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PBEM: GraniteStater (USA) vs Pat "Stonewall" Cleburne (CSA) - no Cleburne

Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:07 am

This is my first PBEM and AAR. I hate to say no Cleburne, but...oh, well. Specifics:

1.16rc4a - April61 with KY.

Historical Stats for leaders, vanilla activation, Medium Delay on Commitment, Historical Attrition, Historical Naval Boxes. We have a general agreement on doing things that are historically plausible, i. e., no excessive/ridiculous raiding, no ridiculous riverine moves past strong points - we discussed things and while nothing is hard & fast, we seem to be in agreement.

So far, just a few turns - Early June 61. I have some light Industry in NY, PA, IL & MO. I went into Financials big time from the start, but stuck to Volunteers. I don't know if I'm going to Partly Mobilize next turn or not, but think I might - this ain't the AI.

All quiet so far - Sumter fell and an initial Reb thrust at Harper's Ferry was repelled with light action on both sides. He caught a +22 boost on ForInterv with his Embargo. I Blockaded. He's at 41 FI right now.

We're both bobbing and weaving. More soon.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]
-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]
-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898

(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.
(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:51 am

where can u dl that 1.16 patch?
the only i caould reach is 1.15

btw how is KY handled in this campaing?

thx, and good luck

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:55 am

I went with Partial Mobil, $1,000 bounties for volunteers, and all out Financing. Late June 61.

I have built 4 Signal Corps and 4 Medical units in the previous turn.

No naval, riverine or oceanic, yet. I set up a flanking movement to the NW of Manassas and heavily reinforced HP. I forgot to tell Lyons to Assault Jeff City last turn, but set it now and sent a 100+ force to Rolla under Nelson. I have some Sharpshooters going - in the Nelson force.

Built some Cav and a few cannons.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:31 pm


The patch is stickied at the top of the "Help to Improve AACW" subforum.

I assume one buys the token to invade, to answer your other question. I dunno for sure - will find out.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:10 pm

Looking forward to a new AAR. Thanks for taking this on and best of luck to you both.
"Now, back to Rome for a quick wedding - and some slow executions!"- Miles Gloriosus

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:32 pm

Thank you, kind sir. Now, I work in IT and should be able to figure this out, but..


I imagine something like: F11, take image into Paint, put arrows on the image, and post on ImageShack or something like that?
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:47 pm

Oh, also, my policy is to keep RRs & Rivercraft at 100% and a bit more, if possible - I'm paranoid about Supplies.

Question - when should one stop investing in Industry? Under 1.16rc4a, the money from MD has disappeared, as far as I can tell, leaving NY as the only "money" state (LA is one also, once captured). In general, these are my thoughts on Industry (I started an Industrialization thread many moons ago, BTW, but am still hazy on some things):

* There is little to no incentive for the North to do more than LightIndy, as far as I can tell. Seem to get adequate returns with just Light.

* My 'usual' now is to LightIndy NY, PA, IL and MO. I used to do MD, but no reason to now, with rc4a.

* Believe it or not, I don't think I've ever voluntarily undone it. I just let it run. I'm sure quite a few here would demurr on this. If so, when do you stop? When the messages cease? When every town and city in the selected states have a factory icon?
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:25 pm

GraniteStater wrote:screenshots?

I imagine something like: F11, take image into Paint, put arrows on the image, and post on ImageShack or something like that?

I use FastStone Capture. You should be able to find it here for free.

You can edit captured image with text, arrows and boxes. Save the result (take benefit of the option to compress image in order to avoid too heavy files).

You can attach files to your message : look for the "Manage Attachments" button under the textarea where you write your message. These files can then be inserted in your text using the "attachments" tool (look for the "paperclip" icon in the toolbar above the textarea).

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:30 pm

GraniteStater wrote:Question - when should one stop investing in Industry?

I don't know if something has changed with 1.16rc4a but with previous version I never industrialized when playing the north as there is far enough supply of all kinds.

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:58 pm

Mickey3D wrote:I use FastStone Capture. You should be able to find it here for free.

You can edit captured image with text, arrows and boxes. Save the result (take benefit of the option to compress image in order to avoid too heavy files).

You can attach files to your message : look for the "Manage Attachments" button under the textarea where you write your message. These files can then be inserted in your text using the "attachments" tool (look for the "paperclip" icon in the toolbar above the textarea).

Oh yeah, that's right. Thx for the heads-up.


Awesome, dude!! I've used Snag-It and other programs professionally, but didn't have a utility at home. The controls are exactly what I want. Thx a mill!
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:43 pm

Late June 1861

* Lyons took Jeff City, about 130 PWR. I took this instead of Rolla 'cuz I wish to deny the Recruitment tent to Cleburne. Also, I will gain recruits. I would rather have this first, instead of the Depot at Rolla.

