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Banks6060 (USA) vs. Soundoff (CSA)

Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:41 pm

[CENTER][color="#008080"]TO SAVE A NATION:[/color]

Well, here is the official announcement. I certainly hope there is as much excitement among potential readers as both Soundoff and I feel about giving this another try. You have already seen a sample of our game settings as posted by Soundoff a few days ago. This will definitely be a challenge for both of us!!

Overall, I should start by saying that Civil War 2 has been a much different experience for me so far, but I see that it's different in a good way. AGEOD has improved the game in many respects and, for my own part, I want to help show that with this new parallel AAR. Of course, plenty of the game is similar. As is mentioned in the title of the thread, I will be playing as the North and Soundoff will play as the South.

We expect to begin this new journey on or shortly after January 15th when I return from a planned vacation.

With that, I will certainly entertain any commentary that is offered and will discuss my own plans for the contest ahead in due time. I would only ask one favor of you. Please refrain, If you could, from commenting about particular strategy or the circumstances of the game as it unfolds. I want this experience to genuinely be akin to a chess game between Soundoff and I. However, if there is anything I can do to make this product better, more reader friendly, or if you simply want to pass along critique I will be happy to accept it.

In our last game, a discussion thread was started to spur conversation among readers and I think that could be fun. I certainly know that it would be fun to go back and read after our game is finished.

So, thank you again kind reader and I will see you soon!! Happy New Year!! :thumbsup:
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Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:44 pm

Good to have you back. Cannot wait to start reading :thumbsup:

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:50 am

@ACE -- Thanks man! I'll try and make this at least close to as good as the last. :thumbsup:

[color="#008080"]BEST LAID PLANS AND ALL THAT:[/color]


Alright, so once again we jump whole heartedly into the fray. There are plenty of things I know before making this attempt to redeem myself (Yes, I lost to Soundoff the first time). I know that a skilled and knowledgeable Union player is typically favored to win if matched with an equal or even perhaps a slightly more skilled Rebel opponent. However, I know I will have a very long road ahead. I know Soundoff's quality and I'm confident he will prove to be just as wily, if not more-so than I was as the Confederates. I know this will be just as much or possibly even more fun to do this time around. I know I'm happy and excited to be able to invest some of my free time in playing this great game and sharing my experience with this AAR.

One thing I HOPE, is that you find it to be a worthwhile, entertaining and informative offering. As I had mentioned before, I am more than willing to take your criticism and encouragement. If you can manage it, try not to add any commentary about strategy (Although I know it will probably happen anyway) :D . Obviously, thank you for your interest and let's see what happens!!!


As the Union player, you enjoy the comfort of knowing one very important fact. You SHOULD win.

General Winfield Scott, nor anyone else in Washington in Spring, 1861, could say with any real certainty what sort of course the conflict with the Southern States would take. However, many of them, including Scott knew the U.S.A. would have a strong advantage in men and material. Abraham Lincoln had hoped to end the war in just a few months as did Jefferson Davis. General Scott might have hoped too, but he was the master behind what we all know as the Anaconda Plan. It was designed as a slow, methodical campaign to isolate and choke the Confederacy into submission. I want to see if sticking more closely to Scott's plan might serve this digitally divided house a little better.

You will see in the map above that I have added some color to a rather generic map of the country as it was in 1861.

First things first. I know Kentucky is very likely to remain neutral for some time and thus, impassable. My gut tells me that Soundoff will let that remain the case for as long as possible. For my initial planning, I have decided to essentially discount any major military action in or around Kentucky and so have colored it red to indicate that. I will look to gather at least 15,000 troops or so to station along the Ohio River with a central operating base at Cincinnati.

Elsewhere, my plan is relatively simple if you take a moment to review the map. The main idea is, stick to the rivers and utilize my navy.

I will work hard to quickly build at least two divisions of hardened troops with specialized support units to re-take Norfolk (assuming Soundoff takes it himself early in the game) and to begin solidifying my control of Missouri. I want to take Springfield, MO. I also want to set up the northern edge of my brown water blockade in the Atlantic by capturing some of the barrier island forts in North Carolina as well as executing a full blockade of the harbor in Wilmington. I aim to complete all of this in the first 6 months of action. That may not be a realistic goal, but I think it's certainly one worth striving toward. Shoddy generals could pose a problem with this part of the plan, but I will rely heavily on the U.S. Navy.

