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Late June, 1862

Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:25 pm

The White House

I've called for volunteers with a 3k bounty. Issued 8% bonds, raised exceptional taxes, and printed more money! :wacko:


To my surprise, Jackson's corps attacked Manassas! It's a good thing the attack was not coordinated with the rest of the army as he put up a good fight just on his own :cool:

Sykes division will return from the valley and report to HQ. I just can't waste time waiting for him to activate. Valley will have to wait...


I thought Jackson's attack would come in this sector, however, I'm glad he attacked farther north. I can't really take the offensive here and besides I'd rather wait for the reinforcements just ordered this turn. Maybe I'll get lucky and MrT will do some more attacking! :neener:


The army is beginning it's advance on Bowling Green. Unfortunately, a few turns ago I had river transports on the way to construct a depot at Henderson, kY, however they were sunk! I'll repair the rail lines as I move south and build a depot later. I think there is ample supplies for a few months anyway...

Grant HQ

Grant continues to encircle the fort....I hope it falls soon this is really slowing down the offensive on the Mississippi...

Lyon HQ

Reinforcements are only a day away! As soon as they arrive operations can once again begin!

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."
-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late June, 1862

Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:26 pm

A few more shots :

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early July, 1862

Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:52 pm

Grr for some reason the 4 bde's I ordered in KY did not show up, however, I still believe the game took resources for them. :bonk: Anyway...


AoJ scouts report Jackson at New Kent with Johnsons corps. I believe that he will attack me there. So, I will try and steal the show with an attack on Fredericksburg...again!

I'm hoping Longstreet will not MTSG. I'm going to throw 8 divisions at Lee's 2, hoever counting Longstreets 3, thats 8 vs 5. I do believe I have a definate advantage in artillery so maybe that will balance thigns a bit...

A reserve corps of 3 divisions in training will hold Alexandria.


Looks like Jackson and Johnson are preparing for an attack. I'm nicely entrenched in wooded terrain with 4 divisions and 4 batteries of artillery. I think they can hold, however, just to be sure Butler with a reserve division will go forward to James City in order to be in supporting distance. If these guys can hold their own against Jackson hopefully the rebels will be in no position to retaliate once McClellan takes Fredericksburg! :wacko:


Still moving along the rails! I'm counting only 3 or 4 rebel divisions against Banks' 9 so a direct attack looks promising as soon as I can get just a little closer!

Lyon HQ

Hardee has crossed the Arkansas river just as Sigels division arrived in Arkansas! I don't know if I could have asked for any better move. Lyon is ordered southeast to take the harbour at Ozark. From here there is a direct route into central Arkansas and Little Rock! Beauty!!! :w00t:

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early July, 1862

Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:57 pm


"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late July, 1862

Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:51 am


The attack at Fredericksburg was a complete disaster. Longstreet was able to move in support of Lee and slaughter 17.000 of my boys. The army will retreat retreat to Alexandria to refit while Hamilton's reserve corps moves forward to Manassas.


Thank goodness Hooker and Thomas have excellent positions from which to defend here. If they didn't hold Jackson's forces could have moved north and smashed the AoP while recovering from the fiasco at Fredericksburg.

There are now 4 divisions up front and Butler has the reserve division just to the east at James city. A major problem here is that my fleet is quickly running low on supplies. I tried sending a replacement fleet to keep up the Richmond blockade, however, that damned fort at Norfolk reduced many of the ships to half strength.

If they navy is forced to withdraw, the army too wil have to withdraw towards fortress monroe. I'm pretty sure I've satisfied the threaten Richmond event so I don't mind so much as long as McClellan gets his act together farther north.


The army is concentrated at Hard, KY with an advanced corps at Barren, KY. Scouts from the advanced forces indicate only 3 rebel divisions holding the area around Bowling Green! With 9 full strength divisions I should ahve a field day so it's all out attack!

