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Host of questions more or less complex, maybe about bugs

Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:59 am

Great thing the forum is back. I was preparing some new strategy and was making some tests, and thus I had some questions.

Also, I like you if you only spend time reading this.

I might see a bit more bugs than there really are, but I remember that when I first reported the "ammo" bug here, I was not believed :)

Is weather attrition and historical attrition working as designed ?

[Probably not working as designed] In my test game, I had von Schwerin sitting from october to early march (so far) in front of Koeniggratz, sieging. He had a couple wagons with him. See file.

Well, he is still doing well. Attrition seems extremely minor, and can be handwaved easily (his army has 3 hits less than the total maximum).

It MAY be because his supply wagons are getting restored faster than they are expended to "drain" the winter hits, AND that replacements are received as they are needed. Still, it seems to me that attrition is extremely mild, even when on.

Another test : having Keith sit with his army WITHOUT supply wagons in the middle of nowhere, in winter. I got a whooping ONE hit due to weather (granted it was not raining) at the end turn. He took 2 hits per region he went through to get there.

That's just the winter. Since I am in "historical attrition", I believe there is no difference with the "standard" attrition (did not test - yet). Anyone got a difference experience ? MAybe difficult to know given one receive replacements.

Conclusion : ahistorically, I believe operations in winter are possible, provided your remember the frontage in battle is going to be limited.

I first noticed it in my first AAR against Baris, when I could march in winter from Hessen to Halle, and still be in shape to destroy Baris army. See the description here. Does anyone report high damage due to attrition ?

Is MC working as intended

[Probably not a bug] My troops have been in assault posture for months in - say - Koeniggratz. Everytime I am in an enemy "native" territory, I can never push the Military Control above 95% or 96%. I would like to get these 4 extra percent.
Is it due to Loyalty, which is lowering the military control I have each turn ? Or is it something else completely ? Is it because a fort gives a minimum of 5% military control ?

Is siege working as intended

[Maybe a bug] Still in Koeniggratz, I have been having Koeniggratz under siege for several month now. But the city is still at 100% supply. Is it due to the 4% MC I don't have, or is something broken ?

Some questions (no bugs) on traits

Does "Guard" trait have any role, except Cosmetic (which I like)

Does "The Emperor" trait have any role, except Cosmetic (which I like).

Is there any interest to have a "multinational leader" instead of two leaders of the required nationalities leading a stack ?

How much more frontage does the "Offensive / Defensive" master trait gives ?

Does the Swedish "Northerner" trait gives them a malus in Prussia (their starting region) and Scandinavia ? The toolthingie says "North Germany", which is the name of a region.

Does the siege artillety bonus in siege stack with the engineer bonus ?

Completely unrelated

"Garde du Corps" is a cool unit, as it can be combined in a "division" with the leader of an army or the CiC. Unfortunately, when you do this, the leader loses his command of the army (the army is "disolved"). For example : create a Garde du Corps in Königsberg in the attached file, and play with Lehwaldt. Is this working as intended ? It would be interesting if Gardes du Corps could be an unit that would merge even if a general leading an army, to, well, Guard his Body, as the name says ;) .

When an army crosses a river that is in a forest, and battles an enemy army, which "terrain" is used for combat calculation : river crossing, or forest ?

Well, that's pretty much all. If you could answer one or more of these questions, I would be grateful.

- Guillaume.

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Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:41 am

I'll await others feedback on Winter attrition, but remember it's weather that causes it, not the calendar.
If weather is fair or rain/mud, attrition is low. [
I'm prioritizing a couple of other things, and so will not get to look at you save for a while]

MC exerted by a fort prevents 100% MC. =WAD

AFAIK, Siege is still WAD, but remember that a small force in a fortress with a depot will consume supply very slowly. You need Siege guns and a breach to make real progress...

"Guard" troops can be committed by a leader to gain a shock bonus [ask Pocus about the math!]
"Emperor" is cosmetic [as are "King" and "Queen"]
There are many Multinational leaders of various tpes [including the HRE leaders who command all nations]. WAD to reflect the nationalism.
"Offense" and "Defense" masters gain 20% bonus frontage [see]
"Northerner" gets malus outside the North Germany Theater:[INDENT][$Area_Holstein,$Area_Hannover,$Area_Braunschweig,$Area_Bremen,$Area_Oldenburg][/INDENT]
Siege Artillery and Engineer bonuses both apply [cumulative, but only one of each]

Combining troops with Army leaders would create many headaches for code-talkers...

AFAIK, River Crossing [being more harsh] would apply, but there may be some "Pocusnian" logic that uses both in some exotic calculation!
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Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:00 pm

Thank you for your answers !

lodilefty wrote:I'll await others feedback on Winter attrition, but remember it's weather that causes it, not the calendar.

In my case it was snow. Months of snow.

I'm prioritizing a couple of other things, and so will not get to look at you save for a while

I understand. All the more since you have to take care of all the games, and - I suppose - have some sort of life of your own ;)

If it is really not working as intended, it would take weeks to solve anyway.

MC exerted by a fort prevents 100% MC. =WAD

Makes sense. Thanks

AFAIK, Siege is still WAD, but remember that a small force in a fortress with a depot will consume supply very slowly. You need Siege guns and a breach to make real progress...

In the case of the file I attached, there is absolutely no consumption (I opened the Austrian file). So I suppose it is some sort of bug. Does 5% MC allows to get supplies ?

"Guard" troops can be committed by a leader to gain a shock bonus [ask Pocus about the math!]
"Emperor" is cosmetic [as are "King" and "Queen"]

Thanks. Does the leader need to have the "commit the guard" bonus ?

There are many Multinational leaders of various tpes [including the HRE leaders who command all nations]. WAD to reflect the nationalism.

I understand this, but is there any disadvantage, except the eventual command cost, in a multinational army ?

"Offense" and "Defense" masters gain 20% bonus frontage [see]

Thank you !

"Northerner" gets malus outside the North Germany Theater:[INDENT][$Area_Holstein,$Area_Hannover,$Area_Braunschweig,$Area_Bremen,$Area_Oldenburg][/INDENT]

Thank you.
So the Swedes got malus in their "native" region where Stralsund is : West Pommern and Mecklenburg ? They also get a malus in Skandinavia ? They can go until Hannover, but not in Northern Prussia. Does not sound too logical for me.

Siege Artillery and Engineer bonuses both apply [cumulative, but only one of each]

Thanks !

Combining troops with Army leaders would create many headaches for code-talkers...

Thanks ! So Garde-du-Corps are not supposed to be "mixable" with leaders. Sad.

Note, though, that some army leaders can have a division on their own if you "trick" the game.

Take a two-star leader with low seniority and create a column with him.
Take a leader with BETTER seniority, NOT in command and create a division with him.
Now, take that second leader and put him in the first column. Et voilà. He is the leader of the column, with a division with him.

In the save I sent in my first post, you can do it with the Austrians.
Give Kollowrat a column and make him leader of it, with de Lorraine CiC
Take Von Daun, put him in command of a division, and merge him with Kollowrat's command.

AFAIK, River Crossing [being more harsh] would apply, but there may be some "Pocusnian" logic that uses both in some exotic calculation!

Thank you !

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Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:20 pm

Note that I use "army" and "column" indifferentely, and really should not. My trick only allows to have a division "in command" of a column, not an army.

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