* Nelson moved to Rolla, mostly militia and such, about 100+ PWR. Inactive, however - so I took a 50ish Bde outta the stack and set it to Assault, Big Time. My experience has been that the other stack does join in, but I could be very wrong, having read some lately and am more aware that this isn't necessarily the case and that the Battle Report is not Gospel about the actual combatants.

* I spend like a drunken sailor - 8% Bonds, Max Taxes. Inflation at 6% already. If I win the war and am a credit risk, so be it. $1,000 bounty for Volunteers and Partial Mobil.

* I lost my Indy in PA because of my checkbook previous turn. Put it back and didn't spend everything this turn.

* Moved Patterson close to HF. Reinforced HF - about 250 PWR there now under not Milroy, but the other 2 star, with Schurz, also. Am inserting a coupla "Divisions" from AoP (no Divs or Corps yet, of course) to the NW and W of Manassas. Cleburne has a megastack there, about 800+ PWR. I think he wants to deny me Manassas.

Spread out Leaders, Milroy to Cairo, one to the frozen stack in southern Indiana near Evansville, one to help Lil' Mac in Cincy, one near what is Ashland, KY, near confluence of Kanawha and Ohio. Started assembling proto-landing force in Baltimore, with USMC, Sharpies and a Bde. Never too early for that. Sent Farragut there with LantFleet. Sent James Palmer with the true frigates and a brig to cruise the eastern seaboard.

More inna bit - got s. t. else right now.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:35 pm

LtJun61 (cont.)

Cleburne has a pretty good sized force at HF under Jackson, about 300+ with four Leaders or so. He didn't attack - hmm, I would guess Jackson is usually Active.

I've built a modest force of KS Inf Bdes, some Cav mostly in the Midwest and IA and some HorseArty, for anti-raiding.

I usually love to build 'heavy' Bdes, particularly the 3 Inf/Cav/Arty ones in MA, NY, PA, but see that I have tended to neglect Cav in my OOBs. Thus, I am building a bit more Inf/Inf/Cav ones and a bit more independent Cav Bdes.

I'm a strong believer in the North building Arty, though.

No naval builds, yet, other than what I have been given outright.

NM is high 80s, but I caught a break on the Blockade and his FI is now 30. "Balanced out" the Gulf & Lant BlockadeFleets using the NE & NY Sqdns, using just BlkSqdns for Box duty.

Screenies: I have some DirectX issues with the app - anyone tell me how to run this in a window? I'm on a widescreen, it defaults to that, even though Properties state "Windowed". I know I can figure it out (that's what tech writers do, we don't know anything, we just figure it out), but any help is welcome.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:31 am

That should be Late July, I guess. I just sent Turn 8, as Host, to Cleburne - it is now Early August.

US Invades the Bluegrass State

I bought the token for a mere $1,000 on the previous turn and it executed right away. No troubles, mate. It sez that Cleburne has to wait one turn, but he took Bowling Green. I am moving in with the Camp Robinson force and Mac's strong force to seize Lexington (I used to live there and Louisville, BTW). A smaller force is crossing into L-ville. I am reinforcing Cairo.

CSA Steams Upstream

Cleburne put all his Gunboats together and two TPs and kicked my modest flotilla under Foote right back into Cairo. Am building two Ironclads in St. Loo to counter this. My KY & OH Gunnies are merging in L-ville.

US Flexes Muscle in Mizzoo

Lyons has rested & refreshed and received a Wagon in Jeff City. He is starting a move to Springfield. The sorry sons in Rolla surrendered to Nelson. Strong enough in St. Loo right now. Have made a point of having some strength farther West.

The Old Dominion and the East

Jackson thrust into Loudon County (region) and caused my two "Divs" there to retreat. Almost no battles, so far - forces have conceded and exercised discretion. Still, I am settling into HF in some strength, with Hamilton (that 2 star!), Humphreys and Schurz, with Patterson's force (he's gone, though) now in Winchester (sieging) and another stack from WVA under another 1 star approaching Strasburg (I went to UVa, BTW, so am familiar with this, too; stationed in Frederick, MD, lived in Kansas - actually am familiar with a great deal of the map) from the western mountains. One object is to secure RRs from HF westward, but primarily to defend DC's western flanks and see what mischief I can cause.

IOW, Jackson, with about 300+ PWR, split my defensive line, but my linebackers are fanning to his left and one of McDowell's "Divisions" is returning to Alexandria. McDowell is frowning at J. Johnston, but the latter is really strong in Manassas - too strong, he can't be everywhere, so...I sent one of the wingnut Div commanders, Tyler, I think, to the Stafford harbor and now am marching to Fredericksburg.

Go ahead, deny me Manassas! I'll take the NM hit and Fredericksburg, willingly.

"Rush down like a river, fill every crevice." - Sun Tzu; one of my favorite maxims.

Am building a modest amount of Inf Bdes, 2 ironclads and keeping the store swept. No real Navy yet.

I shan't worry overly about NM and such; just keep an eye on them.