Buell's corps will cross the border into northern TN and hit Johnson from the east. The rest of the army will attack straight away from the north. Both routes eta is 10 days!

I haven't yet completely repaired the rail line, nor do I have any extra units to keep it safe, so I will have to cut loose from my supply line for at least one month. All corps have ample supplies for at least a month and a half so I think I should be okay.

Grant HQ

Grant continues to seige and has FINALLY made a breach! There is some heavy artillery across the river with Western command, however, I don't want to risk sending them across in case they get toasted on the way. I'll need them for the drive for Memphis.

Lyon HQ

Well Lyon made it to the harbour at Ozark, however it's just my luck, he's inactive! I'm not going to let this spoil the campaign so he has orders to commandeer some riverboats and hightail it to Little Rock. Given that there are two rebel divisions in northwest Arkansas I can't imagine there is anything more than a bde at Little Rock. Even inactive Lyon should be able to take them out.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late July, 1862

Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:55 am

Some more screens :

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early August, 1862

Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:30 am


Not much to do in Northern Virginia. The army is partially recovered, however, an entire corps still needs serious refitting. I do want to grab those VPs in the valley once again AND I want to trap JEB who is raiding deep into Pennsylvania with an entire division. So, divisions under Sedgewick and Couch are being railed to the valley.


Jackson just won't give up. He attack again and was repulsed. Hooker will take a division and withdraw to the fort, while the reserve division joins Thomas' corps.
I need to get the Navy out of here to repair ships, however, I don't want to withdraw them until the rebels have withdraw a bit.


The 9 divisions in the Army of the Ohio smashed Johnson's army of Tennessee and took Bowling Green. I am really tempted to advance and try to score antoher victory, however, I think I should be prudent and wait for the depot to finsish at Henderson KY. Porter's division will head along the river to serve as a garrison leaving the army with 8 divisions which I'll organize into two corps of four each..

Grant HQ

Well island no. 10 is FINALLY totally breached. The garrison's power is down to around 200 so I'll assault and try to get a nice promotion for Grant! I thought about sending Sherman to try and take out Memphis, however, I don't have any reconnaisance units in the area and there may well be a fresh divisions waiting for me.

As such, a fleet under Porter willmove down river and attempt to shake out the rebel fleet as well as to blockade Memphis. I also want to get ships down there to stop and reinforcements moving along the river from reinforcing Hardee and Price in Arkansas or relieving Little Rock.

Lyon HQ

Lyon is active, however, his cohesion is still quite low so I'll wait to assault for antoher turn as the defenders strength is decent. Once Porters fleet runs past Memphis full strength I'll send some gunboats to blockade the city and prevent supplies and reinforcements from using the river!

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early August, 1862

Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:32 am

Some more screens:

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"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late August, 1862

Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:52 am

Well I just spent 10 minutes typing up a description of this turn! However, IE crashed on me and I don't feel like typing it all again as I have much to do, fleet to southern Ontario early tomorrow morning :cool: Here's the screens though:

Also I ordered 7 various artillery batteries...

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early September, 1862

Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:10 am


Well finally looks like JEB is moving back south. Couch's division will attack directly while Hunter's division moves to Clarke to try and cut him off.


I just can't beleive how much Jackson is trying to dislodge Thomas from his position at Williamsburg. All I wanted to do was keep a few divisions from Northern division and satisfy the threaten Richmond event. There are at least 7 rebel divisions being occupied by my 5 on the peninsula. Too bad McClellan can't dislodge Lee :bonk:


Well the army of TN has been found at Nashville. My supply wagons are still filling up so I just pray that the weather will give me another two months to capture the capital.

Grant HQ

Polk's corps has also now moved south so Grant is ordered to occupy Columbus while Pope moves to Paducah. General Porter with a fresh batch of ships will try and dislodge the rebel fleet.

