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Me(Soundoff) Union v Banks (CSA)

Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:08 am

Am I a glutton for punishment or what. I made such a pigs ear of it against ?Barksdale. Mind you on that basis things can only get better can't they? :blink:

Anyway turn 1 early April is away not that there's anything to do on the Union side other than purchase a single militia replacement and keep fingers crossed that the Harpers garrison receives them as reinforcements prior to the usual opening CSA assault. :thumbsup:

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Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:43 am

Whilst I'm in limbo so to speak awaiting the first move results just a few musings as to my own ground rules.

Well to begin with, assuming that we are playing with some redeploys which Banks is kindly keeping me in the dark over at present, other than redeploying a HQ when it comes on stream I will not use the facility. All of my commanders and special units take the long road from A to B. In addition when I do get a new HQ come on line I will inform Banks that I'm redeploying it on the turn that I intend to do so.

Another of my own enforced rules is that I will not reassign leaders or split commands that I've created to overcome the 'activation' rule. That I live with as I reckon it makes the game more fun.

I will purchase militia units in any region on the basis of 1 per depot but other than that as the Union I wont build them.

I'm much more comfortable with handling the navy side these days but remain uneasy as to its use within the game. I usually tend to limit myself to operating it for amphibious purposes only. I dont use it for 'blockading' mainly because my personal take is that the resource difference between the Union and the CSA is already wide enough.

Well thats for starters. I'm sure I will think of many more of my own personal do's and don'ts once the game gets well underway.

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Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:35 am

Early April 61 result and Late April orders

Well folks the turn went much as expected with one exception.

First off Sumpter fell which was no surprise. Then the exception. Harpers Ferry militia held. Though outnumbered Billy and his colleagues fought well. I'd give them all a medal if I could. This was quickly followed by Norfolk falling. All in all the usual opening gambit.

Of interest though is that Banks has already started the Confederate printing presses rolling. I was also pleased to see that the CSA 1st Georgia Cavalry took part in the assault on Sumpter. I was concerned that my adverary would send that little regiment winging its way immediately towards Grafton. It normally only takes two turns to get there so could have arrived by the end of April well before I could have reacted a bit like Polks cavalry does against Cairo.

Now on to the Late April orders. Well again there is not really much that I'm able to do. Schurz has turned up with his cavalry regiment so I'm sending them down towards Harpers. I'd have liked to have railroaded them to Alexandria but that busted rail outside of Baltimore puts paid to that idea.

The 61 commanders have materialised so its off to Louisville KY for Keyes and Wallace. Shields I've ordered to St Louis and Blenker to Wheeling WV. I've also packed Herbert and Howe off to Monroe. If I can I intend to try to hold Monroe.

As money and resources are somewhat plentiful I've invested early in the following replacements:

1 Elite Infantry
5 Line
1 Light
4 Cavalry
2 Field Artillery

Well thats it. The sum total of the Union late April orders. Now to wait with some trepidation for what Banks has in store for me.

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Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:25 am

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Late April 61 result and Early May orders[/size][/color]

Well good people not a thing happened at the end of April, other than some small amount of movement. My commanders are still sauntering by rail to their destinations. Of note is that the CSA has already started to reinforce Manassas heavily. Gustavus Smith has arrived with Winder in attendance together with the South Carolina troops that assaulted Sumpter.

The main armies are starting to appear although locked for 3 turns. Hooker and Banks have raised their heads above the I have a couple of additional commanders to play with and the Washington brigade has been formed. Now if my wiley opponent had given me the opportunity I'd have sent that little force immediately to assault Manassas but he's too smart to allow me that little move.

At least now though I can begin to flesh out the words with pictures as I feel I can at least begin to start to play proactively.

I've still not totally decided on how I'm going to approach the game. Knowing that my opponent is such a good player is making me somewhat tentative. On top ensuring that I treat Banks with the utmost respect is the caution I need to employ given that this is my first time with the new Corp restrictions and I have no idea how that will pan out. Banks has compounded that headache by choosing, as one of the options, the longest movement delay setting which neither of us has played to before and I already suspect its going to influence things significantly but more of that in a minute or two.

So what have I decided to do then you may well ask? Well I'll tell you.

The easy decision was to go with Scotts Anaconda plan, at least as far as the blue water blockade is concerned. I've already stated earlier that one of my own house rules is to avoid the brown water blockade although Banks is so formidable an opponent that I might have to review that depending on how things are going....but certainly not before 62. So its the imposition of the Embargo. It brings in a bit of extra cash (of small importance). The main reason for imposing it is the additional 1NM it provides. How I need every one of those particularly as I'm bound to take the NM hit for the Richmond event later in the year.

I've also decided to issue the first call for volunteers. I know its earlier than most players would advise doing it but the few additional conscripts that I might be able raise by waiting another month is in my poor humble opinion more than offset by the fact that hopefully I gain at least 2 weeks march on Banks in forming frontline units. I always but always as the Union pay a bounty to increase the recruiting numbers. As the north its affordable and the increase is considerable.

So on to my recruiting which is.

2 Marines and 5 regular brigades. My hope is to quickly raise a division in the West. My plan is as follows, though it currently rests on many 'ifs' and 'buts'.
I need Lyon to appear. Oh how I do need at least one decent commander at this stage in the West so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Missouri event fires. If it does then Lyons will take control of the newly forming division. If all goes to plan his division should be in place by early June. Then, providing Banks is 'half asleep', which is a damned big 'if' Lyon should be able to assault either Island 10 or Forts Henry and Donelson. If I'm honest I reckon Banks will fortify both positions before I'm able to move but I'll worry about that later. So I have a plan A at this stage but no plan B

Because I'm confidently expecting the Genghis Khan hordes of Confederate cavalry to start appearing soon I'm raising 14 militia units in the West to cover the depots. Lets hope most materialise in the right places, though I doubt it.

I'm able to raise a total of 5 cavalry regiments from the whole of the Union this time around so I'm raising them all. I've certainly learnt the hard way in this game against the very good players that you cant go dashing around blind if you want to survive long. You need eyes and ears and that the cavalry provides. So I recruit as many as I can and never never use them for garrisoning purposes.

Finally, for the division that I'm hoping that Lyons will lead, 5x12lb batteries.

As to my moves for this time around well there is very little. With the new NO Corp rule for 61 it looks as if the best mix of commanders to avoid penalty is a 3 or 2 star with a couple of 1 star commanders. That provides a minimum of 8 CPs and allows the creation of 2 divisions per stack without penalty. As I said earlier Nathaniel Banks has arrived in Baltimore. Normally because I'd send him packing immediately to New York to start recruiting but these new rules have made me think again. He stays in the area so that I can place a couple more divisions under his command without penalty.

I think that MTG will definately not be the order of the day for 61 so another decision I've made is to refuse on my right flank. The CSA can have Harpers. There is no way I can cover effectively the area between Washington and Harpers. To attempt to do so would be to invite the CSA to cut me up piecemeal. So my intention is to defend Washington (I'll hold on to Alexandria as long as I can) and keep a strong presence around Baltimore and Wilmington if I can (thats because Stonewall given his fast mover ability frightens the heck out of me)

Now Hooker I'm moving to Atlantic City. I'm going to try to raise a force for him so that he can perhaps take out an odd CSA atlantic coast fort or two. If I can it should make Banks think about keeping a few units in the coastal regions.

Schurz with his cavalry is still moving towards his assigned position just North of Harpers. And this is where my caution regarding how the large movement delay lag we have will impact on strategy. Now when he was ordered to move last time Schurz was inactive which was not the best but slap me in the belly with a wet cod if, much to my dismay, I find that he's been totally inept and kept his troops holed up in New York for the whole 14 days. If I could demote him I would........ in fact I'd line him against a wall and shoot him as an example. ;) Ah well perhaps he will graciously accomodate me with his presence where I want him this time around.

The only other new move I have is to transfer the freed Arundel marines out West for Lyons.....please god that he arrives. :thumbsup:

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Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:07 pm

[SIZE="6"][color="Red"]Early May 61 result Late May orders[/color][/size]

Well still very little happening although it certainly is Game On now. Banks launched another assault on Harpers Ferry. Once more my tiny band of militia threw him back. They have put up a sterling performance and if nowt else goes to show how this game can often surprise you with its outcomes.

It was a very very close run thing though. I'm hanging on with my fingertips. There are only 60 survivors. In truth my ability to hold the position at all is Banks' own fault. It was he, who some time ago, did a post saying that it was worthwhile purchasing just one militia unit at startup on the grounds that the Harpers Ferry contingent enters the game understrength yet because reinforcement takes place before movement sometimes it was possible to bolster the defence. I took this on board and whilst it does not always happen it occurs often enough to make the small expenditure worthwhile.

As to other events. Well my embargo worked just fine minus 9 to British involvement so Foreign intervention stands at a comfortable minus 5.

Regrettably the South went with Exceptional Taxes and a Call for Volunteers. Curses to that latter one. It means that I won't steal a march on Banks in respect of raising units and I suspect it most definately means that Island 10 and the Cumberland forts will be heavily defended before I can get to them.

The Massacre event fired this time so Lyons will be arriving but has evidently been delayed in some bordello or other as there is no sign of him yet.

Most of my militia units appeared in the right locations and I have them busily digging in.

This is the position in the East.

Schurz did as he was told and moved to where I wanted him. I'm now sending him a wee bit further forward as I want to cut that Loudon rail. I know its Union controlled but as I have no intention of attempting to hold Harpers I'd rather get a wee bit of resources for doing it as I'm sure the CSA will cut it if I dont.

I've ordered the brigade at Baltimore which has just been released to try to repair the destroyed rail in that region as its a pain and so much slower to have to navigate around it.