Will take some time to figure out my graphic issues and dearly want to post screenies.

I have seen no real bold thrusts by esteemed opponent. Somethin' is a-brewin', I can smell it. I've seen a goodly amount of Reb sails on the high seas. Jackson & Johnston are uppity in VA. Otherwise quiescent, other than BG in KY and the Cairo naval poke. I am anticipating an Eastern invasion over the Potomac. I have seen no strong formations out West, in MO, or WVA.

Something is up.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:15 pm

From Cleburne's email:

Richmond Gazette, August 4, 1861
Northern forces invade Kentucky!

Lexington KY - In a brazen move of overt aggression, Union forces have begun an invasion of Kentucky. Kentucky and it's citizens had pledged to remain neutral in the current conflict, but Union military leaders disregarded their wishes and forcibly invaded the state. Governor Beriah Magoffin issued a statement denouncing the "unprovoked aggression of the Union armies".

During an emergency session in the Kentucky legislature, former vice president and current Kentucky senator John Breckinridge delivered an impassioned speech in favor of seccession. The session degenerated into chaos before a vote could be called and a meeting was scheduled for the 5th to reconsider the issue. Senator Breckenridge vowed to organize and arm all loyal Kentuckians against the invading forces regardless of the outcome of tomorrow's vote. We here at the Richmond Gazette encourage the Confederate congress to consider all options in supporting our friends in Kentucky during their fight.


My chronology missed a beat - I just sent turn 9 to Cleburne - Early August 1861.

So I await his *.ord file for the LateAug resolution.

Clashes in Virginia

Ruggle's force beat me to Fredericksburg and threw me out rather rudely. So Cleburne anticipated that.

He also saw through my rather obvious attempt to approach Winchester from the west with ex-Patterson's force and Jackson squashed it flat. Fortunately, the retreat was to HF. I now have Hamilton (Schurz) and Hunter (?? - one of the better initial MicDowell "Div" commanders - I don't have the app up) in HF in respectable strength, which Jackson found out the hard way. He was repulsed in mid-turn.

Wingnut (not Tyler, don't think - the other old guy; he was terrible IRL) is retreating to Alexandria after his repulse at F-burg. Hooker debuted and got a formation all his own, all new and buffed. I gave him a Signal Co and he just might get a Medical, too. I'll make him my premier Eastern Division in October.

I have a Medical in St. Loo and several Sig Cos to distribute. My philosophy lately is to try some "high tech" stuff, build some supporting elements and maybe improve Union formations.

More Bdes coming online in the East, being shipped to Alexandria. I am keeping "good enough" strength in southern PA, Pittsburgh, Baltimore. Am ordering a bit more Cav in the East. And of course, some "heavy" Bdes.

US Occupies KY

Lexington falls; re-org and push a strong MacClellan force down to the vicinity of BG, while staying on the defensive side of the Green. Cav element (2 Bdes) goes down to snoop. Loyalty is in the toilet - guess they didn't appreciate the reminder that they were still in the Union. McCall occupies L-ville in "good enough" strength; took the northern secesh hamlet on the Ohio and garrisoned the Ohio town at the confluence of the Kanawha and Ohio with a Leader and a small, strong Bde.

He has BG & Prestonburg in KY. I merged my KY & OH Gunboats and sent them downstream, to remind him I haven't forgotten his irksome naval escapades in my front yard at Cairo. The neighbors are coming back, Cleburne!

Build up continues in Cairo.


Got Lyon a supply, and sent him to Springfield with some cannons and good Bdes (well, good enough) at about 85 - 90% of ideal shape. He arrives next turn in Assault AllOut Go Crazy posture. Nelson repaired the rail in Rolla and will get more supplies down the track, I hope - he's hurting. Sent a KS Cav Regt to snoop near Springfield.

The program's swooping around during the turn showed Cleburne assembling some rather scruffy types with horses in Fayette, AR. Oh, ho, I say. That's why we make welcoming commitees with 2 Cav Bdes and Horse Arty.


Reinforcing Monroe with a single Militia Regt - Cleburne doesn't seem too excited about it, but...

RRs and River in good enough shape to focus on building more Bdes. Hardly any Replacements needed. Build a coupla more Cav in the East; some smaller Inf Bdes in the Midwest; one heavy Bde in MA.

NM is 91; FI is 33. Cleburne went with a Financial goose. My Loyalty in KY and MO is horrid. Baltimore, as always, is ungrateful; HF likes me 52%.

Banks, Burnside and McLernand are doing their recruiting thing in NYC, Philly and Chicago. That's their job.

Not bad, not bad...what is he up to?
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:34 pm

Late Aug 61

Actually uneventful. Lyon took Springfield, MO without a struggle. Cleburne has actually withdrawn from the Valley, but has a strong force under Johnston (it's Beauregard at Manassas, duh) & Jackson down near Rockfish Gap, i.e., south of Strasburg (I don't get it, but there must be a reason - I will keep my eyes peeled).