Lyon HQ

Lyon will assault Little Rock. A fresh division is on its way to Arkansas to jjoin up with Sigels divisions and McCooks cavalry. The objective will be to destroy Hardee and Price as well as seize Ft. Smith.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late September, 1862

Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:38 am


At the moment, from what I can see anyway, there are 7 rebel divisions securely entrenched in mutually supporting positions. 4 at Culpepper under Longstreet and another 3 at Spotsylvania under Lee :bonk:

So far frontal attacks have just caused me heavy casualties so the army will remain in position and wait for the arrival of 2 fresh corps! :wacko: I'm hoping everything will be ready before the frost hits but it's getting very late in the season major operations may need to wait until the spring :blink:


I was expecting more rebel attacks to drive Thomas back to fortress Monroe. Unfortunatel I think MrT has seen the results of attacking a heavily entrench opponent.

As much as I hate to do this my Navy needs a serious refitting so a portion will retire to the fort in order to pick up a reserve division for operations elsewhere. The bigger portion under Farragut will retire to Washington to refit. I am thinking about opening another front before the new year so the forces for the operation will come from the VA theatre...


This was probably the biggest surprise of the turn. Van Dorn ran his division smack into the 8 divisions of the AoO! I imagine it was just a mistake due to lack of experience. Indeed, I asked MrT if he had manually plotted the move and specifically, if he had targetted my vedettes in Sumner, TN. He did and so when they retreated to Bowling Green to avoid Van Dorns troopers, they were followed and hence the great Union victory!

The army will remain at Bowling Greene as my supply line is still a little shaky. The harbour at Henderson is fully operational, however, for some reason supplies are not flowing in quantity down to the Green to Bowling Green. So, thanks to the new rules on depots, I've decided to build another one in the city.

Since operations here are ground to a half because of supplies 6.5 divisions seems mroe than enough to hold this part of KY. As such, Buell will send 2 divisions, General Curtis' and General Richardson's, over to Paducah.

Grant HQ

The two divisions being sent over from the AoO will replace Grant's forces who are ordered to Memphis!

McCalls division is ordered to secure the harbour at Edmund, AR by day 5, since there is only 1 bde there now. General Grant's command will ferry down river and disembark at Edmund. Once they are landed they will cross the river directly and assault Memphis this way.

I would do an amphivbious assault, however, I just want to be sure they aren't totally wiped out should opposition turn out to be greater than my current reconnaisance suggests. There looks to about only 1 small bde there now!

Lyon HQ

The campaign for Little Rock is just taking waaay too long. That one turn of deactivation has really pushed things back. So, will attempt to board ships and storm Madison, AR, with the hope of saving the depot there. Further, this will add another division within 2 days, by rail, of Grant at Memphis should he need reinforcemnts next turn.


General Davis' division is ordered to join McCook and Sigel at Fayetteville. Oh and General McCulloch has turned up in California! Not too much to worry about I don't think...

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late September, 1862

Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:06 pm

Couple more screens:

Oh and just noticed that I forgot to recruit those SS out of new england :bonk:

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early October, 1862

Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:34 pm

The White House

Last turn I forgot to mention that I issued the emancipation proclamation and did a full mobilization. I did want to wait until the end of the year, however, I noticed that MrT had done the mobilization.


Orders are to sit tight and gather reinforcements. Looks like I can get an additional 6 divisions in the coming turns!


Jackson sits to the west with an estimated 4 divisions. The withdrawal of the navy was successful, however, I really don't like giving MrT all those extra resources in Richmond. I'll need to again blockade as soon as the navy becomes available again :neener:


My supply line is nearly secure! I just hope the weather will hold up for me! So I can take some of the pressure expecting to build up on Grant's forces holding Memphis.

Grant HQ

I just can't believe that I was able to take Memphis so easily. The rebel army is spread out all over the place and really doesn't pose a threat. Depending on the situation I am considering sending a division to sack the depot at Corinth, however, I need to see what MrT's response to the mvoe will be.

