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Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:28 pm

jokeon wrote:I am interested that you keep Watie's force all together?
When I tried this I used each separately to maximise the burn.

Great point. Until now I had pretty much assumed Soundoff might try and send someone after Watie. But it appears I haven't made him enough of a headache yet.

I'd say the only reason I kept everyone together was in case of combat. I know the Indians are pretty terrible, even against conscript I figured if he was able to catch me...I might fare a little better if everyone was concentrated.

But considering that Soundoff has hardly reacted to the raid at might be better to split them. Thanks for the input man :) .

Regardless, I'm hoping to have this be a nice little setup for my eventual re-insertion of Van Dorn into Missouri.
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Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:43 pm

You might try sending some of the partisans that appear to grab towns to provide supply to the Indians, but the texas rangers are better as they don't disappear come fall.

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Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:24 pm

[color="Red"]Turn 15: Early November, 1861:[/color]

Milroy vanishes, Beauregard moves too slowly!! (Well this was very unfortunate. I just went for the big left hook and completely missed on this one. I failed to notice that Soundoff had enough MC in Stafford to rail out of the region and escape. Milroy now sits in Hampton Roads. Great move by Soundoff there. But the depot is still intact.

Union forces pushed back at Battle of Lexington!! (Morrell, the "dissapearing division" moved from Strasburg, through Harrisonburg, to Lexington I believe in an effort to link up with Hurlbut in Covington. Holmes and Ruggles held their ground in the hills around Lexington. Losses were relatively equal. Morrell lost around 930, Holmes around 640. Before this battle, the Laurel brigade engaged Morrell causing considerable casualties as well. Morrell's in pretty bad shape as far as I can tell.)

Thousands of Yankees approach Richmond from the south!! (Like I mentioned before, Milroy was able to escape and now sits with Hooker on the Penninsula. There are 3 divisions between the two of them...probably around 23,000 troops.)

Winder stopped cold at Vincennes!! (I took out the entire garrison except for its last militia regiment. This was quite unfortunate, at least I'll be able to tear up the rails.)

Confederate gunboats withdrawal in face of Union Ironclads!! (My small fleet in the confluent is pushed back. Now Soundoff controls that vital water cross-roads. This could be in preparation for an advance on Henry and Donelson, no telling though.)

Watie approaches St. Louis from the north!! (Stand Watie is doing a pretty good job burning and breaking, but he's not causing enough trouble for Soundoff to take notice. I hope to change that soon.)

Confederate States hold first election!! (not much, but a welcome boost to my National Morale. Now I need to win a major battle and swing things more heavily in my favor.)

Orders...again splitting the east into two segments...first in the Richmond/Fredricksburg district.


Alright, alright. Well, here's the good news. I don't think Soundoff is aware that I have two full divisions of reinforcements en route to the operational vicinity around Richmond. The bad. I have neither an intact railhead in Fredricksburg, nor enough rail points to move the entire A.O.P by train. So...this leaves me with little choice but to try and react to what I think Soundoff is doing.

I had one very keen curiosity when I looked at the map this turn. What on earth is Soundoff doing with his Army HQ there in Maryland?? After staring at all the possibilities for about 10 minutes...I arrived on two conclusions. Since winter is close at hand...He's probably looking to get a Depot set up somewhere close to Richmond the two most likely locations are at Tappohannock and Williamsburg. I expect Soundoff will take Banks by boat to either of these locations.

So, in order to counter this move I've decided to send Beauregard with three divisions under Magruder, Longstreet and Bee, to West Point. There they will be joined by the newly arrived divisions of Bragg and Hardee (who were transferred from the west via teleport this turn). From this position I can attack Soundoff in either Williamsburg or Tappohannock, I can defend from an attack from either of these locations...and lastly I'll still have a rail link to Richmond if somehow I end up out of position. All told, there should be around 30,000 troops and 150 guns meeting in West Point.

Johnson is detached from the army with Jackson's strong division in tow and left to deal with McDowell and Hamilton, who I expect have closer to 20,000 troops between them as is not shown in the screenie.

G.W. Smith is ordered to defend and retreat. He is heavily outnumbered and will more than likely lose if attacked, but I don't want to give the area away without a fight...perhaps bloody Hooker a bit before a more large scale engagement takes place later on.

Huger is ordered to march west to Suffolk and prevent himself from being cutoff in Norfolk. This is to counter any attempt Milroy might make at crossing the James.

Lastly, Whiting and the cavalry are ordered west on a path that would protect the rails from Richmond to Culpepper. Whiting will attack Schulz if he can catch him. He'll be joined by the Laurel Brigade in Charllottesville.

Alright, in the western sector:


As I was evaluating the turn I was at first quite discouraged by what I saw on the map, but after taking a closer look at the supply filter I noticed that Morrell's division was WAY low on supply. Considering this, I can only surmise that if even active this turn...Soundoff will try and either move Morrell back down the valley and setup winter quarters in Winchester...or he will make a mad dash for Charlottesville to pick up the much needed supply.

In either case, I'm sending Holmes and his bloodied troops by rail to block Morrell in Staunton. This will also put Holmes in a better position to receive supply from Lynchburg once winter fully sets in.

I also expect that after my move into Christianburg with Kirby Smith, Soundoff might try to cut him off from Virgnia with Hurlbut. to counter a move like this I've ordered Smith to withdrawal east and set up a defence around Salem, VA. I've also orded Bushrod Johnson and about 6,000 reinforcements east from Knoxville to deal with Blenker in Christianburg. Hopefully I can force a retreat before the end of the year.

In the West:


The only thing noteworthy here is to mention how I plan to escape with Winder's troopers. He was in some pretty hard fighting around Vincennes and won't be sticking around to wait for a response from McClellan or whatever other forces Soundoff might have hiding further north.