PGT has a 900+ PWR at Manassas. I don't see strong forces in the neighborhood of Cairo/Columbus/Ft. D - almost looks like I could walk into Nashville.

He withdrew his river sqaudron from Cape Giradeau, presume for refit. I am merging my Ohio river Gunnies with the Foote command in Cairo and hope to bring the Ironclads downriver soon.

Mac is repairing the RR on the shores of the Green River. Nelson seems to be getting some supplies in Rolla. Lyon is isolated in Springfield, but am sending a Cav detachment to establish Control, if I can, in the intervening region.

Cleburne has a strong naval force in the Gulf Box & gave some considerable hits, which I returned. Hmmm, might be worthwhile to get more serious about the blue water Navy.

I am building, building, getting ready for Divisional formations.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:13 am

OK, I just sent Cleburne what I designated Turn 12, but I'm off by one. My UI says Early Oct 61 - #13.

When he sends me the .ord back, it will resolve Early Oct and push me to #14 -Late October.


Northern VA

Longstreet with about 27,000 effectives is kicked out of Alexandria by McDowell, Hooker and Co. Between his incursion and following repulse, he lost about 10,000. I lost about 8,000 in the two battles.

I secured Winchester with Mansfield's tiny militia and Humphreys large militia/LightInf in successive assaults about two days apart. I have established RR from the west to HF. Hamilton is in HF with a good force and got a Signal Co.

After the battles, I formed Divisons with Hooker and Lew Wallace. I then put them under McDowell, who was relieved by MacClellan via event (damn! In AI games, I have put Mac under Grant as a Corps commander and he ain't bad at all - he stats go up to 442 ,believe it or not). So McDowells "corps-stack" is pretty strong and has Signal & Med. This freed up Hunter (I think it's Hunter - I eschew Tyler and Miles) with a 13 element Div to make a dash to F-burg again. PGT is in Manassas with a bloodied Longstreet, altogether about a 550 PWR combo - no frontal assault, no thank you, although McDowell is 600; need some Replacements and rest there.

Johnston is lurking in the Lexington/Rockfish Gap area south of the Valley.

My usual aproach is to eventually secure Charlottesville before approaching Richmond thataway - no rivers.

Slight reinforcement of Monroe, which is replenishing fleets and acting as my major naval base for the seaboard.

A Med/Sig combo was freed up from the re-org - where to go? Tyler is feinting to PGT's left, and I'm thrusting at F-burg and resting my main force in Alex. Bringing down the free stuff, like the Irish, the Excelsior, etc. Hmm...mebbe a Peninsular campaign? Two virtues to this: again, no rivers and making the oppo deal with two or more threats is usually better than one big threat, depending on force structure.

KY and Cairo

Brought Halleck to Cincy, but now am having him take over the freed ministack in Evansville, IN. He will operate in conjunction with Fitz Porter's force approaching BG. My Cav inquiry near Nashville shows comparable Reb strength in the city under Bragg. Polk is in Columbus, KY in moderate strength. Grant took command in Cairo; Milroy is there, too and are being reinforced and await some brigadiers to organize a proper expeditionary force for western KY and TN.

Foote was defeated by Buchanan against superior numbers, trying to run past eight Reb gunboat squadrons and lost one vessel - bottled up in Cairo. I am assembling two 'clads, four gunnies and a TP in St Loo for the relief of Foote.


Cav scouting, Lyon got a Med company, Nelson's supply situation straightened out with a Wagon and supplies are connected among Rolla, Springfield, Jeff City & StL.


The real strength I see is in Manassas and I took that down a peg. Cleburne is cramping me on the river in Cairo, but that can't last. He has put beaucoup brigs into the Gulf box and I shall address that. Maybe I'm too used to Very Hard/Colonel against the AI, but where is his strength? He is reinforcing Fayette, AR, I can see on the turn, but no raids, nothing. What is he doing? He has abandoned the Valley altogether except for Johnston in moderate strength in Lexington, VA? He is proposing to stop movements towards Nashville with 350 PWR, maybe? Polk's values are hidden, but Reg-Reg-Reg-Irr-Irr-Irr ain't gonna stop Grant when he moves. I just took central Missouri?

I shall dial up the aggression, prudently, before winter really sets in. I am watching for major counter thrusts in southern Illinois or possibly WVA. He has me puzzled, for sure.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:38 am

I just sent the Late Oct 62 csa.trn to him - Turn 14

So, what was



He kicked me out of Winchester - a retreat against a 500 PWR Jackson column. I am counterattacking with comparable strength from HF with Hamilton/Hunter (2 **) and then a day later under Mansfield with about 450 across a river from Clarke region.

Runyon (not Hunter) retreated from a strong force from F-burg back to Stafford.

The Med/Sig detachment is being sent to Grant in Cairo.

