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---> PBEM games, register here <---

Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:33 pm

For those who wants to try BoA in PBEM, post here so that MP games can start:

Suggested format:
Your name (or nickname), with email (optional, you can discuss in the forum)
Scenario/Campaign Name
Preferred side
Turn frequency
Spoken languages

Additional informations:
Where you live (its simpler to play if you are in the same time zone)
if you want to reverse side after the first game
any other informations you want...


Postez ici les informations nécessaires aux démarrages de parties:

Forme suggérée pour l'annonce:
Votre nom (ou pseudo)
votre email (optionnel, vous pouvez discuter par la messagerie du forum)
Nom du scénario/de la campagne
Camp préferré
Fréquence des tours
Langues pratiquées

Autres paramètres
Si vous voulez changer de camp sur le même scénario (2eme partie)
etc... toutes les informations que vous jugez utiles.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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[FS] Feltan
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Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:41 pm

OK, I'll sign up.

Suggested format:

Your name (or nickname): Feltan....if you hadn't figured that out, I am not sure I want to PBEM with you. :niark:

with email (optional, you can discuss in the forum): I can PM that once a victim, I mean opponent, comes forward. I'd rather not publish it to the world.

Scenario/Campaign Name: 1775 campaign....really the only one that holds intense interest for me.

Preferred side: That depends. I would like to play as the Americans, but read on.

Turn frequency: About once per day, 5-6 times per week. I am not looking for a race, but something to enjoy over a longer period.

Additional informations:

Where you live (its simpler to play if you are in the same time zone): I am in the US, in the central time zone. However, I will deviate from Pocus' suggestion, I'd rather like playing against someone from Europe. Preferably British. Preferably someone very pompous, who still refers to the USA as "the Colonies." Preferably someone who will spill their tea and cough and spittle their kippers on the computer monitor when they get thrown out of get the idea. (Someone from France would work too...but be forewarned, I speak absolutely no French.)

if you want to reverse side after the first game: I suppose, but I make a lousy pompous Englishman. The last time I was in England, I was refered to as a "cheeky Yank bastard" in a Pub after winning a game of 501 with a Brit who thought darts were the sole domain of Her Majesty's Subjects. :innocent:

any other informations you want: Please post on this thread first. Then we can use the Private Message (PM) feature on these forums to exchange particulars. I'd prefer an opponent that is, ahem, mature -- i.e., I am 45, and not really interested in beating up (or getting beat up by) a 12 year old.

"Fishcakes" the other F-word.

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Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:25 pm

Nice sign up Feltan. :)

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:31 pm

if you wich Feltan I could be your Cornwalis, I'm from Europe but I leave with the loyalist in Quebec :indien: . there are 3 years and 11 days, that mean, the same days as the begining of the war in Irak I was 40 :siffle:

I'm able to play,at least, one time in the morning and one time in the evening.


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[FS] Feltan
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Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:12 am

bill, and other Frenchies.....

I should clarify one thing, I have a long standing score to settle with someone French.

Some 20+ years ago I was a young Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. I got sent to Europe for two weeks to be a referee on some NATO exercise. As luck would have it, I was sent to Belgium and got teamed up with some junior officers from Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France.

It turned out to be a total farce. There was nothing for us to do (our part of the exercise to referee got cancelled). So, being young single officers, we slept most of the day and went out drinking and chasing women at night. You have to do your part for your country. :p

One evening we were in France. I want to say Metz.....but frankly I don't recall. After a nice dinner we ended up in a Euro Disco (remember....this was 20-some years ago). Anyway, there was a very attractive young lady I spotted. So, I ask the two French officers how to say "would you like to dance" in French. They were happy to help me. They made me practice a couple of times so I could be understood through, what must have been, a terrible American accent.

With my new found command of the French language, and brimming with confidence (and hormones), I approached this very hot young lady and in slow, clear words asked (if I recall correctly): "Voulez-vous couche avec moi ce soir?"

Now if you are a young lad, this is why you need to learn foreign languages. So you can dance with pretty girls? No! So you don't get slapped in the face, and turn to see all your "friends" laughing so hard they are falling out of their chairs. :bonk:

It turns out, I didn't need to speak French at all. Her English skills were pretty good, and what she said won't be repeated here.

Anyway...sorry for the long story. I have a score to settle. If you are French, be warned.

"Fishcakes" the other F-word.