I've split his regiments up. one regiment and the artillery will stay with Winder. The rest will take separate paths back to Rome, IN where hopefully I'll be able to reform and retreat back into Kentucky. I will be blowing the rails though.

The rest of the theater is playing out pretty quietly. It's obvious Soundoff is concentrated heavily on Virginia right now.

In the Far West:


Pretty cut and dry. Watie will move south to take out the rails around St. Louis. If anyone comes out to meet him, he'll hopefully put up a good fight.

Van Dorn's reinforcements are finally finished and marching north to join him. As you can see, the MC situation in Missouri is a total cluster f*%k. This will certainly make things interesting in the next campaign.


Nothing much, just some more militia in Arkansas and a couple of cavalry regiments in North Carolina.


Where will Banks and the Union Army of the Potomac end up?? Can Holmes trap Morrell in Staunton?? Will Winder escape Indiana?? Stay tuned...
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Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:28 am

That's a nice fat force you've got coming up under Bragg. I can't comemnt on whether soundoff will be surprized, but I'm sure I would be. I would have expected any reinforcements to be trickling up via rail to be added to existing forces, not coming up en masse in division strength.

It's unfortunate that setbacks have put you on the defensive in NoVa, but at least you seem to still have enough assets there to mount a spirited defense and even counter-punch when the opportunity arises.

And despite the setback with Winder, seems to be going much better for you out West.

This looks like it could be a long and bitter struggle.
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Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:55 am

Yeah, concerning Bragg and Hardee, I didn't want to risk having any of the new troops picked off on their way up. I also figured it would be best as far as shock value goes to have them arrive en masse. Bragg and Hardee are two skilled offensive generals as well, which could come in handy.

Yeah, I told Sounoff via email that it would be VERY nice to have those 15,000 troops back hehe. I'd probably still have the Valley locked up at least. I think a "Spirited Defense" is a proper term for what I'll manage for the rest of the winter.

Winter...thank God for that by the way. I might have one more trick up my sleeve before it's time to settle in, but we'll see. I know I'm really gonna need plenty of troops...Grant's in town :) . Of course there will be more details tommorrow.

Thanks for the comments man. I gotta tell ya Maj. I've learned alot and am applying several ZOC lessons in my decision making. They aren't necessarily paying off but I'm trying hehe.
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Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:23 am

Turn 16: Late November, 1861

Banks seizes key Virginia railhead at Mannassas!! (Contrary to what I thought he might do with Banks and the AoP, Soundoff looks to be settling in for the winter.)

General Ulysses S. Grant arrives in Covington!! (Not really feared yet historically. But it gives me a very good idea what Soundoff's strategy for 1862 will probably be. More in a moment...)

Union fleet with troop transports spotted moving toward Wilmington!! Soundoff's got Farragut with several different steam frigates it appears...alot of transports...and a single division under T. Wood. Interesting development.)

Winder escapes McClellan's counter punch!! (Well as I assumed, Soundoff sent an entire division up to Vincennes to take out Winder. I managed to slip away, but haven't made it back into Kentucky.)

Orders for this turn. Starting in the Richmond/Fredricksburg District:


So I've got myself in a decent position to do some damage this turn, but come to find out BOTH Johson AND Beauregard are inactive. Jefferson Davis is not happy with either of his two top Generals. Johnson is set west to deal with Grant in Western Virginia. Beauregard, with the main army's Headquarters is ordered north to join Jackson in Fredricksburg. Hopefully Soundoff doesn't try anything...I'm pretty sure he's content with sitting in Mannassas for now.

Bragg, a rather bright leader, though somewhat harsh to his men, is given command of a sizeable army, the Newly dubbed "Army of the Penninsula" and is ordered to drive Milroy out of Williamsburg. In support of this attack, General G.W. Smith is ordered to delay and then withdrawal to Tappohannock to discourage any sort of flanking march in that direction.

Whiting and the army's cavalry are ordered to Culpepper, fixing the rails along the way.

In Western Virginia:


Mostly a lot of shifting this time around. Joe Johnson will meet Kirby Smith and General Kershaw and form up in the mountains around Liberty, VA. Just about any movement toward Lynchburg will have to come through this region.

Holmes is ordered to hold in Staunton. I anticipate Soundoff will begin to concentrate his forces around Covington with Grant. Once he is ready to go...this theater will become quite a bit more fluid I think.

Bushrod Johnson is ordered to hold his position against Blenker and defend against any attack along the rail line east or west.

Cavalry are ordered into position to cover the rail line between Charlottesville and Lynchburg. I'll need it.

Action on the Coast:


This is an intriguing development. Soundoff didn't move all the way into the mouth of the Cape Fear River, so I'm not totally sure if he intends on landing Wood's division southeast of Wilmington, NC...or if he plans to move further south along the coast to Savannah. I have to honor the move though. Ruggles is sent south with around 6,000 troops to defend the city.

In the West:


Winder's Division will regroup and fight its way south. There really aren't any troops other than cavalry that can catch him and I'm betting I've got more of it in the region than Soundoff has. The good'll only take me 3 days to get to the river...and if I'm forced to retreat from'll be sweet home Kentucky. I think Winder will make it! Phew!

There is also some movement in Kentucky:


This is a bit of a risky move. But considering the fact that Soundoff weakened McClellans army in Evansville to try and deal with Winder...I'm going to take advantage and get into a better position to make him think twice about leaving Indiana. I'm sending A.P. Steward with about 5,500 troops now garrisoned at Fts. Henry and Donelson to join A.S. Johnson in Bowling Green. From there...I plan to move the small army north to the Ohio to face McClellan in the coming campaign season.

