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Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:24 am

Great AAR, soundoff, I am really enjoying.

I have two questions, I wonder if you could answer them:

1) Both you and Banks usually refer to the actual (approximate) number of troops of the opposition. How do you calculate that? Because good intel only tells you the strength of the opposite force, AFAIK.

2) Why would you actually need to know the number of troops on the other side?

Thx in advance,

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Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:55 am

To oldspec4

Thankee most kindly for the encouraging words.

To nemethand

Well its a bit like this. Once you get really familiar with AACW you come to realise that a full division of 18 elements will usually consist of around 6,500 -8,000 troops. Of course that figure can be plus or minus a bit depending upon how many, artillery units, skirmishers etc but normally 7,000 is a good ballpark figure. Now what I do (I cant speak for Banks but I assume its something similar) is that when I hover the mouse on an enemy and I get details as to who the commanders are and the strength of the force they command from that I can make a fairly informed stab as to whether the division is maxed out.

Lets say for example I see a division with a 3-1-1 commander and lets further say that its power is around 450. Well I can make a pretty good guess that the division is about at full strength. Now if it was someone like Grant leading the division with 6 -5 -5 ratings or similar, or if it were veteran troops then I'd expect to see a power rating for the division of about 550 to 600. Of course all of that is assuming that my opponents divisions have not marched a distance and are not suffering significant cohesion loss.

Is guesswork really but the very good players likes Banksy, Jabberwock, Runyan, Barksdale, Coregonas etc....seem to have it down to a fine art. Me......I'm more broad brush.

As to why we do it. Again I can only speak for myself but I prefer it to the power figures. In some ways it provides a better flavour or at least I think so. The first thing a decent commander should want to know is the strength of the opposition and the first component of that is its size. Infact if I could have one wish granted in respect of this game it would be to do away with the power figures and replace them with an approximate manpower number......accuracy depending on recon. Although I make no apologies for using the power figures I cant help but feel that they are too precise. Of course I reckon that I'm in the minority with that wish. ;)

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Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:18 am

Hi Major Tom,

I really do admire your desire to get under the bonnet of this game. So different from my own style of playing.

Anyhow, as far as I know there is no way of working out with any accuracy how much supply is getting through and what the actual inhibitors are doing. After the 'general' which you obviously know about when it gets down to specifics I think its vague. Mind you if I'm wrong which I often am I'm sure one of the very experienced modders or players will put us right.

For me its a constant check of the supply screen and an almost religious scruitiny of each units supply situation every turn. I've lost too many forces due to neglect. Its easy to live with when its only an 'odd' unit but when you discover that the Corp of 30,000 that you had such high hopes for suddenly starts to dissolve before your becomes a bitter pill to swallow. Even though I think I know what to look out for the scope of the game is such that still occasionally I miss an odd unit or my opponent makes a stunning move and traps me or the weather changes or.....For me brilliant but I accept not good news if you have a desire to understand all of the workings :coeurs:

Mind you I kind of like the game that way. The not being able to know with certainty. Much more realistic. For every commander of note in the history of warfare logistics have been a headache and I'd hate for AACW to be any different.

You will see from my next AAR offering that in WV I have potentially serious problems brewing because of supply difficulties. IMHO though thats as it should be. :(

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Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:12 pm

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Late October 61 result and Early November orders[/size][/color]

Well what can I say, General Winter is arriving with a vengance and I reckon he's arriving in Confederate Gray....hiss :(



I reckon I called it correctly in respect of getting Milroy the hell out of Fredricksburg as quick as his little legs and those of his command would move. I'd swear as they sailed leisurely away down the James to Hampton that they heard the sound of Rebel's marching into the town. Methinks a close call but it had the desired effect of pulling the CSA away from Alexandria. Much to my surprise it did more than that.....they pulled away from Manassas as well. Now that I did not expect. Where the heck have they gone too. Time to get some more reconnaissance going but with winter rapidly moving in thats going to be easier said than done. Anyways the position in the east now looks like this. Other than garrisons I've lost the enemy. Most worrying - I hate it most of all when I'm blind.

I only have Hamilton of my eastern commanders active so he's been given orders to assault Manassas. McDowell is being prodded to join him but knowing that fella any move he makes will be under duress. Banks with the Army has been instructed to cover Alexandria. Schurz and his two cavalry regiments at Charlottesville have been ordered to retire.

That little command of Schurz really does deserve mentioning in despatches. They assaulted Charlottesville but were unable to dislodge the defenders even though the assault was successful. Sadly their cohesion after the initial attack was so low that the command was exhausted and unable to commit itself to battle again. I have little option but to pull them back.....hopefully to a heros welcome.

Further Southeast on the Penninsula I was lucky and Hooker moved unopposed to Williamsburg where he now sits waiting for Milroy with Hunters 2nd Division to advance to strengthen his position. That will leave Miles with some 5,500 in the 5th Division holding Hampton. If I can maintain a grip on this much of the Penninsula at the close of 61 I will consider it a real achievement. Mind you there is a month and a half to go and Banks is formidable. At worst I expect the Rebels to reinforce Smith and assault Hooker. At best I hope that Smith retreats to Richmond. Anyways its for Hooker to hold at all cost.

Now to West Virginia and here I'm really starting to sweat. This theatre could easily crumble before my eyes. Winter having set in with a real vengance is not helping. I'm looking at between 10 to 14 days to move a single region.

Starting with the worst, Morells supply situation is critical. Enough only for a single turn then his command starts to starve unless I can get relief to him. The reason for it being so may ask? Well just look at the next picture showing that his poor troops were engaged twice during the period. He managed to brush the first aside and maintain forward momentum but the second engagement against Holmes entrenched troops was an effort too much. He was repulsed and so now, rather than being only 4 or 5 days away from Covington, is some 20 days march away.....and with no ammunition.

So I've had to order Shields at Covington to attack to try to shift Holmes. The weather is as bad as it can get for such a venture so it will take his troops 10 days at best to struggle into position. I am not confident but I have little option.

Grant has a day or two before he arrives. A day or two too late (thats one downside of me refusing to use the teleport facility) He'd have been at Covington two turns ago if I had.

I'm also trying to lay down a depot at Millboro. Trouble is my escort is a couple of uncommanded brigades, two thousand strong. Its possible that if Holmes is active at Lexington he will assault and capture the facility. If he does then I will be forced to run hell for leather can back to Grafton with ALL of the troops I have in the region and hope that during the retreat I salvage the majority. So many ifs and buts with this one. Its desperate. One thing I'm sure of is that Banks will exploit any weakness I show him.


Tennessee/Kentucky and Missouri

For this turn I've lumped these theatres together. I'm also not going to produce a picture of the far West purely because there is so little happening at present.

The major events were that the Rebels, under Winder attempted to take Vincennes. I had suspected that the move might take place so had countered by ordering an uncommanded brigade of 3 regiments to move to support the local Militia. If you look at the next battle report though you will see that although they obeyed they were repulsed and it was down to the towns Militia to hold on. They managed to do so but it was a close run thing and demonstrates the margin sometimes between success and failure. Banks was certainly unlucky with this one.