Pattersons force has appeared. What a lousy commander he is and he does not stay around long enough to do anything. So I've split his command away. He can stay where he is until he's removed from play. As for his forces well one Brigade I'm syphoning off to move to Atlantic City to join Hooker. The remaining Brigades I'm moving to Baltimore to join Nathaniel Banks though it will take some time as I'm sending them North first.....just so they have no chance of running into any Rebel forces in the Harpers Ferry area. It makes the journey slightly longer but it minimises the risks.

As for Harpers Ferry itself well my remaining 60 volunteers will attempt to blow the depot. I hope they have time. I've pushed my luck with that little contingent more than I should have. If they dont make it and the depot is captured intact I dont think it will be too disasterous.

As for the rest Howe and Hurlburt have arrived in Monroe. Blenker has reached Wheeling. Shields still has a few days to go before he reaches St Louis. This time around I'm sending Asboth and Nelson who are currently at Alexandria to join Nathaniel Banks at Baltimore. Griffin, also at Alexandria, is being posted to Atlantic City to join Hooker.

The only other happening of note is that Polk and his units have appeared on the radar just South of Paducah. Now I wonder what Banks has in mind for that little group. Ah well I'm sure I will soon find out and I'll bet a pound to a penny that whatever it is I will not like it.

My NM now stands at 88, not in any real great shape but as high as I could expect at this stage.

So its on to spending plans for this turn.

I purchasing one skirmisher replacement and investing in 20 rail and 15 additional river transport.

On the reinforcement front I've been offered the chance of an additional cavalry regiment in Connecticut so I'm grabbing it.

Other planned reinforcements are

New York 3x12lb Artillery
Ohio 4x12lb Artillery
Delaware 1x6lb Artillery
New Jersey 1x12lb Artillery

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Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:58 pm

:) So OK this is the bit that I loathe and destest. The time when it comes to nailing colours to the mast and setting out a strategy for the year. I might be able to revisit this post at the end of 61 and think to myself 'well I did'nt do too badly' Its more likely though that I'll look back on it and think what a dumbo :bonk: :bonk: Whatever possessed me to adopt that course of action :confused:

So here goes ....................and dont laugh too loud I might just hear you :mdr:

In the Virginia theatre I've hesitantly set myself the following aims.

I hope its basically self explanatory but just to go over it. The blue line roughly represents what I consider to be the usual defense line for the Union under the game versions up to and including 1.12. OK I'd accept we can argue whether Harpers or Alexandria should be covered by the line but certainly the Potomac is the 'we shall not let them pass' position.

It was possible to cover this frontage because of the ability of Corp commanders to MTG but in 1.13 until sometime in 62 we have no Corps so I'm taking the view that it will not be possible to defend the historical line and that to attempt to do so invites those wonderful Rebel commanders to defeat my split forces in detail.

So my intention to defend the yellow line. Obviously safeguarding Washington is the main aim but I'd like to extend the defence back to include Baltimore and Wilmington (just to protect my rear). It does invite the South to advance directly North from Harpers but that would potentially expose a flank of the advancing CSA forces. Anyhow its a risk I'm going to take.

Now at Ft Monroe (at the bottom right edge of the map) I want to have a couple of divisions in place by the end of 61. If I can accomplish this aim not only would it allow me in 62 to conduct a penninsula campaign (should I so desire) but it also allows me to threaten Richmond.......straight up the James.

If I can I'd also like to have a division or two positioned at Port Tobacco. It would serve a dual purpose. Close enough to reinforce Washington if necessary but I rather like the possibility of hopping over the Potomac to threaten either Fredericksburg or Tappahannock.

My single key objective in the East for 61 though is to secure Covington with sufficient forces to hold it. I want to build a depot there and use it as a forward base for a 62 offensive.

Well on the Virginia front for 61 thats about it. In many ways nothing major. A good deal of it defensive and a significant amount of it manoeuvring for position. I long ago though came to the realisation that 5 years is a long time and its better not to be over ambitious.

As for the other theatres well those I'm still pondering about but I'll share my thoughts with you....once I've made my mind up. One thing I can say is that I'm not intending to plan for any major amphibious operation in 61. Oh and I'm quite resigned to taking the NM hit for not advancing on Richmond in 61 (inactive commanders plus the poor way that the necessary elements are calculated preclude any attempt) so I wont even bother.

There is of course the obvious caveate to all of the above that whilst its all very well for me to make this or that plan Banks will have his own ideas as to how things will progress in the East in 61 and I'm certain that if he has his way none of my ideas will come to fruition. Still thats one of the beauties of the game. You know I can hardly wait to discover how the game will turn out :thumbsup:

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Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:28 pm

[SIZE="6"][color="Red"]Late May 61 result and Early June orders[/color][/size]

A very quiet turn. Not a single engagement. Nary a sniff of even a skirmish.

On the leader front Shields has finally arrived in St Louis. Nelson and Asboth made it to Baltimore with Asboth now being given a divisional command under Nathaniel Banks. Lastly Griffin has joined Hooker in Atlantic City.

Schurz with his cavalry now sit in Loudon.

Mansfield and Heintzelman have appeared but still no sign of Lyon. Sumner is unlocked and the California Brigade has been mobilised.

Thats about the sum total of it. Not very exciting at present but then it is early days. So on to the forthcoming turn. Starting in the east and working west we have the following:



Well as you can see the Northeast Virginia army is still locked at Fairfax but I've started to organise it to reduce CP penalties. Main trouble is without the ability to form Corps attached artillery parks are virtually out of the question except at Army level. Now thats making me rethink and scratch my head for starters. Looks like there is going to be a lot to learn on the fly in this game. ;) Much of the cavalry I recruited in early May is now available and I'm speeding it to the front as quickly as possible. I'm desperate for the screening and reconnaisance abilities they provide. From the sketchy information I have its evident that Banks made Winder at Manassas a divisional commander and that Smith currently is not otherwise with the two attendant artillery batteries with the force the command penalty would be greater than 10% I think that force will stay put for the coming turn and as the main armies do not unlock until next time around I suspect there will be little change on this front.

Schurz and his cavalry I'm attempting to send on a circular tour of Manassas. It will take about 3 weeks so I'm hoping (providing they stay out of trouble) that they will be in a position to cut the rail at Culpeper next time.

I managed to fix the rail link at Baltimore so troop movement to the front will be speedier at least for a time.

Oh and before I forget I destroyed the Harper Ferry depot.

West Virginia

At Wheeling Blenker was active so now he's been made a divisional commander and I intend to move him and his embryonic division to Grafton where I trust he will be able to build up strength and be joined in time by other commanders for my future move against Covington.

One thing that has become blindingly obvious with this new patch and the NO CORP in 61 and early 62 rules is that I do not have enough commanders to go around. In an effort to eliminate as best I can CP penalties their just are not enough of them....decisions decisions. Well at least I can draw comfort from the knowledge that my opponent is no better off. It also makes me realise that Little Mac will have a role after all. Those three pips on his shoulder make him too valuable to pension off to some obscure outpost. Now that really is pleasing and as it should be......even if his stats are lousy.



It was here that I had the most difficulty in deciding on what to do. I think (I'm about 90% certain) that I'm going to invade Kentucky. Its a pain to let the state remain a buffer between me and the enemy and Banks it too formidable an opponent to be tricked into attacking me there. But I did have a dilemma this time around. Both Keyes and Wallace at Louisville are active so I made Wallace a divisional commander and was able to post a couple of brigades to him. With Keyes as stack commander and also being active I was sorely tempted to strike immediately at Lexington. I could be wrong but I suspect its garrisoned only by a militia unit. I was so so tempted. Reluctantly though I decided to hold fast for one reason only. Shields at St Louis and Sumner even further West are the only Union commanders in the west.

Which leads me nicely into the final picture showing Shields at St Louis and sitting at Columbus that nasty fellow Polk still with the 1st Tennessee Brigade and Brewer Cavalry in attendance. I'm attempting to build up at Salem and I'm moving the newly arrived Mansfield there as quickly as I can but until he arrives, which incidently should co-inside with Little Mac being released, I feel unable to make any hostile overtures in the region.

As for the rest. Well firstly I am surprised that the CSA have not raided. Surely that cannot last can it?

One thing I can rely on though is that Banks will not be investing heavily in militia. He will recruit hard bitten confederate units so there will be no easy victories. I shall have to tread carefully.

Interestingly McCulloch with the 3rd Texas Rangers and 10th Texas Cavalry has come sightseeing to Tucson.

My NM stands at 90 with the CSA at 100. Trouble is that 90 of mine is likely to be a high water point for some time to come. Ah well these things are sent to try us. :)

Finally planed recruiting:

Cavalry Regiments:

1 Iowa
1 Illinois
1 Wisconsin
1 Ohio
1 Maryland
2 Pennsylvania

3 Gunboats and 2 Transports in Missouri

2 Brigades of 2 infantry and 1 6lb in Ohio
1 Brigade of 2 infantry, 1 6lb and 1 cavalry in Ohio
1 Brigade of 1 infantry and 1 sharpshooter in Indiana

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:35 pm

Early June 61 result and Late June orders

Again a turn with no action. If you are reading this humble offering my sincerest apologies if its a bit dry at present. Hopefully things will liven up in the not too distant future. Anyway back to the results and proposed moves.



Well organising and mustering go on a pace. Some of my cavalry is now reached forward positions and assuming I use them well ought to start to provide valuable information in the turns to come. I now have 3 cavalry regiments screening at Alexandria and two just North East of Harpers. One of these, the 1st NY Vet Cav has been ordered to Morgan WV. I need better information as to the size and composition of the Rebel Shenandoah force. The other, the 1st MD 'Union Cavalry' I'm moving to a slightly more forward position at Louden where hopefully it will be joined by the 2nd NY Harris Lt Cav which is currently billetted at Alexandria. Further east at Atlantic City (not really Virginia theatre but I'll include it) the California Brigade joined Hookers command. Once I manage to get another brigade to him I reckon he might be ordered onto the offensive. He's certainly itching to go. The only other bit of news on the Virginian front concerns Schurz but if you will bear with me I'll come to that in a minute or two.


