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John Sedgwick
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French fleet won't regain cohesion

Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:49 pm

Dejay's Flotte de la Mer Noire has been docked in Rostov on passive posture for the past several turns, yet it hasn't regained a single point of cohesion. Is a level 2 harbour not enough? Do they need to be stationed at a naval base to reorganize? I don't even know how they lost all that cohesion in the first place - if I recall correctly, they dropped to 0 cohesion, 0 power the turn after their arrival in the Black Sea, and they've been sitting on their lazy butts having a wine and cheese party ever since. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? It didn't bother me while they weren't needed, but I could really use their help right now!
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Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:44 pm

John Sedgwick wrote:Dejay's Flotte de la Mer Noire has been docked in Rostov on passive posture for the past several turns, yet it hasn't regained a single point of cohesion. Is a level 2 harbour not enough? Do they need to be stationed at a naval base to reorganize? I don't even know how they lost all that cohesion in the first place - if I recall correctly, they dropped to 0 cohesion, 0 power the turn after their arrival in the Black Sea, and they've been sitting on their lazy butts having a wine and cheese party ever since. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? It didn't bother me while they weren't needed, but I could really use their help right now!

I think i can explain this :

- Technical reason : all the South Whites controlled French units loose their cohesion if not in the Ukraine Theater. And Rostov is not in this Theater. But we maybe didn't thought about the fleet actually.

- Historical reason : well, since anyway the French fleet in Black sea had plenty of mutineries this times (e.g. Sevastopol French garrison had to escape because of it), the technical reason join the historical one :neener: .

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Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:29 am

Thanks andatiep, I suppose that makes sense - I just shrugged it off at first and rationalized it as a hotbed of mutiny, the theatre restriction hadn't occurred to me, but I didn't see the French/Ukraine trait icon on the ships, so I figured it didn't apply.

It does seem to be an oversight, however - correct me if I'm wrong, but by that logic, French naval forces are completely useless (historically accurate as that may be) because they have no way of entering the Ukraine (e.g. by river) except by docking at Sevastopol or whathaveyou. But I seem to recall using them in the Black Sea before without them immediately losing all cohesion, so this still strikes me as a bit odd. My memory could be faulty though - I'm not sure if they lost all cohesion in the Sea of Azov, or in port (which would jive with your technical explanation).

Anyway, I guess I'll try sending them to Odessa (lost Sevastopol to the Makhnovites - d'oh!)
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Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:59 am

John Sedgwick wrote:It does seem to be an oversight, however - correct me if I'm wrong, but by that logic, French naval forces are completely useless (historically accurate as that may be) because they have no way of entering the Ukraine (e.g. by river) except by docking at Sevastopol or whathaveyou.

You're right. It's not "clean". But technically, it's to much work to separate French fleet from French troops about this geographic limitation rule, for just a tiny interest (the cohesion of French fleet in the few South Theater harbours).

You've anyway enough good british and south White heavy ships there to rule the coasts like in the reality, isn't it :) ?

But you're right about the "Ukraine only" icons, French fleet should have it to inform peoples and i'll add this point in a dev to-do list.

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John Sedgwick
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Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:25 pm

Now I know, and knowing is half the battle. I like the way theatre restrictions are implemented, but an icon on the French fleet would be helpful for novices, yes ;)

PS Thanks again to you and the development team for a stellar job - RUS is my favourite AGE game at the moment :)
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