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Learning scenario

Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:26 am

Hi guys

I have recently purchased AJE and BoR. Having played through the tutorial I now do not know where to start. Which scenario should I choose and do the scenarios scale in depth and complexity as you play through them. I find the game interesting but do not wish to be put off by the learning curve I would like to be broken in gently. I have also been gifted Civil War ll but understand I should get to grips with AJE first, thanks in advance.

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Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:55 pm


If you have AJE and BOR, maybe the easiest (less units and turns, smaller map) is the Ager Gallicus BOR scenario, as Romans. BOR scenarios have a smaller map than AJE, although the First Punic war scenarios are very long and dauntng.

AJE scenarios tend to be more complex and have a larger map than BOR. The "toughest" ones maybe the Civil War (Caesar vs Pompeius) and the Great Mithdrdatic War.

As a rule of thumb, scenarios tend to be easier to win if played with the faction that won historically, but you can tweak the difficulty in the options (specially AI settings)


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Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:01 pm

Hi jasparo and welcome.

The Year of the Four Emperors might be a good one to begin with. As Franciscus says, it is a bet more complex, but it is short and focused. If you know some of the history of this time, starting with a scenario whose history you are familiar also helps. As these games tend to provide historical options for historical play, letting history guide your choice is also wise.

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Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:38 pm

Durk wrote:Hi jasparo and welcome.

The Year of the Four Emperors might be a good one to begin with. As Franciscus says, it is a bet more complex, but it is short and focused. If you know some of the history of this time, starting with a scenario whose history you are familiar also helps. As these games tend to provide historical options for historical play, letting history guide your choice is also wise.

Thanks for the replies guys and I will take your advice on board. The AGEOD forums appear very knowledgable. I was thinking if I can at least master one game the others may prove to work very similarly.
I loaded up the Ager Gallicus BOR scenario but then thought what the hell do I do now. I practiced going through the options moved my stacks etc (when they were activated) took an area of the senones with one consul then bot beaten badly by a stack coming down from the north.

I think I have a long way to go but feel it will be well worth the effort when I get a grip of it.

As I said previously I also have Civil War ll and recently bought BOA 2 from Slitherine. I am hoping to get hours of entertainment from these titles. Cheers again.

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