In the West:

As General Scott had designed, I will create a large army with the sole intent of working its way south, capturing important strongholds along the Mississippi River. However, my plan is to utilize the Tennessee River to assist in this cause. Like U.S. Grant did in history, I plan to have Forts Henry and Donelson in my possession by the spring of 1862. I will follow Grant's historic footsteps down the Tennessee River to my next objective in Corinth. At this point, my Tennessee army will have flanked any and all positions along the Mississippi River, rendering them useless. Once Corinth is under my control, Memphis will fall. I am basically banking that Soundoff will spend a bunch of money on troops and supplies on the Mississippi River forts. Again, I will need a very competent commander for this operation.

One thing I know, is this particular effort will require me to construct quite a few supply depots and it will require a significant investment in a river fleet. That will be expensive, but I will be able to afford it.

The Gulf Coast:

The troops assigned to re-take Norfolk will be just the men to use for the operation against New Orleans. Timing may not quite work in my favor here, but I hope to have a large fleet with the Norfolk divisions aboard available to steam south and take New Orleans directly in the spring of 1862. I may decide to run the forts as Farragut did in history, but circumstances may require me to deal with the strongholds directly using my land troops. I will try and reinforce this particular command quickly, since I'm sure Soundoff will resolve to put up a hard fight in this theater.

The next objective for these (likely further reinforced) troops, will be to capture Mobile and establish a beachhead of sorts there. If everything goes to plan, I will have marched up the Mobile River and taken Meridian, MS by winter of 1862 or spring of 1863. This will put my Gulf Coast and Tennessee armies in position to work in concert to capture Vicksburg unless Soundoff decides to abandon it. If that is the case, then there will be a new plan put in place to march east and mop up whatever resistance is left in the Deep South.

Of course all of this is dependent on what happens in the East:

One portion of the battle map which plays a much more prominent role in CW2 is West Virginia. This is an area where I think Soundoff could have some rather nefarious designs. If he can create a good enough chain of supply depots, he COULD remain a threat to West Virginia and I know he will have many more troops at his disposal here than I did in our AACW game. That said, I will be playing defense. I will react to whatever Soundoff does in WV, making sure to keep control of key cities like Charleston, Clarksburg and Wheeling.

The army in the east will not be as large as it was in history. Many troops will be devoted to other areas. However, I want to have a force of at least 50-60 thousand troops which can defend Washington and potentially put pressure on the Confederate capitol. Considering my timetable, there may not be too many troops left for D.C.'s defense, but I will ensure I don't leave my own capitol vulnerable to any quick attacks. Strong forces operating outside Washington and in the Shennendoah Valley are what I strive for.


I do hope to have Savannah completely blockaded by late 1862. I will likely follow with further operations against Jacksonville, FL and Galveston, TX, but I can't say in exactly what order that might happen. Frankly, it's too far in advance. I certainly will strive to have a strong presence in both the Atlantic and Gulf blockade boxes as well as a healthy supply of merchant ships feeding my troops on the Gulf Coast.

If all goes well, perhaps I can convince Soundoff to throw in the towel by mid to late 1863. If not, it may become a long hard slog through 1864 with a final push on Richmond in the east. I will say I can't predict exactly how I will use many of the strategic decisions available to me, but I will use them in such a way as to stick as closely with this version of the Anaconda Plan as possible.

The Far West:

Here is where I can leave you with a bit of a cliff-hangar. I have absolutely no idea what my strategy for this theater will be. I know defending Denver and San Francisco will be a part of my plans, but past that I haven't the slightest idea. I will have to think on it some more and post a more detailed look in the future.

Until then, thanks for reading and stay tuned!!!
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Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:32 pm

Can you tell us of any house rules you gentlemen have created? I will ask the same question to your opponent (in his thread).
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Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:09 pm

Jim -- Soundoff and I had talked very briefly about house rules, but could not come up with any that would be necessary. At least we haven't discovered anything so far. I think there may be a chance that some issues with the game could force us to create various honor rules as it develops, but that's a big "wait and see".

Obviously, if Soundoff mentions anything about it today then I will update this information.

However -- Now that you have me thinking about it. There is a slight issue with horse artillery. It's too affordable, at least for the Union. It is actually better in combat at a relatively lower price in resources. That to me makes no sense. I have petitioned Soundoff to see if he would be willing to restrict the use of horse artillery to cavalry divisions only.

