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public beta 1.01N -Sept 16 2011

Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:25 pm

As always you can find it at the very place after registering the game

quoting Pocus:

PON 1.02 Patch candidate (public beta 1.01 serie N, updated Sept 16)
Hi everybody,

By popular demand, we are releasing the latest version of PON to everybody! Please note that this version is a "1.02 beta version" meaning that some bugs may remain, and some improvements are still on the radar.

It is safe to say though, that this Public Beta version will provide you an even better gaming experience than the current 1.01 version you are playing with.

Once all issues are fixed, and after the QA department has validated it, this beta patch (internally called 101 N) will be made official and will become version 1.02 (very soon!).

STEAM users can patch PON using this setup. You'll have either to make a separate copy of PON and apply the patch there, or be sure to not have Steam 'update' your game, as this would revert it to the last official version, which is 1.01


Engine & AI
Structure cost now properly shown in tooltip (including the penalty for many structure, every fifth structure).
Adjacent territories when liberating a nation were not freed reliably (even if qualified as to be freed). Warscore costs in the interface was erroneously too low (fixed).
Foreign investments in structures will be costlier and more dangerous (more chance to get seized).
In some cases, elements could receive replacements without any spending from mother nation.
Windowed mode should now behave as expected, resolution-wise.
The game will now pause correctly (if pause on battle is chosen) during turns, without generating display glitch.
Declaring a protectorate in a region with a significant colonial presence from another country can generates automatically a crisis now (no need to have a stake/contest stake decisions issued).
AI has added interests in selling or buying non critical merchandises (like tropical fruits, etc.)
Tradepost now generate their goods later in the turn, so that stockpile situation is clearer for the player.
AI will favor even more strongly the presence of railroads when seeking a construction site.
Crash when doing a distant unload fixed.
4 colonial structures, when placed, lower others nations CP by 5 each: Mission, School, Dispensary, Outpost. This can be seen as a tool to sap away the influence of others colonial powers.
New window, listing structures (F11 key).

Data or Events oriented changes
1870 DLC FPW changes
* added AI guidelines events for Prussia
* added Production (pools and assets)
* added French "Franc-Tireurs" events (guerrillas)
* added French leaders 3*** promotion for AI

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:40 pm

does this ruin your saves (again)?

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:04 pm

Do not ruined mein.(for the moment)

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:23 pm

can only speak for GC started with patch "INDIA" and DLC scenarios, they run without problems...


but for my part, i am going to do the same as i did during the problem with the high militancy... i am going to lean back and do (play) anything else...

within barely 8 years i had three world economic crisis happened.

the first one had shown that even the russian economy can laugh about the consequences
the second confirmed my opinion that this is a dead horse, sustaining itself, especially due to the fact that even AI does not deal with problems, keeps on inflation, keeps straight on, triggering the next crisis thereby...

now i got lately the third one, and here is the point were i stop to play...

SPOF is reached, gentlemen

militancy can be dealt with, inflation runs far beyond comprehension and common sense just making more capital stockpiles necessary, but it can be dealt with.
Anyway, whatever i try, i cant raise average happiness any longer. there are areas (a wild guess: due to the crisis penalties?) which went just down to about a rate of 20 from a original level of over 80... same is true for AI controlled countries.
Militancy has 1% at the very moment...


(strictly to be understood as private opinion! i would buy it again but the weather is too sunny to get frustrated by this effects, even under the circumstance that i run it normally in the background at work)

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:34 pm

me and my big mouth...

some EAccess violation messages spawning around when i want to proceed to the next turn or want to go back to the main menu...

clean new installation from DVD, patched to RC 1.01, then to BETA 1.01 November...

havent had this kind of problems for over two months... :blink:

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:55 pm

As playing Prussia from M to N beta, economic crisis started from Austria. Prussia inflation jump to 28 % in 1854. It is easily lowered by 3 points (after 3000-4000 PC in stock) in some turns even though there is messages about factories shut down from crisis. militancy were around 10 in most cities but after some reforms militancy and inflation reduced to zero and happiness were 70-60-55% on average before the crisis ended. It looks economic crisis is easily overcome by player(depends on selected country maybe) but maybe crisis probability should be more then 2 years and militancy increase rate should be lowered. Because it is obvious after 2 years there will be another crisis again. Maybe it should more random.

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:56 am

Went back from China to France to check out (m).

(1) Foreign Investment: My understanding was relations needed to be below zero for a seizure and I've written it up thus. In Colombia France had built a gem mine with a Commercial Agreement, and current relations in January are 11.