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Sol Invictus
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Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:51 am

LOL, the tribulations of hanging out with devious Frenchmen. :grr:

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PBEM registration

Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:03 pm

Nickname: Guernica
Campaign: 1775 or 1776
Side: American or English
Turn freq: around one per day
Time zone: Atlantic

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[FS] Feltan
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Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:27 pm

Wow. I have to say I am a little disappointed here. Over 140 views and only three volunteers? :p leure:

Guernica and Bill; let's give this a few more days. If I am reading the posts correctly, Guernica is East Coast USA (?), Bill is in Quebec, and I am in Kansas.

I guess my call for an oppenent from Jolly old England went unanswered. You would have figured that 240 or so years after Yorktown, the Brits would have recovered their confidence enough to have another go at it. :p

"Fishcakes" the other F-word.

[FS] is the tag for the Mighty Free Soldiers on-line gaming clan. Visit at

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Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:33 pm

[quote="'[FS"] Feltan']Wow. I have to say I am a little disappointed here. Over 140 views and only three volunteers? :p leure:

Guernica and Bill]

In quebec, unfortunatly, we are fellow of his disgracious majesty exactly like in your europeen colonie. Here we are confident as we have always repulsed your invasion

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Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:06 pm

I am currently starting a 1776 camp with GB.


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Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:20 am

Great stuff. I had similar, but not quite a 'blushing encounter' when I drove for day's from Germany (this was 30 some years ago btw) to see and hear the greatness of French hospitality and their beautiful language. Only to be a rewarded by more German...evidently they could tell we were Yanks in civies and from Deutschland and was trying to give us a 'break'! :>)

Good luck on a PBEM game. I wish I had the time!

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Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:37 am

Hi all, I'm game for this...

Suggested format:
Your name (or nickname) Kbrow06
email To be traded via PM
Scenario/Campaign Name Either 1775 or 1755 Campaigns
Preferred side Brits - but can be flexible
Turn frequency Can be pretty frequent during weekday evenings

Additional information:
Where you live Sweden - GMT +1
If you want to reverse side after the first game Optional
Any other information you want... No embarrassing encounters with European females... which I wish to share anyway :king: Originally from North Carolina, so I can not promise to "spill my tea" for you Feltan - I've got to stick with my coffee.

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Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:42 am

Important Information:

Its better to ZIP the turn files when you pass them around, so to be sure of the integrity of the savegame.

Its on our wishlist, but not a priority to auto-zip the turn file for you, perhaps for the next game ;)

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:30 pm

I'm in for PBEM, please send PM for email address.

U.S. Eastern time zone
Will play any side and any campaign
Really looking forward to a campaigning against a live general.

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Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:25 pm

US Eastern Time Zone
Any campaign / side (only played the '75 campaigns from both sides, not aware of event triggers/reinforcements in other scenarios or campaigns).

Sent a PM to Choowee, but have time for another game or two if anyone is interested.

redcoat scalp
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Ready for 1756-1763 campaign

Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:44 am

Hi :indien: ,
Suggested format:

email :
Scenario/Campaign Name : 1756 - 1763 Campaign
Preferred side French - but can be flexible :siffle:
Turn frequency : every evenings (I'll try)

Additional information:
Where you live : France :innocent:

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Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:04 pm

Would like 1775 campaign, but willing to play any
will play any side
US Eastern Time Zone

Can do one turn every day or two, but can sometimes get in more.

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je veux jouer!

Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:26 pm

Je viens d'acheter le jeu suite aux supers articles parus dans PC4WAR et Cyberstratège (et aussi car il n'est pas cher)
Je voudrais faire une partie avec un débutant (comme moi). sur un petit scénario, à raison de 1 tour par jour (minimum)
vous pouvez m'envoyer un PM si ça vous intéresse

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Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:12 pm

je suis partant! Je suis un joueur débutant. N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez faire une partie par e-mail. J'aimerais bien me lancer dans une campagne, je n'ai pas de camp préféré et il serait possible de faire un tour par jour.

A bientôt.

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Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:00 pm

Hi all,

name : Bertrand
Scenario/Campaign Name : 1755 or 1775 campaigns
Preferred side : French or American
Turn frequency : 2 - 4 turns/week
Time zone : France (GMT +1)

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Ready for my first PBEM!

Mon May 01, 2006 2:40 pm


nickname: CristoFire
campaign: i am a beginner so i don't have preferences
prefered side: same observation
turn frequency: 1 or 2 a day
time zone: France

PM me!