So the information that I have on the size and composition of ALL available forces in the Virginia theatre is as follows. Obviously in respect of the CSA this I expect to change radically next turn now that the major armies are free to move and Beaureguard is sure to appear. As you can see that Shenandoah army is the one that concerns me. I have no idea whether its been bolstered by any new units and I do fear Jackson with his fast mover ability.


So to return to Schurz and his cavalry if I may. Well for the experienced players (assuming there are some reading this offering) what I'm about to say I'm sure they know full well already. However on the offchance that this post may be read by the 'odd' player who is relatively new to the game I think its worth saying.

Its simple really. Just make sure you READ and ASSIMULATE all the bits of information that the game offers you. Dont skip or skim over reports because you think its only the battle reports that matter. Some of the dry stuff is also key. Schurz provides a good example of what I mean. Now if you go back a post or two you will read that my intention was to run Schurz and his cavalry regiment around Manassas. My logic was twofold. Cut the rail link in Culpeper and get information about what was going on in the rear. Now firstly when I came to plot the move it was going to take Schurz only 9 days to reach Culpeper. If I'd have decided to end his move in that region (which was one of the targets) I'd be wasting 5 valuable days of potential movement. Tracing his proposed route home to Alexandria via Aquia I discovered that it would take him 7 days to move from Culpeper to Aquia. So I could plan the complete trip in the safe knowledge that at the end of the turn he would still be in Culpeper but well on his way to Aquia. In fact his little contingent now only has 2 days before it gets to Aquia and a further 4 to reach Alexandria and home. I must confess this way of moving cavalry I picked up from one of the very best players....Jabberwock. Go over to the most recent Grand Campaign thread and you can read all about his tactic for cavalry 'Time to Target' if I recall correctly. I dont always use it but I certainly consider it every time.

Anyway back to Schurz and his cavalry. Well lo and behold but what do I get in the turn report. Just look below and you will see. Yep Schurz evaded at Clarke. Now going back to picture 1 whats in Clarke VG. Well bless me if it is not the 3rd Virginia Cavalry. So what does that tell me. Well I reckon, and I'd bet money on it, that it says the following. Banks spotted Schurz at Louden and correctly deduced that I'd send him South to disrupt the CSA lines. So he decided to commit the 3rd Virginia Cavalry on intercept orders. Luckily for me Schurz evaded. Now in the scale of things all of that might not be much but if I'm right and I reckon a pound to a penny I am then my opponent is going to give me more than a run for my money. It would have been so so easy though to have skimmed over that report as being insignificant.

Having used Jabber's cavalry movement tactic though. If I'm very lucky Schurz will get home safely and the operation will have been a total success. Rail cut and good intelligence on Magruder at Fredricksburg plus no further increase in the size of Smiths force at Manassas.


West Virginia

No picture for this as one so little is happening. Blenker has reached Grafton and has a full division. I also have another 3 brigades of 3 infantry regiments each awaiting a commander. I just have to sit tight.


Kentucky and Tennessee

Keyes is still active at Louisville and my mouse hovered for more than a moment over sending him against Lexington. Once more I resisted. I'm not sure that President Lincoln would be pleased about a pre-emptive strike on that State at this time and I dont want Polk who still sits at Columbus to have the opportunity of a free ride into Paducah particularly as our forces are thin and well spread out. I must say that Polks inactivity is unnerving at present as is the whole CSA strategy. Still no attacks on rails or depots. But I cant sit around and do nothing. It should'nt be the Union style...its certainly not mine. So Keyes has been ordered to assault Gallatin. That should start to get things rumbling.

At Salem I now have 3 brigades consisting of 8 infantry regiments with more arriving shortly. Mansfield hopefully will saunter into town in 8 days to take command. Shields at St Louis has been given divisional command of the Fedral forces but has orders to sit tight. Sumner has been ordered to join him in due course.

I'm still lacking cavalry without it I'm blind. I'd like to know whats going on at Forts Henry and Donelson and Nashville and.....heck I'd just like some decent reconnaissance.



Well I moved cavalry to Cherokees and will burn the camp this turn. I do so like a nice fire and it will deny Watie recruiting grounds. Its then on to Creeks where if I'm fortunate I can do the same.

The one irritating result for me. Its my own fault for not totally rechecking more than once my orders is that the cavalry unit I sent to Fayetteville found the town undefended. I could have sworn I had that unit on assault. Just goes to show how important it is to make doubly sure before you post your orders. Well I've put the unit in for assault this time around but it will give Banks 20 days to react....all of this coming move plus 5 days of the next (the time it will take to destroy the depot).


As to the rest.

My NM now sits at 91 the CSA at 100. I'm imposing a total blockade again which will raise NM by 1. That rise though will be more than offset by the 5 NM I shall lose as Lincoln is calling for Full Mobilisation. Additionally I'm asking for Volunteers and issuing 8% War Bonds.

I'm seeking 10 replacement Line Infantry and recruiting the following new units.

1 Engineer
1 Signal

In Pennsylvania

4 x 2 Infantry and 1 Sharpshooter Brigades

In Illinois

1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Cavalry Brigade
2 x 2 Infantry Brigades
2 x 12lb Artillery batteries.

In West Virginia

2 x 1 Sharpshooter Regiments
2 x 6lb Artillery batteries

In Mitchigan

3 x 12lb Artillery batteries
2 x 6lb Horse Artillery batteries

In Connecticut

3 x 2 Infantry and 1 6lb Artillery Brigade
2 x Cavalry regiments

In New York

2 x Cavalry Regiments.

Finally I'm investing in 50 additional rail and 25 river infrastructure.

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One of the Odd players

Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:12 pm

As one of the "odd" players new to this game :blink: , i want to say thanks soundoff! :thumbsup: I am picking up little things here and there and it can only help to improve my game. There is ALOT of intricacies in this game, isn't there!?

Play On! And great AAR with pics, both you and banks6060! :thumbsup:

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Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:54 am

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Late June 61 result and Early July Orders[/size][/color]

Well the first skirmishes of the war have occured. Taking things in order and starting with:


The Virginia

The current position is that much as I anticipated the rebel Shenandoah valley force advanced on Harpers Ferry and overwhelmed the militia garrison. The irritating thing is that one of the Sharpshooter regiments I was hoping to raise, the computer decided to recruit at Harpers so it was lost without ever being recruited. Ah well you can't make omlettes without breaking eggs as my granny used to say.

Stupid though was the realisation that I had failed to cut the rail in Culpeper with Schurz and his cavalry. The reason was quite simple. I'd somehow in checking my orders unclicked the destroy rail button and had not noticed it. Thats the second time I've submitted a basic order error. At this stage I can argue that its not too important but I can't afford any more. Next time it could be a critical battle order that I foul up. I was right about the 3rd Virginia cavalry though. Banks had targetted Schurz with them. The two forces met up as my force rode back into Alexandria. We had a minor get together. More handbags at fifty paces than a serious fight which my Billy Yanks just edged.

Also, as I expected the main CSA army has arrived at Manassas. From the looks of it Banks has been recruiting in the east predominantly into this force. It has not gone unnoticed by my intelligence gathering that James Longstreet is already commanding one of the rebel divisions. I'm happier now I have better information on the composition of the Shenandoah force. In my opinion its not really potent enough at present for serious offensive action but hey... what do I know about whats going on in Banks mind....he probably has other ideas.

I'm patiently building up in the region. Both of my 2 star generals are inactive (what a surprise) so any thoughts of offensive moves are out of the question. Keeping Washington safe is the first priority.

The 1st MD 'Union' Cavalry at Louden I'm trying to send to Culpeper to do the rail cutting job that I ought to have done last time (sigh) :bonk: :bonk: Its risking a unit that I ought not to have to need to do. I'm also sending the 1st MD 'Potomac' Cavalry at Baltimore to Fredrick to screen north of Harpers from prying rebel eyes.

At Atlantic city Hooker is now ready to embark on his small amphibious operation. The president has sent him a telegram wishing him well in his forthcoming endeavours.

Now onto the West Virginia

Further brigades are daily appearing in Grafton. Trouble is no spare generals to assign them too. Its time though to start probing. The 10th West Virginia and the 1st Ohio cavalry regiments been ordered forward to Salem and Liberty on rail cutting expeditions. This after all is the main CSA rail highway from East to West. Cuts in these lines will seriously hinder his ability to rapidly move troops between the theatres.


In Tenessee we now how the following situation:

Keyes liberated Gallatin. He was unopposed. His command needs to rest for a turn to recover cohesion. I shall have to keep an eye on his force though as there is no supply wagon with it and his supply line is severely stretched. I'm moving two river transports to Louisville to create a depot in that fair city but (including depot construction) thats another month away. Ideally I'd have preferred to build at Bowling Green but with the limited forces I have in the region thats just too forward to protect.

Little Mac is now operational so I'm moving him to Bowling Green which I'm designating a muster point. Keyes move has uncovered a holding force at Nashville under the command of Floyd. Oh and Lexington has obviously raised a militia unit.

Further west the position remains largely unaltered. Polk continues to sit in Columbus. His force is not being added to so I suspect Banks is mustering somewhere out of sight in the rear. It remains a worry.

I still lack cavalry in the region for scouting purposes. Hopefully this will be rectified in the next turn or two. Mansfield reached Salem. Fortunately he was active so he now has command of the 12th Division and has been ordered to Cairo. Shields frets in St Louis. Sumner has arrived at Lexington, Missouri and awaits further instructions.