I've ordered Keyes 12th Division at Evansville to march to relieve the depot..

The only other event to note was Watie and his Indians marauding near St Louis. I cant stop him from gathering information but hopefully he will do little harm.

Well thats about it for another turn. Oh there is one more thing. Wood's command at Baltimore is now at sea and heading for Wilmington. I do so hope he's active when he arrives. Its not that I expect anything major from his command but if I can cause further confusion to my enemy it must be a good move.

To end with the usual mundane matters

My NM remains doggedly at 96. The CSA's has ticked up 1 to 101

Finances to be raised - Nil

Drafts - Nil

Replacements - 1 Line and 3 Supply



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Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:15 pm

soundoff wrote:Hi ncuman,

Many thanks for the kind words and glad that you are enjoying Bank's and my AARs. Lets hope we can continue to keep you and any other readers entertained for a bit longer.

As to why I'm committed to promoting Little Mac. Well its like this. I'm a darned cussed sort of a fella, very long in the tooth and set in my ways. Now the more I've gotten into AACW the more evident it became that unless you make a complete dogs ear of things when playing the Union (as I did when playing Barksdale) you should hopefully be victorious. A bit like what happened in reality. Now thats no bad thing but I for one find little pleasure in making it easier than it should be. I know thats a sort of perverse logic but I hope you get my drift. So I try to limit my 'gamey' tactics and that means that Little Mac gets his historical promotion and I work with him. There is another obscure reason why I always give him his Army Command. I figure that he's a bit like my own countries Earl Haig in the first world war. By that I mean that I think his poor standing has as much to do with upsetting the 'politicians' as it does with poor ability. I think neither of them was as bad as history has made them out to be. So I kinda have a soft spot for Little Mac. As Grant said of him when asked to evaluate him after the conflict had ended 'McClellan is to me one of the mysteries of the war'.

As an aside Banks has processed the Early October 61 orders. When I've finished doing the pictures I'll do a post. Hopefully later today. :thumbsup:

Thanks Soundoff for your answer. So you are promoted Mac because that is what happened in real life? Makes sense to me. Oh, and on a side note I think you are doing a great job so far against Banks. In fact, I would venture to say that so far you are winning. Good luck on the rest of the game!

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Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:26 am

ncuman wrote:Thanks Soundoff for your answer. So you are promoted Mac because that is what happened in real life? Makes sense to me. Oh, and on a side note I think you are doing a great job so far against Banks. In fact, I would venture to say that so far you are winning. Good luck on the rest of the game!

Ouch ncuman....I experience a funny feeling in my waters when someone tells me I'm doing well ;)

I'm really itching to read Banks' AAR when this game is completed. I reckon it will make fasinating copy.

I would caution any player though embarking upon a PBEM to remember that it is a 5 year campaign...and this years victories can easily turn into tomorrows bitter defeats. Against someone as skillful as Banks I am certainly not counting my chickens.

In the east far....and I do mean so far...I seem to be doing OK. In Kentucky/Tennessee and the TransMississippi I've certainly not handled it anywhere near as well as I should :(

P.S.....and as an aside the more I revisit the move I've submitted to my opponent the more I consider I've made a grave error of judgement. I think that Holmes will target Morell. Banks must know from the battle reports and from the dreaded hover over my command with his mouse that Morells command is about shot. Rather than me trying to continue to move him to Covington I think I should have made him turn tail....trouble is in Rebel territory.....CSA troops with skirts up can run faster than Union troops with trousers around the I reckon I'm bound to get caught.

Oh and if anyone out there still thinks they are a beginner...if you can take on what may be considered one of the better players whenever the opportunity arises. In my experience those that know the game well are quite willing to take on a relative 'newcomer'. After all we were all 'newcomers' once. Seriously though you do learn so much from playing the 'experts' even if you get hammered in the process. I for one owe a real debt of thanks to Barksdale even if it was humbling at times. :thumbsup:

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Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:14 am

soundoff wrote:CSA troops with skirts up can run faster than Union troops with trousers around the ankles

What a delightful turn of phrase! Is that a britishism, or your own coinage? As a southern man I'm offended, but I'll let almost any insult pass if it's clever or amusing.
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Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:04 pm

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Early November 61 results and Late November orders[/size][/color]

I suppose, like the onset of winter that envelopes our forces the conflict between Bank's and myself is 'cooling off' Inevitable really but most gauling for the Union forces. Any delay benefits the South rather more than the North. Sad to say though my troops are exhausted and need time to recouperate.



My aim, not just for the current move but for the rest of 61, is to attempt to hold onto what I've secured. This turn Alexandria returned to Union control and Manassas (including the depot) fell to my advancing troops. For 61 it would be daft to expect I can make further headway. So its digging in and reinforcing until 62.......(unless of course an opportunity presents itself.)

Athough my NM has advanced significantly as per the picture to 102 and now outstrips the Confederates which stands at 101...the reports show my troops are really suffering in the poor weather conditions. I need rest and shelter.

I also must offer congratulations to Bank's for positioning the Army of the Potomac in such a stategic to strike in any direction. And where the hell did Bragg come from (at least a divison and a half)?

So other than a weak push by Milroy against Smith in the Penninsula I'm digging in on all fronts.

This is my assessment of the Confederate forces I face. You could argue that I significantly outnumber them but it relies on my commanders being active which they are not and being able to co-ordinate an attack with strength of numbers which is impossible. Thus I'll guard against leaving an opening and bide my time.

Now we sailed away with Woods command to Wilmington, arrived safely and started to think of disembarking as you can see. In fact I entered all of the assault orders. Then I rethought. My opponent will have to presume I will land on the current turn and react to that threat accordingly. So I've decided to sail southwards. If I can keep Banks on the back foot then its all to the good. If he moves troops to counter a threat that never materialises I might, just might, gain a couple of jumps on him.

West Virginia

Well things turned out much better than I expected. I was correct in thinking that Holmes would target Morell but somehow Morell evaded.....rather like English Morris dancers shaking their bells at one anther whilst pretending that the other does not exist. I can only summise that Holmes cohesion was too low to allow him to assault. With Shields meeting up with Morell I have sufficent supply for the joint command to move to Millboro to protect the supply depot that comes online next turn. I'm ordering Blenker at Christiansburg to retire to join Grant at Covington...... better by far to contract my lines than leave them stretched in the depth of midwinter.

Banks is doing a really brilliant job of keep those CSA rail lines West to East open despite my best efforts to continue to cut them. I'm itching to read (when this game is finished) his tactics for keeping those lines intact. He has managed to counter my every move.

Because of the way Banks has defended in this region (given the early setbacks) I dont think I have a cat in hells chance of taking Charlottesville by the end of the year as intended. :(



I remain unable to make any significant headway. Primarily because I dont have the forces but also because Little Mac steadfastly refuses to become active. OK so I managed to see off Winder from Vincennes without too much problem....and managed to stop him from retiring via Rome (see battle report).

