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Novice vs AI in SVF

Sun May 31, 2009 3:44 pm

Hello everyone,

I've never done an AAR before, but I would like to give it a try. I got this game about 6 weeks ago and I've played and won two full games as CSA (never played SVF.) I imagine that still makes me a novice, even after reading a bit on this forum.

I am playing CSA again because I suppose it's harder. Difficulty is set to hard, historical attrition for me only, AI gets high bonuses for activation and detection, more time, etc.

Because this is my first AAR, I will probably use a mix of depicting a narrative and describing the game. Feel free to comment, but at this point, I'm not looking for advice unless it's related to how the game works (i.e. frontage, supply, zoc, etc.)

AGEod Guard of Honor
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First AAR

Sun May 31, 2009 6:25 pm

Congratulations! I will follow your efforts closely. I suggest you try a game with Redeemer. He is a good player and a good sport. :p apy: :thumbsup:

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Sun May 31, 2009 7:44 pm

As war is now upon us, we men of substance must do our part to ensure that the wealth of the nation serves in it's defense. Many prominent patriots, including myself, pooled our resources to establish production of guns and munitions. We thought that by concentrating our investment in the larger cities of Georgia, we could achieve large scale production.

In this we were sadly mistaken. Though entrusted to prominent families and supported by subsidies, our investments have practically vanished. The whole enterprise has been tragically mismanaged, and even accounting for gross incompetence, there is much room left for corruption. Fools that we are, we sent what resources we could still muster to the same fate in South Carolina.

My English friend has suggested that the Southern gentleman lacks the industrial temperament. I am loathe to admit it, but the Northerner Gorgas has succeed where we have failed.

(Edit: I changed this post substantially.)

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Sun May 31, 2009 8:48 pm

Turn 1 I bought med industry in GA (no results) and attacked. US raised grad. taxes and 6% bonds

Turn 2 I bough light ind SC (no results) and blew the depot at Harper's Ferry thinking I wouldn't try to keep it. US calls for volunteers.

Turn 3 J. Johnson's army appears at Harper's Ferry. I guess I should have kept the depot. I use 6% and grad. tax, pay 1k for volunteers. send guns to Ft Henry, Nashville, Ft Sumter, Ft Fisher by rail. heavy guns and supplies sent by river to Richmond.

I spent every last conscription co. I bought the 3 big VA brigades because I worry about building a unit that big near union forces once they have activated. The support units are split between west and east. For example, cav are 2VA, MS, AL, AR


Moral is 107 to 100, VP is 161 to 69. I suppose I will abandon HF, but try to hold Manassas.

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Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:18 pm

Thanks Tagwyn, I don't know if I will take the time to pbe.

First the story, then the synopsis of the next four turns, then the lonely screen shot with analysis. I will have more screenies as the action picks up.

Federal soldiers have ravaged St. Louis! Surely this must be a lesson to Kentucky. Maryland has been bullied, Missouri assaulted. No sovereign state can be subject to such a government, nor can any free man live under it.

Our European friends have prevailed upon us the importance of subverting the Federal blockade. As such we have seen to the construction of many small ships to regain access to Europe's industrial goods. In doing so, we have depleted our present stocks, so we may want for artillery and rail equipment for the time being.

I have just learned Kentucky has suceded. This is the best news of the war. These hardy folk are a welcome addition to our ranks, and the rugged land will offer a major impediment to Northern advances. Yet closer to home, Virginians have fallen in line with the Federals from Wheeling to Grafton. Already Northern forces have exploited this treachery and bypassed Harper's Ferry to threaten central Virginia. So the battle lines have been drawn. Missouri is already hotly contested. Kentucky is destined to be a major theater since it borders three large Northern states. For now, the war department insists on defending on solid Virginia soil, so our brothers in Maryland must endure the occupation.

Already men in Richmond talk of how to draw up the borders, and whether we should insist on half of California. I fear Lincoln may have more stomach for war than we give him credit. How far will the Northerners follow him in this unholy fratricide?

Turn 4:
Bought militia 2AR, 1TN, 5 artillery mostly in the west. Guns at Ft Donelson hit gunships.

Turn 5:
St. Louis Massacre, Price appears. On to Richmond event. I seem to have about 100 free CC. Build large bgd in TN, AR small in VA, 4 brigs. Harriet Lane mauled by Ft. Monroe, turns for Charlston.

Turn 6:
I choose Graduated Taxes, 8% bonds. This gives me the money I need for a 1k recruitment bonus for volunteers and an embargo. Bought 2 signal 1 hosp. Another 6k men for TN, 5k for VA, 4 militia, 1 cav. 1 SS. Blockade runners bring in 11 much needed WS. The US used 5% bonds and called for volunteers this turn.

Turn 7 Lincoln's Call event, KY sucedes: I was not expecting this but I did well with the embargo. I move to take Bolling Green and send Ruggles. Since I have 320 CC (where did they come from?) I built mostly infantry 5k for TN, 3k in NC. I buy my first replacements and 10 rail.

Below you see the situation in the east. Sorry for my poor graphics editing skills, they will improve. I think the men at Harper's Ferry in the north would be happier (received more replacements) if they had been camped out on a depot. I am sending them to Manassas, which I hope to hold despite the large Union army next door. I left a good sized army at Fredricksburg (bottom) as a reserve. I have about 9,000 men holding the peninsula and should be able to put 10,000 with a couple guns in Harisonburg which appears threatened already.


