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10 000 Power in Richmond

Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:32 pm


My friend Murtagks and I just finished a PBEM with the CSA conceding after all victory cities apart from Richmond were lost.

We were wondering though what to do if one absolutely had to take it. The city had over 10 000 Power in it and though the union could happily walk all the way around it and surround the city there did not seem to be a way to starve it out and frontal attacks were costly to say the least.

Is there a solution from the union perspective to take the city for this scenario?



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Re: 10 000 Power in Richmond

Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:05 am

I wonder if the Union had done a close blockade and a distant blockade? Richmond can be blockades the river region outside Richmond and at the entrance to James, the sea region adjacent to the river.
You should be able to starve the city.

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Re: 10 000 Power in Richmond

Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:08 pm

There was a close blockade for some of the final siege though admittedly not all.

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Re: 10 000 Power in Richmond

Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:14 pm

If a city gets the Regional Decision Card to gain a telegraph, then it may become Rich. This provides much more supply. Other players have encountered a seemingly unlimited supply in their capital. I tried to sever VA from the rest of the CSA once by taking the railhead at Garysburg and destroying all the depots in that state, but this wasn't a viable strategy.

I am usually capable of mustering an Army with two Corps of 12k power for Grant. I suppose a determined offensive might eventually succeed. IIRC, the terrain is forest, which limits artillery use. However, if the defenders can be driven into the city, the defenses have a garrison limit that cause a large force to suffer from overcrowding.
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Re: 10 000 Power in Richmond

Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:40 pm

Thank you for the responses,

I played through about a year after the game without changing anything and keeping the city surrounded.
Eventually some of the stacks started taking attrition, but I'm not sure all of them would have died.

Driving the defenders into the city was not feasible. It was Lee dug in with a hold at all cost posture.

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Re: 10 000 Power in Richmond

Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:21 am

You won anyway, there's no way they could break out effectively with just 10k of power.

Rod Smart
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Re: 10 000 Power in Richmond

Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:22 pm

Naturamix wrote:We were wondering though what to do if one absolutely had to take it. The city had over 10 000 Power in it and though the union could happily walk all the way around it and surround the city there did not seem to be a way to starve it out and frontal attacks were costly to say the least.

Is there a solution from the union perspective to take the city for this scenario?

Try to get him out of the City, by doing things like taking control of every single other City.

Rod Smart
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Re: 10 000 Power in Richmond

Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:02 pm

If you can afford the NM hits from losses, and they cannot afford the manpower losses from victories, do that.
If you lose 40,000 men, they lose 20,000, but they can only replace 10,000 of those 20,000, then you will eventually win.

Grant lost every battle in the Spring of '64. But he could replace those losses, Lee couldn't replace his losses from his victories.

Naturamix wrote:there did not seem to be a way to starve it out

You're only looking at food: what about ammunition? May not be relevant in Richmond, since there are typically a number of factories there, but do they have the capacity to replace ammunition from battles?

It may be worth losing 4 battles in a row, if on the fifth attempt they can't shoot back.

I accidentally took advantage of that one time, when as the North I was attempting to break a siege of DC by attacking with multiple corps. The march to the sound of the guns didn't work for me, and I ended up making a half dozen different attacks, which obviously was not the plan. But by the last attack on day 14, the South was wore out and out of ammunition, and I broke the seige.

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