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John Sedgwick
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Tue May 24, 2011 7:33 pm

Thanks Ol' Choctaw.

As for Missouri, nothing of note happened after the first year. I held on to Springfield and conducted some minor raids, and that's about it.

Regarding the sea raiders, yes, it is lucky he didn't send them all to one place, but his raids failed to produce the desired effect of forcing me to garrison my coastal cities - quite the opposite, in fact. I was always expecting an amphibious invasion which never came, I guessed he would try an invasion in NC, and after reading his AAR it looks like I was right, although I thought he would return at Wilmington rather than Norfolk. But once Grant went west to help Thomas and Keyes in Kentucky, I correctly assumed all amphib operations would be cancelled.

Thanks again.
"I'm ashamed of you, dodging that way. They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."ImageImage

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