Worryingly the cavalry force at Cherokees did not burn the village and move on to Creeks. I'm assuming that its that heavy delay option that Banks has choosen for us. I rechecked my orders and it was entered correctly. So they have been ordered to do the same again. Let hope this time they obey. I took Fayetteville the town was deserted. I intend to attempt to destroy the depot but remain in situ for a turn.

Well folks thats about it other than to report that my NM stands at 88 against the CSA 100. The northern newspapers are pushing for an immediate offensive so I've the minus 10 NM coming soon. My blue water blockade went well -10 to British involvement so Foreign Intervention now stands at -12.

Butler has become active at Fort Monroe but until I can bolster his force he will have to sit tight. Sadly no Lyons which is a real pain. I could have done with that commander. He is a significant loss to my cause :( Ah well that also means no Price for Banks but its hardly a fair exchange :(

This time around I'm calling for 2 replacement cavalry and the same again for light artillery.

Proposed recruiting is as follows:


4 Cavalry regiments

New York

3 x 12lb Artillery batteries


1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Sharpshooter brigade
4 x 2 Infantry brigades
1 x 2 Infantry, 1 x 6lb Artillery and 1 Cavalry brigade


1 x 1 Infantry and 1 Volunteer brigade
1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Cavalry brigade
1 x 1 Sharpshooter regiment

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Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:26 am

Make sure to destroy the depot at Fort Smith too - take a look at my recently published AAR to see how effective destroying both of them is and how easy it makes advancing into Arkansas later on.

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Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:01 pm

Great to see another AAR, Thanks guys!
"General Grant is a great general. I know him well. He stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk; and now, sir, we stand by each other always."

- William Tecumseh Sherman

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Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:17 am

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Early July 61 result and Late July orders[/size][/color]

Well minor skirmishes go on a pace but to keep things in order I'll start with Hooker at Atlantic City. No picture but just to say that this large delay option that we are playing with keeps throwing up the odd breath taking moment. I found that Hooker had decided to sample the pleasures of Atlantic City for another 15 days. He and his troops have still not boarded. Another two weeks wasted. The president is beside himself.



Well little change really. My 1st MD 'Union' Cavalry regiment has reached Culpeper alright and will cut the rail that I neglected to do a turn or two ago then run for home. I'm moving further cavalry regiments to Port Tobacco. That should make Banks wonder what I'm up to. Mind you, if truth be told, it does me as well for I've not yet formulated where I will use them when they arrive :mdr:

Now the interesting thing is that Jackson has disappeared. He's been spirited away from Harpers Ferry but to where? Ah well I've enough other worries for the present. I'm sure he will turn up when I least expect him.

I made one slight alteration to my plan for the East. My decision to refuse on my right I know effectively gives Banks a tempting target. Maryland and beyond must look mighty inviting to him. What hopefully he does not know though is that Nathaniel Banks sits comfortably in Baltimore gathering two divisions around him. They still have some way to go but they are getting there. I have been uneasy though that I have little to defend with in Pennslyvania so I ordered Morell with Runyons divison from Alexandria to Harrisburg. Thats an almost full strength division and I do sleep a more easily now the move has been made.

The rebel forces have not been added to that much to date but then given that Banks has not called for mobilization in any form so far I'd expect him to be a wee bit thin on the ground at this time.

West Virginia

My build up continues. I'm sure that my opponent can see me well enough. Lets hope he thinks I'm just denying him easy passage through West Virginia. The lack of commanders remains a constant worry. I just have to wait but its not my style of play. I do get so impatient at times.

The cavalry moves I made in West Virginia may bear fruit. The 10th West Virginia Cavalry reached Liberty. They have orders to cut the rail and then move to assault Lexington NC. Its risky, deep in CSA territory and no reconnaissance. Its just too too tempting a target though. I may find Lexington empty otherwise I'm likely to get a bloody nose. After due consideration though I reckon its worth the risk.

The 1st Ohio cavalry hopefully has an easier task. Its to cut the rail at Salem VA then avoid enemy contact and move to Wythe VA with the intention of doing the same again.


To Kentucky

In this theatre things did not go so well as I'd hoped. I was trying to run two transports up to Louisville to start a depot. Unfortunately they came under fire from the guns at Forts Henry and Donelson. Heavy damage and an aborted mission. A large confederate brigade with a cavalry regiment has moved to Gallatin. I'm worried that they may target my Bowling Green muster point where currently there is only one small brigade and three artillery batteries. Reluctantly I've taken the decision to pull Keyes command back from Gallatin to cover. Sometimes discretion is the better form of valour and with so many troops due to turn up at Bowling Green in the next 15 days I cant take the chance that they may be cut to pieces as they disembark the river transports.

I see that Nashville has been reinforced with another division. Like me though the enemy lacks strength.

With the 2nd Ohio cavalry I took Clarkesville and now have some valuable information regarding Forts Henry and Donelson. It seems as if its been reinforced with an additional Brigade (Stewarts 74/74) but no more than that. I now have Mansfield at Cairo. I'd dearly like him to take a gamble and assault the forts now...whilst there may still be time. Guess what though.....yep.....he's done gone inactive. These early Union commanders I tell you they are right pains in the butts. :(


So Mansfield has to sit at Cairo for another turn whilst across the water he sees Polk doing nothing other than entrench at Columbus. Banks has to be building the Army of Tennessee somewhere in the rear does'nt he?

I'm moving cavalry forward (at last I have sufficient on stream) to see what information they can gather. I'm intending that they cross the Mississippi into Paducah and Graves.



I managed to destroy the depot at Fayetteville. Although the enemy have appeared I hope to evade and high tail it out....back to Lexington, Missouri. I also reached Creeks. Will attempt to burn the village and return to Lexington with that regiment as well.

The burning of Fayetteville depot is a real bonus. It makes it so much more difficult for the confederates to mount any offensive actions in the far west. The only remaining CSA forward depot being Springfield. Without investing in, or diverting, supply wagons I dont think a sustained offensive by the South can be achieved and I imagine its a cost that Banks will not be willing to bear at this stage of the game.

I toyed with moving on Fort Smith but my opponent is far too good a player to be leaving that key position undefended so I'm declining.

Which brings me nicely onto


Shields is active. It may only be for a turn but if he acts as he should it could be long enough. With luck and a following wind his command can just reach Springfield within the 15 days. Now given that Lyons has not turned up for me it means that the confederates are short of Price and his force. So with good fortune Springfield is likely to be lightly defended. Now if I can assault and take that fair city and destroy the confederate depot ....that would be a feather in my cap and almost certainly put paid to any significant rebel offensives in these regions for 61 and much of 62.

As to the remainder

Well on VP and NM my decision to call for Full Mobilization leaves me well down. I have to hope that victories in the field turn things around.

The South went with printing money, exceptional taxes and Part Mobilization. Additionally they put an embargo on cotton but that displeased the Brits so Foreign Intervention now stands at a very comfortable -30. I'd be surprised if that event will fire now.

As for myself well

Finances to raise - None

Drafts - None

Replacements - None


2 River Transports


1 x 1 Infantry regiment
1 x 2 Infantry brigade
1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Sharpshooter brigade
3 x 2 Infantry, 1 x 6lb Artillery and 1 Cavalry brigades.

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Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:53 am

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Late July 61 result Early August orders[/size][/color]


Another fortnight and no significant action once again. It seems as if both of us are content to probe for weaknesses.

Hooker finally decided to move his troops onto the sea transports and is now preparing to sail from Atlantic City. His destination is Fort Clark. It will be interesting to see how my opponent reacts, if he reacts at all for its hardly an earth shattering move.....but it should be another irritant to him. I just have to hope that Joe Hooker is active when he gets there.



Not much action but some interesting moves on the part of the rebels. Jackson, from nowhere, has advanced to Fredrick, Maryland. Not only that but with him is Johnston. Fortunately their power is a modest 251 and 266 respectively but its a worry. Evidently Stonewall has decided to raise his head above the parapet and at least 'take a look see' I am really pleased now that I move Morell to Harrisburg.

For the confederates that only leaves Bee with a small command (102 power) at Harpers. Mind you, given that the South went for partial mobilisation last time around I must bear in mind that a significant number of new brigades will shortly be reinforcing the confederate lines.

I'm just a little concerned that Nathaniel Banks' command at Baltimore is nowhere near as strong as I'd like it to be. Only some 200 power. Come to that Hamiltons command at Washington is not much stronger. My main contingent of nearly 25,000 sits at Alexandria. As the CSA at Manassas are quite strong (Longstreet alone has a division approaching 600 in power) I'm going to pull back to my original planned lines. So McDowell's army command and Milroy's divisions will fall back on Washington. Woods' command will join Nathaniel Banks at Baltimore.

It means sacrificing Alexandria and the garrison in the short term but then its not a short term game.

For no other reason than out of interest below are the two minor skirmish reports I received. The first is of note as it shows the composition of Jacksons command......somehow Shurz stumbled across him. The second well I don't know what the confederate cavalry was up to but its one regiment less and you can see the composition and size of my Union forces at Alexandria.

West Virginia

From this theatre I derived the most satisfaction. I was extremely lucky in that all of my planned moves bore fruit. The 1st Ohio cavalry cut rail and has now moved to Wythe VA where it has orders to do the same again then head for home. The 10th West Virginia cavalrys rail cutting operation was also a success. More satisfying though was that the regiment carried out its orders splendidly. It advanced on Lexington NC and has captured the depot. I intend for the unit to attempt to destroy the depot and rail then run for home. Trouble is as it takes 5 days to carry out the destruction order and given that I have no idea what enemy forces may be able to railroad to Lexington I cannot put the force on a passive stance therefore I'm ordering the unit to defend the position until the depot is destroyed.

I'm also instructing the US cavalry at Roanoke VA to tear up the railway then assault the Garysburg depot. Its another of these potential suicide missions. I'm bound to come unstuck sooner or later but again I reckon its worth the risk. Particularly as, if its successful, it will give my enemy a nasty surprise and a headache or two to deal with.