A reserve division along with several batteries of artillery are making their way to Grant's command as well. The taking of Memphis has also earned him a 3rd star so things should get very veyr nice in this theatre as soon as his HQ is ready!

Lyon HQ

Lyon never made it into eastern Arkansas. He was engaged by none other than a division under General Forrest!!! I just can't believe the resources that the rebels are putting into this area as we have just about equal forces in teh region.

In any case General Lyon is ordered by ship west to Ft. Smith General Hardee's 2 divisions are still in north of the Arkansas. Further, I do fear that he may strike north so I'm sending Davis' division to Springfield to protect my supply line. Hopefully he can travel south again once the situation has dissipated a bit.

Sorry for the lack of screens, however, I'm heading to New York for the day for some shopping! :coeurs:


I can't remember atm exactly what I ordered, however, I think several bde's of infantry in IL\MO\IA, SS in the east, and lots and lots of artillery all over :thumbsup:

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late October, 1862

Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:57 am

The White House

I've printed more money!


All is quiet. No orders other than to sit tight and guard the approach to Washingotn!


Quiet in the peninsula as well. Or so it seems. General Jackson's corps has disappeared from New Kent, VA, leaving only Johnson's corps with 3 divisions. First priority will be to find his forces. At the moment I have absolutely no scouts or vedettes to move as I don't want to weaken any commands as Jackson may be massing for another offensive.


My supply line is now secure and to top it all off it looks like Floyds command inside Forts Henry and Donelson has swelled to over 400 pwr. There may be an entire division in there! This is definately my que to move so the army is ordered to begin seiging the forts!

Curtis' division will ferry over from Paducah and take up garrison duty in Bowling Greene while a second division under Porter joints him from the harbour at Henderson.

Grant HQ

Not much going on here at the moment. I'm just trying to force JJ's army of Mississippi to retreat. As such, scouts are ordered Madison, Hardeman, and McNairy in order to gather information and disrupt the rail lines.

Lyon HQ

Genearl McCoook will make his way south and try to cut off Hardee from reaching Ft Smith. This will give me about equal forces with the rebels hsould there be an engagement!


I've ordered 17 batteries of artillery, 5 bde's of infantry, and 2 regiments of SS. Sorry I don't feel like clipping much right now :neener:

Oh and JEB's division has turned up in Grafton, WV along with a bde of infantry.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early November, 1862

Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:24 am


The army will move 3 corps into position at Stafford. During the resolution an entire enemy division came out of it's entrenchments and drove off a cavalry detachment keeping an eye across the river. I must know Lee's strength at all times so the entire army can accompish this.


Still trying to discover where Jackson's corps is so vedettes are ordered out as far as Culpepper to try and find his forces. Further, Thomas' corps will Hanover and put 3 veteran divisions directly beside Richmond itself.

To support the drive north, Hooker's corps and Butler's HQ will advance down the peninsula and take over Thomas' entrenchments. Two fresh divisions will arrive from Washington.


Light engagement arriving at the fort, however, the cowardly rebels retreated after taking light losses! Unfortunately, the force inside the forts has dwindled to a under 50 again :bonk: however still an important strategic location to hold for further drives south. Just need to wait for an active general and the forts are mine!

Grant HQ

Grant's command continues to hold Memphis, however, my scouts were unable to penetrate the rebel screen building between Memphis and JJ's HQ's farther north. Grr looks like MrT will need to be pushed a little more here. Unfortunately I don't have any free forces until forts H & D fall :wacko:

Lyon HQ

Good move here by MrT he has moved his entire river fleet to block passage of reinforcements to Ft. Smith. I still have boats in the river so I moved them off passive and will try to cross again, however, I have a feeling MrT will succeed in driving them off before Davis' division is able to complete it's crossing. It always seems whenever I want to engage his fleet they avoid but when he wants to engage mine actions always happens :bonk: I'll need to remove the fleet next turn anyway for repairs and to ensure they don't die in the ice...

