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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:39 pm
by Coldsteel
2 years later. . . . .sure am interested on how this finished. . .although I doubt it would still be remembered by this point. Too bad. . . . . .

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:02 pm
by Spharv2
Unfortunately, I lost a lot of stuff in the "Great Winter Virus Attack of '09" including this save. I had advanced a bit beyond this point though. Let's see if I can remember the highlights.

In the Eastern theater, Beauregard, having been reinforced, began his offensive and after the longest series of battles I can recall, (7 days if I remember correctly) pushed the Yankees back, once they started retreating, I was able to keep on their heels and reclaim all of northern Virginia. Could not push any further though due to the condition of my army, so I holed up and this time, remembered to leave a mobile force to defend the coasts. :) The Union did push a powerful force into the valley and was threatening to flank my main army when things went down I believe. They had sufficient force in DC to prevent me moving that direction. I could have tried splitting them and moving into MD, but I had quite enough of having Union armies between my main force and the capitol at this point.

In MO, McCulloch Pushed up north with some reinforcements from Arkansas and recaptured Jefferson City. I left a brigade there, then went to recapture Rolla. Grant moved out of St. Louis with a decent sized force toward Jefferson City. By the time he arrived, he was inactive and unable to attack. McCulloch moved in behind him and trapped his army between the defenders and his own army, and managed to completely crush Grant in a surprisingly bloodless victory (On the Southern side anyway).

Kentucky remained a stalemate for the most part. I advanced and captured most of the state, then had to abandon the eastern half when the Union pushed a large army in. Then we both sat there looking at each other for a while.

Jackson ended up getting a promotion to 3-star after the battles in VA, and was transferred to TX along with a fairly powerful force raised in LA and TX. I used his fast mover trait to clear out the SW territories and was actually planning to push to CA when I lost everything on the computer. I had tried that before, but not with a fast moving general, and wanted to see if it could be done.

If we ever get a AACW II or (please please) Roman era version, I will probably try this again, but this time hold off on posting until the game is done so I know it'll be finished...and save backups to my thumb drive. :bonk:

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:22 pm
by Coldsteel
Cool, thanks for updating this Spharv. . . .

Speaking of a Roman setting game. . . . now that is interesting.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:08 am
by Dixicrat
Glad you "finished" the thread, Lee. Great effort! :thumbsup:

And by the way: a hearty congratulations on being appointed as the Queen's Official Southern Ambassador! :D :p arty:

Man, am I glad to see you back! :happyrun:
I'll be in touch via email d'reckly, your Excellency. :D