Another tip is to presume that the likely enemy line of retreat will be the same as the line of advance if its a deep raid by more than a single regiment it often is. :love:

I can't stop Winder from retiring home...too many avenues with insufficient ZoC for me to cover to prevent him. I think though that Banks might reconsider his strategy before trying a similar move.


If I'm honest we seem to have a standoff in this region. Neither is either prepared or able to advance. So we just glower at one another and rattle our sabres hoping that the other will make a mistake.

Oh and although I'm not showing it and it covers more than one theatre in the Far West the Rebel commander Van Dorn maintains position at Springfield. I would not be surprised if Banks is assembling a cavalry force about him for a spring assault in the West. So just as a precaution, at Salem, I'm gathering the makings of a full cavalry division as a reactionary force.



I've produced this picture just to highlight what a nuisance Watie is.....but also to hopefully demonstate that its easier to 'go with the flow' and let him wash over you. Providing you've covered the supply depots properly, yes he's an irritant but really not an important one. Those railway lines can easily be rebuilt in 62. The North has more than enough resources. Its just not worth the effort trying to chase his command down. In fact its an unnecessary distraction. Anyway thats my take on it.

Drafts - Nil though the sooner I can recruit the better.

Finance - Nil. My inflation stands at 2% and I've never found the need for it to go beyond that as the Union


70 Rail and 15 River

Foreign Intervention Stands at minus 20 so I doubt I have to worry about it

Martial Law - Still maintained in Kentucky and Virginia.

Replacements - Nil



3 x 2 Infantry Brigades

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Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:11 am

Good job spotting Bragg's appearance. I knew he was coming because I've been following both sides, but unless you're using th replay feature (which I can't get to work in PBEM) the only way you had of knowing he was there was by spotting him in the "Other Units Present" section under Beauregard - an easy thing to miss. I've just learned -- don't expect to sneak anything past Gen. Soundoff.
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Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:08 am

Soundoff this is an amazing AAR :thumbsup: I discovered it tonight hopefully Wood's command can get a toe hold in North Carolina :)
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Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:06 am

Here we go then:

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Late November 61 result early December orders[/size][/color]



Much to my surprise we had a battle. Talk about 'you could have slapped me in the belly with a wet cod' :D That little move I did not see coming at all. So Bragg of all people goes and assaults Milroy at Williamsburg. Not only assaults but successfully carries the position. OK so his losses were greater than mine but thats not the point. Its a lovely forward position lost. A position I felt confident of holding. Mind you I'm scratching my head as to why Bory was not leading.....could it be he was inactive I muse to myself :confused:

I'm sure the battle hinged on the dice throw which I lost. President Lincoln back in Washington was not best pleased when he received the news he was even less enthusiastic when Milroy was actually congratulated in despatches for defeat as you will see from the next picture.

Anyway enough of my whinging. The Penninsula now looks like this. Milroy with his mauled 10,000 is retiring to Hampton. It should take them a day. Once there (assuming they get there without mishap) they are to hold. Howe who already was in position with 5,500 is to continue digging in around the Hampton perimeter with orders to hold at all costs I intend to make every effort, even potentially suicidal ones to maintain a decent foothold on the penninsula.

Which brings me onto the state and sizes of my forces in the theatre together with an assessment of those 'Johnny Rebs'

At this juncture I'm able nicely I think to reinforce a point I made in an earlier post about not skimming over the detailed information. By looking at the difference between this and last turns details I can now see that one of those Bragg divisions that materialised last time is lead by Hardee. But that still leaves one division unaccounted for now who was it? and where have they gone? I see that Johnston has moved from Culpeper. Last time he had Stonewall in tow but now Stonewall is with Bory at Fredricksburg. So I'm betting that Braggs mysterious 2nd Division has hitched itself to Johnston. If I had to gamble further I'd reckon that the little tinker is either waiting for me at Charlottesville (my personal favourite) or has gone to cover Richmond. Less likely I think.


The strong move by my adversary down the Penninsula has certainly weakened his position in this area. Trouble is I can't take advantage of it. Its not the fault of the commanders. Nathaniel Banks and McDowell are both active. Its the damned weather conditions. Just to demonstrate what I mean I've entered a proposed move by McDowell from Manassas to Charlottesville. Its a potentially lovely little move. A sweet little move. It would effectively link my eastern Virginia forces with the western Virginia contingent. But look how long it says it will take me to cover the distance. 23 days.......... I ask you. By the time my good ol' boys arrived cohesion would be on the floor. Damn and blast it. The best I can therefore do is a 'crablike' move with Nathaniel Banks bringing him on to Aquia. It means the command will suffer from losses in the appauling conditions but at least it adds a wee bit of further pressure.

My only other orders in this theatre are for the 2nd New York Mtd Rifles and the 2nd US Cavalry both at Winchester to advance independantly to Rockbridge on reconnaissance and rail cutting missions.

I throw the next offering in just to enable you to keep track of the size and composition of my forces in eastern Virginia. Quite substantial really but for now totally useless.

West Virginia.

Firstly please note, lots and lots and lots of snow :( . Last turns proposed moves are about completed. The supply depot at Millboro is onstream and pulling in much needed resources so my troops at least can be well fed and watered.

Blenker with the 7th Division (poor souls) are still struggling their way from Christiansburg to Covington. Never mind lads only another two days then you can all sit around the camp fire.

Griffin with the 21st Division has been instructed to leave the warmth and comfort of Grafton and move to Millboro. Regrettfully it will take 20 days through all the ice and snow. I can hear his command grumbling now but it has to be done in preparation for the spring thaw.

You will see I've entered a notional move for Morell from Millboro to Charlottesville from this theatre. Blow me down if its not a sight worse than from further east. 32 days grrr.

So its a sit tight move with the exception that 3rd PA 'Youngs KY' lt Cav have orders to cut confederate rail at Salem.


In Kentucky/Tennessee and Missouri well just look at the weather. No way am I attempting to move in this and it would appear that Banks feels the same. Watie at St Louis shifted again but that was predictable. The extreme conditions really are locking things down.


Now you will recall last time how I sort of 'chickened out' from disembarking Woods' command at Wilmington. I'd love to know whether Banks did react to the appearance of the fleet off the coast and move troops to cover. I'll find out one day I'm sure. Anyways Woods sailed further south. 'Florida looks nice' said the captain. So I have anchored off the coast and Woods is being offloaded for an assault on, of all places, Talahassee.

Much depends on what options Banks has set in respect of observing movement as he's hosting the game. If he has the minimum setting he will not know that my fleet is there otherwise he will and I lose the element of surprise.

Oh and in quick response to a Major Tom ask a short while ago......nope I dont have access to the 'replay' facility. Dont even know whether it works.

Unfortunately the scheduled attack of Woods is on the extreme of his movement. His command is travelling additional supplies. Ideally he needs to assault and carry the city this turn. If he does not reach his destination I need the command to remain active and with sufficient cohesion to continue the move. It will certainly be on a knife-edge but it looks as if thats the way this game between Banks and myself is set up to go.

