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MrT (Rebel) vs. Barksdale

Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:37 pm

Hello all,
Am now ready to try and emulate Sir Banks and defend the honour of the Rebel cause. However I have this feeling that Mr Barksdale will give me a lesson that i soon will not forget.
So the early April is the normal manover of conquering Ft. Sumter, and ordering railroad and replacements, am trying to hold out with my embargo roll till the last possible moment in order too see how things work out on that front, need 125 Fi points.... With luck i could trigger that by june 62... but thats for the future lol.
On a side note i invested in 5 inf replacements first turn... that means ive saved 10k dollars... enough for a free replacement in 2-3 turns.


Please excuse the poor pictures in the beginning this is my first attempt at somthing like this, expect the quality and clarity to improve with time.
april61-Rail Order.JPG

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Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:07 pm

good luck in defending the free nation of the South!!

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Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:08 pm

I am quite confident the Confederate States rest in able hands. Good Luck Mr.T!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Have you ever stopped to think and forgot to start??

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Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:22 am

So onto the deeply stratigic turn 2, in this turn I have decided to use the Print option to raise 253,000$, as i need a good embargo roll now my hopes of early FI have been smashed on the rocks by Barksdales first roll...


On the movement from I've used collective southern pray power to teleport McCulloch to Houston, Texas from were he will take charge of the weak Texas division that i will create there (sorry Sibley but your as much use as a chocolate fireguard).

Smith is going to Manassas on foot hes there in 14 days, the Caronlina force is been railed as a matter of urgency to Manassas, unfortunatly it gets there in 38 days...I just hope my worthy opponent doesnt try a surgical strike with his marine corps unit to take the big M, as i've made that central to my V.A defensive plans.
Standard moves on Harpers Ferry and Norfolk with the milita units. Ah Floyd is playing historical recreationalist for the war, and has been sent to fort Henry and Donaldson, lets hope he can do a better job this time round.


With the money left from my money issue i've bought a few more replacements and invested in 40 rail and 5 transports.

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Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:10 am

So turn 3, still quite boring in the moment eh?
Ive decided upon the plan for the war, given that inflation will go throu the roof later on anyway i am going to print money conscript and recruit as many men as possible so that by spring 62 latest i have all my divisions on the field.. normally im more conservative, but im so handicapped here with the early command problems.
Ah on that note i have a hit and miss solution, as all stacks will have the 35% command penalty for me... only the best will be allowed to lead them... Longstreet and Jackson, Beauguard will be charged with removing Fort Monroe asap so i can ignore that line of attack for a little while at least. And athough ive only 8 or so starting leaders.. that lets me have starting armies, its the only thing to do till 62 i think. Other ideas on that subject are welcomed, that handicap is hard to fight with.
Joe Johnston will appear in Tenassee soon as i have an division worth of troops there for him to command.
Will strength Vicksburg and Memphis to have a divisons worth of troops at all times, fort h&d and island no10 will receive 1/2 division reinforments + more arty, or thats the plan in a perfect world.
At the moment am trying to hold off the draft and the call for vols, because frankly my enemy hasnt made it yet, i presume hes doing the same as me lol.
This turn started buying brigs too run the blockade in the deep south, got a good roll on FI +14 points for me, needed that after his roll went in his favour.



mmm also in the Embargo picture you can see that my assault on Harpers Ferry went as i predicted, my 600 milta lost too his 60 ferry guards. However i did take Norfolk against no oppositation what so ever, so that result is pleasing :mdr: .

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Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:43 am

So quite turn not alot happened blew the depot in Rolla MO, with the milita unit i ordered there, and now moving them to Jeff City, wanted to keep that for as long as possible given it gives me 1 recruitment point per turn.
Ordered more milita to establish the Texas division with, as well as some 6lb cannons from LA, to reinforce Island no10 and Henry and Donaldson, still no sign of the AotP, which is good for me, gives me a few extra turns before its upto strength meaning other theaters can have more focus than usual.
Also ordered 1 Sharpshooter unit for the milita division im going to build under Price in MO.


Order some more rail and river points also, while ive the money and no men to spend it on.


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Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:19 am

Okay its early June its the last turn before the armies activate into real movements, so ive done the following:-
Ordered the Winchester Milita to blow the railtrack in Loudon VA, to hamper the quick movement of his troops my side of the Potomac.