Got messages
2/3. Colombia caputred Gems Field in region Barranca.
3/3. strSeizingEcoStruc

(2) Liberation: Estonia and Georgia still only one capital region liberated, the other regions of preponderantly national ethnicity are not (probably don't have a majority of loyalty to the new country even if their pop is there). My understanding is that they can get national regions, which would include sufficient ethnicity. Better to say these additional regions are liberated based on Loyalty >50% to the nascent state rather than Ethnicity?

(Loyalty should surge on word of independence, but it does not seem to be affected by the event.)

(3) More scarcity of basic items, surplus of manufactures. France is still a huge intermediary. Colonial actions are also a big consumer of private capital. I'll try China as well.

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Problems with Patch N-Nova

Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:28 pm

Only problems so far are the long load times when starting the game and this is manageable as long as the game play is worthwhile. These economic crises are difficult. I tend to raise tax revenues to the max and the crisis goes away, but my population revolts. Any suggestions? :mdr:

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:01 pm

Why raise taxes in a crisis? The people are likely grumpy enough.

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:36 pm

i am not sure if he even plays the game.... pure nonsense:

you cannot control a Ai triggered economic crisis at all.

high tariff protects you against some effects of it (EX ANTE), also does F1 political degree of protectionism (which you cant opt).

high taxes do effect only capital stream (lowering PC), but crisis is effected by GLOBAL AVERAGE CAPITAL STOCK...

a crisis ends, if it ends in the country of origin !!!!


Sir Garnet, seizure of structures was given below 15 relationships points already before, for our discussion about foreign direct investment the chance was even raised.
in the past, loosing colonial buildings due to pillaging tribes was more often, than to loose a foreign investment. given 70 years gameplay this was nonsense, thus risk went up, to substitute the lack of price and money functions which i discussed in various threads.
you could see at it (the new changes) as a try to pull some capital out of the game

as i wrote, even the Russian economy can deal with the effect of a economic crisis triggered on russian soil, they dont have a problem with it.

i wrote it in different threads, true, effect of militancy is there and given all the fine reforms, it was the only time during 8 years of gameplay, i had to use more than one of the new reforms. militancy is solved again (chg.fc to US).

the PITA is, as i wrote the nonsens of the system.


since i was approached regarding this word "nonsense"...

to clarify, this word is maybe commonly used insulting and results misleading. however, i dont expect someone to have read Wittgenstein, but to know the fact that:


""nonsense" does not refer to meaningless gibberish, but rather to the lack of sense in the context of sense and reference"

my point shall clearly be understand as follows:

whether AI does deal with the consequence or not is meaningless. the mechanism used here is triggered by too much capital in the accounts of major nations and the existence of inflation.

both is calculated and tested on global scale.

1.) the very crisis increases inflation even for countries with high level of protectionism (adding 20%, even if you are in deflation before)

2.) inflation leads to higher structure costs

3.) higher structure costs leads to waiting time before you / AI invest

4.) waiting time leads to more private capital in the accounts

5.) inflation and more capital in the accounts trigger the next crisis and we are back to 1.)

this vicious circle has to be understand as nonsense if you take into account that for 70 years the idle private capital will increase steadily due to ever increasing maintenance costs and the fact, that sometimes much time of research needs to be done, before you can build more structures, or even colonies have to be founded or diplomatic action has to be undertaken before you can invest in certain structures...

the combination of raising inflation, extending time between investment thus also the amount of idle money, and the rest of the 1600 turns of gameplay is deadly to the existing economic crisis system!

alter the pause between crisis, prolong it, nothing will be change in this problem and AI AND PLAYER just keep on.
there will be nearly no slowdown of economy or only a linear one. problem will stay!

alter and increase the penalty in a crisis and problem will get even worse. crisis cannot be avoided in future, problem will stay!

and so on...

Ai does not deal with the effects of the economic crisis what leads to ever increasing amounts of idle capital and increasing inflation on global scale,

this capital and inflation as global average trigger the next crisis.

structure costs increase, cash flow increases within few years, idle capital gains quite a sum, AI does not counterfight inflation...