Thanks Jim!!
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Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:40 am

[color="#008080"]FIGURING OUT THE WEST:[/color]


[color="#008080"]"WHOEVER HAS THE GOLD MAKES THE RULES"[/color]

There is so much more to consider and so many more pieces at play in this theater, but the above should really be the only true objective. I can't say I'm all too worried about losing ground way out west, but it's a part of the upcoming conflict I can't neglect. The simple fact of the matter is that two tiny mining towns and one California city are literally sitting on mountains of gold.

Golden City, CO (west of Denver), Sacramento, CA and Virginia City, NV would be difficult for any Confederate expedition to reach, but I know it COULD be done. The wealth from gold produced in these cities (a total of +50 Money per turn between them, Sacramento yielding the most) would certainly be a nice prize for Soundoff and a real bummer for my own war economy (those gold mines will produce roughly 18% of my money!!).

When I was playing as the CSA, I conducted a unsuccessful invasion of California. CW2 would make it a much more complex operation.

Territorial control is a patchwork to say the least, especially in New Mexico Territory. There are Native American villages interspersed everywhere across the map with U.S. controlled forts, towns and cities. The simple prospect of random attacks by native tribes near an important city like Santa Fe makes some nominal investment in its defense appropriate. With that in mind, I will do my absolute best to reinforce this area using volunteer infantry, a battery or two of artillery, and a very healthy mix of mounted troops.

Overall, My stance in California, Airzona, New Mexico Territory and Colorado will be very defensive. I may push into Eastern Arizona and take Tucson and depending on how much I can muster in Santa Fe, I may set out to destroy the native villages nearby. Other than that, I will leave it to Soundoff to take the initiative in this theater of war. There may also be some interesting things to do in terms of development using strategic decisions. It might be worth spending some resources on increasing the civilization level of Golden City and Virginia City with the chance of increasing the amount of wealth produced by both.

I don't quite fully understand the benefit of increasing a region's development, I'll be honest. I'll need to figure that out unless one of you kind readers would prefer to educate me.


[color="#008080"]"DON'T GET DISTRACTED BY KANSAS"[/color]

Well this area of the map is just a simple booger bear (As a work buddy of mine would call it). At first glance, there is a whole lot of "plain" in the plains theater. I had to sit a the computer and just examine the details and information about many of the regions in Kansas and the Indian Territory (Oklahoma). I managed to learn that among all of the bigger cities in Kansas, including Leavenworth, Mound City and Lawrence, there are some 36 supply points produced each turn. That is not enough to supply a very large force, but it COULD feed a potentially threatening one.

I began to think about possible ways of pushing forward to threaten Arkansas from the west (since I will obviously be quickly pressing it from the east).

[color="#FFD700"]BUT WAIT!![/color]

This is the part where I refer back to this title of this particular section; "Don't Get Distracted By Kansas". While I don't consider this to be of high priority, I think an operation way out here could make for some really interesting gameplay. So, just for shits and giggles....let's explore the possibilities:

I will say first that the appropriate number of troops for an operation like this would need to be somewhere around 6,000 to 8,000, including infantry, cavalry plus a little artillery. I would also need several supply units.

[color="#00FF00"]1. WHAT WON'T WORK --[/color] I'll take you through my thought process on the option which, as you can see from the picture below, won't work at all. I considered building a depot at Leavenworth which would attract supplies via road from across the region. I would then equip my plains army with a half supply wagon moving forward to Ft. Smith then south and east to Ft. Belmont and Ft. Baxter before marching east and then striking south toward the Confederate held Ft. Wayne and eventually on to Fayetteville, AR.

This won't work, or at least not for me, because once you get south of Ft. Smith, KS -- There are no roads. Even in the height of summer, I wager supply would be pulled no further than one region by an army with supply wagons. The travel distance between Leavenworth, Kansas and Ft. Scott, KS is four regions if you take that yellow invasion route and that is simply too far.

[color="#00FF00"]2. WHAT COULD WORK --[/color] Setting up a supply depot in Mound City, KS. Now, at first, I'll just say I arrived at this solution in a round-a-about way and it took me a little time, but I found it. First, after accepting the fact I just wasn't comfortable with the risky "Leavenworth" option, I decided that it could still work, if I just marched from Leavenworth south to Mound City and then directly south from there instead. But....then I figured.....why not just build the depot in Mound City??

