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Next Patch ETA ?

Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:31 am

Hi !

Is there a ETA for the next EAW patch ?

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:14 am

Nothing precise, and the developer was in Matthew area so had to interrupt his work. But there will be a patch

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:08 pm

Hurricane Matthew, hope Altaris is OK!

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:52 pm

Pocus wrote:Nothing precise, and the developer was in Matthew area so had to interrupt his work. But there will be a patch


Will finally be more GHQs for the Eastern and Western Entante be added ?
Its really not historical acurate to have just one for the russians, two would be better. One for the front with germany and austria and one for the front with the ottoman empire.

Also the western entante should have seperate for atleast the british and french !

And please make it so the AI does stop using Ottoman generals in East prussia...that kills all immersion because its totally not historical acurate !

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:14 pm

I would *really* like to see the army groups added.

Hard to have the Brusilov Offensive when there is no Southwestern Front.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:03 am

I can't promise anything which is about content, as this is Altaris domain and between the hurricane and his current project, I don't know what he will decide for EAW.
I'll see how to refrain the AI from moving leaders to others theaters for the alliance.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:46 am

Restricting the GHQ's in this way did never ever make any sense to begin with.

You should AT LEAST have one GHQ for every "front" and if its a long front even 2.
So the Russians should have at least two (German-Austrian front + Turkish front) !

This game is all about a realistic army and command structure and even models "leader seniority" but cant get something essential like GHQ's or Army groups right ?

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:11 pm

The core problem with GHQ's is they can't be limited to a theater, at least not without some real finnicky scripting which is prone to errors. So, for example, giving Russia two GHQ's would not limit them to 1 in Eastern Front and 1 on Turkish Front. Instead, players could easily use this setup to ramp up Russian army stacks in the Eastern Front using both GHQs and stay on the defensive in good mountain terrain in the Caucasus.

There's also game balance to take into consideration. Russia had abysmal problems with leadership, so the lack of 2+ GHQs does a good job of simulating the Russians having to focus their efforts on one limited front. Remember, while Brusilov Offensive was successful, the Russians got hit hard in the north (which ultimately led to the Offensive being called off).

I understand the cosmetic concerns, but this is unfortunately something which is limited in the engine. While it is important to model historical realities, IMO it's more important to maintain game balance, and 1 GHQ for Russia was the only way I could adequately do this with the scripting options available.

I did work on a multiple GHQ setup limited to theater via scripting events for the Ultimate Enhancement Mod, and it works well enough, but in a very "mod" sort of way (leader tags get changed behind the scenes, scripts teleport leaders assigned to a theater they are not in, etc). These things technically work, but they are obviously coding workarounds and not really acceptable for the vanilla game. Unfortunately, the mod isn't completely done yet and I likely won't get back to it until early next year. But it addresses a lot of the items you are discussing.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:03 pm

Altaris wrote:The core problem with GHQ's is they can't be limited to a theater, at least not without some real finnicky scripting which is prone to errors. So, for example, giving Russia two GHQ's would not limit them to 1 in Eastern Front and 1 on Turkish Front. Instead, players could easily use this setup to ramp up Russian army stacks in the Eastern Front using both GHQs and stay on the defensive in good mountain terrain in the Caucasus.

There's also game balance to take into consideration. Russia had abysmal problems with leadership, so the lack of 2+ GHQs does a good job of simulating the Russians having to focus their efforts on one limited front. Remember, while Brusilov Offensive was successful, the Russians got hit hard in the north (which ultimately led to the Offensive being called off).

I understand the cosmetic concerns, but this is unfortunately something which is limited in the engine. While it is important to model historical realities, IMO it's more important to maintain game balance, and 1 GHQ for Russia was the only way I could adequately do this with the scripting options available.

I did work on a multiple GHQ setup limited to theater via scripting events for the Ultimate Enhancement Mod, and it works well enough, but in a very "mod" sort of way (leader tags get changed behind the scenes, scripts teleport leaders assigned to a theater they are not in, etc). These things technically work, but they are obviously coding workarounds and not really acceptable for the vanilla game. Unfortunately, the mod isn't completely done yet and I likely won't get back to it until early next year. But it addresses a lot of the items you are discussing.

Thanks !

Any news on the next EAW patch and what will be fixed ?

