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First Punic War. The Long One.

Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:06 pm


Long time lurker. AAR noob. Big AGEOD fan. AJE is my Fave.

So I have decided to attempt a AAR in the old picture and text style. No fancy videos (Hate the sound of my own voice). Maybe next time (text to speech app). If this is any good. Have really enjoyed reading other AAR's and have wanted to give it a go for some time.
I started a PBEM game against an opponent I have had a number of bouts with before. He may comment if he wishes his identity to be known. Just into turn two of the First Punic War scenario. The long one. I'll be Rome. Haven't quite decided if I'm going to report month by month or seasonally or when something exciting happens. It is a long scenario and there does tend to be a few quiet moments. I'll start off month by month for the moment.

Below is my win criteria.


Capture Carthage. Easy.

Here's my objective list.


I need to start putting some Roman Symbols on them or Carthage will quickly ramp up a big VP lead.

My Strategy for the war is pretty much one of distraction, survival and building up a large enough force to pound Sicilia, and any Carthaginian troops (and its Allies), into the Dirt. To achieve this result I have set myself three objectives to carry out in the relative short term. (Next 2-3 years).

1. Survival. First is to get to Messana using the Night Crossing option to prevent it from falling into enemy hands as soon as possible. I don't plan on venturing too far from there. I expect the Carthaginians to throw the kitchen sink at me but am confident that I will have a strong enough force to hold them off. Initially anyway.


2. Distraction. Leptis Magna is Due south of Malta and is a Objective City. It is quiet a distance from my main harbour in Tarentum. I think about seven sea zones. I plan on sailing over with a strong force. Assaulting straight away. Take control and then load up my assault force and head back to Italy. A bit risky but I think it's worth it because it is an important trading port for the Carthaginians. Probably aiming off to do it in mid-summer 263 BC. If I manage to hold it through the winter I'd be happy. As you can see from the objectives list the Carthaginian Navy is far superior to mine so I need to start building up my Navy as a priority. I plan on avoiding any naval battles until I can at least match them 1 for 1. Or achieve local superiority.


3. Distraction. Corsica and Sardinia. There are three objective cities on Corsica and Sardinia. Aleria, Olbia and Caralis. I plan (They never work!) on using a similar ops plan to Leptis Magna with Aleria and Olbia but with the intention of holding onto Olbia for a possible future advance on Caralis. Caralis has a level 2 fort so am unable to launch an immediate offensive. I hope to carry out this op when Massalia have opened their Ports to Rome. Either towards the end of next summer or maybe the Autumn if the weather Gods favour us. Massalia will give Rome an extra staging posts which will hopefully confuse the Carthaginians a bit.


IF! I'm successful with 2 and/or 3 and Carthage tries to take them back and kicks me out I'd still be happy enough as Carthage will have to commit forces that could fighting be somewhere else (Sicilia or Italy).

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Corsica and Sardinia.png
Leptis Magna.png
Rome objectives.png

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Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:09 pm


My Main Active Forces.

Appius Claudius Caudex, Conular Exercitus II. Currently my best general. Fast mover trait will be handy for getting his Army to Messana quickly.


Marcus Fulvious Flacus, Not as good as Claud but still decent enough stats. Slow mover attribute is not great. But hopefully won't be an issue.


I'm not sure if the slow mover trait is actually disabled or not, or why. Maybe it won't be an issue. Suppose will find out.

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Marcus Slow.png
Marcus Infantry.png
Marcus Fulvious.png
Claudius Screener.png
Claudius Offensive Master.png
Claudius Fast.png
Claud Stat.png

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May 264 BC

Thu Apr 14, 2016 9:46 pm


Below is some flavour text from the first turn to get you in the mood and a few tips for me to give me some direction.


My basic plan for the first turn was to send Claudius and his legions strait to Messana (see what i did their ;) ) spending the 5 EP to allow a night crossing in case the Carthaginian fleet tries to block it by normal means. I left him on Defensive.


Secondly I will send Marcus on a circuitous route around Volsini to attack Lucomon therefore avoiding the attacking across a river penalty. Hopefully this will result in a much more favourable result in my favour, If I win the battle. I'm not sure if the amount of time it is taking him to get there has been affected by the Slow mover trait.


I sent a small Naval Force in Neapolis to Tarentum. It is led by an old seadog named Duumvir. His offensive and defensive stats are poor but his strategic rating is pretty good which will hopefully come in handy.