Edit:- I forgot to add this in the original post.

The reason for my attempts to destroy the CSA depots in this area has little to do with just being a nuisance. You may recall that in the East my 61 aim is to take and hold Covington. To achieve this (because of the distance from my supply lines) I will need to build a depot at Covington.

Level 3 cities automatically push supplies forward. Sadly for the Confederates they have very few level 3 and above cities so have to rely internally on depots and rail and river transport. Obviously transport (particularly in the early years) is severely limited. If you look at the map of the area I'm targetting you will see that if I can get rid of the Lexington depot it will make getting supply to Christiansburg and Marion difficult for Banks. There are no level 3 and above cities close by and the nearest depot is Knoxville TN. With me cutting the rails as well which slows down supply distances considerably he will be hard pressed to garrison those two towns in sufficient numbers unless he brings supply wagons with him. If I can take out the the Garysburg depot as well that will only increase the supply pressure on any forces he commits to West Virginia. Anyway thats my thinking ;)


Tennessee and Kentucky

Well a great deal more 'handbags at 50 paces' in this theatre. Keyes fell back to Bowling Green in good order but the CSA brigade did not advance. I suspect it retired to Nashville. As a consequence Gallatin revolted and is once more under Rebel control. Confederate cavalry also advanced across the Cumberland and recaptured Clarksville without a fight.

My reconnaissance indicates that the defenses atForts Henry and Donelson have been bolstered and that another enemy division has moved to Nashville.

On my side reinforcements have begun to arrive at Bowling Green so the situation is not so desperate. Wallace is active and has been ordered to retake Gallatin.

I still have insufficient forces to take out Kentucky much to my dismay.

I'm not going to show any picture of the Transmississippi Theatre this time. Nothing has really changed and Mansfield remains inactive.


Onto the Indian Territories and Missouri

Well my cavalry at Creeks did not have time to burn the village. McCulloch and the 10th Texas cavalry rode over the hill in the nick of time to rescue the day for the South. No battle troops retired in good order. The move with Shields on Springfield went better. It is undefended. Sadly it took him the entire turn to reach the city so it remains in the hands of the enemy. He should carry it this turn. I'm sending him what reinforcements I can spare.

What else as happened? Well F Buchanan's rebel fleet attempted to run the guns at Fort Monroe again. Luckily for me they failed. They took 69 damage and have disappeared....I strongly suspect they are at the bottom of the James Estuary.

My NM is now a woeful 88 whilst the Confederates is a very very healthy 108 as a result of the -10 NM for the lack of an immediate offensive against Richmond. Congress enacting the first Income Tax Laws and the Confiscation Act bolstered the coffers by a combined 400,000 dollars.

Fremont has arrived in St Louis and McClernand has turned up. I'm sending the latter to New York for recruiting purposes. As I'm short of commanders it was a toss up between using his recruiting ability or giving him a command. I decided on the former.

Raising Finances Nil

Drafts Nil

Replacements Nil


1 Engineer
1 Signal
1 Balloon
1 Army - Little Mac you will get your command :thumbsup:

New York

3 x 12lb Artillery
1 x 3 Infantry 1 x 6lb Artillery and 1 Cavalry brigade
1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Cavalry brigade


2 x 2 Infantry brigades
1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Cavalry brigade


4 x Ironclads

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Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:45 am

Thanks Soundoff for sharing your ideas, hints, and TIME with us in this well scripted AAR. Who needs to play AACW when we can just read this? Good luck on the battlefields.


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Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:44 am

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Early August 61 result Late August orders[/size][/color]

Well good people the weekends over and its back to the fray. An interesting turn and certainly events are beginning to move on a pace.



Well I made my defensive moves and I am so glad that I did. I could'nt have done it better if I'd planned it. ;) I pulled back to Washington as I said I would and much to my surprise Johnston and Jackson came forward. We had no battle but I'm relatively sure there will be one in Arundel this move......unless of course that large delay lag we are playing with which I must say I dont like at all kicks in again. It could do as its linked to the commanders strategic rating.

The gods have looked down favourably on me in that Nathaniel Banks at Baltimore and Milroy and Hamilton at Washington are all active. It has enabled me to issue offensive orders for all of them. Three starting Union commanders active on the same turn, wonders will never cease :thumbsup:

I shall be keeping my fingers crossed that they all do not go in piecemeal. All should only take a day to reach Arundel but that delay lag concerns me particularly as with 1.13 an additional side effect of NO CORPS is no co-ordinated movement from the same region. Now thats a loss I did not anticipate. Anyway the die is set and its in for a penny in for a pound.

At Manassas Beauregard sits with Longstreet's powerful division. I'd be much surprised if my opponent does not move him to assault the static garrison at Alexandria.

This roughly shows what I'm throwing into the assault and what forces my opponent has to counter me. I have weight of numbers but he has better commanders so will gain bonuses which I will not. At least he will not be entrenched though. Much will depend on whether my forces are on the field of battle at the same time.

You can see that at Baltimore I will still have Wood's command. He's one commander that is inactive not that I can complain 3 out of 4 for the Union is terrific. McDowell with the Army command stays at Washington.

Now in addition to attacking Johnston and Jackson at Arundel I'm going to attempt to assault Bernard Bee at Harpers Ferry with Morells command (also active) currently defending Harrisburg. If I can make that move work it should make any retreat of Johnston and Jackson (assuming I can win) that much more difficult.

Lots of ifs and buts in this move in Virginia. If Banks, Hamilton and Milroy can arrive roughly together. If they can defeat Johnston and Jackson. If Morell is not delayed. If Bee is not reinforced. If I can win at Harpers. Mind you thats one of the joys of AACW.

Now one move I was not expecting this time around. Damn me if I dont need to applaud Banks. He's done gone and moved Huger with a sizeable division to besiege Ft Monroe. Thats one strategic location I dont want to lose if I can help it. I have to hope that Huger is 'inactive' He could well be as he only has a 2 strategic rating. With so much having gone my way in this turn though I cannot count on it. I'm calling off Hookers impending assault of Fort Clark and moving him to reinforce Ft Monroe as speedily as I can. All I can do is hope that he arrives in time.

Onto West Virginia .......and its at this point that I discover that I forgot to download a picture. Ah well never mind I'll have to edit this post later. Anyway Blenker at Grafton I'm marching on Covington. With all thats happening around Washington and the environs I reckon I have the time. He is active but according to the tooltip it will take him 15 days to arrive. In an attempt to get him there earlier I've issued his command with a 'forced march' order. It has a 60% chance of working.

I destroyed the Lexington depot and my cavalry is on its way home. Unfortunately the US Cavalry that I sent to assault Garysburg did not make it but it was a close run thing. They arrived alright. Found a Militia unit defending. Assaulted and won the battle but not significantly enough to dislodge the defenders. That left them exhausted and unable to engage again during the turn because of low cohesion. Low.......its almost non existant. Only 9 out of 76 and with power down to 4/24. Pity really as the power of the defending Militia is only 3. So I'll have to cut the rail and head for home. Sadly they have a long way to run. I may well lose the unit but I still contend it was worth the effort.


Moving on to Kentucky and Tennessee

Well here things are not progressing well at all. I reckon its going to take me the whole of 61 just to get myself sorted out in this theatre. At this rate I never shall get my Kentucky offensive going. Now the catalogue of errors was initially caused by my transports (with which I'd hoped to set up a depot at Bowling Green) running from the guns of Forts Henry and Donelson but not the way I wanted them to run. They decided to run up a proverbial creek without a paddle so to speak.......... towards Nashville where they have sat for a month as they had nowhere to go. In moving Wallace in Early August to assault Gallatin I had hoped that in taking the town it would provide me with a haven for the transports to dock and refit. What I'd not counted on though is Wallace doing nothing for 15 days other than sit outside Gallatin. So not only does Gallatin remain in Rebel hands but my transports have been captured. Darn you Banks......mutter mutter grumble grumble. :coeurs:

Anyway the upshot is that all of my troops in the Bowling Green region are struggling for supply. The line is just too long at present. I shall build a depot at Louisville but not this turn so I've got to pull back. Wallace has orders to retire to Bowling Green (I should be able to keep his division in supply). Little Mac has orders to move to Evansville on the Wabash and the unassigned brigades at Bowling Green are being rebilletted at Louisville for now. Most unsatisfactory but necessary particularly as the CSA seem to be building up in considerable strength at Nashville.

This picture provides more detailed information on the force sizes in the region. As you can see Floyd is gathering a sizable force around him and I cant do diddly squat about it.


Well I've produced a picture just for the heck of it but really there is no change. My adversary Polk continues to dig in at Columbus. On my side Mansfield remains inactive so likewise I have to stay put. How I really have missed Lyons. Am I the only one who reckons that having his and Prices appearance as a 'random event' in the GC is just a tad silly. It particularly hits the Union hard as he's one of the very few 61 commanders that you can rely on to do anything constructive. Ah well enough beefing I just have to get on with it.

Edit note I posted to this stage as I do get a wee bit paranoid that I'll lose the internet connection and a couple of hours work will go down the swannee.



Shields took Springfield. I'm ordering the burning of the depot then will retire his command to Lexington Missouri at the earliest opportunity. The destruction of the Springfield depot should put paid to any significant CSA threat to my lines in this vast region for a year at least.

The rebel general McCulloch moved and took Gibson but in the scale of things its hardly significant.

This final picture I throw in just to demonstrate the importance and value of troops gaining experience. Now I know when I started to play I was only really concerned with making sure that commands were maxed out and took little notice of what else was going on. Battles came and went and all I cared about was how many losses did I suffer in comparison to my enemy. As I got more into the game though I realised that experience was important. Just look at the three units. They all started off the same. One is still a base unit, the second has gained one star of experience from action the second two stars. Now the difference those stars make is significant to a units ability. I think the figures speak for themselves and makes the keeping of seasoned troops alive if you can very much a worthwhile aim.

