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The Sultans Promise: An Ottoman AAR

Fri May 30, 2014 5:10 am

In the years following the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Frankish devil sent by Dajjal, the glorious Ottoman empire has been slowly collapsing, loosing control over Greece and some of the Balkans.

One fine morning in January of 1850 the Sultan woke after an amazing dream of grandeur and power of some future Ottoman state. He felt inspired and arranged to have the feudal lords assemble outside the palace where he declared a promise to restore the Ottoman empire to the height of its power.

With his grand speech concluded the Sultan assembled his advisers and began the affairs of state....

The Sultan took a pinch from his stuff box, sneezed violently over the grand vizeer and then looked at the nervous and grotesquely under-qualified admiral Ferik Pasha. Well atleast he has a sporting moustache the Sultan thought cynically to himself before asking 'Report fleet readiness admiral'.

With a stammer the Admiral pulled out a parchment and began to read.

'We have 2 squadrons of wooden battleships and 4 squadrons of wooden corvettes at Istanbul, Sultan, along with 2 more corvettes at Sinop.'

It wasnt like the Sultan expected much but this... heh atleast its better than nothing but it cant survive against the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

'Fantastic admiral redeploy the squadron from Sinop to Geliboli I want it out of the Black Sea just in case Russia tries something. I'll look at commissioning a few new vessels soon I promise'

'Ofcourse Sultan'


'General Riza' The morbid and utterly corrupt general peered through his beedy eyes at the Sultan 'Yes Sultan, your command?'

'What troubles have we with peasant revolts, how about those damn Christian ethnics?'

'Yes indeed Sultan, Greeks, Macedonians, Serbians, Russians and finally Cypress all have revolt risk.'

'And what of our forces?'

'We have an army in Palestine, Iraq, Turkey and Bulgaria each. They all have two infantry and a cavalry regiment, the Imperial Janissary army has one division of guards, two of cavalry and one engineer battalion at Istanbul.'

'Fine well we will need to add more regulars and artillery to strengthen the force but we will deal with that in time. For now dispatch the Janissaries along with the Iraq army to the Russian border to keep that checked. Move a battalion from Palestine by boat to Cypress. Take militia and cover the Greek border and cover the north as well. And for the love of Allah if I catch you taking the soldiers pay to upgrade your mansion again ill take your head as repayment!'

'Yes ofcourse Sultan' the general burped behind pink cheeks. I will see to it your orders are done.


The Sultan stood up and walked off back to his harem shaking his head. He would work out economics in the morning. So much to do and so little time...

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Fri May 30, 2014 5:31 am

The Sultan woke early, walked the palace garden and drank a quiet tea. He then had the Royal Accountant brought along with several senior bureaucrats and sat on a cushion with his large royal hooker pipe studded with jewels and finest hashish (he thought he might need it to help with this).

'Tell me Danilan how are our finances looking' the Sultan purred behind a cloud of wafting smoke while a grape was placed in his mouth by a scantily clad slave woman.

'They may be superior if you could cut your personal expenses Sultan.... But we have 330 gold bars and only 126 capital, it is likely inflation will result.
We have only one each of oriental carpets,food and furniture. We produce basically no other manufactured good and only a bit of silk is worth exporting.....'


'That is hardely impressive.... Look I want you to sell everything, food, silk, everything but not coal which im going to horde. I want you to sell our ammo stockpiles....'

'Did you ask the Generals about this Sultan'

'Ofcourse not they can get by. This is temporary I just need money to build an opium plantaion'

'For export Sultan, I hope (pray)'


'Yes exports ofcourse' concluded the Sultan through wafting clouds of exotic smoke. He smiled and walked out of the room. Although inside he was not so joyous. Assesments had showed only a couple coal and iron deposits in the nation and he had to exploit them to the maximum to build a steel industry but it wouldnt be enough. He would probably have to rely on imported minerals but maybe he could export manufactured goods for a profit over the cost of imported minerals. A dangerous but potentially workable economic model.