I plotted him through with a ROE of defend and retreat with an evade combat order. The Carthage Navy didn't show so he arrived safely.
I also started building another Roman Triremis Classis unit in Tarentum.
Along with spending 5 EP on the Night Crossing option I also spent 5 EP on raising 200 more D's. This will allow me to build another Warship flotilla in the next turn.
Volsinii Route.png
Night Crossing.png
Messana Run.png
Flav text.png

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June 264 BC

Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:00 pm


In the North my roundabout route to Volsinii worked out pretty well. Marcus managed to inflict quite a sound beating on Lucomon and his forces. Lucomon managed to retreat to the gates of Rome. I'm sure that will work out great for him! I also managed to capture one of Lucomons supply carts too. :thumbsup:


Claudius got to Rhegium and made a successful night crossing into Messana. He needn't have kept his soldiers up all night crossing over as the Carthaginian Navy had decided not to patrol the crossing so he could have done it during the day with a good nights rest to prepare for the First Battle of Messana!

Hiero II marched straight on Messana and laid siege within the first couple of days of May. When Claudius arrived he broke his siege and assaulted the consular army. It did not work out to well for him.


A significant victory but not enough to gain any NM.

As it stands now Military Control of the province is about 50/50. So both forces are gaining some supply and both can remain in a defensive posture. You can also see below that the Carthage Navy has not blockaded Messana yet.

Plan for June.


In Messana I debated whether or not to go on the offensive against Hiero and attempt to kick him out of Messana. At the moment my Consular Army is a good bit more powerful than Hiero's and I would likely be victorious. But I can get no reinforcements to Messana. That means Claudius has to really manage his resources. Hiero can always get reinforcements from close by. I decided to Leave him on Defensive and put him to hold at all cost too. I also placed the Mamertines mercenary unit, into the consular army.

In the North I left Marcus in Volsinii to continue the siege. I also left his posture on offensive in the event that when Lucomon is kicked back across the river from Rome he will be assaulted once more and will have to retreat somewhere else. All along taking significant hits. I think he will retreat to Volsinii as it is the only place that he has any military control. I placed my most of my Roman garrison unit outside and on offensive. I am pretty sure they will effect a good spanking to Lucomon.


I have the makings of small fleet coming together in Tarentum. You can see the new squadron forming in the other tab.


I also have another Triremis Classis in Metapontum which is being sent to join up with Duumvir and his burgeoning Navy.


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Battle of Messana May- June.png
Battle report Volsinii May - June.png

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July 264 BC

Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:54 pm


Welcome back.

I'm a few turns ahead at this stage now and my notes from this turn are a little bit, if not totally, illegible. I did take some screenshots so I should be able to piece together what happened from them.

June Summary.

In Rome Lucomon and his dwindling army was defeated, he had started in May with over 30'000 men. Lucomon managed to inflict greater losses on Rome than he received (Rome suffered around 1000 more casualties) but it wasn't enough to stop the Romans.


As predicted he retreated into Volsinii, taking several hits during the retreat. Marcus was waiting for Lucomon and attempted an assault on him as he retreated. Lucomon managed to evade Marcus and escaped into Umbria, taking more hits along the way. Lucomons force is no longer a threat to Rome's security. The remnants of his Army will have to be swept up but I dont predict that he will cause Rome any further trouble. Because we captured so many prisoners from our victory I have been given the Ransom prisoners option for 200 Denari. Which is nice. More ships for Rome.


The plan for the next turn will be to split off a legion from Marcus's consular army and leave it to maintain the siege on Volsinii. Marcus with the remainder of his force has been tasked with hunting down Lucomon wherever he may go. Praefectus Urbi from Rome's garrison force has been sent, with an Ala unit, to Volsinii to take over the Siege. Urbi has a decent strategic rating which could come in handy for hit and run tactics. He also has the infantryman and fort defender traits.


In Sicillia Heiro held off on assaulting again. He actually received what looked like another unit of Mercenary Hoplites. You will see below the composition of his force.


You can see below that the Carthage Navy has finally arrived to start the blockade of Messana. I have a long way to go before I get near achieving parity. I will make a sacrifice to the storm gods to lay waste to that fleet. I dont fancy the idea of slaughtering my dog so I will have to have a think about that one.


You can also see below the force composition of Stratagos in Lilybaeum. He hasnt moved in the last few turns so I am assuming he is locked. We all know how well assumptions can work out. I would be in trouble if he came around for the fight.


Basically my plan in Messana is to remain in a defensive posture and hold at all cost. I suspect Hiero will launch another assault during July.
I also decided to purchase a transport in Tarentum. This will carry my force on my Leptis Magna expedition.

Please feel free to chuck in your two cents if you think I am making a mess of things.

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Sicilly 2(2).png
Sicilly 2(1).png
Sicilly 2.png
Praefectus Urbi.png
Rome 2.png
Battle Report Rome Day 1 june - july.png

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Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:36 pm

Thanks for the AAR, I am 156-turns into my own 1st Punic War and so far have achieved - stalemate. Good luck with yours, am really looking forward to watching this move forward for the SPQR crowd.


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Cardinal Ape
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Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:22 pm

Looks fun. Thanks for sharing.