NOTE: Two Ironclads will be joining my Mississippi fleet soon. It appears I may soon have naval superiority in the area. This is quite good news.

OVERALL: Well I've decided to take stock of the entire situation. As far as I can appears Soundoff has his mind set on an all out assault on Virginia in 1862. I believe he may be trying to cut my troops in Virginia off by way of Grant from the mountains in the west....and Wood and Co. from the ocean. It doesn't appear Soundoff has many designs on advancing in the west. This is something I hope to use to my advantage. I can anticipate most of my reinforcements will be sent east. But an additional division in Kentucky would certainly make things interesting.

Will Bragg break Milroy at Williamsburg?? Will Banks make a move against Fredricksburg?? Will Winder make it out of Indiana?? Stay tuned....
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Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:53 pm

[color="Red"]Turn 17, Early December, 1861:[/color]



Bragg's newly formed Army of the Penninsula scores a victory for the Confederacy, driving Milroy and Hooker from the area around Williamsburg.

Bragg arrived on the field with around 21,000 troops in 3 divisions under Longstreet, Hardee and Bee. The attack began on a frosty December 12th morning with Hardee and Bee pressing Milroy's troops hard. Longstreet was held in reserve. (his troops hardly suffered any losses.)

The cold weather took its toll on both sides, but moreso for the attackers as Milroy and his troops were dug in rather snugly to the wooded country-side. After a few hours of fighting, Milroy's left flank...being assaulted repeatedly by Hardee's men...gave way. Bragg, with an overwhelming advantage in cavalry,sent his troopers on flanking marches to catch Milroy's battered federal troops as they retreated. They managed to cut down a good amount of men, but were forced back. At the end of the day, nearly 6,000 Union and Confederate troops lay on the snowy field.

Milroy withdrew a few miles south, but did not give up his campaign in and around Williamsburg.

Winder escapes Indiana!! (Winder and his cavalry division make it out of Indiana with very few casualties. They are VERY low on supply however.)

Johnston gathers forces in Bowling Green!! (The Army of Kentucky's ranks have swelled to a respectable 20,000 troops. I plan to make my move now. More on that in a moment.)

"Watie's Raid" Terrorises Missouri!! (Soundoff finally sent Shields' division down the river in Jeff City to protect St. Louis. I was glad to see that Stand Watie was finally able to provide the thorn in his side I was hoping for. It would appear however, with winter setting in, it's time to recover.)

Union fleet disappears!! (That fleet with Wood's division has gone. I don't know exactly where it went, but i wager it will probably pop up somewhere in the gulf. I've taken appropriate measures.)

Orders for the coming turn, and a quasi review of all theaters:

Starting in the east:


Johson along with Kirby Smith will join Ruggles in Staunton and from the main opposition to what I believe will be Grant's advance into central Virginia. Bushrod Johnson will set up in the mountain passes outside Salem, VA to block the road to Lynchburg.

Bragg is ordered to hold fast. This is an interesting model of ZOC rules here. I now have 100% military control in Williamsburg. So Soundoff will have to either attack me with Milroy and try to re-establish control...or go passive and retreat to Hampton Roads. I think he will do the latter rather than the former. His two divisions are pretty torn up and he has a strong force in Hampton Roads to protect him from any future attacks by Bragg.

Beauregard will be joined next turn by G.W. Smith's division. It should bring the newly formed Army of Northern Virginia's strength up to around 21,000 troops. This will need to be improved before the next campaign season.

Ruggles will hop on a train with his troops and return to Suffolk.

As you can see, my numbers don't really match up in Virginia...but I won't complain at all because with the disaster at Annapolis, I could be in a much worse position. Now, with winter in full tilt, it's time to start calling up some reinforcements. I hope to add at least another 20,000 troops to the Virginia theater. If I can get around 50,000 troops in the Army of Northern Virginia...especially when Lee takes command. I should be able to parry just about anything Soundoff throws at me...and I might even be able to drive toward Washington. Frankly I'm happy he has Grant stuck in the western Virginia mountains right now. I'd rather have him there then commanding a corps in the Army of the Potomac.

In the West:


I'm going to shift the front line north to a point that centers around Munfordville, KY. A.S. Johnston with the entire Army of Kentucky will move north and west and join Winder there. A supply depot will soon be built in Bowling Green to permanently extend the line. What I hope this achieves is a delaying affect. If Soundoff has any designs on advancing down the river...he might think twice about it with 20,000 troops sitting across the water.

You can see my troop strength and goals for the 1862 campaign season. This is really a lower priority theater right now as it seems Soundoff has much of his energy focused in the east. I'm sure we'll see things heat up out here eventually. One extra division will probably be enough to secure all points in the west for now.

In the Far West:


Pretty basic. The screen shot does most of the work for me. I'm going to need to get another depot built at Feyetteville in order to re-insert myself into Missouri. I don't know if it will be worth it...but I hope it will force Soundoff to spend some resources way out west instead of in more improtant areas.

I'm pretty happy with Watie's raid. He will retire to the Springfield area and then south to Feyetteville next turn.

Also just some notes about things along the coast...I'll let the screenies do the talking here:



You might have noticed Holmes was teleported this turn to New Orleans to command the defense of the town. Cleburne's Brigade is sent by rail from Paducah to Mobile. I'm not liking the fact Farragut has gone missing and look toward the Gulf. While I'm pretty sure Soundoff will be heading for Pensacola...I don't want to take my chances with two of the most important shipping centers in the south.

I've got an extra brigade building in Alabama as well as some artillery. I'm VERY low on men. I'm doing quite well with money and War Supply however. Soundoff has allowed his blockade percentage to drop to only 15%...which is odd, but certainly helpful.