Now finally to the bits and pieces so to speak

NM for both of us stands at 102. I'm more than happy with that at this stage of the game.

Financial - Nil

Economy - Nil

Drafts - Nil

Reinforcements - Nil


1 Elite and 4 Line Infantry.

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Replay in PBEM

Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:51 am

Sorry for interrupting your thread, Soundoff, which I am really enjoying, and thanks for your earlier answer.

I my PBEM, my opponent is hosting, and when I receive the trn. file he also sends me the replay file. I have absolutely no problem with the replay feature.
Do you also getting the replay file from the host?

Just a tip...

BR, András

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Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:25 am

Thats quite alright Nemethand. The fault lies with Banks and myself. He's never sent the replay file and I've never asked for them. Sometimes its a mindset one gets into.....having played so long without such a facility it never entered my head until Major Tom raised the issue.

I'm sure I'll use the feature in another game. Many thanks for the tip though and I am glad that you are enjoying Bank's and my efforts. We hoped that someone would. :thumbsup:

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Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:57 pm

[SIZE="6"][color="red"]Early December 61 report and Late December orders[/color][/size]

So 61 is all but out. Who knows what 62 will herald. With luck an interesting year.

As this is one of the key yearly turns for finances and conscripts I'm starting with what I normally end with.....the bits and pieces. The ledger screen results to date are pleasing from my perspective. The -2NM that I have suffered in Early December is down to the 'Trent Affair event'

So this time around

Finances - Issuing 8% bonds which should raise 809,000 dollars. I'll have to live with the 2% inflation.

Economy - Imposing a total blockade which will raise NM by 1 and VP's by 15. As a nice aside it also will bring in a further 50,000 dollars. Even if the dice roll goes against me and the measure displeases the Brits with intervention at -19 it will not really matter.

Drafts - I'm offering a bounty of 1,000 dollars which hopefully will raise 306 conscripts. Reluctantly I'm calling for full mobilisation which should produce a further 766 concripts. That combined figure should keep me going for a while. Mind you I have to grin and bear the -5NM the mobilisation will cause.

Replacements - with the weather causing havoc I'm raising 2 Elite Infantry, 3 Line Infantry and 2 Field Artillery. At a personal level I dont like keeping too many long as I have one of each of the main categories in reserve I tend to be happy. I suppose I'm just easily pleased ;)

Reinforcements - As you might expect here is the biggie.


3 x 2 Infantry Brigades


1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Sharpshooter Brigade

New York

2 x 2 Infantry Brigades
2 x 3 Infantry, 1 x 6lb Artillery and 1 Cavalry Brigades
1 x 12lb Artillery Battery


3 x 12lb Artillery Batteries


3 x Sharpshooters
6 x 2 Infantry Brigades
7 x 2 Infantry and 1 x 6lb Artillery Brigades
2 x 2 Infantry and 1 x 6lb Artillery and 1 Cavalry Brigades

Now all I shall need are those January commanders to arrive to take command of the new units. :coeurs:



Well Nathaniel Banks and the Army of the Potomac marched successfully to Aquia where he has orders to dig in. I'm attempting to build a depot just to protect the command as best I can from the worst effects of the weather.

McDowell and Hamilton remain in winter quarters at Manassas.

As you can see Borys command across the river at Fredricksburg has two good divisions with room for a third. I need the spring thaw before I consider how I might flank the position. At Leonardstown I have 4 artillery batteries that I'm intending to sail to Ft Monroe...they could do with the extra guns.

Moving to the Penninsula whether Bragg was inactive or whether Banks considered the force needed time to recover I'll never know (and not that it matters). I was just pleased that there was no follow up and that Milroy has time to dig in. Kindly note that his command will dig their own trenches and not avail themselves of the ones constructed by Howes troops. I've also put in orders for Butler and a couple of batteries at Ft Monroe to move forward to Hampton. If it works it should enable Butler to assume overall command of the defense and to amalgamate the three divisions without incurring CP penalties. I do need to hold this position if at all possible.

Heading slightly west to West Virginia I think my forces are about in position. Blenker now defends Covington. Grant has orders to move to the depot at Millboro to assume command of Hurlburts and Runyons divisions. Griffins 21st Division is continuing its slow inextorable march to Millboro from Grafton......eta in 9 days.

Best news of all though is my scouting cavalry regiments from Winchester have picked up Johnston's force. He has EK Smiths and Ruggles divisions with him. I'd put an estimate of about 8,000 effectives. I wonder what Banks intends to do with the force? I cannot believe he will leave it that exposed to the conditions. Ah well time will tell.



My how the Union telegraph wires are running hot given whats turned up. Thrown the whole of my Western command into blind panic. Never did I dream that AS Johnston would advance in the depth of winter....and in such force. What with the cohesion loss he would have suffered in the move I reckon its a 20,000 strong force. Now where is he heading for? Thats what I have to second guess. As sure as hell he's not making snowmen. I'd favour an attack on Louisville but if thats right why move to Henderson? Bowling Green would have been a better option? Is he after Little Mac at Evansville? But that means assaulting across a major river unless he sidesteps....moves to Rockport and then attacks from there. Mind you Little Mac has two full divisions with him at maximum cohesion so should be able to hold.

Will ASJ turn west and head for Cairo?

So many options not only for my adversary but also for myself. I could do nothing and play a wait and see but thats not advisable. I'd like to reinforce Louisville but I cant do it in a turn and even if I could the reinforcements would have to be drawn from Little Macs command.......not a wise move.

My decision, in part driven by my lack of commanders rather than troops is to move Sumner (without his command) at Lexington Missouri to Louisville as fast as his little legs and the railway will carry him. It should take 32 days. Shields at St Louis will move by river to reinforce Mansfield at Cairo. Halleck at Salem will join Little Mac at Evansville. If he gets off of his butt quick enough he should be in position by the end of December. With additional forces I'm ferrying to Evansville by rail as fast as I can I might, just might be in a position to free up Keyes command for a reinforcing move to Louisville in early January.

I'm producing this picture to hopefully show better my intended moves. Oh and have decided on one slight alteration. Sumner is moving to Salem and Halleck to Louisville....its faster.



The final piece of news turned out to be fairly good. Woods command took Talahassee. It was only defended by a single militia unit which we destroyed. Now my quandrie is how the heck to exploit the gain? On the one hand its a nice depot city to hold but can I hold it thats the rub. I have no additional troops to commit for now. I dont expect Banks to have many available to try to take it back either. So I reckon I'm good for at least a couple of moves just regaining composure but what then? I have supply wagons at sea which I could land to create a coastal depot but unless I can reinforce the position and soon a further landing may be unwise. I'm going to ponder on it until January. It may well be that I destroy the depot and then move to Ft Pickens with would certainly be a safer bet. I need to muse on it.

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Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:13 pm

Excellent AAR, Soundoff. I learned such a lot from this and your previous AAR with Barksdale.