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Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:15 am

I decided to start putting battles and events with the turn they are listed on rather than when they would have happened.

Turn 8:

The US has imposed Measured Exceptional Taxes. Their moral dropped to 90. My 4 brigs are complete in New Orleans, but the Huntress barely escapes and heads toward Charleston for repairs.

I bought replacements for inf, SS, and especially art. Also 10 rail.

Main Union army withdraws to Washington leaving only a strong bde in Alexandria. I won't take the bait for now because the Union can reinforce by rail. After a small cavalry skirmish the Union takes Covington VA and follows up with 3 bde. In response, I move Bonham and his 10,000 troops from Harrisonburg to Rockbridge along the rail line. From here, I hope they can defend either Harrisonburg or Charlottesville. Another brigade is moving into Harrisonburg lest it be undefended.


I failed to take Bowling Green because I only had one brigade on assault posture. Losses were light, but their cohesion is shot. Meanwhile Wallace has come south and is now approaching (very close on replay) Ruggles at Bowling Green. I have ordered him to hold at all costs and sent reinforcements by rail. If Ruggles is attacked on day 1, he had better at least take the fight out of Wallace or my reinforcements will be cut to pieces. On the other hand, I feel I have to do something in KY since they joined have thrown in their lot with ours.

In Missouri Price will attack Lyons weak force and procede to Jefferson City, then probably fall back on Springfield and wait for the Arkansas regulars and some artillery coming up the river.

Turn 9:

The confiscation act hardens Southern resolve +10 NM. I now lead 108 to 95. I am buying a new HQ and a few units for TX which is under attack.

Alexandria is still only lightly defended, and I will move on it this turn. Johnston will lead 30,000 good men with several batteries of field artillery. He has defensive orders, but I am just realizing they will revert to offense once he arrives in Alex right? I hope they at least make a cautious attack (blue for second setting.) I would even be content to share the region for now. I really hope I arrive before the Union army so I can fight on the defensive. If they give me some time to dig in and bring up some heavy guns, that's ok too. Taking Alexandria will allow me hold a strong line up the Potomac to Harper's Ferry. With this in mind Holms has been ordered to HF with a brigade.

The strong Union force at Covington has marched north so I will retake it and send most of Bonham's force to Manassas where Beauregard keeps the raw infantry (with support) in reserve in case Alexandria goes poorly.

I would like to besiege Ft. Monroe with a month or two.

Polk has taken command near Bowling Green and taken up a position south of the city and awaits the artillery I dared not send last turn.


Union cav. takes Dallas. TX is wide open, so I hope my militia can stop them. Price drove Lyons across the Missouri river and will now continue to Springfield as planned.

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Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:56 am

Turn 10:

I buy replacements for HQ, supply, and art. and buy a couple more units for TX.

Alexandria is under siege. Polk will attempt to take Bowling Green now that he has a powerful army. The Union withdraws from TX.

Turn 11:

It looks like I received about 150 free CC. Diplomats are sent to Europe, FE stands at an impressive 53. 5 new generals. I buy a 12lb battery in NC, a bde in AR, and 2 FA repl.

JeJ has orders to assault Alexandria. I need to take it or leave it before winter. I hope the Union army doesn't come while I'm in assault posture. 4,000 Federals take Christianburg, VA after a long march and a short fight. Bonham takes his own brigade to pin their force.

Polk took BG with 1,500 losses on each side.

Turn 12:

Union morale has fallen to 82! Mine stands at 120. I must admit I feel I have done little to earn this large advantage. I buy a 12lb battery in AL and repl. of 6I 2FA.

I take Alexandria without trouble, Jackson will depart for Ft. Monroe with 13k men and 11 guns. JeJ is a very strong defensive general, so I am happy to leave him at Alexandria. I have light forces defending further up the Potomac and moderate forces at Man., Fred., and Rich. Bonham is at Christianburg and prepares to attack his weary foe.


At this point I became restless. If the Yankees would not come down and face their defeat, we would just have to come up there and give them a taste of it. This despite the approach of winter and my lack of knowledge about Union dispositions. So I sent Zollicoffer and 15k men with some artillery to take Cairo. They were already at Donelson and I ordered them to move to Metropolis IL in one turn. From there the hotheaded Zoll would be in easy striking distance of Cairo. Due to a broken rail link, it would not be easy to dislodge me from Cairo in the winter.

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Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:32 pm

These next few turns were mostly uneventful, so I will cover them quickly. I bought mostly replacements, but also 2 bde in TN with 12 pounders and some 12's in NC. Money is an issue, but I refuse to print. WS are also low.

Turn 13: Divisions can be formed. Jackson arrives to support Magruder at Ft. Monroe. Zollicoffer tries to cross back to KY.

Turn 14: Cautiously assalt Ft. Monroe with over 30k men and a fair number of guns. Zoll's escape is interrupted by by a lively skirmish in which each side loses about 1k men. He forms a division and tries to use river transport, but leaves behind over 3k men due to lack of capacity.

Turn 15: (Early Nov.) Ft. Monroe falls in the second assault. Casualties are a couple thousand on either side, we captured guns and supplies. Jackson will go to Richmond, while Mag will remain at the fort with a division. This should forestall a peninsula campaign, punish any Northern attempt to send an army up the James, and allow me to use ships from Richmond and Norfolk.

Also this turn, Zollicoffer escapes with about 10k men. The rest will go by boat this turn. My handful of gunboats guarding the crossing have not been challenged. A fortunate resolution to a foolish expedition. JeJ forms the ANV.

