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Japan issues galore... WAD???

Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:28 pm

As Japan in Early December 1859:

- I control all of Tonkin, and have for many years, with only one Tonkinese Army running around in Cambodia but:
- though I have 100 percent military control I still can't build forts or Anchorages;
- I can build an Arms Factory or any other type of industry but I can't build an Anchorage- seriously?
- I can build a coal or mineral mine/field but can not build a fort, is that WAD?
- Warscore remains at 102 despite defeating the sole Tonkinese unit periodically- no units lost so he replenishes which is fine;
- Tough to move and engage in Monsoons, Heavy Rain and other adverse weather- so an interesting cat and mouse;
- I can build Depots as well;
- But without Anchorages or Forts I might as well give up the game;
- I've been there so long in Tonkin that loyalty towards Japan has started;
- I have more of an issue in Japan with Rebels than I do in Tonkin- at this point only loyalty towards the Rebels, no units thus far;
- In Annam I control Tourane, Pleiku, Hue and have for maybe a year, but:
- No Warscore is displayed;
- Same situation as Tonkin with 100 percent MC, in regards to Forts and Anchorages;
- Depots can be built;
- Industry can be built;
- Mining or Agri can be built;
- Haven't been there long enough for Loyalties to change, yet;
- One province appears to be held by France;
- Only 2 provinces left to conquer- just waiting for the weather to abate.

- I have been shuttling Supplies back and forth from Japan to Vietnam, have Merchant and Transports in the appropriate MTB's;
- Have built 4 depots in Tonkin and one in Annam, thus ammo is fine, but serious issues with Supply;
- The weather wreaks havoc on my Junks primarily; other Transports fare better but lose cohesion rapidly;
- I can harbor in Chinese ports to regain cohesion, but the process is lengthy and difficult due to weather;

So a few things are NOT working as described in the manual; and are not realistic in any sense. I'm almost at the point of giving up and restarting with a new power.

Does anyone have experience with Japan (Kensai? Loki?) to confirm that this is working as designed?

Or does anyone know where in the data files I can amend this? Or is my game just broken?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:16 am

Sounds familiar with many nations. You need patience and time. You have done as you ought. Now tinker and wait.

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Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:25 am

I'm not sure - you are very constrained till the events that modernise Japan so I'd struggle to offer a view on what might be WAD and what might be flawed in the list you have. Kensai did an AAR purely on the Boshin War (ie the precursor to modernisation) so that might give you some clues as to what to expect?

This AAR briefly sketches out Japan in 1867 (skipping any discussion of the early game years) - again may help to place your experiences in context.

There was also a lot of discussion about Japan in the (sadly) lost Paradox-PoN main forum.

Apols none of this answers you, its just stuff that may allow you to judge if what you are seeing is typical of the experience of other Japanese players over the years. But my feeling is you are *meant* to play fairly passively over that early game period?
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Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:48 am

loki100 wrote:There was also a lot of discussion about Japan in the (sadly) lost Paradox-PoN main forum.

The main forum is still there, only the contents of the sub-fora has been deleted:

To see the threads, you must register and log in, click on "Thread Display Options" at the bottom, then on "Set Options" (no need to alter any option), and voilà :-)

Posting anything there is disabled.

If you do a Google search to find solutions and answers for problems and questions, some of the the results will bring you directly to the relevant threads, without need to register and log in:

Japan doesn't seem to have been very popular over there, or the Google search isn't complete.

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Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:02 am

Siegfroh wrote:The main forum is still there, only the contents of the sub-fora has been deleted:


the material was in the threads relating to modding etc
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