I was tempted to start another thread which discussed your position with others following along. It has certainly developed along interesting lines (especially after your early ZOC inspired victory).

I found it particularly interesting that you decline to exploit certain facets of the game engine for better realism. Did you agree with Banks beforehand which things you were not going to do (e.g. switching units around to get the best entrenchment, swapping out inactive leaders)? Is he under exacly the same constraints?


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Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:39 pm

Hi Soundoff,

I've been following this AAR since the beginning, as well as your previous one. I really enjoy them, so I thought I'd pop up and tell you all the good I think of your sharing with the community!

Thank you, and good luck for the rest of the campaign :hat:
[CENTER]« Quel pays ! Quels hommes ! Quelle guerre ! Non, ma chère maman, votre enfant n'est pas fait pour habiter cette contrée barbare. »
[CENTER] Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, 1758


[CENTER][color=DarkGreen]WIA 1.05 Patch[/color]

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Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:51 pm

Another great AAR, soundoff. Congrats on Tallahassee. I'll be very interested to see how you exploit it in the future, or even if you are able to. It seems like a pretty lonely place to be for a single division.
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Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:28 pm

xpyre many many thanks for your kind words. ;)

If you really think there is some mileage in creating an 'open' thread for those of you following Bank's and my poor efforts please do. It was Banks' hope that the campaign would generate interest. Another thread can only help in that aim. Mind you if you do go ahead please let Banks and I know what thread to would not do for either of us to steal a march on the other by reading an open thread discussing our strategies. :thumbsup:

As to mutally agreed rules we had none. I think its just two 'experienced' or should I say 'daft' players....placing their own interpretations on what is or what is not 'gamey' For example I've really been surprised in a pleasant way regarding my opponents reluctance to use 'deep raids'...though we have not agreed anything.

In similar fashion I think that Banks does use the redeploy feature for leaders but not as a means of gaining advantage whereas I only use redeploy for HQ's. And as for entrenchments the issue has never arisen. In truth I suspect its all down to the respect we have for each other.......that both of us will play the game in the right spirit. :coeurs:

TiFlo, comments like yours make the effort more than worthwhile. I do so hope though that you are saying the same to Banks.....I'm sure you are :thumbsup:

Major Tom, you know I'm as keen as you are to know how Talahassee will turn out. :) Must say its not a move I would normally make and most unlike forward planning. Just wanted to add something 'different' and 'unusual' into the pot with Banks. He's such a fine player I'll use any trick to throw him off balance...even ones that I have not the foggiest idea how they will turn out. :bonk:

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:01 am

Thanks Soundoff, I think that a thread for discussion may get some milage, so I've set one up.

Obviously the thread is supposed to be off limits to you and Soundoff.

It will allow those of us who can't keep our opinions to ourselves somewhere to chat about what is happening.

Keep up the the great work.

An avid watcher.


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Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:53 am

So no plans to send another unit to help secure the Florida invasion? Or you don't have enough resources to make up another command? Well I hope you set up a Pro-Union Government at Tallahassee at least :)
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - By the Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty

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"The army is the true nobility of our country."

-Napoleon III-

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:35 pm

[SIZE="6"][color="Red"]Late December 61 result Early January 62 orders[/color][/size]

Well the year went out with a whimper. Not the slightest sniff of an engagement.



The significant event in this area is the buildup at Fredricksburg by the Rebels. Bragg (I assume with Hardee and Longstreet in tow) has joined Bory. Smiths division has also linked up with them as has Whiting. All in all a considerable gathering. I think if Bory attacked over the Rappahannock, even in the depths of winter, Nathaniel Banks with his two divisions might have a hard time of standing. But that would be a very large gamble on the part of the CSA. I was sorely tempted to strengthen the Army at Aquia with McDowells divisions but I've decided against it.

I trust the Aquia depot will be completed this turn and provide some shelter for my troops (assuming that Nathaniel Banks command is not assaulted)

So the relative strengths of the two opposing forces, as far as I'm able to make out, looks as follows.

Naturally, given its the 1st of the new year commanders in abundance have mustered at Washington. I'm railing them where needed as fast as I can. Sadly it will be a month before the majority are in position. Never mind.

At last though, one decent cavalry commander. OK a wee bit reckless but worth his weight none the more for that. Phil Kearny is available. I'm sending him straight to Manassas to take command of the cavalry division I've formed with Schurz. I do so like two or three all cavalry, manouverable, good evasion and nice ZoC for cutting those lines of retreat. That new cavalry division that Schurz is heading up for example has a very very respectable evasion rating of 24.

Onto the Penninsula

Well what with Bragg having done his work and kicked me out of Williamsburg he's gone and left Magruder's division plus defending the town. Though I've replaced most of the losses my cohesion is still too low for me to consider offensive action against him, not that Milroy is active anyway :(

I did seriously mull over just quietly staying put at Hampton, particularly after having moved Butler forward. After all with Milroys two and Howes one divisions that should be enough to combat most eventualities in the near future. Then I got to thinking.........I'll share my thoughts with you later.

As you can see, with luck, I'll land 4 much needed artillery batteries at Ft Monroe this time. Across the James at Suffolk sits Huger but I dont think his command will be particularly strong at this least I hope not.

West Virginia

Here the weather is beating me every time. I'd love to take the offensive. I'm itching to take the offensive. Any advantage I have in the short term is now and not in a month's time when the Rebels have strengthened their positions. Trouble is it would just be plain suicide to attempt to advance. 24 days minimum for Grant to hit either Charlottesville or Lynchburg. The cohesion loss moving in these conditions would be horrendous. So its just a few cavalry raids to cut rail (purely to slow down any West - East confederate movement) and hope that the weather eases early.

I'm just putting this picture in to highlight the importance for me of not losing the Grafton depot. Its the 'push' point for supplies to Millboro. What with Grants two divisions at Millboro, Griffins 21st Division which has now arrived and Morell at Covington thats 4 full divisions relying on the Millboro Depot.

As you can see I still have a decent presence at Grafton but I need a couple of those new commanders to arrive.

Incidentally Griffins division suffered 47 damage from bad weather struggling that final lap to Millboro.


Kentucky and Tennessee

No real change here. AS Johnston stayed put. I wonder why? I do hope in the winter snow those Rebel forces are suffering as much as mine. Halleck arrived in Louisville safely. I have a fairly decent buildup going on there but I need more commanders. Fortunately Thomas has materialised in Cincinnatti. I'm giving him his 2nd star and moving him to Louisville.

Little Mac refuses to budge from Evansville......oh make him active just for a turn in spring. With AS Johnston not having moved that means that I will not be sending Keyes division to Louisville. He stays with Little Mac.

I am intending to reinforce Mansfield at Cairo with Shields contingent that arrived in Salem.