Magruder's force and the capture arty from Norfolk are making there way slowly toward Fort Monroe to await the arrival of Beau , his army command and some strengthing units.

Asked for/Bribed Volunteers out of my loyal southern states, got 397 points from it... cost of 3000 per ''loyal'' one though.. that put a healthy dent in the public finances so printed more money and issued 8% warbonds. Didnt ask for the draft this turn, because my moral will already with these actions sink to 101 i think.. dont want it below a 100 if i can help it, ideally 110 is perfect for the spirit bonus.


Ordered some units also this turn big brigade for Ark 4 inf 1 art, and a VA super brigade i want to make these while i have control in all of VA.


Oh and on a slightly more idiotic note, my worthy enemy has finally found a use for General Patterson, Super scout in VA!

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Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:09 am

Okay late June and the armies are active and well lets say im an absolutly exstatic with myself here.... I have an idea. McDowell is so weak in the Alexandria zone... i am going too throw everything at him and force him back over the damn river. Thus in combination with Jacksons attack on Harpers Ferry, nicely securing my VA frontdoor for the considerable future.
The downside is that if it goes wrong I am on the backfoot from now on, this will be my only attempt at an offensive in the VA area. With no corps and thus no mtsg i need a big defensive block like alexandria too have any chance in VA early and later in the game.


Barksdale also appears to have tested the cav alteration with Ft. Smith that i left unguarded in Ark, better move some troops there now. Assembling Prices troops in Fayette Ark, Ordered more milita and some cannons for the division in Texas. built a division in TN, and finished up the big VA brigades.


On a side note lost Jeff City in MO, so retreating too Springfield, might blow the depot there next turn.

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Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:44 pm

good updates.
Be careful.
i figure Barskdale will use up some tricks.. :indien:

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Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:34 pm

@ acme, me too me too. Just going to try and defend from army groups, west center east and a coastal group.

Okay first things, the important union embargo roll went beautifully for me, 13 more points towards FI, making my own roll now... hope for a good follow up roll.

Okay so last turn... nothing worked out... the AoTP couldnt enter Alexandria so the cav unit i sent to alex to trigger the fight, just got wiped out, but better one cav unit than a army eh.

Now Longstreet and Boham are scurrying over to Smith to reinforce him... hes weak and a easy target for a opponent of Barksdale's class.

Jackson wiped out the pathatic Harpers Ferry Guard, hes blown the depot and now hes off to take Grafton and blow that depot there, thus easing the pressure on my flank for the near future.


Troops recruited this turn include the final of the big VA brigades and some more units for the army of TN, some Columbines for the range and firepower they bring and the beginnings of a coast defence force in Florida with 3 milita recruited there..


Am expecting Barksdale to hit me hard early... hope im wrong would be happy to dig trenches to level 4 then have him come sometime 62... dont think hes that nice lol.

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Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:50 am

Okay so... heres the score, he took Springfield before i could blow the depot. I am not amused, might as well as gift wrapped it for him. Damn Lyon popped up out of thin air, and snatched the prize of day 3 two days before it was due for been blown.
The bright note is the milita unit there wasnt dumb enough to stand and fight and ran like the yankees at the sight of blood.


We had another good FI roll for us.. we gained 11 points.. giving us in the moment a total of 32+ only need 125 for FI.... goooooo rebs!

Zollicoffer is even more incompotent as i had previously suspected, currently he is bottled up in Richmond by a great enemy force of... 1 cav unit, supported by a supply wagon team. Idiot. He is going to command something south of New Mexico as soon as i work how to deport him.


For the rest of VA its not too bad, Jackson is hiding out in the Mountains ast the moment prepared to strike, things seem fairly balanced in the front opposite Alexandria. In regard to the empty Harper Ferry region... i dont miss it that much.. and if he stretches to cover it.. i can proberly wrestle either that or Alexandria from him.


Have a look at the map, now look at the power ratios, now think what im thinking, were the hell is the union force.... Am worried i dont feel overwhemled anywere... okay he has two divisions in the far West theater opposite Price, but then again i have a division in Texas were he has none...

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Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:35 am

what are ur plans with the Texas div? perhaps wanna take california's gold mines?

