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Too easy death of leaders in non-assault fights.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:39 pm
by Joseignacio
Position: Attack (not assault)
Province: Saint Denis
Climate: Good (June)

Number and class of my units: 10 regiments of british regulars supplied and in ful strength. 3 leaders: 2 2-stars: leslie and grey, and 1 1-star Fraser.

Number and class of enemy units: 2 supply chart units without leaders.

Outcome: Charts are taken at the cost of the death of Grey. Could not believe it!

I guess:

- either this feature needs to be adjusted :innocent:
- or mister Grey made a charge alone on the chart escort for some personal glory (maybe his girlfriend was on the army too?) :tournepas
- or he had siphillys from a previous rendezvous and that was the real reason of his death. :siffle:

Which is the good one? :niark:

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:22 pm
by Korrigan
I have a 4th possibilities: "Shit happens" :niark:

It might be that Pocus has included an infinitissimal chance in every fight that a leader just gets stupidly killed. Numerous examples in military history.

Waiting for Pocus answer... :indien:

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:01 am
by Pocus
There is 2 possible cause of death for leaders in battle:

a) the more probable one is death from being involved in a tough fight. The chance is directly proportional to the intensity of fight.

b) plain bad luck. Or friendly fire. In this case, 3* are excluded, 2* have 1/1000 chance, and 1* have 1/500 chance in each battle to pass away.

In your case, it's surely (b).