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A couple of minor bugs

Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:56 pm

I have to say first of all that I adore this game. Probably the best money I've ever spent on a game. :)

I just wanted to raise a couple of minor bug issues though. They may well have been raised before; if so, apologies.

I'm currently playing the 1861 w/KY campaign as the USA.

The first bug is that I have two Daniel Butterfields. He arrived as part of the 1862 leader pool, but was already on map (as far as I can remember he'd been there since the start). In an earlier practice game I played just to get the hang of the rules, I seem to remember another leader was duplicated too.

The second (and more irritating, to me at least) is that my various corps keep spontaneously changing their designation. I prefer to edit their names so that rather than "G. Thomas's Corps", the tab reads "XIII Corps" (or whatever the number is on the corps emblem on the right of the unit display). Unfortunately the emblem (and corps number) seems to periodically change. Is this something that happens when I reorganise a corps or add/detach a division, or is it a bug?

As I said though, these are very minor issues. I've learned to cope with the AI's eccentricities and constant raiding, with a strategy of "garrison, garrison, garrison", and I have to say I haven't had this much fun with a solo game in a long time. :)

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