Turn 16: Seeing Lexington and Jefferson City, MO unguarded, I send a small force of irregulars to each.

Turn 17: Skirmish in Knoxville, TN where a small Union force is operating without support. Some Columbiad guns are stranded in Hampton and can not reboard ships. I will send them on to Ft. Monroe, but it will take about 8 turns. A brig is lost in the Atl. All brigs are ordered back for repair and resupply.

Overall the situation can be summed up easily. We hold all of Virgina, western Kentucky up to Bowling Green, and we contest parts of Missouri. There have been no major battles.

I expect '62 to be a much more eventful year and I will post some screenshots with my plans.

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Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:34 am

Jackson's men received a hero's welcome for taking Ft. Monroe. Richmond has played host to them for almost a week and, in small measure, repaid them for the security they have provided.

The war continues, but the Federals have not yet revealed their strength. Perhaps they believe they can lure us into complacency; perhaps they can. Despite their apparent torpor, the North is indeed mobilizing for war.

I have been most grateful that the Federals have not pressed us hard. Man for man, a Southerner defending his home is worth at least a few Yankee mercenaries, but we men of wealth have failed to see our boys equipped to meet the enemy. I gnash my teeth to think of all the cannon we might have had from the start were it not for the failed investments I supported.

My contacts in London, send encouraging news. Between our cotton embargo, and our ongoing purchase of materials, we have kept the British focused on matters of commerce. Of course this is quite natural for them, but also necessary. The less talk of slavery the better.

I have a friend there who is arranging to buy grain from Russia in expectation of losing the American trade. This man is no fool, and when he puts money on something, it's usually a safe bet.

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Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:48 am

I really have no idea what Union strength is. Their army in DC is respectable, but I have not seen many Union troops. I assume they are waiting behind the lines, but I don't know how they are concentrated. I guess that's bad recon. on my part.

After due deliberation, my plan for the coming year revolves around a single region. I considered a move on Cairo and then St. Louis, but I am afraid of Union gunboats cutting off my retreat and I don't know how much force I would need to survive a counterattack. I also considered going heavily for WV, but I don't know if I could handle the supply issues. Thus my big move comes in the east.

I am sure I am not the first to notice the strategic advantages of Frederick City to a Confederate commander dug in along the Potomac. Defending this region will take Harper's Ferry off of the front lines, thus the lines do not need to be lengthened. The terrain is well suited to defense and the Monocacy River protects the most likely lines of attack.


Furthermore, it opens several options for attack as shown. All of those cities are within two regions. Obviously DC and Baltimore are highly valuable, but I think the northern thrust is also dangerous. Just north of York, you can see the dense network of rail lines leading into Harrisburg, the capital of PA. To the northeast is Lancaster, the first of several small to medium cities in the region.

I hope that I can provoke an attack against JeJ or Longstreet in an entrenched position. Otherwise it will be up to Jackson to make good on my threats. I also intend to send a small army into WV with the hope of capturing and keeping depots and strategic cities while the Union armies focus on defending the coastal cities.

In the east my armies want organization pretty badly. I can't wait for corps, and I sure hope Jackson and Longstreet auto promote.


I will focus my resources on the eastern front, and so I will be content to defend in Kentucky. I will grab Louisville if I can, but I doubt I can hold it. If I still control all of TN at the end of the year, I'll be quite pleased.

By the way, Grant is camping out with a few thousand friends. The vanilla AI would send whole corps into enemy lands for winter, so this is very modest by comparison.

In Missouri I will take stock when I see how many of my soldiers survive the winter. I suspect I lack the strength to try for St. L, so I will focus on western and central MO.

Turn 18:

Moral is C:122, U:84. VP is C:934, U:595. My inflation rate is 4%.
I issue 8% bonds, but no taxes; pay $1k for volunteers; continue the embargo (f.e. at 66) and buy a few things.

Repl. 10 inf. Reinforce. 16 regiments of inf, 2X 12lbs in VA, 2 cav in NC.

I also sent a new TN bde east. I plan to put 2 new divisions in VA.

(Edit: As you will see I had to redo this turn. I tried to keep it close to the original.)

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Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:23 am

This is interesting to follow, keep up the good work :)
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Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:11 pm

Nice work. I'm playing SVF vs the AI North as well. I might post my thoughts when I'm done. So far it's a lot of fun.

Is Clovis still around?

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Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:21 pm

Thanks for the comments. It's good to know people are interested. I do not have any information on Clovis.

I will have a lot more free time pretty soon, so I should be able to keep up a decent pace even as the action heats up. I hope I am striking a fair balance in providing info. I want people to be able to follow the game without drowning you by listing the movement of every brigade and filling whole pages with shots of my armies sitting in camp.

cleveland- Do you mind if I ask what turn you are on, and if you can buy sharpshooters?

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Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:05 pm

May or so, 1863. Sharpshooters are available I believe. I don't buy alot of the specialty units so I'll have to double check when I get home.

I think after this game I'll switch to the North to get a feel for that side. In the future if you're up for a PBEM game let me know.

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Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:38 pm

Ye,p middle or 1863 u can get them by the bucketload 12 or so become available in NC.
I much prefer the AI in Clovis mod than normal, it acts more intelligently, and the units that are available are much more flexible in my view.

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Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:03 am

I think I messed up my campaign with the UAC settings in Vista. I foolishly re-activated it, thinking if the game didn't crash, it must be fine. The AI basically went catatonic, but I didn't notice at first because it was winter.