Watie seems to have gone to ground for the winter. Look at the mess he's made of my infrastructure but as I've said before it really is not that important in this neck of the woods and I can repair it in spring.......if Banks lets me :thumbsup:



This in some ways is the most difficult one. Its entirely my own fault and if nothing else highlights the danger of making purely opportunistic moves without having any REAL plan as to what you want to achieve. In many ways its a bit of a backwater (difficult for me to get to) Mind you its not easy for the CSA to put troops into the area either which is a bonus. The sensible thing for me to do would be to cut and run. Blow the Talahassee depot, get back aboard those transports and leg it to Ft Pickens. Then again I dont always do the expected....and I do so like the thought of pulling confederate troops away from key positions even if it means putting my troops in serious danger.

So I've decided to attempt to stay. Now that creates a real problem for me as I've no additional forces readily available to strengthen Wood's and the single division he commands is nowhere near enough.

Firstly I'm trusting that Banks is not yet able to throw a significant force against me. I need at least another two weeks as my cohesion is still relatively low. So this time I stay put.

Now as you know troops in structures gain cohesion far quicker than troops outside. Problem is ....if you are inside a structure and you get besieged its a pig.

So one trick I use is to split a division. Keep the best of it with the commander in defense outside and let the remaining troops regain cohesion faster inside. At least its not an all or nothing strategy. If the enemy appears, there is a chance at least of seeing them off.

As you can see from the picture there really is a significant difference in the amount of cohesion you gain per day from being inside rather than outside.

If I get away with it then my intention is to move to Fort Gadsden next time. In preparation for that move I've ordered the destruction of the Talahassee depot

That will make the nearest confederate supply depots Jackson and Columbus. The Rebels will need good weather to push supplies down to the area

This picture just to rounds off what Woods command looks like after putting the weaker units into Talahassee. You can also see that I have a couple of supply wagons riding at anchor in the Appalachee Bay that I'm eager to land if the opportunity presents itself.

So how do I intend to try to strengthen Woods you might well ask. Hmmmm....its a risk, and it means returning to the Penninsula. Now that Bragg has gone and joined Bory I'm going to weaken my forces in
the Penninsula. I've ordered Butler with Hunters division at Hampton (purely because it has a Marine regiment) to board transports at Ft Monroe. All being well in late January they sail south. To Milroys command I've added Miles Division but that means that I guard the Penninsula with only 2 divisions for some time to come.

That just leaves the bits and bobs to fill you in on which I shall do in a few hours.

Edit The bits and bobs I promised you.

NM stands at 97 for the Union and 99 for the CSA

I went with total blockade which resulted in -12 British Engagement points but the Confederacy went with the Cotton Embargo which gained them +16 British Engagement points. The overall effect is that Foreign Intervention stands at -15

My issuing of 8% bonds raised 761,000. Full mobilization produced 766 conscripts and offering a 1,000 bounty for volunteers raised a further 287

The CSA went with Graduated Taxes, 8% Bonds, Call for Volunteers and Full Mobilization.

Finance - Calling for Measured Exceptional Tax which should raise just short of 300,000 at a cost of -1NM

Economy - Nil


4 Line Infantry
2 Cavalry



2 x 2 Infantry Brigades


3 x 1 Cavalry Regiments

New York

3 x 12lb Artillery Batteries

New Jersey

3 x 12lb Artillery Batteries


2 x 2 Infantry 1 x 6lb Artillery and 1 Cavalry Brigades
2 x 2 Infantry and 1 Sharpshooter Brigades
6 x 2 Infantry Brigades


1 Army HQ

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Great AAR!

Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:44 pm

Hey Soundoff:

Great AAR. The best I have ever read on any game anywhere. New to the game and I am following along with you as the Union player in my first game against the AI. Working on my early dec 61 turn right now.

Your insights and tips have been an invaluable help to me (and I am sure many others as well). Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see how you clash with Banks when the real killing begins this spring. Good luck!


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Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:16 pm

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Early January 62 results and Late January Orders[/size][/color]

As expected another quiet turn. Until the weather breaks or one of us spots what we see as an advantage its to be expected. I'm biting my tongue praying for decent weather to advance whilst Banks is keeping fingers crossed that the poor conditions will continue for a turn or two until his reinforcements are in position.

So with little to report this time around I'll try to keep it fairly brief. Before I go on to analyise the various theatres though I think a quick word or two about reinforcements is in order. Now what I'm going to say is very old hat and has been said much better by stronger players than me such as Jabberwock. None the more for that its worth repeating.

It goes like this. When I get the new units raised information I immediately check where the new units are being created. Often several of them (particularly if its a heavy build program) I find are being built in the same city. Now what the computer tends to do is to group builds together by type. So using the picture below last turn I decided to raise several 2 element infantry brigades in Pennsylvania. So the 'puter decides to create two of them together in Allegheny. Now't wrong with that except that when you look closely at them the build times are slightly different. One completes in two days, the other in 5. So whats the problem you may ask? Well the problem is that both units are in the same stack. Now when a unit is being created its stance is green/green. This allows the unit to come online in the fastest time with the greatest amount of cohesion. If its part of a build stack though and another unit comes online the example I'm showing Rowley's brigade would come onstream first. Well when this happens
Rowleys brigade will change its stance automatically to Blue/Green and that will also become the stance for the rest of the units in the this instance Stones brigade. And changing the stance of Stones Brigade to Blue/Green will slow down the speed with which it comes online. So whilst its currently showing it will be completed 3 days after Rowleys Brigade if I leave it in the same stack that gap will grow. Now when those anticipated online dates are close to the end of turn dates you can see how the slowing down process could well mean the difference between a brigade being able to move on the current turn or remaining unformed until the next. It might only be a minor difference. Sometimes it will not really be that important...but then again against a good adversary it can be the difference between life and death. So always split your units that are being built into individual components.

And remember, after splitting to make sure that all of them are inside the structure.... Troops being built outside a structure take longer to form than those being raised inside. :thumbsup:

Anyway apologies to those who already know all of this and 'sermon' over to those that did not. Back to the game. Oh and if any of this sort of stuff is boring...please please post to let me know. The prime aim is to make our game interesting to you :)


I'm lumping Virginia, Penninsula and West Virginia together this time purely because there really is so little happening. Both of us jockey for position and await new troops to reinforce existing positions.

The only comments I would make is that Bory at Fredricksburg grows stronger. I really do need to strengthen Nathaniel Banks at Aquia soon. At least his depot is on line. Forney a Rebel 2 star has taken control of the confederate forces on the Penninsula.

Once again due to decent reconnassiance I'm picking up Johnston's force at Charlottesville.

Also worth noting is that my strategy to cause problems to the confederate supply in West Virginia in late 61 has evidently paid dividends......just look a Rebel depot is being created at Lynchburg with Hoke (pity I have no chance of reaching it in under a month given the current weather)

For me then with the exception of cutting more rail is another 2 weeks of sitting tight and contemplating my naval.

I should though add at this juncture that Butler with Howes division embarked on the transports at Ft Monroe without hinderance and are scheduled to set sail for Talahassee which they should reach within the month. We wish them god speed and pray that their arrival is timely.

I've provided details of the forces in the region. I make no comment other than to give you my estimation of the enemy strength. The sizes of my commands have not changed since last time.