There are no roads south of Mound City, to be sure, but the number of regions to Ft. Wayne is reduced by HALF if I send my imagined Plains Army in this direction, using Mound City as its main supply base. At the very worst, I could push all the way forward to Ft. Scott. Having a large force in situ at that location would be advantageous and could pose the kind of threat to Arkansas I'm looking for.

NOW, I stressed in that second option that it "COULD" work. That is very important because even if I were to assemble a big enough force to take Fayetteville from the west, it would be difficult to keep it property supplied.


What I definitely know I want to do, is push as far forward as possible with some smaller, more mobile units that could wreak havoc on the native villages and towns in the Oklahoma Territory. I will probably seek to beef up defenses at Ft. Arbuckle and Tallasi. Garrisoning both of these locations and posting cavalry regiments at each would be much more realistic. Also, in West Kansas I plan to post one regiment of cavalry to serve as a guard against any nefarious activity in this region by Soundoff.


There are plenty of new and interesting prospects in this particular part of the map. Quite frankly, in the process of writing this strategy review, I am rather tempted by the prospects. This would naturally be an effort to support my goal of taking Springfield and holding it over the first six months of the war. What is most wetting my appetite is the thought that Soundoff may devote most of his resources attacking in south and central Missouri. If his attention is focused squarely on my forces from St. Louis, I may be able to surprise him with a concentrated invasion south and west out of Kansas. I could muster my army by rail to St. Joseph, MO and then march it south to Lawrence and on down my planned invasion route through Mound City, possibly without even being seen for most of the journey (although Soundoff does mind his recon).

All that said, I will have to take time and think on it. And I think this is an appropriate stopping point for now. I mentioned Missouri a moment ago. That will be the focus of my next strategic review. It is a theater which could receive more attention from me than it did by Abe in history. We shall see.

Till next time -- Stay tuned!!
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Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:30 pm

I don't quite fully understand the benefit of increasing a region's development, I'll be honest. I'll need to figure that out unless one of you kind readers would prefer to educate me.

To my knowledge, development level only increases movement time and supply forage. Money income (gold mines) is affected by loyalty however. So the Union has incentives to raise loyalty by Habeas corpus regional decision, while CSA has an incentive to lower it via Demontration rgd in big Union production centers.

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:40 pm

[color="#008080"]Missouri Loves Company:[/color]


[color="#008080"]DEFEND EAST AND ATTACK WEST:[/color]

So, before when I was fiddling around with California, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas and...yanno the Far West, it seemed a lot like truly "fiddling". Now I've landed squarely on the problem of Missouri (my home state) and it's safe to say the "fiddling" is over. To use a rather hastily conceived gambling analogy -- To the Union in CW2, Missouri is a lot like the game of Blackjack. Veer from basic strategy and you will most definitely lose. There really isn't much debate about what my goals are in this theater. It's just a matter of understanding how to achieve them and then executing my plan.

St. Louis is a BIG city, but considering the theater it's in there should be more concern about properly defending it. Defending St. Louis and establishing a secure hold on surrounding regions will be task #1 (I wouldn't be surprised to hear of secessionist demonstrations popping up in St. Louis either.) To that end, I will ensure there are troops stationed both inside and outside the city so proper trenchworks can be constructed and maintained. I will also strive to keep one cavalry regiment stationed somewhere nearby to deal with raiders (more on that in a moment). I know I plan on building a very sizeable army in Missouri and St. Louis will be the only place able to feed it for the long haul. Once I can get a large enough force together, I will begin to move west -- securing Jefferson City first and then securing my southern flank at Rolla.

There is no secret: Soundoff's Rebel force under Sterling Price will probably be blazing a trail across Missouri early in the game. And it will be a true annoyance. I also know not to count on there being a supply depot still intact in Rolla, MO. The Rebel strategy I've always seen employed in this state is for a unit to blow the depot in Rolla while later marauding up to Jefferson City and Lexington with Sterling Price and whomever else joins him.

I know I will get some automatic reinforcements near Lexington, Missouri early in the game. This will hopefully be enough to blunt or even stop any of Soundoff's likely attacks. I will use this force near Lexington to defend west central Missouri until I have at least secured Jefferson City. I also hope these troops have enough time to dig deep trenches outside Lexington.

