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Mexican War Tutorial

Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:14 pm

Let me float a test balloon. It's a bit of a shame that there is that huge Mexican map and not much going on down there, and then I had a thought: why not revamp the tutorials so that they represent the Mexican War? First, it would add some flavor since it was in a way the tutorial. Second, there are a lot of advanced concepts to practice like blockade, invasions, and supply when trying to drive on Mexico city. Finally, one could play around with Jeff Davis, Grant, Lee etc on the same roster. Plus, hasn't anyone wanted to use General Scott in his prime?

Just a thought...

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Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:46 pm

I proposed this scenario and even discussed it with Philtib through E-Mail, however I am struggling to get it going and I believe someone else should attempt to create it.
“In my opinion, Colonel Miles was a drunkard, a coward and a traitor, and if I had the power I would have had the United States buttons taken from his coat.”

Elble, Sigmund-Soldier with the 3rd U.S. Infantry

Elble, an officer on the frontier who knew Miles well

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Pat "Stonewall" Cleburne
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Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:21 am

It is a pretty damn good idea. I'm guessing the scope of it would require it be DLC though.

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AGEod Grognard
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Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:51 am

I am rooting for a DLC that includes the Texas Revolution, the Mexican War, and some of the Indian Wars (probably need a more appropriate name for those though). I like the idea of the Mexican War as a tutorial. Creo que nuestros amigos Mexicanos disfrutarían la oportunidad a mantener su tercer de los Estados Unidos :) . (Lo siento por mi escuela primaria Español, yo soy de Indiana.) The expanded West and Mexico on the new map seem to be almost pre-designed to accommodate these conflicts.

I also think the game would really benefit from smaller scenarios like the one you describe: my only criticism of CW2 is that the Grand Campaigns push the envelope on how big and complex a game can be and still be playable. (My wife already refers to herself as old Mrs. Martin; telling her that the last Confederate Widow was probably actually Maudie Hopkins would not help my case!). Hopefully Bloody Roads South will help with that: payday on Thursday!

I have a basic OOB, some artwork, a timeline, a list of leaders, an 1836 map and some initial game-design thoughts for the Texas Revolution if anyone who is interested wants to work on one with me. (I have no experience at modding and scenario creation, though I have read a lot about how to do it. Are the XL files out yet?) I find myself with a lot of time on my hands until May.

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Ol' Choctaw
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Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:45 am

Indian Wars! Be careful what you wish for. I don’t know if they would appeal to those who love all those overwhelming victories as the Union juggernaut marches south.

Some work has been done on some of the Indian Wars. If any of it gets into the game is another story.

If you ever wondered where Curtis went after 1862, his HQ was in Nebraska.

The Devs were looking for low intensity conflicts but during the Civil War there were several wars started with the Indians that actually were pretty big and a troop drain in the latter years of the war.

The Colorado War was the largest and best known. The US committed about 45,000 troops and accomplished pretty much nothing. With the Sand Creek Massacre it pretty much inflamed all the tribes. Everywhere! On the Great Plains the only tribes that didn’t rise were the Crow and the Pawnee.

The Pawnee also provided about the only effective unit on the Union side of the conflict. The result of the war is listed as inconclusive. Read that as a serious embarrassment for the US Army. Politicians made peace because it was costing too much.

It really didn’t end there, however. The following year (1866) it just turned into Red Cloud’s War, which the Indians won.

That is of course separate from the Apache Wars. They ran from 1849 to 1886, though the last of them ended in 1924. But if you wanted a looooonggge campaign, that would be it.

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Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:37 am

Ol' Choctaw wrote:Indian Wars! Be careful what you wish for. I don’t know if they would appeal to those who love all those overwhelming victories as the Union juggernaut marches south.

Some work has been done on some of the Indian Wars. If any of it gets into the game is another story.

If you ever wondered where Curtis went after 1862, his HQ was in Nebraska.

The Devs were looking for low intensity conflicts but during the Civil War there were several wars started with the Indians that actually were pretty big and a troop drain in the latter years of the war.

The Colorado War was the largest and best known. The US committed about 45,000 troops and accomplished pretty much nothing. With the Sand Creek Massacre it pretty much inflamed all the tribes. Everywhere! On the Great Plains the only tribes that didn’t rise were the Crow and the Pawnee.

The Pawnee also provided about the only effective unit on the Union side of the conflict. The result of the war is listed as inconclusive. Read that as a serious embarrassment for the US Army. Politicians made peace because it was costing too much.

It really didn’t end there, however. The following year (1866) it just turned into Red Cloud’s War, which the Indians won.

That is of course separate from the Apache Wars. They ran from 1849 to 1886, though the last of them ended in 1924. But if you wanted a looooonggge campaign, that would be it.

One way to get the ball rolling might be to do a battle campaign around the invasion at Veracruz to Mexico City. (It seems every time the French Intervention event triggers, AI France goes in that direction anyway). Say 12-20 turns. I'm from NE Wyoming and 1864-68 were very busy years out there. Don't forget the Galvanized Yankees, 6 regiments of confederate POWs raised for service in the west. You had the trans-continental telegraph and growing trans-continental rail road to protect. Lots of potential out there.

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