As to the rest well on the economic front we are not raising any additional funds. Neither are we calling for any drafts.

We are investing in 30 more riverine transport

On the replacements front its one cavalry



2 River Transports


3 6lb Artillery batteries.

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Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:09 pm

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Late August 61 result and Early September orders[/size][/color]



Well what can I say other than an extremely successful turn for the most part. In the east the results exceeded my wildest expectations. I'd like to be able to write that it was all down to my brilliant strategy but in truth the fact that most of my eastern commanders turned out to be active was the key.....and for that to happen required an enormous slice of pure luck that and, if I'm honest, I did not really expect Banks to be drawn in as he was.

To fill you in. Nathaniel Banks, Milroys and Hamiltons commands all moved as I hoped and reached Arundel/Annapolis on day 1. We caught Johnston and Jackson cold as you can see from the battle result. The Rebs tried to withdraw but were unable. I'm not sure but I think it was because I'd moved Schurz and his cavalry to Carroll county which I think was the route the CSA force had advanced over. However it worked I certainly slammed the door shut to a line of retreat. Anyway the upshot was that there was a further minor battle on day 2. The loss of some 15,000 effectives at this stage of the game must put a serious dent in my opponents ability to mount any sort of serious offensive action against me in Virginia until the snow thaw in 62. Its whether I can follow up the victory in any meaningful way before winter sets in. I will certainly have to revise my plans for Virginia for 61 as my original idea now looks extremely conservative.

As well as the CSA losses I gained a total of 7 NM from these two victories.

I was right in anticipating that my adversary would cease the opportunity of my withdrawal from Alexandria to advance on it with Beauregard and Longstreet. The loss of the city and the troops was expected although I was disappointed that two infantry regiments were lost trying to retreat rather than standing and fighting (see the highlighted report element)

The remaining defenders were overwhelmed the following day, so a further two units were destroyed and one artillery battery captured. Losses that I expected to sustain though I could have hoped for slightly higher Rebel casualties. Fortunately though no NM losses.

So Virginia now looks like this.

There is Beauregards 11,000 at Alexandria. As I dont think that Magruder was involved in the assault on Alexandria I think the real number of CSA troops may be in excess of 15,000 but I'd doubt that there would be many more. Certainly it would be 20,000 tops I think :blink:

As you can see Morells detatchment made it to Harpers Ferry without incident. Sadly Bernard Bee elected to withdraw before my superior numbers. He is off my radar at present.

Given that in the east alone I have some 45,000 availables the odds must surely be 2-1 in my favour. Very encouraging and thats not taking any account what-so-ever of the 19,000 effectives I have amassed in West Virginia.

On the Penninsula I was again fortunate in that evidently Huger was inactive last turn so I was able to reinforce Ft Monroe with Hookers command. That should give my opponent a further headache. Not only will it be difficult for him to supply Huger but it should make it impossible for the present for the CSA to carry Ft Monroe and more importantly Banks will have to consider reinforcing to stave off the possibility of any advance by me in that region.

Turning our attention now to West Virginia

Blenkers command was successful with the forced march. There followed two days of fighting at the end of which Covington fell. A most pleasing result particularly as I also picked up a further NM point. Now all I have to do is hold the position.


Which brings me on to Kentucky/Tennessee

Well here things have most definately gone pear shaped. You may recall that last time I was saying that I'd have to pull back due to lack of supply. Well that part went OK but damn and blast it if this time around Kentucky has not done gone and seceded and joined the CSA. So loyalty for me in most of the State is a big fat zero which makes supplying troops even more difficult. I would not have minded had my troops have taken any action to precipitate the declaration but we did not. (Once again that fickle Kentucky event) So it looks as if I have to pull back from Bowling Green at least temporarily. I hate doing it but until I get supply sorted out I have little option. I have two river transports coming onstream in Early September at Louisville so I can start to construct a depot next time but all of that is in the future. To make matters worse Paducah turned and I lost the town. Not only that but one of the two riverine transports that I'd elected to build last time the computer decided to build at Paducah so thats been captured. Ah well I cant really deny Banks some decent news. :)

It does mean though that even this late in 61 I shall have to attempt to 'chastise' those miscreants in Kentucky and return them to the true path of righteousness and enlightenment. :thumbsup:

As a starter the 1st Mitchigan Brigade (uncommanded) at Ashland,OH has been ordered to assault Clarksburg KY. Sadly though Wallace with the 9th Division at Bowling Green has been instructed to retire.

US Grant should turn up soon. In more normal times I would have had him operating in this theatre but as I'm going to achieve very little in 61 I've almost decided (dependant upon my opponents next move or two) to transfer him Covington to take command of that contingent. Its where I reckon he can do the most good. That would leave Little Mac having to retake what ground he can.....Perversely I rather like the idea.


No change really other than Paducah having changed alliegance. I certainly cant see myself making any headway here in 61 so I dont intend to try. As you can see Banks has strengthened the defenses of Fts Henry and Donelson to the point where it would be very costly for me to attempt to take them.


In Missouri

Shields command obeyed orders and the Springfield Depot is no more. I can see that McCulloch has advanced slightly and that Watie and his pesky Indian raiders have appeared.

I intend to pull Shields back now. He's done his job. I dont think I face any serious threat in this far flung region for at least another year......who said brave words? :love: I shall keep a weather eye on things but hopefully will not have to commit further resources into the area in the foreseeable future.

Now that brings me onto plans for the forthcoming turn. Well apart from pulling further back in Kentucky/Tennesse (excluding a small assault in KY which I've already mentioned) all the proposed action is in the far east in Virginia.

Would you credit it....of course you would......Nathaniel Banks and Milroy have decided to go inactive. One move of activity was evidently more than enough for them. They have been ordered to saunter to Washington. Hamiltons divisions were not badly mauled in the battle at Annapolis and he is still active so I've ordered him to follow up the remaining Rebel force. I have little to no confidence that he will catch the survivors but at least they will be out of Union territory.

Morell remains active at Harpers and the attached division is vitually at full cohesion so his command has orders to assault Winchester then follow up and carry the Strasburg Depot. I've issued instructions for Schurz and his attached cavalry to move to Winchester (assuming Morell carries it and moves on) to stop it from reverting to confederate control.

In West Virginia (not shown) Hurlbut has orders to advance his division at Grafton to join Blenker at Covington.

I just realised I've forgotten to add the remaining bits and pieces.

Economy - Raising Finances nil

Drafts - Nil

Replacements - Nil



2 Supply Trains


1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Sharpshooter Brigade.

New York

5 x 12lb Artillery Batteries.

As regards NM well the Unions is now a much healthier 96 and the Confederates has reduced to 101

New commanders that arrived were Fitzjohn Porter who is being sent to join Little Mac. Thomas Meager also materialised along with the Irish Brigade who are being sent to join McDowell in Washington.

The Union Brigade has been formed and will join Woods at Baltimore this time. I have plans to send Woods' command to Ft Monroe if things continue to go well.

Thats about it.

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Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:24 pm

Congratulations on that huge victory!!! :hat:

That certainly changes things in the East. I doubt you'll have much trouble holding Covington also.
My name is Aaron.

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Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:11 pm

Well first off thankee Soloswolf for the kind remarks.

Now I've rethought my strategy for the Virginia theatre and my new objective is as follows.


So its hold Covington and Charlottesville by the End of December 61. Now that does mean when Grant arrives he's committed to the East. Providing I cover my right flank by anchoring on Covington as I advance towards Charlottesville I might be OK.... (depends of course what Banks pushes east from Tennessee)

Oh and bye the way if I see an opportunity to advance up the Penninsula, even in winter, I'll take it. I do love campaigning in winter when its least expected....its often the most productive time :)

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Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:30 am

Really enjoying this AAR - the first I've followed.

soundoff wrote:In truth my ability to hold the position at all is Banks' own fault. It was he, who some time ago, did a post saying that it was worthwhile purchasing just one militia unit at startup on the grounds that the Harpers Ferry contingent enters the game understrength yet because reinforcement takes place before movement sometimes it was possible to bolster the defence.

I'll have to thank Banks for that pearl of wisdon some time. I never thought of that! Certainly worth the miniscule investment even if only increases your odds slightly.

Congrats on the stunning and complete victory at Annapolis! I've not seen anything bigger than a division completely destroyed by Zone of Control before in any of my own games. Truly sobering, and instructive. And to think, all it took was a single cavalry division to trap them.
Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:28 pm

Firstly apologies for the delay....I think that Banks has been having 'puter problems. Mystery to me as are the workings of the internal combustion engine. Added to it we have a hopefully 'slight' problem with the last turn...something to do with some orders not being shown properly. I think both of us are keeping our fingers crossed that there are no more 'gremlins'

Anyway back to:

[SIZE="6"][color="red"]Late September 61 result and Early October Orders[/color][/size]

Well from the point of view of battles....none at all. Those pesky Rebels evaded me at every turn. Never mind. This turn I think a bit of a recap as well as an assessment is in order.

Now for a start I'm going to go back to front....its easier so please bear with me.



Here I have three divisions (not full but growing) holding what I consider to be key positions. There is Sumner at Lexington, Shields at Jefferson and Fremont at St Louis. All boring really but its as I would have it. Unless my opponent commits serious supplies to Arkansas and Missouri I think I can hold for all of 61 and much of 62 with what I have. As its not possible to win the war in this theatre I'm quite happy with the current situation. If I want to reinforce and move south in 62 I should be able to....otherwise its a nice backwater.