As I put things together I thought about how much time all this might take. I figured it would take at least three or possibly four months even to have the proper number of troops. This would mean an advance by mid-July. So, I can say -- that with a major battle or two thrown in there -- I should be on full offensive toward Springfield, MO by early or late August, possibly by early September.

Time is a key factor in the mission for Springfield. I want to lock it up before it gets really muddy and certainly before winter, 1861-62. Failing to secure Southwest Missouri before the first snow falls means spending the extra money in dealing with a larger, reinforced Rebel army there. I would rather be spending the money on my primary army in Tennessee.

As you can see from the picture above, I have noted the areas in which I suspect there will be a significant amount of raiding from Soundoff's able cavalry and partisan troops. Even after I've secured Missouri, I will not be able to neglect it. Partisans will be a fact of life here throughout most of the game.

I think this theater could become a battle of maneuver and initiative. Depending upon who I am able to place in command (Hopefully Lyons), it could be a real headache for me. However, I AM definitely planning to invest a lot of resources out here, at least early in the game. There really won't be a whole lot going on elsewhere in 1861 except some fighting in Virginia and West Virginia and my mustering troops in Cairo, Washington and New York.

Until next time -- Stay tuned!!
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Color Scheme

Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:10 am

The maps really help me understand your plans.
Thanks. :thumbsup:

As a minor point, It was a challenge for me to follow your thoughts while looking at the national map.
The pinks and greens didn't really stand out when viewing the picture.

I wonder if just using a flat white scheme would work better?


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Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:14 pm

Bugwar -- I think you are probably right. I was attempting to incorporate a "chronological color scheme" and it really did not work out as well as I had planned. Very sorry for the confusion on that part of the product. That will probably be the only time I use a map that is not generated by the game itself. Thank you sir!!

Note to readers: This kind of constructive criticism is EXCELLENT!! Thank you ahead of time ;)

Btw -- On that note....I have really wanted to use a "newspaper style" graphic in order to post some of the big headlines from each turn's action as they occur. Does anyone know a good way to do that???
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:05 pm

I did a google search and came up with the following two leaders:



Allows image insertions.

There were a lot more options listed in the search, try them and see if they meet your desire.

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Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:13 pm

You could also try to achieve similar look like in this link:

There are supposed to be actual newspapers with headlines and text from civil war era. Look at the issue just after Antietam, how it glorifies McClellan. Very interesting stuff to read :)

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Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:27 pm

I think I will forget about the newspaper format idea. Thank you fellas for the ideas!!

An issue has been raised about creating a house rule which would limit my navy's access along the Tennessee River past Tuscumbia, AL. It is certainly true to history and it isn't necessarily a key issue in my own war plan, but Mussel Shoals seems to make dominance of the Tennessee River much less significant. What do ya'll think about that??
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Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:46 pm

Banks6060 wrote:I think I will forget about the newspaper format idea. Thank you fellas for the ideas!!

An issue has been raised about creating a house rule which would limit my navy's access along the Tennessee River past Tuscumbia, AL. It is certainly true to history and it isn't necessarily a key issue in my own war plan, but Mussel Shoals seems to make dominance of the Tennessee River much less significant. What do ya'll think about that??

I think it's a good HR. If the Union could sail ironclads to Chattanooga, why didn't they do so during the Tullahoma campaign? Probably because you actually couldn't, that's why

I would also agree to refrain from sailing the Union navy to interior rivers that don't make sense, or were not done historically. In game, you can sail to Macon, GA. If this was historically possible, why was Sherman cut-off until he reached Savannah? Probably because IRL, you can't sail into Central Georgia.

That type of thing

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Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:54 am

Q-Ball, you are right on man.

Soundoff and I spoke briefly and we have agreed to go with the house rule. I could arguably be in Atlanta by late 1862 or early 1863 by the single act of taking Forts Henry and Donelson. (Now, here is where I admit that while it would throw the game's balance completely on its ear, I was tempted to consider it a bargaining chip in my devilish effort to change the settings Soundoff has selected and allow for "easy" foreign intervention.) I did not give in to temptation and will gladly go along with the rule that my navy is not allowed to steam past Tuscumbia, AL.

(I still think the "River for Brits" trade seemed doable and might have made this particular contest different and very interesting despite it's severe lack of authenticity.)