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:14 pm

Not at the moment. Pretty busy with the new AGEOD game coming out, but I want to return focus on EAW for a catch-all patch afterwards. The official patch will likely only focus on any lingering bug-fixes, no major overhauls. But I also want to finish working the Ultimate Enhancement Mod, which aims at making a more historical representation of certain facets of WW1 (gearing up for war, multiple GHQ's, individual playable majors, etc) - these do come at a cost of increased resource processing, slow turn times, and a bit of a modded feel (a little unpolished).

Check out the mod if you get time though, I think you'll see where I was headed with it and that it crosses over with some of your requests. Just be forewarned the AI isn't stellar in the mod (it's difficult to make the AI work in a each major as separate faction method) - it's a lot better for a multiplayer PBEM experience.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:44 pm

Good to see you back in strength to TEAW Altaris, I suppose that means the other game development is on schedule.

If you have some time there are a lot of comments on the game by Col Ret in the mods subforum that perhaps need some comment.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Tue Oct 11, 2016 11:24 pm

Okay, I promise I will get around to reading them, just very scarce on time right now. Working on WSS in addition to a very demanding full time job, and with two growing kids :)

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:55 am

Oh, I wonder how is possible you have free time to develop games!

Enjoy your family :D

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:07 pm

Hi !

Any news of the patch ?

Thanks !

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:49 pm

We will miss a TEAW AAR by Ripster because of the poor AI, came something be done regarding this?

In his own words:

Code: Select all

Lastly, TEAW would be a great game for an AAR but unfortunately the AI and the scripting (if there is any) are not as good as in RUS. The Western Allied AI just maxes out all of its new unit builds as quickly as possible (causing internal political problems) and then it throws its giant stack of doom at prepared German defenses (I have seen battles with 500,000 casualties on the Alled side). The stack of doom always breaks through but the heavy losses destroy the Allied national morale causing them to lose the war.

His AARs if you missed them:



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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:04 am

Nikel wrote:We will miss a TEAW AAR by Ripster because of the poor AI, came something be done regarding this?

In his own words:

Code: Select all

Lastly, TEAW would be a great game for an AAR but unfortunately the AI and the scripting (if there is any) are not as good as in RUS. The Western Allied AI just maxes out all of its new unit builds as quickly as possible (causing internal political problems) and then it throws its giant stack of doom at prepared German defenses (I have seen battles with 500,000 casualties on the Alled side). The stack of doom always breaks through but the heavy losses destroy the Allied national morale causing them to lose the war.

His AARs if you missed them:



Will you be looking into the AI ´for the next patch ?

EAW is such a great game, it just needs some final polish to make it a epic one !

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:06 am

EAW patch will have to wait until after WSS is finished. I've got a list of items to look into at that point though.

Regarding AI, I doubt there will be a whole lot of change in this area. The AI is controlled at the game engine level, and I doubt there will be a lot of core changes to the AGEOD engine at this point. EAW was much larger scale in terms of # of units than most other AGEOD games, so the AI does have a tendency to overstack the armies.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:51 am

The AI is not only the engine, it can be guided or oriented or whatever you may call it.

Could be wrong, but RUS Gold is considered to have the best AI in any Ageod game, if you look at the sct files with AI in the name there are 10 files, in all around 590 kb in size.

In EAW 3 files, and 88 kb.

Could be other files related with the AI, I do not know, but do these numbers mean something?

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:37 am

Altaris wrote:EAW patch will have to wait until after WSS is finished. I've got a list of items to look into at that point though.

Regarding AI, I doubt there will be a whole lot of change in this area. The AI is controlled at the game engine level, and I doubt there will be a lot of core changes to the AGEOD engine at this point. EAW was much larger scale in terms of # of units than most other AGEOD games, so the AI does have a tendency to overstack the armies.


Maybe the AI could be a bit more scripted to act more historical ?

I wouldn't mind a more scripted AI if it behaves more historical. Maybe the use of generals for example can be scripted so the AI does not send Ottoman Generals to east Prussia.

Would you share this list here so that players can add stuff to the list ?

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:29 pm

Nikel wrote:The AI is not only the engine, it can be guided or oriented or whatever you may call it.

Could be wrong, but RUS Gold is considered to have the best AI in any Ageod game, if you look at the sct files with AI in the name there are 10 files, in all around 590 kb in size.

In EAW 3 files, and 88 kb.

Could be other files related with the AI, I do not know, but do these numbers mean something?