I ran a test game as the Union, and the AI was active, then I deactivated UAC and went to load my game. To my surprise, I found only the Confederate game, and from Turn 16. This is right around the time of the last known AI movement.

So it would seem that UAC will deactivate the AI, but why did it move for 2 turns in my test game? Any thoughts?

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Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:02 am

I decided to replay from turn 16. It seems that problems is solved. I have an other concern. The graphics for Vicksburg are not displayed properly. Does anyone know how I can install them correctly?

On to the recap.

Turn 19: The US issued 6% bonds and called for volunteers. My embargo roll went very well +19 FE = 88. The Brown Is. factory exploded. I bought 3 VA 12's. We have been kicked out of Grafton, WV.

Turn 20: Yanks negotiate bringing FE down to 84. I have been very lucky with this. I buy the same, plus a few militia. Whiting takes over Ft. Monroe. Mag. to Richmond. My Richmond forces are mostly headed north.

Turn 21: US uses Grad. Tax. I Use the first draft. Partial = 481CC. Grad Tax = $493. My blockade runners are back in action in the Gulf. They bring in 16 tons of WS, as is I'm building almost all inf. Buy 26 VA inf regiments, TN bde, 2 cav. Repl 6 inf.

Beauregard stricken with food poisoning, may not recover.

Turn 22: The French Intervention does not lower FE. Arizona territory claimed. Jackson moves to Charlottesville, I want to get him in the action, so I am sending him into WV with his strong div.

The US did not draft, perhaps their morale is too low. I buy a bde in AR, 4 art., 3 cav.

Turn 23: Halleck and a few thousand federal troops arrive at Island 10 by ship and besiege the fort. Breckenridge and and a few cav regiments respond. Van Dorn has gone missing in TX and is presumed dead. I buy mostly 30/15 for RR/riv, for some reason.


When you consider that my coastal guns can not defend against land, you see that this is pretty risky for me. I will have a few regiments to disrupt an assault, but Breck. is still almost a month away.

Turn 24: Judah Benjamin becomes Sec. of State. FE is an almost embarrassingly high 89. The 1st Virginia cav. bde is destroyed (no NM lost) as McDowell's corps advances on Harper's Ferry.


JeJ and Polk (I need every 2 star I can get) will defend Alexandria with over 70,000 and much artillery. Bragg and Jackson's division will move into Harper's Ferry with defensive orders hoping to catch McDowell when he is tired but still in attack posture. Both will arrive on day 8 and their forces will total over 50k men and 65 guns.


Halleck withdraws across the Missouri, without a fight. my gunboats then arrive possibly restricting his further movement. Breckenridge will use this opportunity to go for Cairo. It is not that well defended. Grant has moved down to be across the river from Memphis, but is no real threat.

Also this turn I received a second Venus and Advance. I assume this is a bug, so I left them in port.

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Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:51 pm

We have awoken the hydra of Europe. Britain entertains dreams of reclaiming Oregon, while the French have asserted control in Mexico. Even some of Europe's lesser powers have raised their heads to see what can be acquired. Our refusal to recognize Maximilian, has done little to impede their ambition. The French ambassador reportedly replied, "It makes no difference." and went back to puffing his cigar. Indeed there is nothing we can do. The Federals have the choice between a quick peace, or risking the western lands.

We plot a dangerous course. The North has yet to match our draft. They possess all the means of war, save the will to fight. If the Europeans provoke Norther anger, yet prove fickle allies, they would be a detriment. Yet, should they be too successful, our security may depend on them.

Role Play in Game: I didn't imagine FE would be such a real possibility so early. The North has been forced to negotiate, and even without another embargo, the US will be hard pressed to stop intervention this year. Since I don't want luck to play such a decisive role in this game, I will play the Europeans (should I get the chance) in a restrained and self interested way rather than as extensions of the CSA. Of course if the US invades Canada, all bets are off.

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Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:40 pm

Early April, 1862. Turn 25:

Breckenridge inflicts 1200 casualties suffers 600 at Cairo before calling off the attack in the face of unexpected enemy numbers. At least I have better retreat options than last time. These men have been to IL twice now.

McDowell withdraws north and abandons his attack on Harper's Ferry. While McDowell is busy, I take Bragg's corps to Frederick City as per "the plan." Jackson and his very good division remain in HF. Polk with about 2 divisions moves into Loudon; Polk is not the man I want commanding an eastern corps, but he does effectively have a 5 strategy rating, so I hope he will MTG as needed.

The Union abandons AZ.

I splurge on support units this turn, even an eng. train for rivers. Also 2 more NC 12's.

Late April, 1862. Turn 26:

McDowell continues his march, bypassing HF and Winchester to arrive at Warren, VA. Jackson has been ordered to pursue and impede McDowell, but not to force an attack. The ANV stands between McDowell and McClellan.


My Alexandria force is split in two to ensure JeJ can MTG. The bottom numbers represent a force consisting of the immobile guns and some infantry to guard them. Could someone please explain how the immobile guns (Columbiads) influence MTG?

AS Johnston leaves Hardee at Bowling Green and assumes command over Breckenridge at Columbus. I buy a variety of artillery this turn instead of just 12's.

Early May, 1862. Turn 27:

Dixie. Morale 119/83 (and they didn't even draft.) VP 1355/813 FE 94! The Union is paying dearly for their passive strategy and my lucky embargo rolls.