Damn, those Roman legions sure pack a punch.

Tarfman wrote:I'm not sure if the slow mover trait is actually disabled or not, or why. Maybe it won't be an issue. Suppose will find out.

I think those traits turn on or off based upon whether or not the general is active (the envelope looking icon).

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Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:48 pm

Random wrote:Thanks for the AAR, I am 156-turns into my own 1st Punic War and so far have achieved - stalemate. Good luck with yours, am really looking forward to watching this move forward for the SPQR crowd.


Hi Random,

Hope to keep you, and myself!, entertained.


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Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:50 pm

Cardinal Ape wrote:Looks fun. Thanks for sharing.

Damn, those Roman legions sure pack a punch.

I think those traits turn on or off based upon whether or not the general is active (the envelope looking icon).

Hi Cardinal,

Thanks for the input. We are playing with the Vetern option where you dont know if your General is going to be active until you run the turn. So not sure if what you say is the case. It may have something to do with it alright though.


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August 264 BC

Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:16 am


Hiero did not assault in July. He got another unit to fill up his ranks instead. Great. The Carthaginian blockading fleet also stayed in position. I have yet to carry out that sacrifice.


I still don't think he is powerful enough to inflict a major defeat on me, particularly now that Claudius has had the chance to dig in his force. No movement out of Strategos either. Claud will stay in his camp drinking wine. You can see from the pic above that the province has been looted. That was nothing to do with the Romans as his troops are growing fat from sitting around. Romans would never go around raping and pillaging.... never?

In the North Marcus managed to track down Lucomon and bring him to battle in Cosa (NW of Volsinii). Another victory for Marcus. Hopefully they will all be this easy!


Lucomon made the same mistake again and retreated into Volsinii where Urbi and his small force was waiting for him.


You can see that Lucomon's force has suddenly trebled in number but that can be accounted for by the number of units besieged in Volsinii. Lucomon has finally learned and wisely retreated to Umbria. Instead of into the teeth of the Romans.

The plan for August is once again for Marcus to Hunt down and attempt to eliminate Lucomon. Urbi will maintain the siege on Volsinii and a Roman Legion will stand guard outside Rome in case Lucomon shows up again. I think after this turn I may start sending forces down to Tarentum to start training with the Navy for amphibious assaults.


If you have any sacrificial related hints please let me know.

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Plan for Sept.png
Battle Day 18.png
Battle Day 17.png
Messane Carthage reinforcements.png

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September 264 BC

Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:32 pm


2nd Battle of Messana. Hiero assaulted on the very first day of August. Unfortunately for Heiro it went the way of the Romans. The trench networks built up by the legions were to much for him to overcome. They suffered significant casualties but not enough for them to be concerned about Claudius counter attacking. Hiero must be thinking did he pick the right side in this fight!


Hiero received more reinforcements during the September. Looks like more mercenary Hoplites. The Carthage fleet maintained the blockade of Messana. They must be pretty frustrated at the fruitlessness of it.



Marcus tracked down Lucomon in Umbria but Lucomon retreated straight into Volsinii where Urbi forced him into retreating to Cosa. At this stage I'm sure he must be thinking that life in a Roman cell must be better than this!

I also received some Volunteers for the Army and the Navy. The public must think the war is going well. You gotta love propaganda!



As you can see the replacements came in handy. I am holding off on buying the Socii Legatus replacements as they are 30 D's a pop. Hopefully some of the local nobility will decide to volunteer.


Plan for September turn is for Claudius to keep doing what hes doing. Am happy enough with that situatuion. I will have to consider sending him reinforcements at some stage in the future. Timing for that will be tricky.

I have decided to send Urbi with a Legion and a Ala unit that he previously commanded in Rome to Tarentum. He will commence working up for some future amphibious operations. Marcus will take over the siege of Volsinii with his remnaining Legion and two Ala units. Lucomon will be given a break this turn. I am hoping that Volsinii will surrender in the Next turn as they have been without any form of supply for the last few months.

I received the option below a turn or two ago and forgot to mention it. Oops. It will be a long while before I get too 20 EP at 1 EP per turn. I currently sit at 4!


I found a load of Ants attacking my Kitchen. I could sacrifice them.

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Massalia Support.png
Messana Area.png
Battle Messana day 1.png

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October 264 BC

Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:54 am


Welcome back.

September wasn't too eventful. I'm beginning to guess that this will become a routine statement.

Lucomon for some reason decided to venture into Volsinii. Marcus had arrived a few days before him and was fairly eager to bring him to battle. Unfortunately Lucomon sobered up and dashed back to Cosa.

Unfortunately Volsinii did not surrender. It has a level three depot which must have been fully stocked. It must fall next turn. The power value of the unit within is now quiet low. I think it started somewhere near 400 and is now down to 109.