CRISIS FEEDS CRISIS... thats it. that happens if you dont work with events...

this is not a wish, nor a command, but now we are at least three persons here who accept that there will not be a different price system, but acknowledge that this kind of just-increase-the-structures-costs-any-more does not lead to anything but higher capital stocks before you build it anyway...
given the over 1600 turns, this is a dead end lads, you must see it, no one expect you to admit anything, but at least you must see it...

we talked about alternatives to this system, i even suggested historical events while nearly all data for over half a dozen global events is given and just needs to be programmed to effect domestic sales and world trade volume...

easily to be extended to half a dozen further events for the major countries on national scale.
if you have 14 to 38% lowered business activity and 8 to 31% lowered global trade volume, you could have built as much as you want, you would taste your own blood in a crisis.

now, you would have built as much as you could and even a weak economy guided by a player can stroll through the crisis as through a parc, just waiting for the next crisis in two and a half year...

and while AI cannot deal with that system yet, it happens that i stop playing the game for i see the mounted number of PC, inflation and so on in the different other countries.
only one who experienced 7 or eight of these, can tell me better and ask me to shut up. but three crisis are enough to judge that a player is nearly not effected (but the mentioned happiness problem), AI is ruined...


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Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:49 pm

that structure seizure is a nasty one. hopefully my petrol wont all get stolen!

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:49 pm

by the way I hope you can seize too. other wise it isnt fair (or AI never builds in your regions?)

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:54 pm

if you occupy it by military force, u have all production from it.

i never saw AI building in other countries but in colonies (not even US played by AI in their protectorates).

PS: when i explained it, why extending the base for seizure is worth to take into account, i voted to exclude colonies, for they are state business not private businessmen investing... just can hope they remembered me, or that it is feasible... ;)

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Bug with transport

Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:53 am

1854 and China is now full of roads and major roads where previously there were roads, tracks and no roads (inlcuding places like Indochina where there should be tracks at best). Since China can't build roads, I didn't put them there :) . The same seems to occur around the world in Siberia, Americas, Africa, Sahara desert - at least track everywhere. It looks like most things got got bumped up a level at least - road in central Kalimantan in 1850s? That sounds like 2 levels high to me.

(Not that some of those roads added in China are wrong - they really do need to be there at the start in some cases - as I commented in the User Mods forum post on China changes)

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:18 am

We have already altered several things for next version.

Economic Crisis will happen less often, plus the AI should be able to cope much more with inflation.

Structure seizure message fixed. And yes, there are more chances now that a country seize one of your structure.

The roads tooltips are now correct, before there was some mixing. The actual levels did not change though.

if you get a CTD, please be sure it is repeatable, and if yes, we need saved game and backup1 folder plus description of problem.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:32 am

Good Morning Pocus!!!!

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:16 am

hello Pocus,

well, i tip my hat for the team then, but i fear this will only create a steady state.

you will have the economic crisis implemented to force gameplay to pull capital out of the game, but this does not work, since all effects leads to higher costs, thereby waiting time to invest, thus higher average capital stock at all...
you are going to be a rich company for inventing a working Perpetuum Mobile

this problems arises from the highly artificial inflation.

the inflation can hold as a stand alone solution against to much capital in game, but it cannot in correlation to the economic crisis penalty.

in your game inflation is not a gain of capital problem (not to much liquid capital hanging around), its perverted and makes it only ex post more expensive without being based on NDP or GDP...

what circles around the problem i mentioned, it leads to more capital lingering around in small economies and AI played countries.
this statement holds due to the changed trade system, what makes it possible to avoid inflation easily, even as OE or Russia if you want to spent time...

turning to the way how economic crisis is triggered, it goes down to the river.

if you extend the time between crisis and make AI acting more concerted, it will lead it ad absurdum.
player can jump over it now, Ai will do same and just sit it out without worth to mention effects or problems.
if you increase the penalty level, you would even have more idle capital, what makes even less sense.

i fear, you fixed a starting rivet, the selfsustaining effect, but take economic crisis nearly out of the game for every developed economy.

i am eager to test my assumption...

i stick with myself and shout into the dark wood... DOMESTIC SELLS, DOMESTIC SELLS, DOMESTIC SELLS... business activity (not output).

and this is getting as more important, as soon someone understand the order, how cash is treated between turns...
a lowered domestic income DOES HURT, a lowered expenditure level does not... not within 1600 turns.



we lately started to experiment with a mod of a very simple but different price model using original statistics instead of complex mechanism...
its clumsy and remembers me on old GOTO-spaghetti times, buts an approach for a mod

"IF" its going to work, you will get it first.

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new patch already, WOW!

Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:06 am

[quote="Pocus"]We have already altered several things for next version.

Nice to hear that your team is already working on the next patch. Keep up the great work! :thumbsup:

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