Huger's men are attacked while moving through the Shenandoah. They barely escape with their gear and wounded.


Jackson is in Shenandoah with McDowell. I have given him orders to defend hoping this will prevent McDowell from leaving the region unless he fights Jackson. Is that correct? Would it matter if I gave Jackson a move order as opposed to leaving him in the region? As expected, McDowell is low on supply, but his power numbers are higher than I would have thought. Bonham and his bde has been guarding the western VA rails and will go to Harrisonburg. I hope McDowell's cohesion is too low to attack in Harrisonburg.

Grant remains across from Memphis, where Forrest and a motley force keep him out of trouble. In KY the Union has a decent army along the Ohio, so I am bracing for impact. In MO a Union drive on Springfield fizzles out. I buy five more artillery for the eastern armies. The entire game I have been putting men in the field first and struggling to make enough artillery to complement them. At least I haven't had to buy too many 6lbs guns.

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:30 pm

Late May, 1862. Turn 28:

20,000 Federal troops try to break the defense of Springfield, MO. Although the battle report suggests even numbers, only Price's men took casualties. Bowen's regular bde. was almost overrun, but Price's irregulars kept up a harassing fire at the approaching enemy. They turned back when they saw the strength of Hindman's position and suffered continued harassment from Price's irregulars. (17 hits, how many casualties does that represent?)


What a clash of giants, this has been one of the largest battles so far. Total combat losses up to turn 27 were 20k CSA vs. 12k USA. Price will lead Hindman's division and some of his command in a counterattack.

I managed to cut the rails south of Harrisburg, PA. Bragg will trade for fresh supply wagons. I spend 30/5 for RR, but still manage to buy a couple more art. and 2 cav rpl. Jackson ordered to engage McDowell.

Early June, 1862. Turn 29:

Lee takes command. Despite my intentions Lee renames the ANV the AoP. Perhaps this makes sense because Lee has come to take the offensive. No longer content with the encroachment strategy of Johnston, Davis has sent Lee to defeat the Federals and end the war. JeJ now leads the corps holding at Alexandria. Detachments are raiding from Frederick City.

Jackson will continue pursuing McDowell, who keeps retreating. Price loses in a short clash and returns to Springfield. The Union has some strong forces in MO now. Buy more art., but also save WS for next turn.

Late June, 1862. Turn 30:

Jackson's division chases McDowell, but it is Bonham who gets to fight. McDowell seems to have lost about 30,000 men.


Lee wastes no time advancing into Maryland. Bragg will clear the Yankees from the Annapolis region while Polk advances to northwest of Washington to hold the center. Johnston will remain in Alexandria (with Columbiads.) Lee will move into the center of my line with Polk; Jackson will meet up with Lee.


If this works, Little Mac may have to come out and fight. He can resupply by sea, but unless there is a large Union army in reserve, I can threaten up the Atlantic coast. You can see my intended salient in red.

8% bonds. Embargo (FE = 97.) 2k paid for volunteers. Buy inf and art. for the western theaters, many repl, and save 149 CC. The blockade % has dropped to 10%. My brigs continue to provide nearly half of my WS on a good turn.

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:15 pm

Meager: Have you noticed Athena makes forays into the center of the Rebel positions with seemingly no supply support. Now in my 1861 foray against the Union, I am seeing Yankee troops all over Northern Va. I have ample troops but can't seem to organize them well enough. Yanks attack Richmond and Activate Lee but some blockhead is in command who was never in command of anything (Cooper) and negates Lee's influence. Frustrating. t

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:32 pm


If you are playing the Struggle for a Vast Future mod as I am, you can not avoid command penalties early. Concentrate on defending your depots, burn everything north of Fredricksburg. Dig in multiple places and let the Union try to push you back step by step. If they bypass your defenses just slow them down (you may lose a few minor battles) and don't let them take any depots. Soon they will become tired and you can pin them in place until they starve.

Note the fate of McDowell's Corps in this game. He had over 37,000 men when he fought Huger. 6 weeks later Boham catches up with him and finds he has only 4,000 men. The rest presumably died or deserted.

Consider keeping a strong force in Petersburg to react to enemy incursions.

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Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:48 am

Hi Meagher!

Great report - very interesting - thank you very much for that :thumbsup:

A devoted reader :coeurs: ;)

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:53 pm

Meagher: Thanks. Yanks just drove the "real" ARNVA" out of Richmond and defeated it. Cooper, not Lee, commanded the army. Our losses were heavy! I will try again. t

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Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:04 pm

[SIZE="5"]Early July, 1862. Turn 31:[/size]

The United States has called for Partial Mobilization and Volunteers. Maybe they had to wait until now to draft. In any case, I expect a lot of Yankees by autumn. They also issued 6% bonds. Yankee negotiations and the "French refuse to recognize" event are not enough to offset another good embargo roll. The British and French will not abide continued Northern aggression.

Lee's forces have cordoned off Washington DC by land. McClellan can hold DC, but will have to fight or set sail to get anywhere else. I will have Bragg take both Annapolis and Baltimore, Polk will move up with a small corps to fill the gap that Bragg leaves until he gets back to Annapolis. Lee will keep 3 divisions ready to MTG. Johnston will remain at Alexandria.