In Messana things were rather uneventful. No attacks and no reinforcements. I am happy enough with the situation. I left the supply filter on for the shot below. You can see that Hiero and the Carthaginian fleet are both in a bit of bother on that front. I suspect that his navy will have to reduce its strength or retreat all together. The weather situation could worsen in the next turn which will also be a consideration for them. You can also see that the military control is much further in my favour since our recent victories. If it keeps going that way he won't be able to stray in the province without assaulting which could lead to his expulsion. Which would be nice.


Hiero's force has regained strength in that turn but not enough to worry about.


In Tarentum my fleet is as big as it is going to get and my expeditionary force is ready to roll. I have built nearly all my naval units except for one transport. I don't have any money for more so it is not an issue at the moment. I believe more options will present itself when an event triggers later in the game. I can build one more Ala unit and two units of Cavalry. If Urbi was commanding them he would receive a command penalty so am happy enough with his force composition for the work I have for him.



Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately I have hit a little snag in my grand plan. None of my ships are able to cross ocean zones. This means that if I wanted to attack Leptis Magna I would have to move past several Carthaginian provinces on the way. And a little too close to Carthage itself.


This has lead me to consider another option.


Launch an amphibious assault along Hiero's supply route to Messana, Catania. If I can inflict a big defeat on him he may switch camps. I struggled in my decision in whether or not to strike this turn. There are several pros and cons.

Pros; It is nearly probably the ideal time to do it. Weather conditions are still good for the Navy. It's only a short hop from Tarentum. My expeditionary force should easily be able to overcome the level 1 fort. I don't think it would have to face more than three Militia units. There is currently one stationed in it. That would give me a relative power value of over 5-1. Urbi's infantryman trait would be very helpful here. When Hiero sees that I have landed behind his Army he will probably immediately head for Catania. His force will start from Messana in mountainous terrain in November. Due to the weather and his supply issues I would hope that he would take several hits and cohesion damage before he gets there. I may even assault his force with Claudius to weaken it further before he arrives. He may still defeat my expeditionary force but at least he will have been expelled from Messana and hopefully have taken a good deal of damage.

Cons; Urbi's force would still be in an assault posture as Hiero will arrive in Catania the same turn I assault Tauromenium, not ideal. I suspect that Hiero may retreat to Catania next turn (October) anyway to avoid the worse of the winter weather. If that were to happen my force would be butchered on the beaches. If he does decide to pull back part or all of his fleet he may decide to route via the coastal zones adjacent to Catania which could result in the two fleets running into each other. I am fairly sure that he would pretty much annihilate me. If my plan worked reasonably well and my expeditionary force was forced to retreat to Messana that force would now also be stuck on Sicilia. Reducing my ability to strike elsewhere or protect the mainland.

Feck it. I'll go for it. Before I wrote up the pros and cons I had decided that I wasn't going to go ahead with it. I changed my own mind. I think Hiero will stay as I don't think he will want to give up his foothold (Military Control). I am guessing that his fleet will head west. I also think that if the fleet does sail south it will reach Syracusae before my fleet enters the same sea zone. I will have Duumvir's posture set to defend and his ROE to retreat. He will also be ordered to evade combat.

Fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed. The Ants are no more. Neptune be good.

Back Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leptis route.png
Tarentum fleet.png
Shock Force.png

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October 264 BC

Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:11 am


Welcome back.

September wasn't too eventful. I'm beginning to guess that this will become a routine statement.

Lucomon for some reason decided to venture into Volsinii. Marcus had arrived a few days before him and was fairly eager to bring him to battle. Unfortunately Lucomon sobered up and dashed back to Cosa.

Unfortunately Volsinii did not surrender. It has a level three depot which must have been fully stocked. It must fall next turn. The power value of the unit within is now quiet low. I think it started somewhere near 400 and is now down to 109. I have left Marcus on Assault in case there is a breach.


In Messana things were rather uneventful. No attacks and no reinforcements. I am happy enough with the situation. I left the supply filter on for the shot below. You can see that Hiero and the Carthaginian fleet are both in a bit of bother on that front. I suspect that his navy will have to reduce its strength or retreat all together. The weather situation could worsen in the next turn which will also be a consideration for them. You can also see that the military control is much further in my favour since our recent victories. If it keeps going that way he won't be able to stray in the province without assaulting which could lead to his expulsion. Which would be nice.


Hiero's force has regained strength in that turn but not enough to worry about.


In Tarentum my fleet is as big as it is going to get and my expeditionary force is ready to roll. I have built nearly all my navel units except for one transport. I don't have any money for more so it is not an issue at the moment. I believe more options will present itself when an event triggers later in the game. I can build one more Ala unit and two units of Cavalry. If Urbi was commanding them he would receive a command penalty so am happy enough with his force composition for the work I have for him.


Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately I have hit a little snag in my grand plan. None of my ships are able to cross ocean zones. This means that if I wanted to attack Leptis Magna I would have to move past several major Carthaginian on the way. And a little too close to Carthage itself.


This has lead me to consider another option.


Launch an amphibious assault along Hiero's supply route to Messana, Catania. If I can inflict a big defeat on him he may switch camps. I struggled in my decision in whether or not to strike this turn. There are several pros and cons.

Pros; It is nearly probably the ideal time to do it. Weather conditions are still good for the Navy. It's only a short hop from Tarentum. My expeditionary force should easily be able to overcome the level 1 fort. I don't think it would have to face more than three Militia units. There is currently one stationed in it. That would give me a relative power value of over 5-1. Urbi's infantryman trait would be very helpful here. When Hiero sees that I have landed behind his Army he will probably immediately head for Catania. His force will start from Messana in mountainous terrain in November. Due to the weather and his supply issues I would hope that he would take several hits and cohesion damage before he gets there. I may even assault his force with Claudius to weaken it further before he arrives. He may still defeat my expeditionary force but at least he will have been expelled from Messana and hopefully have taken a good deal of damage.

Cons; Urbi's force would still be in an assault posture as Hiero will arrive in Catania the same turn I assault Tauromenium, not ideal. I suspect that Hiero may retreat to Catania next turn (October) anyway to avoid the worse of the winter weather. If that were to happen my force would be butchered on the beaches. If he does decide to pull back part or all of his fleet he may decide to route via the coastal zones adjacent to Catania which could result in the two fleets running into each other. I am fairly sure that he would pretty much annihilate me. If my plan worked reasonably well and my expeditionary force was forced to retreat to Messana that force would now also be stuck on Sicilia. Reducing my ability to strike elsewhere or protect the mainland.

Sorry folks, I think I'll pass on this one. Annihilation is too much of a risk to take. Nearly talked myself into it!

Back Soon. :)
Leptis route.png
Tarentum fleet.png
Shock Force.png

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Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:50 am

Tarfman wrote:Hi,
As you can see the replacements came in handy. I am holding off on buying the Socii Legatus replacements as they are 30 D's a pop. Hopefully some of the local nobility will decide to volunteer.

Very interesting AAR so far! Bravo.

As for the Legatus replacement, you don't really need them, as the Legatus is the last element that could be missing in an Alae unit...if it is missing, it means the Alae has been destroyed and thus it is easier (and cheaper) to rebuild one in full. No need fro those replacement (same thing for the Legion legates). You just made a saving here....

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Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:13 pm

PhilThib wrote:Very interesting AAR so far! Bravo.

As for the Legatus replacement, you don't really need them, as the Legatus is the last element that could be missing in an Alae unit...if it is missing, it means the Alae has been destroyed and thus it is easier (and cheaper) to rebuild one in full. No need fro those replacement (same thing for the Legion legates). You just made a saving here....

Hi Phil,

Thanks very much for the input. Handy few bob saved.

Quick question for you, or anyone that can fill me in. If a fleet has naval interception selected will it intercept fleets passing through adjacent sea zones or only ones in its current zone?

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Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:16 pm

IIRC only in the current zone (or an adjacent one if in port, but with lower chance of success). But I am not 100%, some players might know better than me here (I am less aware of engine intricacies and more about events and data content..)

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Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:40 pm

Thanks phil :)

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November 264 BC

Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:48 pm


Only movement from last turn was Lucomon heading further North to Populonia. Not sure what he is up to. Must have some secret lair up there. Volsinii has not surrendered yet. They must be eating their own at this stage. Very stubborn.


Weather is beginning to turn further North. Winter is coming. (Been dying to say that).


I received the sell prisoners option again. Because of this I spent most of my remaining cash on recruiting two skirmisher units in Messana.


In Messana all was quiet. No detection of any movement from Hiero or his fleet. You can see below that Hiero's army and the fleets supply situation is still deteriorating. The power value of the units i his army are beginning to drop. You can also see the two skirmisher units beginning their training in Messana.


Nothing planned for December. Those Ants are no more. Neptune be good.

Back soon.

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Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:17 pm

Good to see written AAR. Well done. :thumbsup: Scenario demands some waiting and chess movement.
For now as a house rule I would not use intercept order.

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Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:54 pm

Baris wrote:Good to see written AAR. Well done. :thumbsup: Scenario demands some waiting and chess movement.
For now as a house rule I would not use intercept order.

Hi Boris,

Thanks for the thumbs up. ☺

I'll email my opponent ref the intercept option.

Is there any other house rules we might adopt to make it more enjoyable and/or fairer.


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Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:39 pm

Busy year for you and potentially such a long road ahead. I hope to follow this all the way so thanks and please keep up the Republic's good work..