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early November,1862

Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:25 am

Some battle shots :

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late November, 1862

Sat Aug 29, 2009 2:57 am


Very strange I am not seeing Jackson's corps anywhere! I expected him to be at Abermarle, he's not! :bonk: Several divisions of reinforcements are now fully trained and so the army is ordered to give Lee's forces a little probing attack just to use up some of their strength and supplies. There always a hope that MrT will try to pull forces away from here for a strike at Thomas too!


The arrival of two fresh divisions gives the army a little more mobility. Thomas' corps will remain at Hanover while Butler with two divisions will hold Williamsburg. The main move will be made General Hooker's corps with two of the best divisions in the army.

He will deliver a probing attack at Petersburg and try to sever the main artery transporting supplies into northern VA. There's always a chance taht Jackson could be lurking around this area, however, I would have expected him to be farther north with the rest of the army. What's more MrT's cavalry is off raiding WV! This makes my vedettes assignments of disrupting rails that much easier while having absolutely no effect on my supplies!

Hooker's move will be supported by 3 new divisions arriving by ship under the command of George Meade! He brings with him 8 batteries of artillery and a seige train for distribution to the AoJ. He will join Hooker south of Richmond.


Finally an active general! The army will assault the forts henry and donelson. New divisions are beginning to arrive at Bowling Green and so General Curtis will move to the army from there bringing with him two fresh divisions!

Grant HQ

A reserve division and a battery of artillery will join the army around Memphis as General Forney has appeared to the east with 3 divisions. It doesn't seem like the seizing of Memphis had my desired effect of forcing JJ's army of Mississippi to retreat :bonk: I will need to wait for new divisions forming in MO and IL.

Lyon HQ

Well as expected Davis' division crossing of the river was contested by rebel gunboats. His new assignment will be at Ozark where a depot will be constructed as soon as possible in order to support the seige. General Forrest has appeared to the east with his division making this 3 rebel divisions in the area!

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late November, 1862

Sat Aug 29, 2009 2:59 am

Few more screens:

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early December, 1862

Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:53 am


Once again, the attack on Fredericksburg was not successful. The army is not beat up to bad, however, and a new corps, under General Howard, is available as a reserve. As such, I've ordered a new coordinated attack if only to pin AoNV in place for now. Seems MrT is determined to yield no ground. :thumbsup:


The army will effect a concentration of two corps at Henrico, VA just south of Richmond. General Hooker's corps and General Meade's corps total 6 divisions and 8 batteries of artillery. General Thomas' corps will be reinforced by a reserve division and will give him 4 strong divisions with 3 batteries of artillery.


The forts h & d fell and the army has received two new divisions bringing the total to 8! Orders are to move Humphrey's TN, to drive off Holmes corps consisting of only 1 division, as well as to test the rebel strength sitting in Nashville, provided they MTSG.

Grant HQ

Yikes. Very nearly averted disasted here. I was wondering where Jackson's corps was and he smashed half of Grants army. Two entire divisions are just toast and will need serious refitting. I don't think it should have been so bad, however, my stacks aren't joining to one another for some reason. I had ordered Williams division to join Grant's army, however, he arrived and engaged Jackson by himself causing the retreat of all the forces in the region (Grant was on hold at all costs) Annoying bug but oh well. MrT can have Memphis as this will give me time to mass for a major push into Mississippi. Further, I've found Jackson and he is at least a turn away from Richmond :neener:

Lyon HQ

The seige of Ft. Smith continues. MrT is still funneling forces into the city which is fine as tehy will consume more food! A new division is making its way south Fayetteville and Davis division has begun construction of a depot at Ozark to supply Lyon's army. The rebels defenders do actually outnumber Lyon but oh well I will have the defensive with veteran troops should he decide to attack.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early December, 1862

Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:56 am

More screens :

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"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:26 am

Yikes. Your last battle at Fredericksburg had about the same number of casualties in about the same distribution as the real-life battle of Fredericksburg. And that one led Burnside to resign!