Refitting ships in Monroe, will assert my oceanic power in more force soon and put some more in the Gulf Box, where he has a boatload of boats.


Fitz Porter moves to BG and Halleck with the "Evansville force" plus a Bde starts towards Ft D - he had already crossed the Ohio and merged.

Cleburne couldn't maintain the naval presence, I guess, and left me free to bring Foote up to StL to join the 'clads and more gunnies. Grant is getting his act together and awaits Med/Sig units.


Price walloped my Cav scout and then assaulted Lyons in Springfield and took it. The Cav scout was pursued and destroyed. No immediate counter by me - regroup and return is the plan.


No Reinforcements, the Replacements are thin - quite a few have been siphoned off lately for Infantry. I want to keep my RR up - River can slacken in winter. He still holds Manassas, but McDowell's "Corp" is 868 PWR. If things go well, I should be able to force the issue before Christmas.

NM is 89, FI is 36. His NM is 109 and has a decent lead in VPs. Casualties are about even, with a slight advantage to me.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:46 pm

OK, this was an overnighter and I sent esteemed opponent a mssg letting him know that I might have overlooked something in transmission and directory structure, but it's probably OK.



Jackson left Winchester and went near Manassas, next to PGT. I organized Hamilton ** as a "Corps" with Mansfield and Hunter - near 1,000 PWR & a Signal Co (not a Med). He moved from Winchester SE to Clarke region, next to Manassas; Meagher with the Irish and two loose Bdes joins him there as a separate command. McDowell's "Corps" is about the same PWR, with Med/Sig, plus Shields building up, McClellan & AoP at about 300 PWR & the garrison. Runyon's Div of 292 is in Stafford. Schurz is independent now and occupying Winchester, HF is held in strength. Cav is scouting in the western mountains and near Covington.

Cleburne has a 500ish Jackson stack next to Manassas, to the SW - PGT is still in Manassas, near 1400 - 1500 PWR. Joe J. is in F-burg at about 300 PWR. His position, IMHO, is now untenable. I don't think he should have given up on Winchester; he has too much in Manassas, he should have sent reinforcements to Jackson and continued the fight for Winchester (Strasburg, the entire town, had disappeared from the map - ???). Now I am free to do exactly what I'm doing, descend from the upper Valley in conjunction with "AoP" forces from Fairfax/Alex and even, in this case, get a third axis with Runyon from Stafford, at about 2300 total. PGT is well dug in, but I can give him a bloody nose, at least, I think - or, if he pushes Jackson into Manassas, I'll just cut the whole nest of Rebels off.

Even losing Manassas is not that bad for him - F-burg can be a thorn and keeping Winchester in play helps cover the western flank from Fredericksburg along the Rappahannock. The CSA, IMHO, should make the Union make a sustained and expensive commitment to Winchester, because until it is secured for good, it is a threat from the west. The Union can't just ignore it - any movement from DC south is exposed to it.


I was able to reinforce Fitz Porter's Div+ in Bowling Green (taken last turn). Hallecks 150ish force is making a movement towards Ft D, but will take two more turns to arrive at the northern tip of the peninsula between the rivers.

I can't see Bragg in Nashville, but my Cav had to retire, although Porter has some Cav in the Division.

Foote sailed to StL uncontested anf steamed back down the river to Cape G., in considerable force with two 'clads in the mix. Grant is awaiting a few more shiny toys.


Rest and refit, basically.


I need MORE. I'm starting with about 92 $$, 300 Companies and 160 WS per turn. I haven't built anything the last two turns 'cuzza other things - Divs, RR (tiny River), Replacements.

I haven't built any vessels, really. I want to build HQs. I would like some more independent Arty. And of course more straight legs, maybe some Sharpies, a bit more Cav/HArty would be nice...

Ocean and River TPs are high on the list, as well as some Wagons.

But he did, well, NOTHING this last turn...I'm either in for a very nasty surprise or... I dunno, we shall see.

NM 93, his is 109, FI 38. Loyalty is sllowwlly improving in MD & KY, but MO hates me with a passion.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:31 pm

Strasburg didn't disappear. Cleburne must have burned the depot there.

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Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:38 pm

Yes, I was thinking that, but the whole place goes up? I was just reading the manual and apparently you can torch the whole town. How about a city? Can you burn Philly to the ground?
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:01 am

Late Nov 61 - Resolution of Turn 16

To be clear, I messed up. I never designated Early Apr 61 as Turn 1 - so, the .ord he just sent me resolved Late Nov 61 (Turn 16) and now it is Early December - I can issue orders, but need the next .ord to resolve this turn's orders.

So this is what happened in Late Nov:

* I had Hamilton's "Corps" cross the Rappahannock and attack Jackson in Culpeper, SW of Manassas. Repulsed, quickly. His entrenchment was 190 and the river penalty, in snow, was too much, although I had him slightly outnumbered. Hamilton retreated to Clarke.