Never done PBEM but have found the game's AI a challenge in this scenario. I barely got a Roman win first time I played and now am far behind in points and am unable to defeat Hasdrubal in Sicily. The Carthaginians never invaded Italy and so I was not able to raise those legions that one can get when the Eternal City is threatened and so on land we are at near parity and Carthage generally has better leaders. Twice have invaded Africa, both times ended in disaster. Have buckets of money and EP but nothing to spend them on and still over nine-years to go.

No suggestions on house rules from this corner of the peanut gallery; I think this scenario is naturally balanced.


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Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:52 pm

Random wrote:Busy year for you and potentially such a long road ahead. I hope to follow this all the way so thanks and please keep up the Republic's good work..

Never done PBEM but have found the game's AI a challenge in this scenario. I barely got a Roman win first time I played and now am far behind in points and am unable to defeat Hasdrubal in Sicily. The Carthaginians never invaded Italy and so I was not able to raise those legions that one can get when the Eternal City is threatened and so on land we are at near parity and Carthage generally has better leaders. Twice have invaded Africa, both times ended in disaster. Have buckets of money and EP but nothing to spend them on and still over nine-years to go.

No suggestions on house rules from this corner of the peanut gallery; I think this scenario is naturally balanced.


I think as Rome if you can hold Messana your in with a shout. We have 277 turns currently remaining. By the time we get to the end Ill have written the equivalent of a Thesis! I may pester my opponent to open up a competing thread to give the Carthaginian side a fair hearing.

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December 264 BC

Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:07 pm


A rather more eventful turn. The Third Battle of Messana. Hiero decided to launch a series of assaults against Claudius and the Mamertines. He threw his forces upon Claudius's Legions across the space of four days, in early December, in the rain, in the mountains. He had superior numbers but not superior troops. He realised the pointlessness of it after the fourth day. He started the offensive with 41,500 men. By the end of the 4th day he had lost over eleven and half thousand men. Claudius lost only (relatively) 5100 men.




According to the Battle reports the first two battles were stalemates and the final one was a victory for the Romans. For me this represents Hiero believing that his tactical genius ;) and superiority in men would overcome the Romans defence across a multi day battle. But as the battles progresses he came to realise that the Legionnaires under Claudius's leadership were far more willing to die than surrender. It also represents, to me anyway, that the outcome of the Battle was unsure for both sides until the fourth day. By the look of the last Battle report the tide of battle was beginning to swing in Hiero's favour. But too late for Hiero to see.

From the reports you can see that Hiero's supply level was at 74%. Not good for him. I presume that his supply situation would be even worse by the end of the turn. If he does not do something about it he will take some serious losses over the coming turns.

As a result of the battles his MC is now down to 12%. One more defeat and he won't be able to stay in the province without having to fight for it.


For me I will take the victory. It might be a somewhat Pyrrhic for Claudius, in that they are still significant losses and that they will take some time to replace. I feel that Carthage are in a better position to soak up the losses.


In the North it appears that Lucomon and the remnants of his army have escaped by sea. I should not have let him escape. Those units will be able to reform and rebuild. I'd say they are cursing Rome every night before going asleep, if they sleep. I'm sure, in time, that they will come back to bite me on some part of my arse.

Volsinii has NOT surrendered. They must all be walking around on crutches at this stage.

Massilia and Capua Mercati (That right?) produced about 45 D's for my war fund. I got an economic development progress event too. Which is nice. Perusia trained up some recruits for me. Very nice of them. Good timing again. Below is a breakdown of my replacements situation. I am happy enough with it at the moment and dont think it requires further investment. I would have spent an awful amount of D's on Legati (That Right??) if not for Phil's input earlier. Cheers again



With the Denari I made from selling the prisoners into slavery I was able to recruit the last skirmisher unit in Messana, two units of Equites in Rome and one Naval Transport in Neapolis. I decided to purchase the transport in Neapolis to give me the option, in the distant future, of launching special ops into the western Med. The Equites will be used to run around the country side regaining MC for me. I have only one Alea unit left to recruit. I plan on doing that when the tax's are collected.

I had considered assaulting Hiero but only very briefly. No major plans for next turn.

Back soon.
Eco Dev.png
Heiro Supply.png
Battle Messana Day 4.png
Battle Messana Day 2.png
Battle Messana Day 1.png

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February 263 BC

Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:22 pm


4th Battle of Messana. Wasn't much of a battle. More of a rout. It appears that Hiero attempted to retreat the moment battle was joined. (He was in passive posture) In his haste to retreat his Army suffered over 31 Hits! You can see that at the start of the battle he had approximately 12'500 men. On the last day of the 3rd Battle of Messana (4th Dec 264BC) he had a little over 30'000 men. Between then and the start of the 4th battle of Messana he lost over 17'000 men. I am guessing due to supply issues (Disease, starvation, desertion).