We will also be allowing the free transit of rivers in Texas. MOST of them were navigable in that part of the 19th Century and neither Soundoff nor I are interested in spending more time focused on Texas if we don't need to.

[color="#008080"]TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSE RULES = 2[/color]

1. Horse Artillery only in Cavalry units.
2. No Union ships past Tuscumbia, AL.

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Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:59 am

What you are looking at is totally a-historic, so just know that ahead of time, but I may have actually found the way I want to format "The Union Journal News". A fictional newspaper I have created to chronicle the many significant events of this epic struggle. I probably won't be able to fit everything I want on just this single page every turn, but I will certainly strive to keep it as true to the product as possible. See what you think of this as a sample:


You will notice that I used January, 8th 1861 as the date. That does not match the firing on Ft. Sumter at all of course. Like I say, this was just a test to see how this particular addition might be overall received by you the reader. Again, any feedback is appreciated!!
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Period View

Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:19 am

Banks6060 wrote: Like I say, this was just a test to see how this particular addition might be overall received by you the reader. Again, any feedback is appreciated!!


Looks right purty. :wacko:
Are you restricted to using only the font displayed in the demo paper?

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Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:24 pm

I like the look of the paper. I also would be fine with the regular printing on the site (I'm not picky when it comes to AARs).
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Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:51 pm

Banks6060 wrote:... and neither Soundoff nor I are interested in spending more time focused on Texas if we don't need to.

Now I don't know what Granitestater will say about that. :neener:
"I am here already.", said the hedgehog to the hare.

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:37 am

Jim-NC wrote:I like the look of the paper. I also would be fine with the regular printing on the site (I'm not picky when it comes to AARs).

Thank you for the compliment!! When you say "regular printing on the site", what do you mean?
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Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:17 am

Citizen X wrote:Now I don't know what Granitestater will say about that. :neener:

I prefer New Hampshire above all other locales, for good reason and reasons, to my mind.

Texas, however, is Texas. If one has never lived there or visited for a spell - well, one cannot explain it merely in words.

I'm damn proud they let me in every time. And lived in the Valley (del Rio Bravo, naturalmente).

And come to think of it, I've experienced hurricanes in New England and Texas - right in McAllen. Not too many can say that.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]
-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]
-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898

(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.
(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:25 am

I really enjoyed a lot with your past AAR Banks vs Soundoff in ACW so its great to see we have a new chapter with ACW2.
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Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:01 pm

Banks6060 wrote:Thank you for the compliment!! When you say "regular printing on the site", what do you mean?

I'd be fine with the regular white letters on the black background that is the standard "darkvision" for the site.
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Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:49 pm

Jim-NC wrote:I'd be fine with the regular white letters on the black background that is the standard "darkvision" for the site.

I appreciate your need for simple things :) I will, however strive to make this a slightly more visually stimulating product. I will stick with "white on black" when I explore my thought process through each turn.

My true plan is, for each turn, to create two products. One will be the newspaper headlines with perhaps some other events of lesser significance below that. Then post a full description of my thought process and plan of action to include screenshots and other photographs for flavore.

@Leibs -- Thank you!! I think this will be a LOT of fun and I want you to enjoy this as much as you enjoyed our AACW game.

@Granitestater -- Texas is "too big" for me hahaha
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Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:41 pm

I just wanna see what youse guys do - AARs are good for stimulating other approaches to the game.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:47 pm

@bugwar -- I forgot to respond to your question from earlier. I'm putting that newspaper together using Microsoft Paint, so there are relatively limited font options yes. The font I used for the demo paper certainly isn't QUITE what I want. I plan to dig all the way through the program and find what works best!!
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For the Cause

Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:42 pm

Banks6060 wrote:I'm putting that newspaper together using Microsoft Paint, so there are relatively limited font options yes.

MS Paint. :8o:
Hardcore. :gardavou:
That is dedication for you. :thumbsup:

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Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:54 pm

bugwar -- I am steadily falling behind in computer software savvy haha.

I hope to receive the first turn of the game from Soundoff later today.
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Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:05 am

Alright, quickly: I typically have dragged turn files and dropped them directly into the game files in "explorer" mode. I can't find the game on my hard drive. Please, let me know how to best get this done!! :)
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Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:35 am

I take it that the PBEM instructions in the game documentation don't help?

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