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Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:29 pm

Acme the first plan is to kick him totally out of Texas to ensure control of all the VP locations there... Texas is unimportant early for the union.. so i should gain it cheaply. Then the Texas division will either reinforce Price in MO/Ark or progress towards Cali to give me desperatly needed income, and slightly dent the unions gigantical income.

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Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:04 pm

So, its turn 9... only 106 more to surive and President Davis will give me the Freedom of the south award. Or he damn well better lol.

Well having seen the next turn just now, i can say it appears he has kicked himself out of Texas, very nice of him, even if i say so myself. Will be in control of all the VP locations by the end of the next turn.
All seems to be quite in the MO region also.. however been the clever cookie he is, hes scouted out my strength in Fayette so i expect him to wait in Springfield for the remainder of the year. Which for me is excellent, that theater receives nothing till spring now.

TN all seems quite at the moment, which frankly always has me 30times more worried that if it was a damn busy theater. Only activity there is Polk have sent him too seize Paduach too distrupt enemy shipping along missi in that direction.

Now to the ballbreaker, VA. At this point in time i will say if i see another wrecked railroad i will personally, personally, shoot every last northern raider i can get my damn hands on! Jacksons attack on Grafton was replused, the union had a stronger force there under Milroy that i had expected. So hes returning to take HarpersFerry back from a unit milita commanded by Berry I think.. hes there with supply wagons also.. looks like a little staging point is devloping better nip that in the bud asap.


Next too the good news, as far as i can work out McDowell is up the creak without a paddle. He attacked into the Mannassas region, and didnt win (i presume trying to fire the take mannassas event). Now ive 100% military control in the region, am rushing reinforcements there like a blind clown incase Hunter tries to rescue him... as i understand it with 100% military control he cant retreat out the region.. and cant resupply.. meaning.. death to the damn yanks!(if im wrong please shatter my dream asap lol). He also took a further 9 hits during his retreat too nowere.



The Confiscation act fired this turn giving me a wonderful +10nm booster, i promtly wasted some on printing money to allow me too recruit more troops, inflation at the end of this turn will be a measly 19%. Not bad for the first months.. but the sinews of war are infinite money., someone much clever than me once said. With that delicious cash i have purchased the following:-


Using the 4 6lbs ive purchased i hope to construct a fort in Norfolk too firstly secure that flank from a seaborne invasion, and secondly to hinder his movement of troops up and down my coast line. When he has to take the long way round throu the ocean.. i have a better chance to prepare the welcome to the CSA party for him ;) .
The army hqs, will be distributed as follows, a second for the VA front an 1 for the TN front... no corps till april 62.... need the damn HQ for the command bonus. Would rather everyone was nicely corp'd together, and ready to mtsg.....

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Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:30 pm

Hey Mr.T great AAR! I'm glad to see some of the slack taken up :thumbsup:

Anyways, I am sure that McDowell will escape. I can see from the screenie that he attempted to retreat and I bet that he just hasn't made it back to Alexandria yet. Even if he isn't retreating, he has 100% military control of Alexandria and that is a golden ticket of escape as far as ZoC rules go.

Good hunting!

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:59 am

urgh am still not totally there with this ZoC thing.... okay note made, soon the wall behind/around my screen will look like im offically sponsored by those clever, clever people at Postit.

Edit: At this point before Barksdale wipes the floor with my backside so it doesnt look like sour grapes, i would say that, Barksdale is a player with infinately more experaince than me, and so a victory in my eyes would be keeping hold of Richmond till the 63 campaign season.

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:07 am

Before i do anything else this turn i want to say Barksdale is damn tease, i cant find were his damn army is... what is he doing with his $ and conscripts..... all information received will be paid for with confederate dollars, or warbonds.

Okay so too mix it up, we will start with VA, were im happily besieging Harpers Ferry, Jackson will assault this turn, hes got a 1-18 power advantage, any loss here and its time for a relax against a wall with a cigarette of his choice.
Nothing much else to report here since the last turn, still reinforcing Longstreet but thats taking a lot longer than expected due to the damn broken railnetwork i currently have in that part of VA.

To TN/KY ive order the assault on Bowling Green by General Whiting, since i broke the KY neutrality last turn besieging Paduoch, which im also assaulting this turn, I have decided to stick to him further in KY, after all the further forward i am when he attacks here, the further back i can fall later. Dont misunderstand me, im 90% sure the war cant be wont in this theater... but im 100% sure it can be lost here.