Kentucky and Tennessee

I seem to have made such a dogs dinner of it all in 61. OK in part I can put it down to Lyons not appearing but if I'm honest the major fault lies with my own poor judgements. Not computating my supply needs adequately enough was the real mistake....that and thinking that a 'couple' of transports were all I needed. No alternative backup....'no brainer'....and I do know better. Sad really but all credit to my opponent for strengthening what needed to be strengthened and not commiting himself to attack.

My summing up in these areas is that Little Mac is going to need all the defensive savvy he has to stave off a Confederate advance, particularly as Kentucky has sided with the CSA. At the outset of this game I had hoped of being able to carry Fts Henry and Donelson together with Nashville and if I was extremely lucky Island 10 in I shall count it as a godsend if I can take any of those positions in 62.

So as to the proposed action. Well Wallace is moving by river, as fast as his command will ferry him, back to Louisville. I have a feeling in my water given the way that Kentucky has turned that my opponent will be eyeing Louisville up as a potential target. At least I'll have a full division protecting it next time around. Little Mac will continue to sit where he's at. I've moved an Army Command to him from Washington this time but I've not created him an army commander. That I wont do until I've notified my opponent that I've made the HQ redeployment. With luck though Little Mac will lead the Army of Tennessee next time around. Then lets see what he can do in retaking Bowling Green before winter sets in.

Mansfield has orders to continue to hold at Cairo. I think I at least have another turn at the earliest before Banks considers an assault. One thing I want to start to point out though is that I do defend in depth. Note Halleck sitting at Salem. If Cairo is broken I have a fallback position....and it does hinder those deep Rebel raids.

In fortifying the correct positions at the right time....I applaud you Banksy.

Back now...and to Kentucky

No use in holding back now in this region. Sadly I've no commanders so its individual brigades on there ownsomes that have to do the work for me. Clarksville fell last turn and we are targetting Lexington and Prestonburg this time around.

In the same way though, at Cincinnati I'm marshalling another division....just in case Louisville is lost. Always have a second line of defense. To have a front line only is....IMHO....just plain crazy.


West Virginia

Here I am optimistic but cautious. Pride comes before a I hope not to get too overconfident. The CSA have repaired all of the railroads that I busted a couple of turns ago....So back go my federal cavalry to start the process all over again. Its vital that I keep the West-East link cut if I can. Now I'm at Covington in force perhaps it will be easier but I will not rest easy until I can bolster the 'commander' status of the forces. Thus Grant who appeared at Cairo this time around is scheduled to move to Covington as fast as the rails will carry him. Sadly that will be 30 days plus.....nevermind it will have to do.

And finally on to Virginia.

As I said last time the results in this theatre have exceeded my wildest expectations. So on to this turn and I think anyone following this poor thread deserves a further explanation or two of what I'm attempting to do. Anyway here goes.

As you will see from the picture I'm intending to advance across almost all of the Virginia front. I may well end up arse over apex but it may well put my previous moves at Annapolis into clearer perspective.

The CSA force under Beauregard at Alexandria is showing almost (what I consider to be) three full divisions. Thats at least 20,000 men. At Manassas Johnston has a couple of remanant divisions I reckon some 7000 stong. Now with what the Confederates lost at Annapolis last time I'd be much surprised if there was little more in reserve.

64,000 dollar question is....whats he likely to do with them? He could pull back to Fredricksburg. Its the logical move and its what I'd do....but then I would not have advanced on Annapolis last time. So I reckon Banks will hold for now. At least thats what I've told Mr Lincoln. He reluctantly authorised my left flanking move from Prince George to Fredricksburg. OK so its extremely risky...but I think even it if goes against me I can absorb the losses. If it comes off though it really does seriously compromise the CSA forward positions.

In order to minimise the risk the following is going to happen. Before I go further though to Major Tom a sincere 'well done sir'. :hat: I'd have you on my staff anytime. Such attention to detail. And working out my strategy. But darned if I like you posting in the forums a ZOC post that my adversary might read and learn from :coeurs: Keep the enemy in the mushrooms is my motto :thumbsup: .

Sorry to say you will need to flick between this picture and the one above to get the gist of what I'm attempting to do. In the picture below you will see Milroys command (which is to assault Fredricksburg) as it is at the start of turn and as it will be when I send it on its way. Note that at the start of turn it has a Balloon, Signal, Pioneer and Supply attached. All very worthwhile units and valuable....but not when I'm striking and not necessarily thinking I can hold any forward position I take.

If I leave the command as its constituted I only get 1 evasion point for the force. That means that if my call is wrong its very easily trapped as I'm moving through enemy controlled territory. Leave those special units behind though...and look at how my evasion level rises. Now its 7....much much better.

Still not good enough for me though so ....(going back to the picture before) I'm ordering the 2nd NY Veteran Empire Light Cav from Charles to Stafford and t he 3rd US Cav from Prince George to Stafford. Those two units should provide me with some MC of Stafford County should I need it.

Its the same senario further west in Virginia. I'm ordering Morells divison to try to cut the enemy via the Shennandoah valley. In a similar way though his supply wagon is ordered back to Harpers (just to give me extra evasion points) and in like fashion Shurz and his two cavalry regiments are ordered to secure the Valley so that if I need to retreat I have a way of doing so.

As you can see I'm also bring up further cavalry to Louden and Winchester just to keep the pot boiling

Its such a pressure move it may all go ape as it does rely on me second guessing what Banks is going to do (or not do) I was right once but I'll be mighty lucky if I call it correct a second time. Hopefully though, even if I dont, I give my forces a way out........and General Winter will soon be here.

I put the next picture in just to reinforce my dictum that you must defend in depth. Woods and a full division wait in reserve at Baltimore. He will stay there until I'm sure the front is secure.

In the Penninsula well what with Hooker reinforcing Ft Monroe obviously it forced my opponent to rethink his strategy and defend Norfolk better. So he moved Huger and part of the command. As you can see from the damage report the batteries of Ft Monroe made the move costly for him. Thats more hard pressed CSA forces tied up.

This turn I'm sending a cavalry force from Drummond to attempt to assault Williamsburg. If successful that will compromise his lines of supply...even if only for a move or two.

So to the remainder.

Drafts - Nil

Finances - Nil

Replacements - 1 Elite Infantry
2 Line Infantry
1 Light Artillery
2 Supply


New York

5 x 12lb Artillery Batteries


4 x 2 Infantry Brigades

Oh and I should have added but surprise, surprise suprise. Nathaniel Banks has become my most senior Union commander so in order that I can give control of the army of Tennessee to Little Mac next time he's been promoted to commander of the Army of the Potomac.

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:08 am

On revisiting my last post, which I always do I noticed that I've not really given any real idea of the strength of Woods command at Baltimore. Just so that you know it not ineffectual its as detailed below. ....... Defend in depth. :thumbsup:

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:52 am

First of all, let me say that your aar has been very informative and a fun read. Learning the importance of ZOC is priceless. Thank you very much for the time you are putting into this for our benefit.

However, I am a little confused that you are going out of your way to give Little Mac an army command. Mac is the worst general in the game. Banks is no superstar either, but he is still an improvement over Mac. I don't understand why you are giving command of the Army of the Potomac to Banks specifically to clear the way for Mac to take command of the Army of Tennessee. It seems more logical to me to give command of the Army of Tennessee to Banks and delay giving Mac an army command as long as possible. So when you have a chance I would like to know what was your logic behind the move.

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:28 am

Great stuff, soundoff.

Seeing your plan to put the squeeze on Banks in VA almost makes me feel sorry for him.

Very interesting to see you putting into practice what I've so far only theorized about -- going for a high evasion even when advancing with a large force. Needless to say, I can't wait to see how it turns out. Let's hope you don't even need that high evasion, but as they say, hope for the best but plan for the worst.

It's really fascinating to get such a deep look at the strategic thinking of two experienced players.
Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:48 pm

Hi ncuman,

Many thanks for the kind words and glad that you are enjoying Bank's and my AARs. Lets hope we can continue to keep you and any other readers entertained for a bit longer.

As to why I'm committed to promoting Little Mac. Well its like this. I'm a darned cussed sort of a fella, very long in the tooth and set in my ways. Now the more I've gotten into AACW the more evident it became that unless you make a complete dogs ear of things when playing the Union (as I did when playing Barksdale) you should hopefully be victorious. A bit like what happened in reality. Now thats no bad thing but I for one find little pleasure in making it easier than it should be. I know thats a sort of perverse logic but I hope you get my drift. So I try to limit my 'gamey' tactics and that means that Little Mac gets his historical promotion and I work with him. There is another obscure reason why I always give him his Army Command. I figure that he's a bit like my own countries Earl Haig in the first world war. By that I mean that I think his poor standing has as much to do with upsetting the 'politicians' as it does with poor ability. I think neither of them was as bad as history has made them out to be. So I kinda have a soft spot for Little Mac. As Grant said of him when asked to evaluate him after the conflict had ended 'McClellan is to me one of the mysteries of the war'.

As an aside Banks has processed the Early October 61 orders. When I've finished doing the pictures I'll do a post. Hopefully later today. :thumbsup:

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:26 pm

[color="red"][SIZE="6"]Early October 61 result and Late October Orders[/size][/color]

Well much like the curates egg.....good in parts bad in others but overall I have to be pretty pleased. I think at least Mr Lincoln is quietly surprised at the tenacity of his commanders. Maybe he wont sack more than a couple of them :thumbsup:



Well as you know I attempted to put the squeeze on Banks. In part its worked. Mind you he is such an experienced and powerful player that I have to be on top of my game ALL of the time, and thats hard to do.

