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The plague ?

Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:25 pm

I started a new game, 1850 campaign as Austria, on a fresh, unaltered install, with the Patch_PON_1.04July17.exe installed over it.

In the second round, my !HostLog.txt tells me:

18:39:16 (Reporting) Sardinia-Piedmont Checking if Ruler on Position: 0 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) Sardinia-Piedmont Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia lives another turn
18:39:16 (Reporting) Sardinia-Piedmont Checking if Ruler on Position: 1 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) Sardinia-Piedmont Massimo d'Azeglio lives another turn

That's how it should be, I guess. But then the plague starts. The first to die is Abdulmecid of Turkey:

18:39:16 (Reporting) Ottoman Empire Checking if Ruler on Position: 0 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) Ottoman Empire Abdulmecid I lives another turn
18:39:16 [Warning ] Ottoman Empire Position 1 is EMPTY!:
18:39:16 (Reporting) Ottoman Empire New RulerItem Vacant assigned to this faction on position: 1
18:39:16 (Reporting) Ottoman Empire Checking if Ruler on Position: 1 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) Ottoman Empire Vacant lives another turn

The Chinese Emperor steps with him into the grave, and many others follow the example:

18:39:16 (Reporting) China Checking if Ruler on Position: 0 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) China Xianfeng lives another turn
18:39:16 [Warning ] China Position 1 is EMPTY!:
18:39:16 (Reporting) China New RulerItem Vacant assigned to this faction on position: 1
18:39:16 (Reporting) China Checking if Ruler on Position: 1 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) China Vacant lives another turn
18:39:16 (Reporting) Baden Checking if Ruler on Position: 0 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) Baden Leopold I lives another turn
18:39:16 [Warning ] Baden Position 1 is EMPTY!:
18:39:16 (Reporting) Baden New RulerItem Vacant assigned to this faction on position: 1
18:39:16 (Reporting) Baden Checking if Ruler on Position: 1 should be replaced
18:39:16 (Reporting) Baden Vacant lives another turn

This pattern is followed by - it seems - all other states in this round. Suddenly all of them die and are replaced by "Vacant".

PS. I started the game again, same install, but with my Austrian colonisation capabilities added, and exactly the same rulers died again between the second and the third turn.

Posts: 240
Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:30 pm
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Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:40 pm

I noticed I didn't have the latest patch :blink:

However, installing it, the situation pertains. An example:

20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Frederick of Noer lives another turn
20:59:05 [Warning ] Holstein Position 1 is EMPTY!:
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein New RulerItem Vacant assigned to this faction on position: 1
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Checking Election Trigger Conditions for Position: 1 True
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Triggering new election: 1
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Clearing Last Election List for position: 1
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Candidates Fitness for Position: 1
20:59:05 [Warning ] Holstein No valid candidate to win the election. Something is suspicious! MaxFitness = -999
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Clearing Candidates List for position: 1
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Restarted Next Election Counter for Position: 1 New value: 48
20:59:05 (Reporting) Holstein Checking Election Pre Advise for Position: 1 False

But it seems those of noble blood do rise from the dead: In the Diplomacy screen Prince Frederick of Noer is back ! The post of the Prime Minister remains vacant though.

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