Will Milroy finally retreat south?? Will Farragut turn up in the Gulf?? What reinforcements will the new Confederate Government call up for its defence?? Stay tuned....
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Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:51 am

Congratulations on your victory in Williamsburg with Bragg :) Great AAR :thumbsup:
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Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:42 am

I'm trying to follow very carefully this superb AAR of yours, Banks, but unfortunately I can't display the pics you attached and the link is not showed. Only switching to the printable version I can see the URL but the loaded page is empty.

On the contrary everything is fine with soundoff thread.

Am I doing anything wrong or is there a special setting which inhibits pictures maybe?

Tks in advance.

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Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:18 pm

Suvorov wrote:I'm trying to follow very carefully this superb AAR of yours, Banks, but unfortunately I can't display the pics you attached and the link is not showed. Only switching to the printable version I can see the URL but the loaded page is empty.

On the contrary everything is fine with soundoff thread.

Am I doing anything wrong or is there a special setting which inhibits pictures maybe?

Tks in advance.

I don't know for sure. It might have something to do with the image hosting service I'm using?? I use a website called Other than that I'm at a loss as to how to fix that problem.

I really appreciate your interest though.
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Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:43 pm

Hi Banks,

I really appreciate your AAR and Soundoff's! So far, it's been full of valuable insight as to how to conduct (or not to :D ) operations at the scale of a grand campaign.
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this up together for the rest of us, and good luck with your following moves! :hat:
[CENTER]« Quel pays ! Quels hommes ! Quelle guerre ! Non, ma chère maman, votre enfant n'est pas fait pour habiter cette contrée barbare. »
[CENTER] Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, 1758


[CENTER][color=DarkGreen]WIA 1.05 Patch[/color]

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Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:32 pm

Thanks for another great AAR, Banks.

I particularly liked your color commentary on the Battle of Williamsburg --

Banks6060 wrote:Bragg arrived on the field with around 21,000 troops in 3 divisions under Longstreet, Hardee and Bee. The attack began on a frosty December 12th morning with Hardee and Bee pressing Milroy's troops hard. Longstreet was held in reserve. (his troops hardly suffered any losses.)

The cold weather took its toll on both sides, but moreso for the attackers as Milroy and his troops were dug in rather snugly to the wooded country-side. After a few hours of fighting, Milroy's left flank...being assaulted repeatedly by Hardee's men...gave way. Bragg, with an overwhelming advantage in cavalry,sent his troopers on flanking marches to catch Milroy's battered federal troops as they retreated. They managed to cut down a good amount of men, but were forced back. At the end of the day, nearly 6,000 Union and Confederate troops lay on the snowy field.

Those combat results screens can be pretty dry, but you were able in just a few lines to portray the battle in a more compelling, and at times poetic way -- "frosty morning," "snowy field." Nice flavor!
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Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:16 pm

@ TiFlo---Thanks man! Welcome to the AAR and I hope you find plenty of things herein that might point the way as to what NOT to do :) . Thanks again.

@ Maj.---I figure a little narrative here and there couldn't hurt. I'm glad you liked it. It's certainly what I plan to do as the game progresses and more major battles take place.

on to the AAR!!

[color="Red"]Turn 18, Late December, 1861:[/color]

Yankees invade Florida!! (Well this is the same STATE i expected Soundoff to land Wood's division in, but not the same CITY. Wood landed in Talahassee. A strange move to me...but interesting none-the-less. More in a moment.)

Milroy retreats south!! (As I had expected, Milroy retreated with his two bloodied divisions south to Hampton Roads. He now has close to 18,000 troops I think. But it will be awhile before they are capable of acting offensively.)

Grant gathers forces in Covington!! (All three of soundoff's divisions that were operating in the western Virginia mountains have now gathered with Grant in Covington. probably close to 20,000 troops.)

Not much else going on. So it's on to orders!! First in Government and Reinforcements.


Well I decided to go with just about everything I could this time around. I know Soundoff will probably do the same so whatever VP and NM I lose from these options will most likely be matched by Soundoff's choices. I think he's aware he has me up against the ropes in Virginia and will probably go for the kill in the coming campaign season. These options will give me the ability to raise enough manpower to face him I think.


The screenie does pretty much all the talking here. What I'm hoping is to have at least another 25,000 to 30,000 troops ready for action in Virginia. Then another 6,000 to 8,000 ready in the west. It's obvious right now that Soundoff has much of his energy focused on the east. If he doesn't follow up his initial success there in the spring...I will be VERY surprised.

Now, to military operations...Starting in the east.


Since I've now effectively relieved the threat from Milroy on the Penninsula, it's time to concentrate on more pressing threats from the north and west. The Army of Northern Virginia will concentrate and reorganize in Fredricksburg. There should be a total of about 32,000 troops and 164 guns to work with here. I hope to keep the number of divisions to a managable number...probably 4.

I've left Magruder, with several brigades and an engineer in Williamsburg to set up a strong defensive position there before spring.

Huger (NOTE: In my last post...I mentioned Huger's command as if it were Ruggles'. I apologize for that.) will stay put in Suffolk and be ready to react to anything Soundoff decides to do with Milroy.)

Joe Johnson and the District of Western Virgiania need rest and refitting. So they will withdrawal to Charlottesville for the time being. This town will be critical when the snows it will more than likely be the target for both Grant and Banks to join up and then drive on Richmond. I need to make sure this meeting never happens. This will be Johnson's task...and he hasn't much of a force to do it he will receive some reinforcements and possibly an Army HQ. I need to keep Grant tied up in western Virginia to have a chance at decisively defeating Banks and the Army of the Potomac.

Bushrod Johnson is ordered back to Knoxville for the time being. His troops need provisions and rest. I assume he will make a return in coming months.