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Tue May 02, 2006 5:21 pm

Hey all,

nickname: IronBrigadeYankee, but you can call me Travis
campaign: preferably the F&I war campaign
prefered side: The French if possible
turn frequency: 1 or 2 a day
time zone: Eastern Time (US)

PM me :dada:
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Tue May 02, 2006 7:14 pm

:p leure: Alors aucun candidat, un autre débutant peut-être??

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Mon May 08, 2006 6:29 pm

I have owned the game for only a few days, but I cannot find a PBEM option anywhere in the game menus.

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Henry D.
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Mon May 08, 2006 9:42 pm

dpstafford wrote:I have owned the game for only a few days, but I cannot find a PBEM option anywhere in the game menus.
PbEM is played in singleplayer mode, with both players exchanging save games.

Actually, it's a little bit more complicated than that, You should check out p. 21 of Your manual... :)
Henry D, also known as "Stauffenberg" @ Strategycon Interactive and formerly (un)known as "whatasillyname" @ Paradox Forums

"Rackers, wollt Ihr ewig leben?" (Rascals, Do You want to live forever?) - Frederick the Great, cursing at his fleeing Grenadiers at the battle of Kunersdorf

"Nee, Fritze, aber für fuffzehn Pfennije is' heute jenuch!" (No, Freddy, but for 15p let's call it a day!) - Retort of one passing Grenadier to the above :sourcil:

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Oh, and by the way...

Mon May 08, 2006 9:52 pm

Henry D. (my real name is Heinrich, so Henry would be fine), e-mail will be provided per PM

1775 Campaign

preferably the British for the time being

1-2 turns per day would be fine

Additional informations:

I live in Germany (GMT+1)

I'd be happy to play the Americans as soon as patch 1.07 has been released :siffle:

Since I'm a wee bit lazy, I'd rather not be referee... :innocent:

My English is not too bad, but my French is virtually non-existant, so all communication should be in English oder German, please.

PM me
Henry D, also known as "Stauffenberg" @ Strategycon Interactive and formerly (un)known as "whatasillyname" @ Paradox Forums

"Rackers, wollt Ihr ewig leben?" (Rascals, Do You want to live forever?) - Frederick the Great, cursing at his fleeing Grenadiers at the battle of Kunersdorf

"Nee, Fritze, aber für fuffzehn Pfennije is' heute jenuch!" (No, Freddy, but for 15p let's call it a day!) - Retort of one passing Grenadier to the above :sourcil:

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Anyone playing email??

Wed May 17, 2006 5:03 pm

New to the forum and considering purchase but I really like playing email games. I cannot tell how active this community is as far as email games so I would like to get a feel for the availability of opponents. Please chime in guys (or girls) and let me know your experience. Thanks.

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Wed May 17, 2006 8:20 pm

Flashman007 wrote:New to the forum and considering purchase but I really like playing email games. I cannot tell how active this community is as far as email games so I would like to get a feel for the availability of opponents. Please chime in guys (or girls) and let me know your experience. Thanks.

It should be noted that PBEM is very minimally supported by BoA. There are no passwords, no file encryption. And a very limited "replay". Not only is it easy to cheat, it is hard not to accidentally cheat. Some of these problems are solved if you can find a third non-player willing to "host" your game. But the replay is still just a listing of messages, not an actual viewing of the turn.

Having said that, yes, I am playing a game by e-mail and enjoying it! And I maintain some hope that AGEOD will further develop the PBEM option.

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Wed May 17, 2006 9:38 pm

Not tried a PBEM yet, not too worried about cheating as I'm pretty sure 95%+ of people I have played against in other games where cheating is possible - like the Campaign Series for example don't cheat (if they do they must be really awful at cheating :)

I am worried about the fact you only see messages for the opponents turn. Can cope with this and look forward to an email game - but it's dissapointing that you cannot see the opponent turn?

Hopefully a future improvement as PBEM is really the only way to play these sort of games.

More scenarios as well - or some sort of editor, that's what has kept the CS series alive for so many years.
Fingers crossed.

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Wed May 17, 2006 9:45 pm

P.S. I'm not looking at the Montcalm 1756 scenario as I think this is a pretty good size scenario to play blind as either side in a first PBEM in 2 or 3 weeks time. Be nice to play a campaign against somebody after this.

Anyone fancy this as a blind PBEM in a few weeks time? (still need to play one of the other scenarios against the AI first to have more idea of the game system)


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