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:16 pm

enf91 wrote:Yikes. Your last battle at Fredericksburg had about the same number of casualties in about the same distribution as the real-life battle of Fredericksburg. And that one led Burnside to resign!

Tell me about it! This is one of the major limitations of this civil war game. McClellan has lost so many battles and yet he STILL has seniority of 2 and there is just a massive NM penalty for removing him. He will need to stay for now :bonk:
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late December, 1862

Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:12 am

The White House

I've ordered a coloured mobilization as well as called for volunteers with a 3k bounty. I've raised exceptional taxes and issued 8% bonds.


The army never made it to Fredericksburg, however, they should reach there during this resolution. Works out fine as it will support the attack on Richmond.


The army is nearly concentrated and will try to force a seige at Richmond. I almost called off this attack due to lots of mud, however, I think I'll try it anyway. I'm hoping Johnsons corps will move inside Richmond rather than remain outside, as I imagine the army will be quite low on cohesion by the time they reach the city.


The army is just trying to maneuver in order to cut off some supplies reaching Nashville. I need to keep up the pressure here so that more reinforcements cannot be sent to Virginia.

Grant HQ

Grant's army is just shot to pieces. They will refit at Jacksonport, AR and await further developments.

Lyon HQ

Still seiging...

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early January, 1863

Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:25 am


Retreat!!! All the attacks were miserable failures. General Thomas' corps didn't even make it for the action at Richmond. Hooker and Meade's corps will retreat by rail to the harbour at Prince George, VA. Thomas' corps will retreat to Tappahanock and await naval transport.


Just cutting the rails occupying one of the two rail routes into Nashville.

Lyon HQ

The army is pretty bad shape. General Forrest tried to break the seige and was defeated, however, I am losing men quickly at this pace and am unable to bring in replacements effectivly here.


Two 20pdrs in IL, four 20pdrs in New England, a naval engineer, and two army HQ.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late January, 1863

Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:47 am

The White House

Printed money!


Lots of cavalry and horse artillery, another army HQ, one of them PA SS bdes.


So the winter operation for Richmond was total failure. With Jackson back on the scene I don't think I have a chance of taking the city in the near future, so, I'm going to to stop going right for the jugular and start taking out some limbs. First up, Norfolk.

MrT has at least a division in there and that fort Bory is getting bloody annoying. It will give better control of the James as weill as give him somethign more to think about.


Not sure what MrT is up to but I'll take the risk. The army of Tennesse has evacuted the Nashville region leaving only 1 division outside, and 1 inside the fort. I'll move into the region with the whole army and start a seige. I'm thinking that he may be planning something through cumberland gap so I'm going to send some reserve divisions to that area as soon as they ready.

Lyon HQ

Well what a bloody mess. The battle reports indicate that I won. Lyon was on hold at all costs, yet he retreated to the harbour at Ozark. Since Davis' division was targetted on Lyon's division he followed him. Oh well now the divisions can have a good refitting in preparation for the spring offensive.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:01 am

Also sorry for the very brief updates. I was actually on a trip to western New York and southern Ontario. Now I am back in Ottawa and the posts will be better! :D
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Early February, 1863

Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:47 pm

The White House

Printed money!


The has arrived safely around Suffolk and Norfolk! General Meade's corps is commencing seige operations against Norfolk itseld, while Thomas' and Hooker's corps are secuing the harbour at Suffolk. I had wanted to repair the rail lines when I sent the turn in to MrT, however, it looks as though I forgot to click the special order :bonk:

It's now just a waiting game. I would assault immediately as I have vastly superior forces, hwoever, cohesion is just terrible and there are two enemy corps within striking distane of Suffolk and I'll need all my strength to repell the attack should MrT choose to do it.