Sent a force of Cav+horse Art to take out the union training camp in KY also, they should strike next turn i think.


Then im hoping to push up and secure Lexington for the conscript company, as long as i do a better job than I did at Jefferson City, MO i will be happy.

Regarding the draft and conscription, i still havnt called them yet this turn... simpley because he has not also. I dont want to call them much earlier than sept if i can help it because i feel when i call them he calls them the turn after and id prefer that these troops didnt fight this year.

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:50 am

So, processed the next turn, and I am little disappointed, Price gave away the depot in Ak so weakly to Lyon. He was unable to hold against a equal enemy force.... the first battle was a draw... or tatical rebel victory, after all we killed more yanks, then the second... never happened. Price is currently been charged with treason as we speak. Demotion looks assured, maybe to the coastal reserve or some other command befitting of chimps.


Have sent a large TN brigade to recapture the MO township opposite Cario, i want that back so i can get the troops out of MO, and possibly threat Cario, once ive dug in and bombarded his gunboats out of the river.

More horrible news for the rebels, KY, both of the outposts of the rebels here were captured by the union in two massed assaults. However ive decided to go behind the unions back and capture the vital city of louisville! Whitings troops (fresh from success in Bowling Green, are ordered to rail direct to besiege the city, while i assess its strength upon arrival, risky i know but i want to keep him on the back foot here. Have additional forces coming up to drive him back out of the Lexington region also.
Sent a cav unit to scout out Hookers strength in Lexington, prior to an assault there thou.

In VA its all quite on the eastern front, Jackson took Harpers Ferry without a problem, Magruders little battle had me dancing round my warpole like a drunken 6yr old, I killed a cav raider, and saved a rail line in the process.


Worth a picture wasnt it now ;) .
Troops recruited this turn arnt worth a picture lol, just 1 sharpshooter in NC, and a unit of 2 inf 1 6lb in missi.

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Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:10 am

Turn 12 is here now.. the last before the divisions can assemble, am pleasantly surprised at this point to still be in charge of all of VA except Alexandria.
Not too much has happened this turn, basically good old Joe Johnston got his HQ as did Albert Johnson, so ive 3 armys in the field meaning more effective fighting forces. Hopefully that will be enough too withstand anything more serious till Corps fomation is activated. I'll post a screenie of the VA front next turn when my hopefully winter/spring line is in place.

In the Far west Price is retreating too Ft. Smith were he will be relived of command by Mr. Hardee currently coming from little Rock.

Polk has successfully dug in around Paduach and is now ready to bombard passing naval vessels.

In KY we seem to have caught the enemy napping, or hes luring me like a huge fish. Were besieging Louisville, and Whiting is currently preparing to assault.

Given that next turn is divisions and my NM is quite high upon 112, i decided to call for vols. Holdi9ng off drafting because now my NM is over 110 again.. i dont want it too sink lower than 110 again.. if it does at any point ill draft asap, otherwise ill relay on southern spirit.
Now as i went totally mad with replacements early on.. i currently have 24 line inf ready to be called into action, so i can ignore those for now. Printed more money, because Barksdale is still sat in the middle of the James River, and wont move for at least 2 years...(how they can stay there for 2 years is beyond me but that's the way it is) there no way to get him out as the south, and that costs you ALLOT of money. Its horrendously annoying.


So the SharpShooter brigade and the cav brigade out of tx and ark respecitivly are for the division under McCulloch, the 2unit inf brigades are for the position i am establishing just above for Henry and Donaldson, and the 4 cannons out of LA, are too be split between Island 10 and Ft H and D position.
Two more big brigades out of TN, to establish the basis of 2 new divisions that I am forming there shortly, and the sharper shooter brigades for the VA front... because this front always has a shortage of the sharp sharp shooters.


Also purchased 20 more rail points just too keep supply moving. Will really hammer that front next year when ive established my armies successfully.
Overall I think thats it, next turn i'll post some general situation pictures, along with my plans for winter.

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Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:12 am

So turn 13 is here.. the divisions are formed.