Hiero retreated Westward to Tyndaris. I was a bit surprised by that because I had assumed he would have retreated towards Syracusae. It would have suited me if he had retreated south as that is the direction I intend on heading next. I am not sure in which direction I will head now. At the moment weather conditions are too treacherous for an army to be marching in, so Claud will hang tough in Messana and enjoy the plaudits for his victory.

Below you can see Hiero's army, and the Carthaginian fleets, power and supply status.


Hiero is not an immediate threat to me. It will take some time for him to get combat ready once again. I think my plan for Claud will be for him to assault move South into Catania as soon as the weather clears. The Carthage fleet must return to port soon to resupply. As soon as it does I will land Urbi's force in Messana. In case Hiero decides to lay siege to Messana again.

In the North Volsinii finally surrendered. Rome recieved 20 VP's and 1 NM for that victory. Now that Marcus is freed up. I may use him to assault the level 1 forts in Corsica or Sardinia. This will leave me pretty much undefended in Italy. I am not too woirried about that as im pretty sure Rome will raise more legions if Carthage invades the mainland. His infantry man trait would be well suited to the task. His slow mover trait should not be an issue as I dont plan on moving him far on foot. I will probably have new consuls shortly. Hopefully they will live up to their predecssors. Marcus will head down to Neapolis, stopping in Capua along the way, and await further orders there.


Back soon.
4th Battle Messana.png

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Cardinal Ape
General of the Army
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Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:27 pm

You sacrificed ants to a Roman God? Ants! My God, what have you done!?

What do you think your punishment will be? A false victory? A blessed son born to Hamilcar? A son who will one day reclaim what you think you have won? A future filled with elephants that crush Roman legions like ants in the streets of Roma? :neener:

For house rules in AJE, I would recommend that both players be on the same page when it comes to combining units with generals. I'd say don't it.

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Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:16 am

Cardinal Ape wrote:You sacrificed ants to a Roman God? Ants! My God, what have you done!?

What do you think your punishment will be? A false victory? A blessed son born to Hamilcar? A son who will one day reclaim what you think you have won? A future filled with elephants that crush Roman legions like ants in the streets of Roma? :neener:

For house rules in AJE, I would recommend that both players be on the same page when it comes to combining units with generals. I'd say don't it.

The Ants were going down one way or the other. Better to make some use of it.

If all our great leaders were to consider the future ramifications of their decisions we wouldnt have so many great AGEOD simulations to play!!

Cheers for the house rules.


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March 263 BC

Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:24 am


Welcome back.

No major action but some interesting developments. Two new consuls have been appointed. Maximus and Otacilius. I am quite pleased with them. Max has taken over from Claud and Otac from Marcus.



I received the following event.


I believe this to be the fore runner to gaining access to building "Tier 2" naval units. Quingmarines I think they are called. Not 100% on that. Hopefully once our engineers figure out the design we can start building them fairly soon.

We received nearly 530 D in taxes last turn. I was considering in investing it in building roads in the provinces below. This would allow me to transfer troops quickly to Sicily if I ever gained the upper hand in the straits. Instead I am going to save up nearly every penny until I have bought every naval ship I can. It will be something that I will eventually invest in. I recruited my last Alea unit in Neapolis.


This doesn't look to good.


If Carthage can afford to spend that much to gain EP and NM they must be overflowing with money. Which could also mean that they can afford for their armies to take a trashing as they can replace the losses relatively easily.

Hiero received further reinforcements. What looked to be a pedite unit last turn. He has also managed to regain some supply put has pillaged Tyndaris.


In Sicilia the plan is for Max to assault move into Catania. Hopefully he will take the city without too many losses. I am hoping that Hiero will not attempt to besiege Messana again. If he does Max will head back to Catania the following turn. I would expect Max to be able to defeat Hiero's depleted army even after storming a city. The narrow frontage in the mountainous terrain may suit him more. The disciplinarian trait would be of benefit there too. I will return Max to Messana either way.


In the North Octa will continue to Neapolis and await further instructions.

I have decided to move Urbi's force closer to Sicilia. Duumvir's fleet will land him in Rhegium next turn. My plan for Urbi is for him to attempt to make the crossing into Messana if there is ever a break in the blockade.


Thats all for now.

Back soon.
Fleet move.png
Hiero Re..png
Carthage 400 d.png
Punic Ship.png
Otac Stat.png
Max Stat.png

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April 264 BC

Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:53 am


Welcome back.

Maximus was successful in his assault of Tauromenium in Catania. He suffered fairly light casualties in return. Some more prisoners were captured so hopefully that will lead to an option to sell more prisoners into slavery soon. (Never thought I'd be such a big fan of Slavery!)