In the West:


A.S. Johnston and the Army of Kentucky will stay put and begin digging in around Munfordville, KY. It will be interesting to see if Soundoff opts for a move down the Green River around my flank. I've certainly left that move open...If he takes it...I hope to defeat him in the field on the turnaround. But there is of course now an opening at Paducah...I would prefer Soundoff take the bait at Bowling Green...but we'll see.

Hindeman and Polk both sit quietly in their trenches. I somehow doubt they'll see much action anytime soon.

In the Far West:


Van Dorn will be joined by Watie this turn. Still deciding whether or not a campaign into Missouri would be worth it. So tempting though :) .



This is a move I quite frankly don't understand at this point. Talahassee offers almost no outlet to any other important part of the south. If Soundoff wants to cut-off Florida...quite honestly I say so be it...the state offers little in the form of strategic supply or importance.

What I think Soundoff MIGHT be doing though is trying to pull forces from the more important coastal cities in the region...which I must do to counter this move. I have to honor it...because if Soundoff manages to get another division or two down here....with a depot or two....he could cause some real trouble in Georgia.


What will Wood do next?? Will McClellan stay in Indiana or make his move?? What committment will Lincoln make to raising more troops?? Stay tuned....
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Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:00 am

Banks, this is a fabulous and intriging AAR.

There appears to be enough of us following along to make a discussion thread.

Obviously the thread is supposed to be off limits to you and Soundoff.

It will allow those of us who can't keep our opinions to ourselves somewhere to chat about what is happening.

Keep up the the great work.

An avid watcher.


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Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:32 am

xpyre wrote:Banks, this is a fabulous and intriging AAR.

There appears to be enough of us following along to make a discussion thread.

Obviously the thread is supposed to be off limits to you and Soundoff.

It will allow those of us who can't keep our opinions to ourselves somewhere to chat about what is happening.

Keep up the the great work.

An avid watcher.


'Tis a good idea!

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:13 pm

@xpyre--An excellent idea! Although I must say I'll be very eager to read what comments are being made. I'm flattered man...thank you for taking such an active interest in the game.

@Stonewall--good to see you're still following along my friend :) .

ON to the next installment!!

[color="Red"]Turn 19, Early January, 1862:[/color]

Longstreet, Jackson, Smith, promoted for faithful service!! Generals James Longstreet, Thomas Jackson and Gustavas Smith have been promoted to full General on the reccommendation of Major General Robert E. Lee. President Davis hosted the honored Generals December 23rd for a dinner and festivities. The Generals have shown outstanding leadership in the face of extreme adversity from an enemy that draws every closer to the gates of Richmond. (In reality...I was just tickled to DEATH that this little "event" happened! I was reorganizing the Army of Northern Virginia and saw all three of these generals with 2-stars now instead of 1. I didn't promote them or anything...I love this patch!! I must say...once July 1862 rolls around and I start getting some of those really good division commanders...things could REALLY get interesting.)

Lincoln calls for second draft!! (Soundoff went all out again. Except for money...he called for full mobilization, volunteers and 8% bonds. I'm now up on him by almost 200 VP's and up by 2 NM. I'm going to need to win some major battles come springtime.)

Trent Affair nearly sparks war with Britain!! (Game event. Worth noting. Of course it might seem rather silly considering the next headline.)

Presence of Union blockade intimidates British!! (Soundoff calls for a total blockade. With my embargo the net FI adjustment was +4. All in all a decent round for me. I'm hoping I'll have a few more lucky rolls on that.)

Edward Johnston musters defense of Florida!! (I sent E. Johnston to take command of the rag tag Florida District. Hopefully he can make something happen against Wood. I doubt it however...seeing as how he has no cannon to Wood's 31.)

Alright...not much in the way of orders. Just a whole bunch of shuffling of officers and support troops as well as some reinforcements that have come online. So I will start to look ahead to the coming campaign.

First in the east:


As I have already outlined, I firmly believe it will be Soundoff's objective to join the Army of the Potomac with Grant. I believe the objective of Grant's drive east will be Charlottesville as will be the objective for Banks's drive south.


Two very key objectives for my forces will be Lexington and Culpepper. First...Lexington. It is a large region with very favorable defensive terrain that blocks all direct movement from Covington to Charlottesville. Right now Soundoff just about has the region locked I will need to get Johnson back over there stat to begin setting up defenses. If I can entrench in Lexington...Soundoff will be forced to try and flank me through the rough mountain terrain...which I can handle. If I can't take Lexington...Staunton is the next area of concern.

Culpepper...this will be the AoNV's objective for the time being. Now Beauregard will also need to protect the direct approach to Richmond which means Fredricksburg will need to be defended as well. Hopefully as reinforcements come online and I'm able to get the army together...I'll have enough strength to hold at least one division in Fredricksburg while I operate against Banks in Northern Virginia.

Milroy is, of course, a concern. I've stripped Magruder of alot of strength, but again, if he can dig in deep enough. He'll at least make Milroy pay dearly for every inch of ground he advances on. The problem will arise if the Army of Northern Virginia is forced to counter a major move from the Penninsula...thereby rendering it useless in stopping Banks and helping Johnson stop Grant.

Another very important objective. The rails. I need to keep them open. Right now, the line that runs in a full circle...from Richmond, to Lynchburg and Charlottesville and back again is critical to my defence of central Richmond. It will allow me to shuffle forces quickly to hotspots that need defending.

On to the west:


The quiet part of the game so far. I could see things heat up here...but with McClellan's post as the General of the Army of the Tennessee...I just don't see much happening here. The only moves I could see Soundoff trying here are down the rivers once they thaw. Either to Paducah, Bowling Green, or the Forts. Each of those he will have to pay for...especially the forts...because I hope to have The Army of Kentucky dug in well enough to shell any passing ships...and then it's a double whammy if McClellan moves into range of all the guns at the forts. So I think it will either be Bowling Green or Paducah. Bowling Green would be the most likely move because McClelland would have support from Wallace in Louisville.