* Halleck arrived at the tip of the Ft. Donelson peninsula, but Cleburne had Polk cover the fort. This seems to leave the Columbus area open for invasion by Grant. A leadeless Bde crossed the Mississippi and took Scott, MO without a contest - his militia withdrew.

Otherwise unevenful. Made sure people sought shelter. Need to relaunch game and decide on my orders. I have Cav to the SW of Charlottesville, maybe tear up some tracks. Runyon's Div looks like it's strong enough to cross and attack Joe J. in F-burg, but I simply don't care to, really am wary of the attempt

Starting with 92 $$ is cramping my style. Replacements and 10RR chewed it right up. I have only five Divisions on the field, I believe - maybe organize more this upcoming turn.

I don't like winter.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:46 am

Because all you do is play checkers and wait for campaigning weather. At least the winter subroutine in AACW isn't as brutal as WIA.

Dec & Early January, 61-62

My Cav recon hung around a little bit too long, are freezing and hungry and skedaddling back to Winchester. A recon I did in KS/AR is running back to Leavenworth.

I poked a 50 PWR LightInf down to Nashville and yup, Bragg is there with about 500 PWR. I might lose the unit.

Polk smacked Halleck's force back to the Ohio, soundly. I hope he can make it across OK to Evansville where a Bde awaits him.

George Thomas is going to BG to join Fitz Porter and take command (**).

I'm moving Hamilton's strong force a bit to the side of Jackson and will see if I can attack him from the west - maybe a winter surprise.

Built a total of four Blockade Squadrons in Boston. More 'clads and gunnies in StLoo with a TP.

3 HQs. About ten 66 PWR Bdes, mostly with an attached Arty.

RR spending.

I went light on Financials in late December and Volunteers with no bounty - want to keep my NM up (91) and stay within shouting distance on VP. He's pulling almost a 20 VP advantage from Cities per turn.

No big geographical changes. Sent Grant to the east of Cairo, will cross and take Columbus next turn, I hope.

I must build more Divisions - I still have five - five! Never enough money, men or WS - never.

Grant will have an Army, come what may and when. Hope Buell comes soon, he's the only decent 3 star out West, other than Grant. McDowell will probably get an Army. I can't wait for Pope and Rosecrans.

Old football aphorism - "take what the defense gives you"; kinda like Sun-Tzu's river figure of speech, huh? He is not gonna dig in and block me forever - I will lever my way around Manassas, take #10, Ft Donelson, and Memphis if he squats in Nashville. I dislike frontal attacks anyway. There is a time and place for them, but only if there are few other options.

Put a few more Bdes in Baltimore with Keyes and sent Dix (**) there - N. O. invasion force. New Orleans is crucial to take - deprives him of his major $$ source. One kneecap to break.

Oh, big change - I took a page from someone on the forum and cancelled Industry in NY, PA, IL. Put Light Indy in WI & MI & NJ.

But I lost the NJ plant. let it go for now - my numbers aren't stellar, but good enough right now. I want Divs, I want Corps, I want lotsa blueshirts smackin' Johnny Reb.

Will spend some to replace so-so Div leaders and get Phil Kearny and others going in there.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:25 am

Halleck made it to safety.

Attack in VA

While Hamilton still has one more turn to get to the west of Jackson, I have decided to attack PGT in Manassas. Partly, I hope Cleburne hasn't told Jackson to support PGT.

McDowell has three Divs - Hooker, Lew Wallace and Kearny. 1400+ PWR. French is in there to improve Arty. I am also attacking with Meager and the Irish with two loose Bdes attached from Clarke and Runyon from Stafford. PGT is around 1500 -1600 PWR, totally entrenched. Runyon and Meagher bring it to about a slight numerical advantage. Does the engine reward me for multiple axes of attack? I dunno, but they all arrive on day 9, supposedly. All are at 10% CP penalty.

Even the best generals get impatient, sometimes. I am justifying it as a way to bleed him and help cover Hamilton and maybe reap surprise (I don't think the engine factors that in, in quite this way).

Meanwhile, Thomas is taking the town west of BG to threaten Polk and distract from Grant's crossing at Paducah. Lyons is waiting for more guys (he has a Med Co.).

I made some more Divisions. Should get my builds in the next month. Then Corps come in - another reason to assault Manassas now, before Jackson can MTSG.

RRs and River maxed, NM 93, his is 113, FI is 38. He has more like an 8 point VP lead per turn, not 20, but his total VPs exceed mine by 300. Casualties are pretty even.

Let's get 'em.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:54 am

First Bull Run (in1862?:confused :)

Repulsed. Casualties fairly light on both sides, but I lost 4,000, while he lost 2,700. It was close, really - I had the Luck, the Morale and a coupla others, but the entrenchments made the difference. Both sides had flavor numbers of 37,000 apiece, and he had about 200 more men, according to the Battle Report.

Thomas took Clarksville, TN. Grant is crossing the Ohio and just picked up Sherman, who is active - yay! another Division!

