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Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:52 pm

Early November 61:

Grant' group was too low on cohesion to attack again. In the same time, Confederates poured some new units in the Western Kentucky; amonst them, Polk's force, leaving Missouri for Donelson region...


During the same turn, Bargg retreated South; in the way, he surprised my relief column to Nelson and won a large victory...



Winter is more and more harsh, the AI being almost passive...

At last, artillery is now ready, and my first amhibious force under Burnside ready to undertake some action...
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Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:27 pm

Late November 61

AI is leaving Clarksburg. I wonder if this is an offensive move or a retreat...Bragg is heading definitly South.


A new attack by Grant almost succeded. Almost... Plok has smashed the milicia guarding Paducah, Van Dorn is now at Humbolt.


No real activity on other theaters, Winter has lowered CSA aggressiveness



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Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:34 pm

Early december 61

Virinia: Johnston moved to Winchester. I'm pondering to seize Undermanned Manassas, first because events have decreased the region VP values ( the end of hope of a quick war caused a loss of interest of public opinion for it), secondly because Banks' force at harper's ferry is too small to stop a possible invasion.


Kentucky: 2 confederate divisions are back to Clarksburg


Grant has finally occupied Ft Henry and Ft Donelson. CSA is concentrating at Humbolt


My first amphibious operation: I will debark Burnside's division at beaufort next turn. Beaufort is located between 2 major Confederate harbours and I will be able to cut some railroads here...




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Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:35 pm

Late december:

Johnston finally moved Sout in the Shenandoah. Not much activity in Kentucky and Missouri, jsut to be pointed out a Confederate concentration (Zollicoffer, Bragg) at Knoxville.

Burnside invasion is unopposed.

Union moral remains low, my losses are slighty superior, and the VP count is disadvantageous. I reinforce slowly the blockade, I'm building some river ironclads, artillery, more brigades for the Spring.

I'm creating armies too. Fremont, now in Western Virginia, and Butler at Ft Monroe are the first to get armies HQs, because I need to neutralize them because of their high seniority...




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Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:00 am

early january 62

Virginia: Johnston feinted me last turn; the main Confederate Army has invaded Harper's Ferry



CSA retreated from Clarcsburg to Preston burg.

Around Grant, Confederates masses several stacks...AS Johnston is back here.


Burnside cut the railroad. AI has moved 2 new units at Savannah, but the aera seems pretty much undefended.


Last, in Missouri, i've formed a large division under my first good leader in the theater, Curtis. I plan to strike South with.

As a side note, much modifications have been codified for leaders, both for entry turns and values or abilities.




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Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:47 am

Such a shame I can't figure out how to make this mod work. It looks awesome.

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Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:25 pm

Early February 62:

Virginia is quiet. The only noticable move was the appearence of Magruder's force in the ft Monroe vicinity



I launched a n offensive action this turn; first Sigel's division to Lexington (MO), and mainly the large Curtis division against Springfield which seemed undermanned. Alas, Price retreated the same turn from Lexington to Springfield and the exhausted Federals have begun a withdrawal


Last, the Burnside expedition is turning into disaster. Burnside assieged Savannah, but Burnside is unactive, the CSA are putting soe units in the aera, the winter march exhausted Federals who are unable to fight and suffering large attrition....




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Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:08 pm

Late february 62

At last Confederates suffer setback

Fist Johnston tried twice to capture Harper's Ferry , but Banks won. I know, the Bank's high entrenchment level carried the day.




In the same time, A S Johnston has begun to move North in Kentucky, certainly not the wisest decision. Grant force is now better equipped, organized,I've produced river ironclads, and I may use Grant in the next turn for the plan I've in mind...


last Burnside is desperatly trying to save his division, and Confederates are yet more numerous...




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Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:21 pm

Early March 62:

Burnside expedition is over. remains of his divisions have rembarked. The Confederates in a few turns have massed here a sufficient force.



Johnston once again attacked Banks and was beaten.


I've decided to use the McClellan plan, ie a Peninsula campaign , for the Army of the Potomac, now formed in 4 Corps.


Grant' force is used boldly. leaving Donelson, Grant is targeting Menphis then will rush for Corinth. Once the railroads supply lines cut, He will seize Columbus. Capture of Menphis will provide large supplies which will permit the force to survive even without supply line.

In the same time, Buell's army will advance to Bowling Green and catch AS Johnston, blocking him.

Confederates are attacking Donelson

Van Dorn joined Johnston and Buell was beaten...




Amazing Price! He moved North to defend Lexington against Sigel who retreated...

Forrest has almost succeeded in his raid against Saint Louis too, I should have left a larger garrison




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Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:19 pm

Next turn

Mud stopped Grant who hasn't yet reached Corinth.

No major activity elsewhere, except in Saint-louis where Forrest was forced to retreat



I'm trying to give some utility to fremont in West Virginia, but this guy is just so slow...but his current seniority forces me to give him this tiny command...I secretly hope some defeat here :D




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Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:56 am

April 62

Buell retreated to protect Louisville, but Confederates have taken a step back. the heroical union garrison at Ft Donelson has repulsed CSA onslaught.