It looks as if Soundoff is rather content will just sitting in Cairo. I don't know what his plans for the Mississippi are...but he obviously has his sights set on Virginia right now. I think I actually just about match Soundoff man for man in the west at this point.

I have a couple of small operations planned. Soundoff has some cavalry trying to make it's way down the central Kentucky rail line, I believe, to clear a path for Wallace to travel it by rail if he wishes. So I've instructed a regiment of cavalry to counter any further movement by Soundoff's small force.

I've also got a gunboat with two transports in tow...headed up the river from Paducah to Bowling Green. I saw an opening here and thought it would be better to use the two transports to build the Bowling Green Depot instead of the two supply wagons. We'll see if they can make it.

In Florida:


Well I'm in a bit of a pinch here. Johnston has about half the number of troops as Wood AND he has no cannon. NOW...with that said. It's very nice that Wood will be advancing in heavily wooded and swampy terrain if he's aiming to take Jacksonville and cut Florida out of the war. The heavy forrest and swamp will, in a way, negate the disadvantage of having no artillery. Although I will need to get him at least a battery if he wants to even compete. And some cavalry too.

In the Far West:

really not sure what to do or say here. I'm going to really think hard about another foray into Missouri because it would require two additional supply wagons...which frankly I don't have the resources to afford at this point. I'm on the fence about this for sure. Decisions, decisions.


Will Soundoff try any early moves?? Will the Paducah transports make it to Bowling Green?? How fast can the Virginia reinforcements be placed and organized?? Stay tuned....
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Great AAR!

Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:52 pm

Hey Banks:

As I posted on Soundoff's thread this is the best AAR I have ever read on any game anywhere!

I am new to the game and your invaluable tips and insights on the game have been most helpful to me (and many others as well).

I hope when I am finally ready to be run over by an experienced player as the Union in my first PBEM game it is against such an expert and gracious player as yourself.

Keep up the good work and best of luck to you when the real campaign begins against Soundoff this spring.


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Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:57 am

@MVDH--Thank you. High praise man...completely undeserved with all the other great AAR's out there. And WELCOME to this little project...I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do!! :) .

Winter lingers heavy over much of the United states....

[color="Red"]Turn 20, Late January, 1862:[/color]

Troops ships spotted in Hampton Roads!! (An interesting development. Soundoff has loaded a division onto some transports and currently have them situated in the water outside Fortress Monroe. Where do I think he's going?? More in a moment.)

Yanks reinforce Louisville, Helleck takes command!! (Well here we have yet another poorly led stack...albeit a stronger stack by a few brigades...but poorly led none-the-less.)

U.S. Congress approves federal tax increase!! (Surely in response to my rather aggressive spending, Soundoff called for Measured Exceptional Taxes this turn.)

Union reinforcemens pour into Florida!! (Soundoff has a second detachment now in Talahassee...containing four units. Beats me what's in there, but it sure can't be good.)

Confederate garrison at Charleston, MO surrenders!! (argh...the only crappy part about this is that without that garrison...I can't see what's going on in Cairo. Polk might be assigned to do something about this.)

And on to this turn's orders...

In the east:


As I mentioned before. Butler has been loaded on troops transports and, I believe, headed to one of three locations. Either West Point, VA...Norfolk....or to the coast. My on the coast. West Point would only set him up for a counter strike from my entire eastern army...Norfolk, he must know, is covered by Huger's division. So I believe he is taking Butler south...perhaps to join Wood in Florida.

Huger is ordered east by rail to man the trenches around Norfolk should Butler attempt a landing there.

Other than that...there are a couple of small cavalry movements I have planned. I'm sending one regiment north into Culpepper to solidify my Military control there....hopefully driving the Union regiment out at some point.

Another cavalry regiment will move into Staunton and begin repairing the rails there and guard against future raids.

Reinforcements are en route to Richmond to be organized and deployed.

Overall: I'd say the move with Butler means Soundoff has given up on any sort of operation up the Penninnsula.

In the west:


Helleck has taken command of all Union forces around Louisville. Wallace maintains his divisional command and it looks like Soundoff is attempting to form another division there. The build-up is slow...but it appears to be happening none-the-less.

I've sent Cleburbe back to Bowling Green to meet up with Bragg and start constructing defensive works.

A cavalry regiment will attack north and east to drive some Union cavalry back toward Louisville.

Overall: Soundoff appears to be slowly waking up this theater of the war. It would be quite nice if he were to keep Helleck and McClelland seperate.

In the Far West:


I discovered what could end up being a very costly mistake in Arkansas. Somehow I neglected to notice that the snow had stopped all supply traffic to and from Feyetteville. So, in turn, Van Dorn's army is in dire need of food and water. He is ordered south to the Arkansas River to gather provisions. Stand Watie will hold the trenches around the town.

This may doom any return to Missouri for good.


Where will Butler go?? Is Helleck planning a move into central Kentucky?? Will Van Dorn save his beleagured army?? Stay tuned....
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Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:21 pm

I would like to say thanks again Banks for your great AAR.
I can't give anything other comments though as I am playing
Soundoff too (we're up to May 63).
But one thing I can say is that Gus Smith has always auto-promoted on Jan 62- even before the recent patch. And Ed Johnson also auto-promotes on Feb 62.

Thanks again for your detail and hard work.

Again good luck .


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Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:54 pm

Banks6060 wrote:Stand Watie will hold the trenches around the town.

Now that's historical...entrenched indians. Wht's next, giving them some artillery?