By the way I think Jackson should have gotten some credit for his Shenandoah Valley campaign (in this game.) McDowell's Corps had been the strategic reserve guarding Baltimore; Jackson's division not only countered McDowell's threat, but prevented his escape. This allowed the invasion of Maryland, but Jackson gets no credit. From Sun Tzu's The Art of War:

Master Sun: Therefore the victories of good warriors are not noted for cleverness or bravery. ...they position themselves where they will surely win, prevailing over those who have already lost.
Ho Yanxi: When trouble is solved before it forms, who calls that clever? When there is victory without battle, who talks about bravery?

And that's why Polk is still commanding a corps under Lee... because I'm so damn good. ;)

Speaking of which, there's nothing I thought to take note of in Kentucky. Everything's peachy there.

And in MO there was a rather unfortunate exchange in which Grant and a small force inflicted proportionally enormous casualties and drove out Hindman's division but not Price's rugged men. (Hindman must have been set to withdraw.)


I buy a bde for AR, yet more art., 10 RR (I have really shortchanged RR this game. Good artillery seems to mean forgoing a navy and steam powered transport.

[SIZE="5"]Late July, 1862. Turn 32:[/size]

France and Britain declare war. I will send a large British navy to the blockade box, and a French fleet to hang out around Hampton Roads. As I said before, I don't want the Europeans to win the war for me.

US uses Grad. Tax.

Annapolis is liberated and Baltimore is captured but then left for the North to reclaim. The fighting was thick and went pretty well. Bragg will promote to 3 star, more importantly Magruder will promote to 2 star and replace Polk.


Butler has arrived with the Army of the Cumberland and 40,000 men. Somehow Polk had a small exchange with him in Baltimore. Lee will give up his linking position to deal with Butler then double back to Annapolis. While I have 2 Corps in Annapolis already, Polk's force is small, and Bragg's is tired. That means JeJ is on his own at Alexandria, but Lee's not one to wait for the enemy to lose the war on their own. In fact he is moving 1 region per day without rail.


Now you may have noticed that the lion's share of my reinforcements have gone into VA. Until now my western defenses have gone untested, so I deemed them adequate. This was not so. As my forces tried to regroup in Springfield, they were beset by a Yankee hoard. Not only do they outnumber me by 2 to 1, but they are better quality troops. Their advantage in artillery is even greater both in numbers and quality. I can not contend with this army. To add insult to injury, I took a morale hit for the units they lost. I noticed this bug in vanilla as well. (underlined in green)


My western forces will regroup at Fayetteville if they can. They will not find many supplies however, because I have ordered the depot destroyed. Now that I have failed to destroy the depot at Rolla and lost the one in Springfield, it is imperative that I break the supply chain. I'm hoping for an early winter out west.

I Buy a lot of rail and art.

[SIZE="5"]Early August, 1862. Turn 33:[/size]

This was a turn too many for me. I had been playing too long and became impatient, so I didn't handle TN very well. Lee took Baltimore without a fight. The European forces in Canada and Mexico are pretty weak and under attack. My beleaguered western "army" (In truth a modest division, Price's partisans, and some extra cav.) falls back on Ft. Smith where Pope already threatens. I decided I had better try to keep this depot. Also of interest, Corinth, Chattanooga, and Knoxville are under attack. My Army of Tennessee responds, basically giving up the forward positions in Kentucky. I buy 40/20 RR and a couple TX 12's. I expect I may need to move my central forces by rail and western by water in the near future. I am also expecting pressure on my supply network. God save me if anyone should get behind Johnston.

I am glad the AI has finally decided to come after me. It certainly waited until I was complacent. Who can be bothered with some Yankee patrol lost in the swamps of Tennessee when there is such exciting news in the East?

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Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:06 am

Dear Ann,

I hope Arkansas gave you a warmer welcome than we got. We been on the run for weeks and we get here and see all the provisions been shipped off or burned. I guess they didn't think we were gunna make it.

They were half right anyway. I reckon not half of us made it, many are dead, some ain't leaving Price's orders or no. We was told to slow the Yankees down for Hindman's escape. If there's one thing them regulars can do it's "fall back." And us country folk who fight to defend our homes and families and never got a bonus, we suffer every shortage imaginable. We need weapons the most. Each Yankee's got a fancy new gun and they got cannons we can't come to close to matching.

There's more hard marching ahead too. We got some tough hills to climb and then they say there's a fort strong enough we can hold it even against that Yankee hoard. Truth is we ain't holding nothing till we get some cannon to half way stand up to what they got.

You don't worry about me though. Them Yankee's can't touch me long as I'm on a horse. You and your kin best make a new home now. After what I saw at Springfield, I reckon we're never going back.

Yours forever,

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Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:47 pm

[SIZE="4"]Late August, 1862. Turn 34:
Knox, TN is lost and Madison, AR has been occupied. Memphis is under threat, but Corinth has been saved. All of these places have depots, so the invaders should be doing just fine for supplies. It serves me right for lecturing earlier about denying supply to invaders. I'll get back to this later.

Lee defeats Butler and keeps Baltimore secure. He loses about 2k and inflicts 4k plus 25 hits in the retreat. More importantly, I have decided to concentrate Lee's force on Washington DC. In a couple months the Union will have a far larger army. It would be difficult to hold Annapolis or Baltimore without taking DC, and it is clear that I can not keep putting all my resources into the eastern front. I am going in with Lee, Mag., and Bragg. All in defensive mode. (I just though: Can Johnston MTG while there is a hostile gunboat in the way? I would think not.)