So as promised here is an overview of the world as we know it, lets start with the least promising theater of operations, MO/Ark.
Basically nothing has changed at all, Price is retreating, Hardee is waiting to relieve him.
Hindman is preparing to take control of the large TN brigade thats in Charleston MO, from there he will recruit a division of loyal MO milita and art, to threaten Cario or Saint Louis, once the river is cleared.
And in the nice blue circle you can see a cav unit that was cutting rials, and at this point i doff my hat to Barksdale, he used his ships to prevent it returning home, basically making a boat line over all the crossing points. Well done sir.


TN, the middle theater of operations is progressing just how i hoped it would unfold.
Fort 11 is well on the way to becoming established (wont build an actual fort here mearly deep entrenchments, to repluse a landing that side of fort H&D).
Soon as Bragg arrives (next turn i hope) at the theater i will give him command of the divison under Albert Johnson, combine with Whiting and drive Hooker out of position and reclaim my conscript company back, unless winter hits first...... then forgot it till next spring.
Ah and speaking of Whiting he forced the surrender of Louisville, giving me a nice moral boast.


Now to VA which is stalemate central, ive the power advantage but i cant really use it any effect without risky a horrible defeat. Am considering an assault on Hamilton..... but i think its not worth the risk.
Only needle in the haystack here at the moment is Milroy with his unknown force in Grafton, scouting party to be sent next turn.
Am sending some arty to the town next too were those damn ships are, they are really making me crazy, cutting my supply lane up.. takes sc/nc VA troops 2x as long to reach there target.


And the overview booklet.


Think i am safe for the year now.. but till the snow/mud combination hits the floor i wont be counting anything close a chicken.

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Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:09 pm

good updates!
thx for it.

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Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:54 pm

Wow! I had no idea you could block Southern reinforcements with ships there. Very devious, very devious. I hope you blast them out of the water

It's a Trap

Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:31 pm

slimey.rock wrote:Wow! I had no idea you could block Southern reinforcements with ships there. Very devious, very devious. I hope you blast them out of the water

Yeah its kind of dumb sense the other RR is in too shallow of water. But thats what happens with these huge regions. Hope AACW as alot smaller regions.

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Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:11 am

Well avid readers it appears that Barksdale got scared off by all those cannons passing him to enter into Norfolk for fort building, and decided to withdraw out of the middle river and into the lower river, were for me he can stay for all enternity, there hes blocking nothing.
So the round has progressed as i expected, except for 2 small things, firstly an assault by Grant on Hindmans command... a victory for us, but we were forced to retreat into the fort, because we couldnt kick Grant out.


Now to reclaim the land and lift the siege Polk is moving across town, at the moment he has nearly a 10-1 power advantage over Grant, which should be enough to remove Grant (yes even for Polk). The only problem is I would have to give up the entrenchments in Padouch then.. but ive been a little bit crooked and left the supply wagon behind to hold the trenches at bombarding level, otherwise the fleet circled in red is safe from bombardment for a few turns. Not the result i want. The one in Blue is the reason i want to hold the region.. to stop him have control of the river opposite Cairo thus limiting his assault choices more towards Bowling Green/Nashville area (unless he wants to make a river assault :love :) .


Now to the biggest headache of all, I have no damn replay Barksdales replay files have been corrupt since day 1, thus at fort Pickens at the moment i have idea if this second yellow flag is a general he has teleported there, given that its winter and likely to be my time to assault it, OR if its a ship borne army..... At the moment ive decided not too panic the coastal force will stay in Savannah GA and wait...


My other problem is leaders... ive none left... Ive possibley one left in Price when he is relieved by Hardee but i wanted to keep them together soo there is no divisional command penaltys, so at the moment ive no-one to control the Coastal Division. Were as he has enough leaders too control half of China and still have enough left over too Hold a 300man line dancing event.

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Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:19 am

I've had the same problem with CSA replays when I'm the host. Apparently Pocus has solved the problem and it should be corrected in the next fix.

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Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:11 pm

Okay so firstly too last posts critical problem: What the hell is happening in Ft. Pickens?
Answer is, not a lot really. Just a simple leader portal, no big deal that a good hard spring assault wont remove.
Virgina just gets a cursory mention, nothing to note here except hes still raiding like hes got ants in his pants.
TN the picture is annoying, that little patch of MO that im currently besieged in, im still besieged in, Polks assault was replused by Grant who drew the reinforcments out of Cairo that i would of expected.
So im now sending Braggs newly formed division to join Polk on my side of the missi, then both of them together are going at Grant who has no more reinforcement available nearby. Ive checked throughly. I hope. Its a war I should win, but the optimal result is, Grant retreats when he sees what ive massed against him next turn, before I assault him.