He would need to think about this...

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Fri May 30, 2014 5:38 am

'Sultan we have a report from Yemen'

'What is it' the Sultan was in one of those moods..

'Well Sultan there is rumors of a revolt brewing in Mecca and on both sides of the Red Sea near Yemen'

'Tell the General staff to divert cavalry away from the north to cover that region. I have no intent on loosing it. Use seaborne transport to speed up the process.'

'Yes I will relay your wise instruction Sultan'


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Fri May 30, 2014 5:57 am

The following morning the Sultan recieved a message that Wallacia had sent a diplomat but recieved no response. The Sultan considered this foolish and so gathered the diplomatic staff, the economic planning commission along with the Governor of Iraq for another important meeting of State.

The Sultan approached the head of the diplomatic branch and said pointedly 'Why was the diplomat of Wallacia turned away?'

'Im Sorry Sultan I did'nt notice him arrive'

'That is unacceptable, we need every friend we can get to help protect us from Russia. I want you to make friends with Russia, Austria, Britain and the Germans. I want you to look for a defensive alliance with Britain and France. Is that clear?

'Yes Sultan' stammered the diplomat who clearly was not used to such grand directives. 'I will make the appropriate advances'


The Governor of Iraq was summoned and directed to invest in merchants in his colony, and more forces were dispatched into the Red Sea as a saftey precaution. Now the army was really quite spread with no funds for new units.

The economic planning commission presented an updated report. Several sources of tobacco, one of opium, a tropical fruit and some dies have been identified to invest in, along with a plan for steel works in Bulgaria and western Turkey. For now we can afford only one new farm. The Sultan decided to postpone his decision until funds had been accumulated.

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Fri May 30, 2014 6:07 am

A parade was scheduled and much celebration occurred as the Sultan ordered the first royal Opium plantation built in Bursa. It is hoped that the revenues will fuel further investment. This first brick laid by the Sultan may be the beginning of something grand or maybe the first step in the Sultans road to the gutter of history. Only time would tell...


Meanwhile more forces move into the Red Sea region.


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Fri May 30, 2014 6:18 am

'Sultan! Sultan! Libya is in revolt!'

'The Tripoli garrison threw them back but now they are outside the gates and have occupied Misratah'

The Sultan said evenly 'Tell the generals to deal with this, they have my permission to take forces out of Turkey if necessary'

'Yes Sultan'


General Riza found the Sultan later that evening and said 'Sultan we lack enough units to cover the Red Sea, Libya and the Balkans'

'Fine I will release funds for a few more militia units to make up the slack, but dont steal the money!'

'Yes Sultan your will be done'


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Fri May 30, 2014 6:33 am

Another day another revolt.

The Sultan realising the need for water transport to speed movements ordered 2 units of river transports to add to the pool.

Military command has taken one of the few actual fighting units in the army and dispatched it from the Balkans to Palestine in the face of revolt. In other news Militia were sent to their death in Libya and a tobacco plantation was built.


Perhaps the only valuable resource yet uncovered, Gems in Kuwait, has been put at the top of the build list.

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Fri May 30, 2014 8:01 am

choros22 wrote:Another day another revolt.

sounds pretty accurate :)

great stuff, be fascinating to see how far you can push the Ottomans, think if you can manage the early game and fend off the Russians, you should be ok for a while. Watch out for about 1880 or so, you get a Sultan so dire diplomatically that you get nil diplomats so you may need to do a script to give yourself 2-4 a year, just so you can manage the most basic of diplomatic actions
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Fri May 30, 2014 5:14 pm

Good Luck with your ?Loyal? subjects.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Sat May 31, 2014 1:31 am

Yeah diplomats are already tight i'll keep that in mind. Also there is a scripted Balkan war in i think 1877 that concerns me.