Hamilton is to the west of Jackson, but is exhausted and worn out.

Need to think. And give some orders.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:15 am

GraniteStater wrote:Yes, I was thinking that, but the whole place goes up? I was just reading the manual and apparently you can torch the whole town. How about a city? Can you burn Philly to the ground?

Strasburg is only a depot not a town. That's why everything "disappear" when you burn it.

You would have the same result if you build a depot from scratch and then destroy it.

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Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:35 am

Grant has Sherman's Division and some attached Bdes and is landing in Paducah. The Blockade Sqdns are ready and going to the Boxes. Halleck is refitting, Lyons is waiting on a LtArty and gets some more Bdes, whereupon it's Division time for him.

The VA theater pauses, licks wounds, gets some more men. Dix has Keyes as a Div at Baltimore and gets a few more Bdes for the N. O. force. I want more though, much more - I like to take N. O. in some good numbers to make sure that I'm staying for good once I'm there & take Ft. Pike.

Mansfield is moving on Charlottesville, using Hamilton as a screen; he has about 150 PWR in loose LightInf Bdes.

AS Johnston has taken command in Nashville with about 800 PWR. Polk is at Ft. D with rather light forces, but if I move on it with Thomas (400+ PWR) - he might take a drubbin'. Grant will approach from the west - or move on #10? - dunno yet, see what the layout will be.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:01 pm

Mid-March 1862

I just sent Cleburne what he needs for Turn 24, so we will duke out Late March when he sends the .ord back to me.


Not much - I made a frankly foolish attack with Hamilton against Jackson in Culpeper from the west and got swatted away. There'll be rest & refit all around. Baltimore is getting some more guys, a Leader or two to make up a proper expeditionary force for N. O.

HQs are ready and sent out. Some more Leaders are showing up, better ones.


Thomas in Clarksville, TN - AS Johnston in Nashville with very considerable strength. Thomas is about 650 PWR. Polk is in Ft. D somewhat lightly, but between the river crossing, Johnston nearby...Grant took Paducah, but the effort, although unopposed, totally exhausted his command. He is to be joined by Prentiss & some Bdes and in aturn or so, a HQ.

McDowell was sent to Louisville and will form an Army there - better than Buell; same stats, but has more experiece - not sure if that's modelled, but eh...

Pope has appeared in Cairo - 2 star, not 3; he will be a Corps Commander under Grant if I can get Grant to three stars; I might be forced to re-route Buell to take the HQ in Paducah and wait for Grant to earn that third star - Buell's OK enough and a universe better than Fremont or Halleck.


Lyons is getting a couple of more Bdes and an Arty. He will be moving out to Springfield soon - I have a Cav/Cav/HArty/Harty formation to help him. Hmmm...this is why the AAR helps, it makes you think about things; I might just take Hallaeck and make a MO Army for MO, although the force structure doesn't justify Corps there yet - maybe it'll be a good thing to do. I will be making More for it, anyway...


My switch of Industry seems to be a Good Thing. NY, PA and IL may not be maxed out, but they're built up. MO retained its Indy - WI & MI are being built; NJ, after a hiccup loss, has retained its Indy and is building happy little workshops. I'm starting with about 160 $$, 160 Companies and 230 WS each Turn; not bad, but of course, I always want More.

NM 93, his is 118; need to look at the screen for FI, Vera Cruz just kicked in.

Achieving the historical situation is a Task that every Union player should set himself - Ft.D by late Feb 62, Nashville shortly thereafter; by the end of June in 62, the North had Ft D, Nashville, #10, Memphis and New Orleans in its pocket. Try it - IMHO, even against the AI on Normal, it ain't easy.

I'm way behind schedule. I will kick PGT & Co outta Manassas at some point, I'm sure - he won't be able to oppose three fronts indefinitely as I get More and either overwhelm him directly or just outflank to the west, take Chatlotttesville, etc. I will be able to crowbar the upper Mississippi at some point and don't forget, some forces have been uncommitted in the East cuzza the build up for N. O.

We shall see...
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:30 pm


Result ofLate March 62 Turn - it's now Early April 62



* That's not Kearny's Corp, it's Lew Wallace's, but Phil just got promoted by the War Dept (not by me) to **. Kearny is still leading a Div. LW's Xorp assaulted F-burg cuzza good odds 1-1, but MTSG defeated me - Jackson.

Sykes debuted by himself in Farmville, or thereabouts, and is scurrying to succor. We shall refit and try the western approach again, most probably led by Hamilton's Corps (next turn in Winchester), which I think will acquire Meager and the irish and a coupla more Bdes. Mansfield is mostly loose Light Inf, was trying to see if he could get C-ville on the cheap, but no dice.



* Grant is going to support Thomas. The HQ is in Cairo & I have sttled upon the Armies: McDowell will form an Army in Cairo next turn and form Geant and Thomas as Corps. Halleck with form an Army in StLoo and Buell the same in Baltimore for the N. O. expedition.

