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Rounding things off

Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:50 pm

Hi everyone.

I'm sorry to say that, as is pretty evident, this Grand Campaign has lost so much steam that there is little point in continuing. At this point, I want to thank everyone for the game and also declare all war rooms, AARs and off-limit threads open for everyone.

I do hope that everyone involved by and large by and large have had fun and that you have found the time and effort you have spent on this worthwhile.

I do have hopes of seeing a "Grand Campaign III" at some point in the future, and I know that there are a number of things that the game organizer/moderator should do differently and that some of the underlying organizational aspects could be improved, but rather than getting all revved up myself, I figure I'll leave the microphone open and let those who wish provide their thoughts.

  • What worked out OK (and should be continued in future iterations)?
  • What didn't work out (and please make sure criticism is constructive, please ;) )?
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Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:52 am

I was waiting for someone else to reply first, but considering that the game seemingly died of apathy, that might be a long wait. I've started reading the other AARs. First comment, after reading the N-P thread, soundoff was absolutely right. Substitution rules need to be strict. The game should be fun, but the referee shouldn't be worrying about whether the players are having fun. Players signed up for this. If we weren't having fun, then it was our responsibility to either perform the chore of playing in a timely manner, or asking for a substitute.
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Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:22 pm

I didn't follow the game closely, but it has always been my opinion that the workload, in playing the game, coordinating with same side players, and producing an AAR, is too high for all but the most fanatically devoted. The odds against completing such a game are quite large. Players will inevitably drop out, particularly at the first sign of adversity.

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Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:04 am

I suspect the interaction between the president and the theatre commanders is a source of tension.

I think if I set it up, I would divide the states between the theatre commanders, and they would control the production in those states.

The president would be kept out of day to day affairs as he would not be sent the game turns at all, but would rely on his picture of the war solely from the turn reports sent by the theatre commanders. The president's role would be largely advisory, and the President would also do the overall AAR for his side, based on the information he has. The President would have sole control of ordering the political options (draft, etc.) but would do so through the eastern theatre commander. The eastern theatre commander would act as both general and president's cabinet, and would be responsible for advising the president on financial status, national morale, etc.

The two theatre commanders would be the core players, and they would not do an AAR, and would not even be required to communicate with each other, but would only be responsible for the production and orders in their states, and for reporting turn by turn to the president by letter.

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Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:04 pm

Definately an idea worth considering. In such a game, I would also like to see someone run a "newspaper", so that the presidents have a source of information independant of the generals, to pick up on stuff that might need his attention. Otherwise, the generals might fidn it easy to leave some stuff out... ;)
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