Crisis in Yemen:

The Sultan glided into the military command with a smirk on his face and a cigar in his mouth (he had imported at great cost). His smirk quickly fell from his lips as he noticed the heightened tension and ambient noise. An unusual number of military staff bustled around the room and the generals clustered around a large map laid flat on a grand table arguing with eachother. Ordinarily the room would hush and bow at the Sultan's entrance however today everybody seemed too busy....

'Something wrong General?...' The Generals jumped apparently not realising the Sultan had entered the room until his pronouncement. The Sultan pushed them aside and looked at the map..


'Are you telling me you have lost control over Yemen! I told you to dispatch more forces to that region more than a year ago!'

'Yes Sultan, your wisdom and guidance did help the situation but we need even more forces I'm afraid. The supply situation is bad, we have already ordered more depots built to assist, they will be completed shortly.'

'I want this situation controlled General, take the Janissary elite corps and our new marine brigades to deal with them!'

'Yes ofcourse Sultan but it will take time to redeploy the Janissaries we will follow your directive.'



Months passed and finally the Generals were ready to mount a new push into Yemen.


The Yemen fighters fell back in the face of our forces, leaving us back in the Sanaa to contemplate further attacks into the hinterland. The Turkish army losses enormous cohesion on the march making attacks difficult.


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Sat May 31, 2014 1:46 am

Economic development continues with new wood, a coal mine, a furniture factory, gems and tobacco plantations being constructed. But then potential disaster.

News has arrived that a Russian army has crossed the northern border and is besieging Kars. The timing could hardely be worse with so many soldiers deployed to Yemen! The Generals and the Sultan frantically shifted forces north to face the Russians. A militia corps and 2 new army divisions were quickly ordered. Lucking England and France are at war with Russia so that helps our chances..


The combined northern army has been ordered to Batumi to counter the weakest Russian advance. The Sultan and staff could only wait and hope as forces slowly move up from Arabia and the dangerous movements of the northern army held with them the fate of the nation.

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Sat May 31, 2014 2:04 am

General Huseyn always believed in speed and mobility in warfare. He did not appreciate having only 7000 cavalry to screen his 80,000 soldiers but he would make do. He gathered some cavalry around him and rode forward swiftly to visually guage that form of Russian horde was approaching them.

He rode out of the Turkish mountains into the low lands in southern Georgia. He turned his telescopic lenses back on his own forces marching thickly down the mountain pass in a twisting column. They were making good time and there order seemed good enough he thought to himself. Then he started looking for the enemy force.

It did not take long soon his cavalry scouts reported their position. General Huseyn rode up to a nearby hill and serveyed them for the first time.


Three thick green columns of men advanced down differing roads all leading into Batumi. He judged there numbers at perhaps 200,000 men. He could see hundreds possibly more than a thousand cannon being drawn behind the thick green regiments of Russian soldiers.


General Huseyn shook his head and immediately ordered a retreat. He would not waste forces when so much was at stake. If this was the weakest Russian army they were in trouble.


Meanwhile Constanza fell without a fight to the Russian army. The Sultan was not to worried about the undecisive battle in Georgia but clearly the Russian army could not be matched in the field. The Sultan decided that if we could surrender Constanza to Russia maybe a peace could be achieved. Meanwhile more forces were accumulated in central Turkey. All new units must be diverted to the Balkans in the attempt to slow the Russian advance limiting force concentration....

Clearly the Ottomans must use their full strength against one of the 4 Russian armies but a war of manoeuvre is difficult with units loosing all their cohesion on a march. By the will of Allah we will prevail despite of all challenges!

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Sat May 31, 2014 8:02 am

this is going to be tricky, why not retreat a bit and let attrition be your friend?
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Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:44 am

Interesting to see another AAR around here :)

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Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:12 pm

Hey come on! Update this AAR please! I'm very curious to see how my Ottoman friends deals with the russians! :D

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Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:50 pm

Is this AAR "closed"? :confused:

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