I am wide open for a fullback up the middle here - Ashboth is marching to Columus with a single weak Bde to Assault a weak garrison and that is it. Cairo would be all right, but...

Butterfield is decending on BG to retake it with a Cav/Cav/HArty formation & restablish comm & supply from the east.

He has very, very strong forces in Nashville, last I saw - G2 is a blank screen there right now; the Corps to the west of Nashville is just sketched out.



Pretty much what you see. Lyons is catching his breath (and feels grateful - IRL, he wasn't breathing anymore), his PWR will return & then hopes to descend on Price like gangbusters.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:31 am

Late April 62


Par for the course. Rest & refit. Everybody is back in their bases, guzzling swill and chasing skirts. Mansfield is next to Winchester, 'cuz his attitude (rightly) is in the dumps -40 days to enter the region? IRC, he will get Replacements & Supply because he is next to a Depot & has a Wagon.


G2 indicated that some reshuffle and reinforcing was needed to give Lyons a bit more umph. Attack next turn, maybe?



<< Sorry, this is the same as the image in the post immediately below. Unfortunately, the correct one is cyberdust now, I accidentally blew it away, local as well as on the server. Sorry. >>

??? This is driving me crazy.T he images are linked, not embedded, right? You could go to my Photobucket account and see that TN.png is the same as TN2.png, displayed immediately below. The correct one is cyberdust!! I just overwrote it with the same filename without thinking about the mechanics. Hey, if the image shows "Late April", fine. If it shows "Early May", well, OK, too. +++

That's a 1600 PWR Reb stack headed my way. I am splitting up Foote's units to try to negate any crossing of the Tennessee by Polk. Grant & Thomas are totaling about 1100+ - but fortifications are next to nothing. I shall play defense, for once.

Ashboth has called for the water taxi and getting the &$*# out of there, back to Cairo, where a coupla Bdes await.


NM 91, his is 125 - not good at all. FI is 50.

> Look at the VA screenie in the post above & you can see that he has the ANV or whatever it is, across three adjacent regions from Manassas to C-ville, all Corps and HQ. Joe J. in F-burg is a Corps, also. Not good. I'm going to need a good nutcracker. Longstreet's Corps in Manassas is 2000+ PWR. Lew Wallace in Stafford is 1400+ and will threaten F-burg. I intend to pry at the west and attack simultaneously, so that his MTSG support can't be in two places at once. I'm thinking I should have tried the 3-way attack on Manassas much earlier, in early fall. Did I say 'untenable'? Well hush my mouth.

Bear in mind I went with 5% Bonds in late December and that was it. My Volunteers only choice hasn't hurt, but the constraint is $$ - Replacements and RR/River - River more important now with spring. You have to keep RR up - anything less than Full is undesirable, IMO, because things don't get that last push. If I go for Taxes now, do I get to pck again in June? I am going to suffer the lack, I think, and wait until June. WS are no problem - maybe abandoning Industrialization altogether would help, although because of my change in States, the drain is not too bad and is arguably beneficial, so as to develop other States.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:52 am

Early May 62


MOTS (more of the same)

Butler advanced out of Monroe, but he's inactive - just 150 PWR anyway. Just a reminder. Lyons is putting the last preparations into place.



Note the Confederate river force next to Donelson. He just steamed past my units in the Mississippi and the Tennessee and one retreated to upstream on the Tennessee - cohesion, and they weren't even out there that long - with a TP, mind you.

I'm seeing more and more that one needs to get serious, really serious, about Wagons and TPs if you want to have effective forces. I am serious, but it seems like I have to do more.

Anyhow, I am assuming Polk is on those Reb TPs. Nothing whatsoever indicates this, other than his absence from the tip of KY. I didn't see any Reb river movement up the Mississippi past Cairo.

The one thing is that it will take five days to unload one unit and one unit solely. Also, he might have co-ordination problems with his pasl in the Humphreys region. Did I say 1600 PWR/ Closer to 18, 1900. Grant & Thomas total about 1500+, close to full PWR.

That's a militia unit ubder Israel Richardson going to jump start the taking of BG. Rosecrans debuted and I gave him the Army HQ - gotta bite the NM bullet, just can't have $%^ Fremont in command.

I will defend. Two more Bdes coming to Cairo.

I haven't been able to build anything. 165, 180 $$ get chewed up with Replacements and RR maintenance. I might be able to build some units this turn. Why so many Replacements? My winter dventures and overextension. Actually, almost everybody was in shelter - but Wagons mitigate damage, they don't prevent it, and retreating back to a haven takes time when you get low on unit morale and run outta bacon. You move more slowly and that aggravates the Cohesion reduction and adds hits from exposure.

Also, casualties from the battles - three of which were due to my impatience. Then you end up with bad stuff, indeed - retreating in winter with banged up units.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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