Lack of movement is also evident in Kentucky/Tennessee and Missouri

Johnston did not move. If I had to guess it would be that Banks was surprised to find Little Mac entrenched at Evansville. My build up continued. Shields made it to Cairo to reinforce Mansfield. Thomas was promoted at Cincinnati and then joined Halleck at Louisville...(one of my mustering points). Little Mac just sits tight - inactive as per usual. :(

With absolutely nothing to report in the Missouri that only leaves my amphibious landing.



Well Woods command destroyed the rail network and depot. My strategy for recovering cohesion worked. The division is now at full strength and has orders to move on Ft Gadsden. I had toyed with leaving a single regiment of infantry in control of Talahassee but decided against it. Sadly Woods has decided to smell the roses, drink the orange juice and soak up the Florida sun.....he's become inactive :p leure:. Best I can therefore do is march to Ft Gadsden and lay seige. The two supply wagons I have at sea I'm proposing to land.

Hopefully Woods will be supplemented by Butlers command within the month.

Well once again that just leaves the odds and ends.

Union NM now sits at 96 whilst the Confederates is at 99

Economy - Nil

Finances - Nil

Drafts - Nil


3 Infantry and 2 Field Artillery....winter is still hitting hard.


New York

3 x 2 Infantry and 1 x 6lb Artillery Brigades.

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Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:47 pm

1862 and time to set down my tentative objectives for the coming year. At one level I'm rather loathe to do so...making plans that far ahead as my old granny used to say ' it will end in tears you mark my words boy' Mind I do find it so much more fun to have objectives to work to. It helps to keep me focused on the task in hand.

Again, nothing overly ambitious. I'll be more than satisified if I can maintain steady progress. Of course if I can achieve a major breakthrough anywhere then I'll attempt to grab it with both hands.

In the East then, as its currently the major theatre, my plans are really quite simple. Its to link the forces in West Virginia under Grant with the Eastern Army. Key of course will be Charlottesville though I don't underestimate the necessity of taking and holding Lynchburg to protect my right flank. The major headache I foresee is that whilst I will probably enjoy an advantage in numbers it will be more than offset by the quality of Bank's commanders. In the early part of the year I'll have to rely heavily on Grant....backed up in respect of cavalry by Kearny. I'm sure my opponent will not make it easy. It really is not rocket science to work out my likely strategy so I can expect Charlottesville and the surrounding environs to be heavily defended. The terrain will slow me down as well (too many mountains and hills). Mind you thats also a potential advantage as mountains obscure detection particularly of cavalry so perhaps Kearny can make good use of the topography.

I dont intend to try to assault Fredricksburg as I reckon it would be a suicide mission. Similarly, if I can, I'm content to sit in the Penninsula, though if I get bogged down around Charlottesville I'll have to considered yomping up through Williamsburg.

Now to the Western Theatre - Tennessee/Kentucky. Without doubt the non arrival of Lyons was a serious blow to my aims and has delayed me enormously. I strongly suspect that Islands 10, Forts Henry and Donelson and even Nashville are heavily fortified and defended. My aim then is to attempt to move through Arkansas once the weather improves significantly, past the swamps to the west of the Mississippi and try to assault via Covington. If I can infiltrate a significant body of troops in the rear of Banks forward positions it should make his first defensive line insecure at bes and at worst untenable. I also will try with Little Mac (no laughing please you might wake the children) :thumbsup: to secure the rest of Kentucky up to the Cumberland.

In the Transmississippi region any moves I make will be with the aim of totally securing Missouri and having a significant presence at Fayetteville by the end of the year to enable me in 63 to think about taking Ft Smith and Little Rock. I must admit though that its not really a priority and much will depend upon how the war goes in the more important theatres and whether I have sufficient manpower to commit to this backwater.

Finally to the lower seaboard. If I can hang on until I can supplement Woods' command then I shall seriously try to cut off Florida from the rest of the confederacy. The terrain is for the most part not conducive to quick marches (too many swamps) but with no significant rivers and little or next to no railways the confederates will not march from A to B easily either. Although its not a 'key' southern state is does provide many options for potential east, west or northern advances in the future.

Well thats about it. Colours nailed firmly to the mast for 62. Only thing to do now is to wait and see how Banks rips these plans to shreds. Ah well its all good fun if you do not weaken ;)

P.S. I only had time to post these ideas because the end of January turn that Banks sent to me was somehow corrupted :( and I'm awaiting a redelivery.

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Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:30 pm

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Late January 62 result and Early February orders[/size][/color]


So here we are then and straight in at the deep end. Virginia Still not a lot of change. Slight building up on both sides. More significant I reckon in February when most of the new units come onstream and reach the front. At Charlottesville Johnston grows in strength...damn and blast but nothing I can do about it. The weather still favours the Rebels. Another turn of holding fire and trusting to god, luck and brown breeches that Johnny Reb does not launch an assault on Nathaniel Banks defences at Aquia. ;)

West Virginia If anything the weather gets worse rather than better. The one crumb of real comfort is that WT Sherman decided to mosey into Millboro to lend US Grant a hand. Most welcome and timely. Really I should wait for the weather to break but I cannot delay any longer. So Grant is off marching to Montgomery. I desperately need to be clear of the mountains before the CSA can reinforce the area further. It means substantial cohesion losses for Grants command plus I expect more than a fair share of deserters but it cannot be helped. Grant just has to advance. At least I can keep Sherman at Millboro in reserve.

I'd love to bring Kearny's cavalry over from Manassas to assist but weather conditions are just too debilitating at present. Mind you I feel more comfortable now I'm off and running so to speak even if it does prove to be a mistake. :(


The same can also be said for Kentucky/Tennessee. At last I have sufficient strength either at Louisville or arriving in the next 15 days to set off towards Bowling Green. Let's see how AS Johnston likes these bananas. :love: I cant make Bowling Green in a single march so have decided to stop well short. The reason being is that there is (or was) a problem with the Barren region of Kentucky - the area immediately North East of Bowling Green. Supply never gets through to units stationed in this area. It has nothing to do with being in or out of supply. It just never gets through. I dont know if the fault has been fixed as I always avoid stationing units in Barren....just in case.

Anyway my move should force some reaction from ASJ.....if it does not then I strongly suspect that Nashville is already protected by a Corp strength force.

I was sorely tempted to march Mansfield to Paducah which is only lightly defended. Trouble with that though is that it would leave Cairo weak and risk Mansfield command getting caught in a pincer movement by AS Johnston in the East and Polk just to the West at Columbus. So I've resisted the temptation and will await developments from Hallecks and Thomas's moves.



Regrettfully Woods has again taken it into his head to be inactive. Butler with Howes division is ready to disembark and join him and is active but unfortunately the cohesion of Howes force is on the floor so its no good entering an assault order on Ft Gladsden with his contingent. Best I can do is get him ashore and keep my fingers, toes and everything else crossed that someone in the joint command graciously obliges me with being active next time.