Anyway to the first picture. Its a bit messy (and thats putting it charitably) but its the best I can do. :coeurs:

Hopefully its almost self explanatory but any how for those who are as mentally challenged as I am its like this. The dark blue line marks the extent of my push to date into Virginia. Much better than historically.....and yet I've still had to endure a -10NM hit...hiss boo grrrr. :D

The pink ovals show the only enemy positions I'm seeing. The yellow lines my proposed lines of advance. The green ovals, well in many respects thats the most important part of all. That shows that I have a depot in Grafton pushing supplies forward. Winchester (which I've captured) is a level 3 town/city so supplies will get pushed to and from that location. Other than those two centres though West Virginia I have diddly squat in the way of depots or cities to provide me with resupply. So whilst on the one hand I'm pushing hard and pushing well....on the other my Logistics are shot to high heaven at present. If I dont sort it out soon I'll be in dire straights. But to sort it out requires me to take stock and slow down for a turn or two....but that means giving up the initative. Hard choices but then thats AACW......I love it.

I've deliberately excluded Fredricksburg from the salient, even though it fell to me (how the citizens of Washington cheered at the news) because I cant hold it. I have not the slightest chance in hell. I dont even think I have 5 days grace in which to destroy the depot. More of that later though.

What it should do though is severely compromise my opponents position. Fredricksburg is a MUST retake for him (or it should be). Now I think he will have to let go of Alexandria and Manassas and fall back. But equally I expect him to launch a whirlwind attack against Fredricksburg. Anyway on to the next picture and what and why I'm proposing.

Well to begin with Fredricksburg fell to Milroys command. Sadly though all of the cavalry units I was attempting to move to Aquia to provide ZoC support failed in the attempt. I should have known it. It was the ZoC from the Alexandria fort that stopped them. Thus Milroys two divisions are now deep in enemy territory with the only way out for him (should he be forced to retreat) being the Aquia route. My MC of all other surrounding regions being at almost zero. Potential disaster as its via Aquia that the CSA will assault Fredricksburg. Its the most direct. It certainly wont be from Manassas.

So I cant afford for Milroy to be caught so its onto riverine transports and off he goes to James City on the Penninsula. Unfortunately it takes him two days to get onto the water. I have to keep fingers, toes and everything else crossed that he does not 'dilly dally on the way' and escapes. It does mean though that I cant afford the luxury of burning the Fredricksburg depot. Pity really but if I force Banks to retire from Alexandria then it will still be a highly successful outcome. If Milroy makes it another side effect which is positive is that I will begin to exert real pressure on the Penninsula.

Another poor side effect of the move was that Morell decided to while away a day or two smelling the roses in the Valley so failed to reach Culpepper, his intended target. There is little point (given my stretched supply lines) in continuing to send him forward. His revised orders are to move to Covington. Schurz and his two cavalry regiments have been ordered to assault Charlottesville, a risky venture but it keeps the pressure up.

I do need though to keep pushing (without compromising my position too much). So Nathaniel Banks with the Army of the Potomac is moving to Port Tobacco. McDowell's divisions are heading for Louden whilst Hamilton is hopefully swinging into Louden and then to Alexandria.

I'm deliberately sending Hamilton by the 'scenic' route for two reasons.
Firstly it slows him down and allows time for the CSA to get out of Alexandira. I have no wish to meet them in battle at that location as it would be a no win battle for me. Secondly if I call it wrongly and my opponent stays put at least Hamiltons force will not be caught crossing a river.

As you can see from these pictures whilst I have over 50,000 effectives the Rebel contingent at Alexandria is formidable. If you look closely as well you will note that both Milroy and Hamilton have gained sufficient experience to advance by 1 their defensive ratings. If I can keep them going like this who knows they may become very good commanders :w00t:

Now on to the Penninsula and its because of what happened here that I know I'm exerting real pressure. I managed to take Williamsburg as intended with a cavalry regiment. Now Banks was far far too good for me. Instead of staying put (as I thought he would) hes marched Bonhams command all the way back towards Richmond (its off my radar so the exact location is a mystery). In doing so he smashed my lone cavalry regiment and it is no more. The last post was sounded in Washington for its demise and many hung their heads in grief :love:

It does give me potentially one move to run up the Penninsula. So Hooker has been given assault orders as you can see. Now if Milroy extricates himself and his command from Fredricksburg and makes it to James City/Hampton I shall be one happy bunny.

In addition I still have a cavalry regiment on the water so to speak heading for Tappahannock.

Oh and before I leave the Virginia Theatre just to say that although I'm not showing it I've decided to apply Martial Law to the state. VP's at this time I can live without. Logistics are the key at present.

Sugar. I've just realised I have forgotten to include a picture for West Virginia. I'll have to cover that in a few minutes when this post is out of the way.

Edit Well here is that missing picture and commentary that I promised.

Now Blenker assaulted and carried Christiansburg. Unfortunately his command is now shot as regards cohesion so he has to rest up. If Morell is lucky he will reinforce Covington. If all goes well I shall have a powerful 3 divisions in the region come early November....and US Grant coming to take command now that cant be bad. Supply though is a real potential headache. I'm pushing supply wagons forward as fast as I can but its a slow process as they have to be escorted.

You see the black ringed artillery. Well that was mine. Am I dumb or what. I should know better but I advanced them to Covington without escort. Banks caught them. How could I ever expect that someone of his calibre would not cover the obvious. So I'm down a couple of batteries. On the one hand its not really many conscript points lost and I can afford the money and the weapon supply. Still it gives him another 12x 12lbers free of charge. Repeat after me one hundred times.... :mdr:

Now though with Blenker and a full division sitting right astride the Confederate main West to East highway what is Banks going to do about that?



Well I managed to take both Prestonburg and Lexington without too much trouble. I have Wallace with 7,000 sitting tight at Louisville. My depot there comes on stream in Late October. I'm moving a couple of uncommanded Brigades to Cincinnatti to protect that city.

And I've imposed martial law on the state. Now the next step is to retake Bowling Green but thats another kettle of fish.


Well here Banks has really trussed me up good and proper. I see no way of advancing without incurring huge losses in 61 and I'm not prepared to sacrifice troops needlessly or at least without seeing the opportunity for some gain.

Polk still digs in at Columbus. Bragg must have at least 10,000 with him at Fts Henry and Donelson so for the time being thats one impregnable position. I can't see whats at Nashville but if I were to guess it would be Johnstone with a couple of divisions. And I'm relatively sure that Island 10 is strongly fortified. Thats one of the advantages of playing a very good opponent. You do know they will cover the obvious.

I have Mansfield with a single Division at Cairo and Little Mac sits in Evansville with a further two but its nowhere near enough. I think in this theatre I'm at least equalled if not outnumbered. Ah well its sit tight, if my adversary allows me to.

By the way, please note that Little Mac commands the Army of Tennessee. I told my opponent that I was deploying the Army HQ unit to him last time around. So Banks is aware that it was going to happen. :thumbsup:



Well Watie is on the rampage. Its an irritant but I will not be drawn. He can huff and puff in my rear as much as he likes he wont do any serious damage. My forward Divisions in Missouri will remain in situ and leave him too it. Eventually his troops will run out of steam......its all that whooping and a wailing that does it every time :)

Finally we come to the mundane.

NM stands at 96 for me and 100 for the CSA

Drafts - None

Financial - None

Economy - Investing in 30 rail and 15 river transports.

Replacements - None



2 x 2 Infantry Brigades
2 x 2 Infantry and 1 6lb Artillery Brigades
2 Ironclads

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:45 pm

Great write-up, soundoff.

Technical question ... is there any way you tell tell whether supplies from Grafton are actually reaching Covington? It's only three regions away, but that's three regions over mountains, though there are some roads and tracks. I'm not clear on how far supplies can move through rough terrain. I'm wondering if there's a way you can tell whether supplies are reaching far enough.

Now...Off to read Banks' account!
Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:37 pm

Hi Major Tom,

Very pleasing to see you are still 'dropping in' on my humble offering. Must say I'm very impressed with the depth of your ZoC analysis. :thumbsup:

As to your question it basically goes as follows. The maximum distance you can push or pull supplies overland (depots push them, supply wagons pull them) is 5 regions but to reach that limit requires you to have a good rail network in each of the 5 regions. If the rail network is poor or non existant as it is between Grafton and Covington then the maximum distance supplies can be pushed or pulled reduces to 3

But therein also lies the rub for the limit is modified down by terrain and weather. Given that its mostly mountain and forests between Grafton and Covington then its at least 1 region too far even in perfect conditions and in poor weather you will be lucky to get supply pushed one mountainous region from Grafton. So I know supplies are not being received and if I required further proof all I have to do is look my stock levels reducing. :(

Also bear in mind that if you dont have a minimum of 25%MC of a region supply cant get through.

So yep I need a depot at Covington and an intermediate one as well if I can afford the resources. :)

I also suggest you search the forum for supply threads. There are some excellent ones out there that explain it much better than I have. You will also discover that if you have decent spare rail or river transport capacity the distance you can push supplies goes up to a maximum of 15 regions.

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Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:15 am

Soundoff -

Good explanation, and I'm pretty clear on how supply works in the abstract plus some detail that's in the manual on in the forum. I just wish there was more info on movement costs for supply. We know that supplies can move from 1-5 regions in each of three "push" phases. The maximum of 5 is for rail (I assume river is also fast but not quite as fast). For normal transport the distance depends on terrain and weather. But how much of an impact do terrain and weather have? And is 1 region per phase the minimum, as implied by the manual? That doesn't seem right, because in bad weather and rough terrain, a regular unit isn't going to be able to move three regions in a turn, so abstracted supply wagons shouldn't either. But if the manual is correct, then you actually should be able to push supplies from Grafton to Covington since it's only 3 regions away. And what about roads? Any effect?

I wish there was a filter that would show supply links between the various pushers and pullers of supply, maybe as colored lines representing the distance in 1,2 or 3 "push" phases. That would be an incredible aid in managing supply.
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Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:27 am

Great AAR...feels like I'm learnin' AACW all over again :thumbsup:

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