Great job on the AAR as always. Can't wait fort the Spring thaw.
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Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:15 pm

@BI--Thanks man. I had never seen this before with Gus...I had only remembered that he started as a 2-star general. I assume I missed the auto promote of Jackson and Longstreet in prior patches too?? hmmm. Thanks for the heads up.

@Maj.--haha! Yeah, I thought it was a little silly when I dragged Watie into Van Dorn's stack but hell...maybe the natives will make the trenches a little more "homey" and efficient :) .


[color="Red"]Turn 21, Early February 1862:[/color]

Union troops depart Florida!! (Looks like Soundoff wasn't really looking to stick around Talahassee. I think perhaps he thought I'd come after him with slightly more troops or something. worries me though that there is a division out there somewhere looking for a place to land.)

Butler Disappears!! (Same concerns as the above. That makes two entire divisions out there in the water somewhere. I'm guessing in those two Union forts in the Florida Keys where I can't see them.)

Thousands of southern men starve in harsh Arkansas winter!! (More on this major debacle in the far west in a moment. I REALLY wasted some troops here...big embarrassment for me as a veteran player. Feel free to take a jab or two at me for my incompitence.)

Forrest and his cavalry join up in Tennessee!! (It won't be long before Forrest finds himself in the thick of it. Details in just a few lines.)

Invasion of Florida convinces prominent General to serve!! (Pemberton pops up in Talahassee...just as Soundoff moves away. nice. I'll more than likely use him in the west.)

To orders! First in the east:


Not much change in troop strength along the line, but there will be soon. I've got reinforcements primed and ready to be deployed in the next two turns. I should be able to slap together at least two more divisions before March and be ready for the transition to Corps. In total, I have nearly 19,000 troops and 40 guns railing into Richmond in the next month of game time. It will bring the AoNV's strength up to about 50,000....and over 200 guns.

The army's cavalry, led by Whiting and W.H.F Lee will move north and firmly secure the area around Culpepper. Soundoff has built a new cavalry division under Kearny in Mannassas I believe...and may try to use it this turn. I want to pre-empt any move he might make there.

Huger will hold in Norfolk. Forney and Magruder will do the same in Williamsburg. They now have a very respectable defensive force. Johnson, whose ranks have now swelled to almost 12,000 with additional reinforcements and replacements, will continue to prepare for the defense of western Virginia.

In the West:


The Orphan Brigade was called up this turn so they will be sent to Bowling Green along with about 9,000 other reinforcements and 32 cannon. This will make the Army of Kentucky a real threat I think. It might be time to think more offensively in Kentucky.

General Forrest and his newly arrived cavalry regiment will move north across the Ohio River and attack the cavalry positioned at the landing. It will be a tough fight because they're entrenched...and I may lose...but hopefully with Forrest's +6 offensive fire stat....he can work some magic.

By pushing Soundoff's cavalry out of this region, I'll be able to keep an eye on what's happening in Cairo and press the front foward just a little bit more in the west.

In the Far West:


I fear Van Dorn's Army of Arkansas may simply melt away after this turn. Due simply to my incompetence. I'm really kicking myself for this one. NO chance for an advance into Missouri now. I'm glad Soundoff is very uncommitted to this theater of war...because a sneeze could disperse the soldiers I have there now.


Will Whiting run into Kearny on his way to Culpepper?? Will Forrest be victorious in Illinois?? Can Van Dorn make it to food and water before his army disappears completely?? Stay tuned...
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Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:00 pm

Wow. The supply discussion thread that's going on right now couldn't be more timely. First ZOC, now supply. Banks, you're obviously determined to turn this AAR into a real learning experience for the rest of us, even if it costs you the game! I admire your generosity in this regard. What's next? An object lesson in the perils of amphibious assaults? :D

I know you're kicking yourself for your "incompetence" -- but I actually thought you could pull supplies from one region away regardless of terrain or weather, and you're right next to a depot and a harbor. I'll have to make a quick edit to my post in the supply thread.

EDIT -- I hope you don't take that the wrong way, Banks. My tongue is obviously in my cheek. And I'm actually learning more from your and soundoff's AAR than I have from any of my many games against the AI.
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Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:17 am

Major Tom wrote:
EDIT -- I hope you don't take that the wrong way, Banks. My tongue is obviously in my cheek. And I'm actually learning more from your and soundoff's AAR than I have from any of my many games against the AI.

No problem at all man. I may have been at this game a long time. But even the most veteran players make mistakes. Me more than most :) . If those mistakes can be used as entertainment and/or a learning tool. Then I'm all for it!

Thanks for you continued interest Maj. :thumbsup:
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Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:21 am

Great AAR! I am very excited to see how it all turns out!
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."
-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:58 pm

Banks --

I'm still confused about the massive attrition in Van Dorn's division. I assumed this was from lack of supply, but now I see that he started the previous turn on a supply depot, so he should have been fully supplied when you moved him to the empty region above Fort Smith.

So are all of those losses from weather instead of supply? I've never seen losses that high from weather in one turn, but I've never played with historical attrition either.
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Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:52 pm

Major Tom wrote:Banks --

I'm still confused about the massive attrition in Van Dorn's division. I assumed this was from lack of supply, but now I see that he started the previous turn on a supply depot, so he should have been fully supplied when you moved him to the empty region above Fort Smith.

So are all of those losses from weather instead of supply? I've never seen losses that high from weather in one turn, but I've never played with historical attrition either.

Ahhh :) . But you must remember Soundoff's very "Sound" move earlier in the campaign. He sent a cavalry regiment to Feyetteville, captured it...and destroyed its depot.