Out of supply, Grant moved back to Decatur, but the city is itself yet on CSA hands


Why I don't use more cavalry to cut railroads?


First, Union hasn't in SVF unlimited ressources. I can't build endless cavalry units and I've to care about units survival. Moreover, supply is totally exhausted in 2 turns, and like in normal game, early cavalry units can't capture depots.


Forrest moved back to Kentucky. Curtis is now committed to clean Belmont from Confederate presence


Last turn Price capturedFt Leavenworth whereas Watie was leading a raid in Kansas. Union forces are regrouping. Price has this turn moved back again




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Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:54 pm

Late May 62

Once again Johnston attacked Banks at Harper's Ferry, and was repulsed.

But both Banks and Morell are among the Union losses.




Grant is back on Foote's fleet. Nex time, I will look closer to weather and supply.

Van Dorn won over Curtis.

AS Johnston has retired to Nashville. Confederates have succeeded at lst in their attempt to reconquer Ft Donelson and Ft Henry


I've finally the necessary ressources to buitd Fortifications at Washington


Why building fort here? Simply because it's the only way to get level 8 fortifications until 1864 entrenchments being limited until this date to inferior levels.



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Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:37 pm

Early June 62

Virginia ;

Fremont has achieved his slow advance. CSA have sent Hill's division to face him. I begin at last my amphibious move with the main Union army.


CSA isn't unactive in west Virginia, as raid on Grafton are occuring



Confederates have launched a large and concerted offensive this turn againts Louisville. AS Johnston and Bragg's Corps have defeated Buell behind the Louisville gates, whereas Virginian troops are coming from the east and Sibley is advancing toward secondary objectives.



Grant is back at Cairo, licking his wounds

In Missouri, Confederates are advancing too. Sigel is assieging Lexington and has beaten Watie.





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Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:21 pm

How did AS Johnston get over the Ohio River? Don't you have gunboats blocking such a maneuver?

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Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:55 pm

enf91 wrote:How did AS Johnston get over the Ohio River? Don't you have gunboats blocking such a maneuver?

They were damaged during the winter. I'm yet wavering about giving replacements to these units. It's a feature I dislike, but it is very efficient to prevent AI crossing; for hostoricity sake, I consider Union should be able to prevent by other ways the crossing after 1862...But it's costly.... Iwouldn't too hinder any crossing ( after all, not only some limited crossings happened, but if the context should be really different than in RL, crossing should be possible), but its more deserving AI than helping it...So we'll see ;)



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Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:08 pm

End July 62

I saved with much difficulty Louisville from Bragg assault


Missouri is yet under Confederate pressure. AI tried too break the Sigel's siege at lexington. Halleck is advancing To Rolla and Curtis is protecting Saint Louis




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Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:01 pm

Union draft option is available from 1862, but the NM cost is dissuasive.




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Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:33 pm

August 62

Thanks to the huge ressources of the Union, I resume offensive, in Virginia from ft Monroe. In Kentucky, Grant has captured Nashville by a new riverine expedition. Halleck in Missouri is attempting to seize Springfield






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Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:00 pm

OOps... Never touch the delete key when you're about to load a saved game....This game is lost... :bonk: :bonk:



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Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:16 pm

:p leure: :p leure: :p leure: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :cuit: The 3 stages of AAR grief.
Redo! Redo! Redo!

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:43 pm

I will begin shortly a new one! the fact is this game was highly interesting to play. As I've been away a few months from AACW, I had forgetten some hard lessons about mud, planning and amphibious operations I want to address. I feel too Union is lacking too much money and I've fixed that for the next version.

Last, this game confirmed me the CSA AI is rather unpredictable. I never saw it before this game placing much troops in Eastern KY rather than in the Western half. Moreover, the quick KY invasion is exceptional and modified greatly things in estern theater. So I guess the next game to be different.

I suppose too in some game Ai will behave poorly, that's the unavoidable consequence of AI variations both AGE engine and my eventsare creating. In this game, AI is doing poorly much things too ( Johnston's obsession for Harper's Ferry, Nashville deserted to ciet a few). But I've had truly the impression to fight the real thing, the AI performing for the most part a realistic defense.



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Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:07 pm

Is the SVF mod compatible with the latest version of AACW (1.15) ?

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:20 pm

Clovis wrote:OOps... Never touch the delete key when you're about to load a saved game....This game is lost... :bonk: :bonk:

Don't they go to the recycle bin?

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:38 pm

veji1 wrote:Is the SVF mod compatible with the latest version of AACW (1.15) ?




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Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:38 pm

Nikel wrote:Don't they go to the recycle bin?

without the subfolders by turns...



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Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:47 pm

Clovis wrote:without the subfolders by turns...

If you go to the reclycle bin, select all the files, then right click and restore...

Is not everything in the saves folder again, subfolders included?

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Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:34 pm

It doesn't matter. He has another AAR. "Against the CSA AI in SVF (2)".

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