There is absolutely nothing worthwhile to report happening in this theatre.

So onto the bits and bobs. For a change I have a picture. I know pride goes before a fall but it now looks as if I can hold onto West Virginia. In similar fashion with luck and a following trade wind I might hang on to Kentucky so its time to take the small risk and start to industrialise both. Its not that I need the overall resources I dont. With so many troops in both areas though the more those states produce the less supplies have to be pushed forward. Currently neither can sustain the number of troops I have in them. So I try to industrialise just a bit particularly as I can afford the dollars and the war units.

As to the rest

Economy - Nil

Drafts - Nil

Replacements - 1 Elite and 3 Infantry



1 x 10lb Artillery Battery
1 x 2 Infantry and 1 Sharpshooter Brigade.

Finally my NM stands at 99 against the Confederate 100

There was French intervention in Mexico which resulted in a +3NM to me. It should have also resulted in a -10 Foreign Intervention but I think that event is broken. Intervention remains at -15

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Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:47 pm

soundoff wrote:...there is (or was) a problem with the Barren region of Kentucky - the area immediately North East of Bowling Green. Supply never gets through to units stationed in this area. It has nothing to do with being in or out of supply. It just never gets through. I dont know if the fault has been fixed as I always avoid stationing units in Barren....just in case.

Interesting. I've never noticed that, nor heard of it.

I wonder if it's just a little joke from Mr. Thibaut -- making the region of Barren, KY live up to its name.
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Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:57 am

Major Tom wrote:Interesting. I've never noticed that, nor heard of it.
I wonder if it's just a little joke from Mr. Thibaut -- making the region of Barren, KY live up to its name.

I had a similar thought, but actually mine was more along the lines of is Athena actually becoming sentient and knew that
"Barren" meant no supply... ok so I've been watching too much nBSG.

Since its my first post here soundoff, I'll just echo great job. Having tried a few of these I know you are probably spending more time AARing than playing.

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:23 am

Another excellent AAR! I like your early strategy of heavy concentration in the east!
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."
-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:18 am

Barksdale you taught me such a lot for which I remain eternally gratefully :) If I've progressed at all much of the credit is down to your good self.

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:22 am

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]Early February 62 result and Late February orders[/size][/color]

I just dont believe it. Well I do. I can see it with my own eyes but would you just look at the pictures I'm showing. General Winter has set in again and with a worse vengance than before. There was I thinking conditions were easing. Damn me but that Winter fella must have Rebel sympathies.



To begin with Grants command struggled through the snow and mountains to Lexington. With little enemy presence at Lynchburg I've given him orders to assault. Lets hope he does not go on a bender the night before. Unless the CSA have considerable forces close by to check his advance I'd be surprised if they dont blow the depot. Not that I need to capture it intact.

The Little Mac event (making him active has fired) what with Mr Lincoln being hopping mad at the apparent lack of movement in the east. Now there is no way I can move Little Mac at present (I'll come to that later) but I always try to play in the 'spirit' of the game, so its down to McDowell who is active supported by an inactive Hamilton to move on Culpepper. My are those two commanders not best pleased at being ordered to leave nice winter quarters in Manassas :love:

Onto the detailed buildup of the Union forces in the east then. If I say so myself it is getting impressive. As an aside I never can understand why Union players wait so long in 62 for these supposed 'overwhelming odds' before moving forward. Mind you in similar fashion I do like moving in winter with all its potential pitfalls...but that just might be because I'm perverted in some way :wacko:

I would also just like to point out, relating back to a current ongoing thread on the boards about supply (and my love of logistics) how I handle moving forces in bad weather and over difficult terrain to ensure that my troops do not starve to death and have sufficient ammunition to fight with. With the exception of Milroys command at Hampton which is drawing supplies quite nicely from Ft Monroe and the Army of the Potomac at Aquia where I've built a depot even though it is in spitting distance of Manassas and Washington ALL of my commands have supply units with them and with depots not far away.

The Confederate position does not seem to have altered much. I've lost sight of Johnstons force at Charlottesville. If I were Banks I'd have strengthened it this turn as its a potential wedge to prevent my forces from joining. If he has though by how much has he reinforced? I'd also expect him to be building secondary defences at Richmond. I need the weather to break so I can send my cavalry forward. I need those eyes.


Going slightly out of sequence in Florida Butler disembarked without mishap. Woods has finally (who shouted whoopie:neener :) decided to oblige me and become active. So he has been ordered to assault Ft Gadsden. In addition I've decided to lay down a supply depot. I hope that my Florida build up is starting to worry my opponent.

From Boston I'm sailing three regiments of cavalry.....I do so love those scouts.



Would you just look at that snow covered landscape. How the dickens can I be expected to move Little Mac in that and where to? My scouts provided much valuable information this turn. I must admit though it grieves me to say it I just had to applaud how Banks has gone about screwing me up in this theatre. Just look at those defensive CSA positions. An object lesson in how to defend. With Bragg (I had wondered where he had got to) dug in at Bowling Green the reason for the positioning of AS Johnstons army becomes abundantly clear. No way for me to assault those outposts. My only chance is to outflank. Good job it is my intention to try to do just that in 62.

I've fleshed out the picture with the details of the forces both that I have and that I see before me on the enemy side. If I can draw one crumb of comfort from the situation its that Banks has committed almost as many forces to the area as I have. That might mean that the Eastern theatre remains a little light of Confederate reinforcements for the time being.



Well what can I say except Snow, Snow and yet more Snow. Watie is once more on the radar. He is such a pain but Van Dorn has gone to ground. In many ways thats more worrying.

This last picture I'm merely providing for a bit of 'discussion' We had very few engagements during early February. Those we had were exclusively of a cavalry nature with Banks trying to push me away. The most telling one was at Lynchburg which turned out to be a resounding Union victory. Now its easy to scratch the head sometimes and reckon that somehow the programme must have screwed up......but sometimes its just worth examining in more depth.

Take this little encounter for example. To start with my dice roll was 51 against the enemies 48. So a big advantage to me there.

As I was in position I also benefitted from favourable terrain. Now though the real biggie. Just look at the quality of my regiment. Because of the action its already seen its getting damn near to veteran status. Look at its defensive fire and initative stats over an unblooded unit. No wonder those Johnny Rebs did not get near me.

The only downside is that I just had to keep the unit at Lynchburg (given that I was advancing Grant) which means its out of supply. Its no good trying to move it. Its 20 days back to Covington. Hopefully Grant when he arrives will take it under his wing. Mind you a good number of the men are going to starve.

Finally to the bits and pieces. To begin with my attempt to lightly industrialise Kentucky and West Virginia fell on stoney ground. Ah well perhaps better luck this time.

NM for the Union is at 99 for the CSA 102

Foreign intervention is -13

Buell has arrived at Cincinnati. I'm shifting him to take command of the defenses at Louisville.

Drafts - Nil

Finances - Nil

Replacements - 2 Infantry



1 x 3 Infantry, 1 x 6lb Artillery and 1 Cavalry Brigade.

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