Raiders to scout continue to attempt to disrupt supplies and reinforcements going north to Lee;s army.

Also, it appears as though MrT has teleported JEB away from his starving command in WV :cool: I like the teleport order as it models Generals moving very quickly to new commands when they are within your own lines. Next time I play I will need to remember to come up with a houserule forbidding this move. It's one of the reasons why I totally ignored the raid as I knew they most likely would not make it out, and I didn't mind having the rebel cavalry far out of the area of operations as it made my raiders job that much easier. At least the big rebel cavalry bde's are out of the game as far as I know!


General Holme's rebel corps retreated out of the Nashville area without fight most likely sealing the fate of Pemberton's command periously trapped inside the city. Once again it's just a waiting game as I don't want to take too many casualties assaulting so I'll wait a bit until the walls are breached a bit.

One move by MrT, which is merely a thorn in the side, is his taking of Forts H & D and Paducah by small commands. His forces are all spread out and so I don't believe these moves are permanant or in the least bit threatening. Curtis' corps will take back the forts with 4 divisions leaving the rest of the army to begin the seige at Nashville.

Grant HQ

Grant's command has very nearly trapped Cleburne's lone division in Arkansas. He managed to avoid combat an amazing 3 times! I'll try once more to destroy the command by spreading out a bit. General Grant will mvoe south to Helena to reclaim the rebel ironclad captured as it was under construction while the rest of the army moves east.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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AGEod Grognard
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Late February, 1863

Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:11 pm

The White House

Printed money...

There's really not much to say about this turn. Taking my own advice I am now ' going slow' and aiming to steadily cut off the rebel ability to make war. Once the seiges of Norfolk and Nashville are concluded I can once again begin a new campaign for Richmond and the heart of MrT's war effort. Oh yes, over in Arkansas, Cleburne's division again managed to evade combat...oh well his time will come.

The only big order of the turn is just diversionary, Hancocks new division is ordered to Fort Morgan, NC to gain some experience ( and maybe a promotion!:thumbsup :) for his troops as well as to cause some distraction to MrT for the upcoming campaign.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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AGEod Grognard
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Early March, 1863

Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:26 pm

Once again not much happening. A few minor things to point out:

Hancock HQ

Hancock will assault Ft. Morgan.

Grant HQ

Grant's army is concentrated across the river west of Memphis. There 3 rebel divisions outside the city, one of them being Cleburne's command which is extremely weak, I'm guessing very low on cohesion.

Now I've noticed that there is a rebel bde being formed north of the city at Covington, so the army will cross adn attempt to take it out! :neener: I find it highly unlikely MrT will move enough forces to the area as his defence is extremely static and any defenders should be easily taken out by Grant's 2700 pwr. Hopefully this will mean promotions for Sherman and Sheridan as well as reserve divisions are awaiting skilled corps commanders like tehse guys! I'll need them for the push on Corinth and Memphis once the ground becomes traversable.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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AGEod Grognard
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Late March, 1863

Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:45 pm


Finally an active General! I've opted to move in with the whole army as I'd like their supply trains to be stocked right away when the city falls. Further, I fear that Jackson and the other corps may move in support of Bory's troops. I was tempted to leave the two corps at Suffolk for this very reason, however, I'd like Hooker to gain some seniority so I can get rid of McClellan who is just useless at this point. Besides I find it highly unlikely MrT will decide to attack Suffolk he must know that even 1 division is enough to take the troops inside the fort.

I'm unsure why there are these so called 'historical events' to move him into command when there are no others to take command away from him when he does nothing. :bonk: Not only that he still ahs seniority of 2, despite losing many batles and thousands of troops, which makes it impossible to remove him without a 17NM penalty hit :bonk: Maybe Hooker can gain enough seniority ehre to push McDouchbag out of the top soldier position.


Finally an active General here too! Assault orders are given. There are only 3 or 4 rebel divisions to the south and no threat to the army or their opeartions.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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