Yes, the AI files are generated per "faction". In EAW, these are Centrals, Western Entente, and Eastern Entente. I don't know all of them for RUS-Gold, but they have Reds, Southern Whites, Siberian Whites, Poland, Greens, Anarchists, and a few other minor ones. The engine treats each AI as its own entity for purposes of what it can group together and such, it doens't really make a distinction. This is why in TEAW the Turks sometimes get shipped to other fronts, as they technically belong to the CEN faction with German and Austrians.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:23 am

Altaris wrote:
Nikel wrote:The AI is not only the engine, it can be guided or oriented or whatever you may call it.

Could be wrong, but RUS Gold is considered to have the best AI in any Ageod game, if you look at the sct files with AI in the name there are 10 files, in all around 590 kb in size.

In EAW 3 files, and 88 kb.

Could be other files related with the AI, I do not know, but do these numbers mean something?

Yes, the AI files are generated per "faction". In EAW, these are Centrals, Western Entente, and Eastern Entente. I don't know all of them for RUS-Gold, but they have Reds, Southern Whites, Siberian Whites, Poland, Greens, Anarchists, and a few other minor ones. The engine treats each AI as its own entity for purposes of what it can group together and such, it doens't really make a distinction. This is why in TEAW the Turks sometimes get shipped to other fronts, as they technically belong to the CEN faction with German and Austrians.

I would even pay for a Update that adds new AI factions if this makes the AI play more historical/better !

I guess having only one for the western entante (maybe use scripting here to make it play better) and the eastern entante is ok but the central powers would need 3 !
One for germany, one for austria hungary and one for the ottoman empire.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:10 am

Good to know there is actually a patch and the Ultimate Mod enroute, last sighted in 2015.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:50 pm

Altaris wrote:The core problem with GHQ's is they can't be limited to a theater, at least not without some real finnicky scripting which is prone to errors. So, for example, giving Russia two GHQ's would not limit them to 1 in Eastern Front and 1 on Turkish Front. Instead, players could easily use this setup to ramp up Russian army stacks in the Eastern Front using both GHQs and stay on the defensive in good mountain terrain in the Caucasus.

There's also game balance to take into consideration. Russia had abysmal problems with leadership, so the lack of 2+ GHQs does a good job of simulating the Russians having to focus their efforts on one limited front. Remember, while Brusilov Offensive was successful, the Russians got hit hard in the north (which ultimately led to the Offensive being called off).

I understand the cosmetic concerns, but this is unfortunately something which is limited in the engine. While it is important to model historical realities, IMO it's more important to maintain game balance, and 1 GHQ for Russia was the only way I could adequately do this with the scripting options available.

I did work on a multiple GHQ setup limited to theater via scripting events for the Ultimate Enhancement Mod, and it works well enough, but in a very "mod" sort of way (leader tags get changed behind the scenes, scripts teleport leaders assigned to a theater they are not in, etc). These things technically work, but they are obviously coding workarounds and not really acceptable for the vanilla game. Unfortunately, the mod isn't completely done yet and I likely won't get back to it until early next year. But it addresses a lot of the items you are discussing.

well, regarding GHQ, in game we allready have defined theters (western front, italian, balkan, eatsern..etc), so with increasing numbers of GHQs it is posible for game to look at theaters ? e.q. no GHQ is located at balkan front, so it is posible to create new one there.
and if that GHQ move to theater with existing GHQ (e.q. from balkan to eastern) then arived GHQ is automaticaly demoted to army atached to existing (older) GHQ at that theater.
if it is not posible under existing code, well, keep it as idea for future improvment if it will be posible at all.
and with increased numbers of GHQs will allow i think more realsitic representation of balkan theater, it will allow austrians to form new GHQ there, idealy with combining of allowing bulgarians to create armies joined to austrian GHQ (or having own separate GHQ), after all they have stacks called armies and GHQ, with armies requiring more CP than provided.
Same situation for romanians/greece.

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Re: Next Patch ETA ?

Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:45 pm

Wiggum wrote:Hi !

Is there a ETA for the next EAW patch ?

Wiggum wrote:EAW is such a great game, it just needs some final polish to make it a epic one !

akmatov wrote:Good to know there is actually a patch and the Ultimate Mod enroute, last sighted in 2015.

Altaris wrote:… but I want to return focus on EAW for a catch-all patch afterwards. … But I also want to finish working the Ultimate Enhancement Mod, which aims at making a more historical representation of certain facets of WW1 (gearing up for war, multiple GHQ's, individual playable majors, etc)….

So...? :confused:

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