I trust most of you recognize the faces. Lee commands 3 divisions under Jackson, Longstreet, and Anderson. Johnston commands 3 divisions under Hood, AP Hill , and DH Hill and an artillery reserve. All of these divisions have about 12k men and 20 guns, except Jackson's with more artillery and Anderson's with less. Bragg has 2 divisions under Smith and Ewell and a smaller artillery reserve. Magruder has a division under Walker and almost another division loosely organized under his corps. Finally, I have a week division and the Columbiads in Alexandria. Against this I count almost 5000 pwr in DC and Butler's considerable force to the north.

In Tennessee, my standards for an army are considerably lower. Hardee's corps consists of 1 division under Chetham. It will guard Chattanooga because I hope the Union will not be able to cause much more trouble from Knoxville this season. AS Johnston commands the other half of the army which is little more than Zollicoffer's division. He will leave Corinth and get half way to Memphis. I am sending Breckenridge and his division by rail to Memphis, which I hope to hold. I also retain what passes for a division at Is. 10 and Ft. D&H.

I just realized gunboats can move down the Tennessee to Chattanooga. I don't think they can in vanilla.

Here are my western forces falling back on Ft. Smith. On the right the military control filter reveals how the Yankees got to Madison. They built up that control over several turns, so now they can move along there unobserved. Just like some real generals, I ignored the reports.


I buy a couple siege guns in Virginia, I hope to be needing them soon.

[SIZE="4"]Early September, 1862. Turn 35[/size]

Only Magruder advances on DC. After playing around with the divisions in Lee and Bragg's commands, I failed to tell them to move again. I prefer to think that Lee needed to keep an eye on Butler while Bragg needed the rest. Magruder didn't get the messege, so he went in thinking he would have back up. Luckily there was no battle. I have again ordered Lee and Bragg to advance on Washington, but this time with greater urgency. How long until those draftees arrive?

Hardee held at Chattanooga, but I lost Memphis to an force of 30,000. The CSS Arkansas escapes. A week later, Breckenridge manages to hold ground outside the city. Johnston will try to complete his slog to Memphis this turn and join him. Unfortunately, both are inactive. I denude my defenses at Nashville further by sending the Orphan bde to join Johnston.

Canada looses a city, but the Brits are slowly mobilizing. I put to sea from Baltimore with a captured Monitor ship the Etlah; my aim is to clear the Potomac. The Virginia will also make the attempt.

I don't feel too bad about making Price a corps of the army of TN. I have been paying some pretty steep penalties for a while, and I think we could have promoted a few more generals especially since the Little Creole is no longer with us. I also send Ashby, a good general, to organize a sort of partisan division. Now Price's corps has about 1000 pwr and 30k men.

I buy some rpl, 30/10 rail, an art., and an ocean transport. I want to test if I can use the British fleet to protect big transports and bring in a lot of stuff.

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Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:01 pm

[SIZE="4"]Late September, 1862. Turn 36.[/size]

Lee's army has set up a siege of Washington without firing a shot. Most of the army now surrounds the city, yet already I will abandon my siege. The reason? A bold march by Butler and his Army of the Cumberland. Passing well north of Lee's old position in Baltimore, Butler brushes aside the defenders at Harper's Ferry and Winston to arrive at Culpepper.


I am a bit confused how Butler covered so much ground in the first 3 days. I never saw a train on the replay, but even with rail, it is a lot of marching.


I have labeled the destinations of my corps. This is a tricky business. I have put some corps on attack posture because I hope to engage Butler and prevent him from moving at will. The problem is I could get dragged into a fight at Washington before I can leave. There was a little tussle along the way and so I learned that Butler has no supply wagons. Maybe that accounts for his speed. In any case, he is in a very threatening position right now. He is close to Richmond, Fredricksburg, Manassas, Alexandria, and even Harrisonburg.

Rather than try to maintain my siege and deal with Butler, I decided to turn my full attention on Butler and try to eliminate his force. The surest way of doing that is to prevent him from capturing a supply depot. Maryland will be almost abandoned, the rails at Annapolis and Baltimore blown.

In other news, the Brits provide us with subsidies. My ironclads in the Chesapeake are turned back and lose cohesion. I will not be able to dominate the bay this fall. I think I could have captured the two union ironclads that are causing trouble. They escaped when I let Baltimore go the first time. The British and French fleets are helping to break the blockade, but will not participate in any action in Northern waters. Union fleets are shelling various forts but I am not yet worried. In TN I ordered Hardee to take Decature. This will make it harder for the enemy to bypass Hardee. ASJ has about 30k men under his command and has been told to maintain his siege of Memphis. If he breaks, I have no reserves in the region. Price now has 30k men and 40 guns including a few 3" and 12's. Still not approaching the Union's MO armies, but at least it's a legitimate corps.

[SIZE="4"]Early October, 1862. Turn 37:[/size]

This was an eventful fortnight. First of all there was a major battle as Union forces under Banks sallied to attack Bragg's corps. As I had feared the Federals caught me in offensive posture. Smith's and Ewell's divisions fought off repeated attacks throughout the late morning. Most of the Union force deployed too far to the south, expecting to catch Magruder's men, nevertheless, the Union advantage in manpower was overwhelming. Despite heavy losses, Banks managed to get a division in place northwest of Bragg cutting off his withdrawal. Bragg was now surrounded on 3 sides and hotly engaged, when Magruder arrived and routed the Federal troops to his northwest. This counterattack allowed Bragg to escape. Banks was reluctant to renew his attack against the fresh divisions of Longstreet and Anderson, so Lee's army continued it's march.