So Van Dorn did not have a depot. It was all just from the weather. Historical Attrition is a KILLER if you don't have your troops properly supplied...add on frozen weather...and your screwed. Case in point...Van Dorn :) .
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Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:27 pm

You have a depot at Fort Smith though, and you won't suffer weather hits there, plus you can garrison Van Dorn for awhile to regain org. Seems a much better way to get the division out of the predicament than to march them through the cold to where they are going now.

Why isn't the Fort Smith depot pushing supplies up to Fayetteville anyways.

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:21 pm

dagleya wrote:You have a depot at Fort Smith though, and you won't suffer weather hits there, plus you can garrison Van Dorn for awhile to regain org. Seems a much better way to get the division out of the predicament than to march them through the cold to where they are going now.

Why isn't the Fort Smith depot pushing supplies up to Fayetteville anyways.

With the weather and terrain, Fayetteville must be too far away from Fort Smith for supplies to pass. Plus, also because of the weather and terrain, Van Dorn can probably get to that harbor region faster than he can get to Fort Smith which is across a major river, so he'll take less attrition damage from the movement in harsh weather. I wouldn't be surprized if he can't even reach Fort Smith in one turn, even though it's only one region away.
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Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:31 pm

Major Tom wrote:With the weather and terrain, Fayetteville must be too far away from Fort Smith for supplies to pass. Plus, also because of the weather and terrain, Van Dorn can probably get to that harbor region faster than he can get to Fort Smith which is across a major river, so he'll take less attrition damage from the movement in harsh weather. I wouldn't be surprized if he can't even reach Fort Smith in one turn, even though it's only one region away.

Right again my friend. From across the Arkansas river, in the mud (it was rainy in Ft. Smith apparently), it would have taken Van Dorn 21 days to get to Ft. Smith. It would only take 11 days to get to the landing. I failed to mention that. Sorry fellas.

Mud is a bitch for any sizeable force to move through.

So I took the shorter road because I knew every day Van Dorn spent in the cold with no supply and no hope of getting it...the worse off he'd be.
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Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:04 am

Thanks again to everyone that's been following along. I want you guys to know that it's a lot of fun to do. And I'm having a blast goin' toe to toe with Soundoff...

and with that!!

[color="Red"]Turn 22, Late February, 1862:[/color]

Grant moves out!! (Several cavalry skirmishes in the west virginia mountains, but the most surprising move was Grant. He's come out to play! More in a moment.)

Thomas advances in central Kentucky!! (Soundoff made a quick march into middle Kentucky with Thomas and Helleck. I'm thinking it's a distraction, but again....more on that in just a moment.)

Confederation celecbrates President Davis's Inauguration!!

...and though they be our brothers in peace. The actions of our friends in the north, the INVASION of their own kin's rightful lot. Well I say let them now be our enemies in war! And let them never set foot in Old Dixie!

(Historical event. With a little flare :) Plus 1 national morale. I'm up on Soundoff by 3 NM now.)

Arizona rallies to confederate cause!! (militia regiment pops up in the far, far west.)

The Texas brigades arrives in Richmond!! (finally...some elite troops to put in the army!).

Order for the coming the east:


As I mentioned, it looks as thought Soundoff was hoping for a quick strike at Lynchburg. Either he is hoping to take it...or just hoping I'll think he's trying to. I don't mind him grabbing the town however. I like the direction he's taking Grant right now. As long as I can keep him trying for the end around...the easier it will be to isolate him and hopefully take him out of the game. I would be much more worried about him if he were making a move toward the Army of the Potomac.

As I was looking at the map this turn. I was thinking of what Soundoff was planning to do with Grant if he didn't plan on advancing to Charllottesville. What I figured was that Soundoff may be trying to cut Virginia off from the rest of the south by way of Burkeville and then Petersburg. This presents an interesting opportunity. Grant only has 4 divisions to work with in this part of the state...and Petersburg is a long way to go with Johnson in his way.

So...I've decided to encourage further movement south. Now there's every possibility that Soundoff will withdrawal because of the snowy weather. But regardless, I'm going to leave a newly formed Brigade under General Walker in Charlottesville and send Johnson with the rest of his small army to Lovington, VA. It is a good region to react to either a further advance by Grant...or a thrust by Sherman.

There are a lot of troops formed up now in Richmond. Due to a lack of active leaders...I was forced to keep several of them there to wait for some additional troops and form the remaining divisions I needed. So Ruggles is sent north to join the army. All in all, I had to save myself the extra rail capacity so I only sent Ruggles.

In the West:


Well I've discovered through emails that Soundoff was pretty ticked about the turnaround in weather this turn. I think he was going to try for a quick strike at Bowling Green while my Army of Kentucky remained outside Munfordville, but it didn't get all the way...and the weather got pretty bad again. So Thomas and Helleck are in some pretty nasty trouble.

I see Soundoff likely railing them back to Louisville to regroup. I hope to take advantage of this move at some point....hopefully before Soundoff can dig-in too deeply around Louisville. IF Soundoff advances further with will hurt him...his cavalry can easily see the 2 divisions I have under Bragg heavily entrenched around Bowling Green.

So I've planned to concentrate the Army of Kentucky for what I hope to be the campaign that takes Louisville.

Zollicoffer will stay at the landing and keep and eye on McClellan.

In the Far West:


As you can see...the winter has treated Van Dorn and his troops VERY badly. It will be months before his army is back at full strength. As soon as the weather breaks...I feel it will be time to dig in around Ft. Smith and regroup.

I have supply wagons on the way to Van case I decide to get agressive :) . Watie will hold on for the time being. I'm hoping I can cause more trouble with him in coming turns...he as well as Quantrill when he arrives.


Will Grant continue his advance into Virginia?? Can Generals Thomas and Helleck save their snowed in army?? What awaits the southern coast?? Stay tuned....
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