or the battle planner would win the battle.

Also, what does it mean to win a battle?

For example:

If I have, 30,000 and the enemy has 15,000 and we both lose about 3,000. Am I not actually winning. I a war of attrition, I have suffered a lower causality rate.

But it seems to be whoever leaves the field.


I understand hit points inflicted. I don't understand the figure by the cross hatched graphics?


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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:49 am

My options.











Save Game Pre-Battle (right click and SAVE AS)

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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:07 am

Ill look at it in more detail later. Need to go to bed at the moment but a few things I noticed is that the Confederate Commander is a far superior General to yours especially when he is on Defense. Another thing I noticed is that although you have about double the men, you don't have "double" the power. The Confederates, as with their current General, have far superior soldiers. From what I see your main stack coming in is actually less powerful than the Confederate stack by 1 point unless im seeing it wrong. Your going up against "Elite troops" with "Green troops" if that makes sense.

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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:06 pm

Just because you bring more men into the region, it doesn't mean you get to deploy more men onto the front line. In open terrain, the commander with the higher strategic rating gets to have an advantage in that department.
Also the commanders attached with units factor in their offensive/defensive skills and here Longstreet has a huge advantage over every attacking commander in the field.

You might want to read here:

Let me just quote this part:

In open terrain only (clear/prairie/desert/wood), the Units Quotas are modified by leader (rank)*(offensive/defensive rating) depending whether in offensive or defensive posture:

Combat Units Quota: (+25 points)*(rank)*(off/def rating)
Support Units Quota: (+10 points)*(rank)*(off/def rating)

This bonus can be HUGE. A mediocre 1* general with 1 off/def would get a +25 bonus, while a 2* general with a 3 off/def would get a +150 bonus (+60 for support units), so he could bring about 60% more infantry elements to the fight, and twice as much artillery!

Making an educated guess from an admittedly brief look on the pictures, I image the battlefield like that: the union had a much shorter battleline, while their reserves being bottled up in the lines of communication. Still the Union men got to attack onto well dug-in Confederate elite troops. After getting shot down, the next unit gets pulled from the reserves and takes their place. Just to get shot down. And so on.

Fredericksburg springs to mind here.

Also, it seems from the pictures, that you move with two stacks into the battlefield. That is a bad idea if they are not corps of the same army, because they don't necessarily support each other in battle.

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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:49 pm

Thank you. I understand your points.

I am, in fact, limited; as this is the "Seeing the Elephant" scenario. A good sandbox.

Now, I can easily win 60:30 by just hunkering down and defending Washington. But foolish me, I want to FIGHT. I did a very different reorganization of my forces. I lost 4 out 5 battles and scraped by winning by +3.

BTW, what is the requirement for a cavalry regiment to cut rail lines? What posture do they need to be in, because mine were out at Starbucks when Sherman's Neckties 101 were being taught.


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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:04 pm

Nicely done!

If you want to fight with just brigades in that scenario, then assign each brigade in your Army stack to a one star General. You'll get a little more firepower out of each brigade that way. Also, two stacks don't attack in a coordinated way together until Corps are activated. So two stacks with the same goal aren't better than one.

A cavalry element is usually set to Green/Green, evade combat to move through enemy lines. Once you're on the RR you want to cut, just use that icon on the menu to spend a few days bending rails. The percentage chance of success is equal to the power of the cavalry. Good luck!
I'm the 51st shade of gray. Eat, pray, Charge!

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Re: Have battle, I do not understand the outcome.

Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:06 pm

Well, I finally had a more offensive game. I didn't really win any bigger than playing defense, but I saw the suburbs of Richmond. :) Did manage tear up some rails. I think you need an offensive posture.





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