Notice Banks' army is low on supply. I thought they could be supplied by sea, but they are in real trouble. Also notice that both armies are in attack posture. I wonder if they finally decided to break out? Bragg's corps did all of the bleeding in this battle it seems. I'm sure under his gentle hand, they will recover in no time. (At least they have a field hospital.)


The next day Johnston engages Butler's army near Culpepper. He is unable to stop Butler's move on Fredricksburg, but he arrives soon after and Butler withdraws back to Culpepper. In Fredricksburg Butler destroyed the militia outside the town and revealed that he is now very low on ammo.


Lee will move back to Washington with 30k and resume the siege there, Magruder will have 25k in Alex to support. Both forces have a good amount of artillery. I noticed that the Potomac gunboats are gone, so I hope I can MTG now. Normally I wouldn't attack when I'm outnumbered at least 3 to 1, but I don't think the Yankees have any fight left in them. Their pwr levels are massively depleted little more than 2000. Also I have given orders to Johnston to pass between Fredricksburg and Culpepper by rail, engaging Butler wherever possible. He arrives in 3 days, so I don't think Banks can escape. I know Johnston is not much of an attacker and his men are tired, but it doesn't need to be much of an attack, just enough to disrupt Butler's movement and exhaust his ammo. I really want to inflict heavy losses to make up for my problems in the west. I think an early win is not out of the question if you consider how many Union elements are vulnerable. I should mention that any Northern armies have to march though 2 regions of mud to get to Washington. I hope that buys Lee time.

Hardee advanced to Decature without incident, but now I see there is a very large Union army in the vicinity. Snow would be nice.


Johnston stands strong at Memphis.


Desperate Union forces break out and flee north to Covington. Porter's cohesion is very low, so I have ordered Polk to pursue him and then strike east. Lastly my partisan division from Missouri has become regular. Ashby will be leading an amphibious attack on Madision, AR. As you can see I have lost Corinth, but the Blue tide is receding for the moment. ASJ will retake Memphis from the paltry Fed. garrison. Also my guns at Ft. Henry have dealt heavy damage to some gunboats and transports (all sunk?).


Polk will detach Ashby who will take a division by boat and try to retake Madison. I will destroy the depot at Memphis and probably Corinth (when I retake them) if the AI fails to do so. Ashby has orders to capture the Madison depot before Union troops have a chance to destroy it. Polk will be weak while Ashby is gone, but then he is pretty weak either way. I should have extended the red line along the river. Ashby will make an amphibious assault. Watie attacked a large force (trying to chase a small one) and his band of warriors is cut to ribbons.


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Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:02 pm

[SIZE="4"]Late September, 1862. Turn 38:[/size]

The Potomac gunboats return to deny Lee's move on Washington. Butler remains contained at Culpepper. I have decided it is too late to cross the Potomac now.

Ashby's amphibious counterattack at Madison, AR went very well.


Pope's men are obviously low on cohesion. Now they are trapped in the town. ASJ will move in to finish them off, while Polk holds Memphis. Corinth falls because I didn't have men to guard it.

The British move to kick the US out of Canada (finally have enough repl.) I buy another 50 RR to compliment the 80 I bought last turn.

[SIZE="4"]Early November, 1862. Turn 39:[/size]

Johnston managed a minor engagement with Butler. Now I am sending in Bragg and Lee. Butler is really on his last legs.

Sherman has easily taken Bowling Green, Hardee must rail to Nashville. The Union does not seem to be moving toward Chattanooga, so I hope I can spare him for a month or so. Winter has come to the far west and the Northern armies have fallen back on Springfield. This is excellent timing with Ashby's division away from Ft. Smith. There was no attack on Madison due to low cohesion.

[SIZE="4"]Late November, 1862. Turn 40:[/size]

Butler's army destroyed!
Unlike McDowell (who eventually escaped with a few thousand), Butler's men are beaten on the field of battle.



The two battles resulted in -17 NM for the Union, and in addition to my NM bonus, I can now promote more generals including Jackson. Over 10,000 Yankees laid down their empty muskets and surrendered. Only winter is preventing me from having another shot at Washington. Federal armies are scurrying north and east into MD to find food, but a strong presence remains in the city. I have no idea how many casualties the troops in DC might have taken from starvation, but my guess is that nearly all survived. If I had known how bad their supply situation was, I would not have abandoned the siege. The union has suffered a staggering blow, but Butler's sacrifice did relieve their capital.

Hardee must rail back to Chattanooga again. I have repaired the rails from Memphis to Madison, so next turn both ASJ and Polk will try to finish off Pope's men. I am buying some rail and what replacements I can.

[SIZE="4"]Early December, 1862. Turn 41: [/size]

My navy is driven back from Hampton Roads. Ft. Monroe does not fire even though it has coastal guns. I thought Ft. M always fires into Hampton Roads. It can't meet the double adjacency requirement, but I thought it was an exception. Pope is down 5k men from our last meeting. He may control a depot, but he can't keep it supplied. Now he doesn't even have the depot.


Bragg has taken over for Polk. Jackson has been given a corps. I buy repl., art., and save up for the big buy next turn.

It has been a bad year for the Union. If they are not careful they will also lose the army at Corinth, MS. I have a commanding lead in NM and VP, so that should help even the manpower disparity when drafts come up next turn.

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Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:14 pm

Keep on posting Meagher this is a good game am enjoying following a fellow SVF Fans experiance.

Yours in Highest Regard


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