Our engineers have finally figured out the Punic ship design. This has lead to the Senate declaring a need for a new military port to be constructed so that Rome can build these new ships. I opted to build it in Neapolis as it is closer to Sicilia and I still plan on opening up Massilias port to Rome in the future. It will take six months to build. I plan on only spending what I really need to between now and then so as to allow me to start investing in the ships when it is constructed. I will also have enough EP by then to raise more money.


I got an armaments production bonus in Rome. Which is nice.


The Carthage fleet has remained in place. Carthage must be moving transports in and out of the fleet to be able to maintain the blockade this long. I havenet noticed anything in the replays. Hiero has decided to retreat his force slightly further to the west to Segesta and Stratego has brought his force forward to Camarina. This has encouraged me to allow Max to march on Syracusae. I don't plan on laying siege or blockading it. It is just a show of Force to the local populace, maybe convince them to join the winning side. It may draw the Carthage fleet away from Messana in the hope that he can catch my fleet attempting to blockade Syracusae. I will retreat Max back towards Messana next turn. It should only take me 12 days to get there. I don't like having him so far away. One of the main reasons I'm doing it is because I think Hiero is too far West to make any seriously threatening moves against me. Stratego's force is too small to cause me any real hassle either.


Back soon.

Sicilia Plan.png
Arm Prod.png
Mil port Neapolis.png
Battle Catania.png

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May 263 BC

Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:52 pm


Welcome back.

The Gods looked favourably upon the Roman Empire last turn. Syracusae has Allied with Rome. When Hiero saw that Catania had been conquered he must have feared that Syracusae would be next. Stratego must have also feared the same thing. Both generals came to the same conclusion and decided to rush their forces to Syracuse in case Rome decided to attack the province. Little did they realise that Rome had no intention to siege Syracuse but to draw such a reaction.

Hiero and Strategos did not receive each other's council before committing to their course of action. Instead of combining their forces and meeting Max with their overwhelming force they acted independently. When Maximus learned of this he was thrilled as he knew that his army was capable of beating them independently but not simultaneously.

Strategos and Maximus arrived in Syracusae on the same day. Max assaulted Strategos without delay. Denying Strategos the time to dig in his forces.


Maximus suffered greater casualties but the ferocity of the fighting proved too much for Strategos's men. They retreated in disorder taking 33 hits.

Hiero arrived on day 21. He had no idea that Max was lying in wait for him. In his rush to get there his scouts were barely able to keep ahead of his main force. As a result his Army arrived stretched out and in disarray. Hiero was beaten before battle was joined. (He must have been in Passive posture as he retreated before a battle commenced.) After that final defeat the following event triggered.


I earned 20VPs and 2 EP for that victory. Rome can now confidently say that Carthage will not be able to evict them from Sicilia.

Hiero's loyal forces are now locked in Syracusae for 300 turns, unlocked if attacked. Any Carthaginian forces that was under his command has joined up with Strategos in Camarina. I have been far more successful in Sicilia than I imagined I would be. I am going to keep on pushing my luck. I am going to push on into Camarina and lay siege to that city. The force under Strategos should be fairly demoralised and weakened. Well that is what I'm hoping. Camarina doesn't appear to have a depot so hopefully the siege won't be as prolonged as Volsinii. At the moment a few of Max's units have elements that have only a few hits left. They will be difficult to replace if lost. The assault is risky but I think worth it. Max has a Siege expert bonus so he may form a breach in the walls. If he does I will assault. I would like to Conquer the province as soon as possible as I would like to lay siege to Agrigentum before winter sets in. My victory has given me the option to build a few Syracusan units so I am going to build another Supply wagon in Syracusae (40 D's). That will help me keep my Army fed during the planned sieges.


Interesting to know. May lead to a NM boost decision.


I needed to buy some replacements as I didn't see any freebies coming my way for them. Total cost about 18 D.


Back soon.

Sicilia plan#.png
Hiero Peace.png
Battle of Syracusae.png

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One Year Down.

Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:56 pm


So where do we stand after a year of fighting. Below is the Objectives page from May 264 BC and then from May 263 BC.



Overall I think it has been a very successful year for Rome. Far more than I expected. You can see that Carthage pwr values far exceeded mine at the start but we are some how approaching parity on both fronts. I expect that the naval pwr is misleading as I'm sure Carthage will be able to raise that significantly once he refits his blockading fleet. (Which was still off Messana last time I looked!)

Their VP lead is not as great as feared. To be honest I am not overly concerned with it as I am sure both sides will be making decisions which will impact negatively on their VP score. It is too early in the war to be of real significance.

None of the objectives have changed colour but I don't mind that yet. I hope Agrigentum will go red in the coming months.

They have suffered nearly twice as many losses as I have. Their NM is also down to 94. One of the reasons I decided to assault Camarina is because of NM gap. Hopefully my army will get an advantage from it.

Rome is happy.

Back soon.

Year 1.png
Year 0.png

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