MO/AK, what Price is doing i dont know... as far as i know Lyon doesnt have the fast mover trait, so how did he managed to catch price when he had a 2 turn headstart...... arghhhh. Luckily Price seems to have combined his 2 brain cells and avoided combat... Lets hope he can at least make it too Ft. Smith before Lyon.

Not alot happening on the replacement from this turn. 1Large Ark brigade bought incase Price is second to Ft.Smith, and thats it.

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Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:56 pm

Late Novemeber 61:

Nothing of Note, happened things exactly the same as the pervious turns, only difference is... i noticed this turn that Hindman is nearly starved todeath, so im not risking an assault to rescue starved men lol. Assault abandoned., Hindman and co order to withdraw if possible, if not possible die with dignity.
Price has finally escaped from Lyon who appears to have retreated back to Fayette.

Biggest dilieama is do i draft or not.. currently have 114 nm, can draft and still keep the important 110 or do i hold off and go for 115 nm and the 10% bonus on all stats... im leaning towards draft.. recruits are so useful as the south, you just cant throw them away. Part draft gives me 512 and full 668.. when i draft i tend to only do full draft, i sense partial draft is a bit weak give than the relationship between NM points and recruits is preportionalish (works out you get about a 1/3 of the part draft more for the 1 nm point extra in full draft).
Lets see what Bark ''raider'' dale does next turn.. ive still 3 turns till xmas comes.

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Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:50 pm

Early December '61:

As predicted, Hindmans command simpley starved to death, even if Bragg had assaulted it wouldnt of saved them. Good call.
Bad thing is Grant now controls that section of the river, disapointing but managable with a strong defensive line opposite him. As i see it the only to places he can land are marked with a red x.. anywere else takes him past too many river batterys and thats risky imo.
Blue B means battery here defending river.
Green X means if he lands he, ill be shocked.. (guess were he'll land lol)
Green ? means... possible but cant see the logic behind it.

Rest is same as before... ah, yes i decided too draft this turn(as it suddenly went from 4 turns too 0 turns remaining), gaining 669 conscripts for the rebels, which are vital too have for the bloody summer i predict is coming, Barksdale was just too quite imo.


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Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:04 am

pls show us the current standings! (VPs, casualties etc.) thx :cool:

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:09 pm

End of December 61

Well.. we know now what the enemy plans for spring, a hard offensive in multiple locations, the best indication I have of this is in VA, were that force under Milroy , in Grafton that I talked about earlier, turned out too be 3 understength divisions, will be keeping a close eye on those in the near future.


He's also massed quite an army in Washington... indicating to me that he's either planning an large assault in that area, or that hes planning on not stengthing the front further, to expand operations elsewere and so wants D.C adquately defended. But i sure hope he finds it fit to give me some of those supply wagons.


The Fort in Norfolk is finished this turn, and too ensure suitable defensive forces are there, ive within Smiths Division from the front line to defend it. After all Granting Barksdale such a wonderful structure on my land cheaply would amount to self inflicted defeat.


When i refer to TN im refering to the whole middle theater area, as such nothing is happening here of note. In general this theater is wholey secondary to me.. and wont receive more than 8 Divisions for its defence, other defenders can be railed in from the VA front as and when required/Permitted mainly for use in local counter strikes or too lift sieges.

The Far West

Texas and Arkansas, wont recieve more than 3 divisions in total, as i regard this as the least important area of operations for myself, and hopefully for Barksdale as well. This theater is quite static in the moment, hope to hold onto Fort.Smith preventing any further Union advancement in this area, 2 divisions should be enough, considering the cohession damage any force coming from Fayette takes crossing the mountains.

Overview Booklet

Per Acmes request the booklet, having taken more casulties than i would of liked too, but mainly because of the loss of 3,000 men under Hindman opposite Cairo.


And too the most intresting news of the turn.. Barksdale held of draft and calling for Vols before the last turn... wasnt sure if he wasnt drafting in order to protect his weak NM level but its turns out he was not. Ah well onwards towards bloody spring.


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