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CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:15 pm
by Menschliches.Gehirn
Looking for an experienced Union player for the 1861 April campaign. My regular opponent has stopped gaming and hence I am looking a fresh challenge. Please leave me your details at


Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:04 am
by Menschliches.Gehirn
No takers?

The opponent I found is unfortunately of a different experience level and I do not want to play a one-sided campaign of 100+ hours, so the game has ended.

Still awaiting a worthy opponent

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:08 pm
by FelixZ

I'm experienced but have not played since 2017. Probably take 1 to 2 days to regain basic CW2 game play.

Let me know if you're still interested.

Do desire Union at this time.

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:45 am
by Menschliches.Gehirn
Started a CW2 game but still got bandwidth for another game.

Any experienced player?

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:34 am
by Xeja1
If you are looking for an experienced Union opponent, i am your man.

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:59 am
by Menschliches.Gehirn
Hi All,

It is with a sad heart that I am writing this, as I am a victim of a Forum Troll. This is a first experience and I was surprise that it happened in the AGEOD forum, as I always thought that AGEOD gamers are of more depth and culture.

I had this CW2 game with a veteran member of this forum. I had proposed Game and AI settings which he accepted with no objections. He proposed a House Rule that I was not in favour of, so I was about to reject his game offer but he then accepted the game without any House Rule.

We were dual-hosting. Several turns in our game, he unilaterally change the Veteran Activation rule to the 3rd setting of “a high chance pf NOT being able to move at all” during his execution of the turn and informed that his reason is
“Back in the past when I played, it was normal to not use Veteran Option. The feeling was that playing with the Veteran Option added lucky/unlucky die rolls, and prevented a contest based upon strategy and tactics.”

I have Veteran Activation Option in all my games since the first day I was out of boot-camp against Athena and in PBEM games. But my main gripe is that he just change Settings without my consensus, citing that he had compromised in the non-inclusion of House Rules.

I mean we can always not have a game if don’t agree on Game Settings and House Rules, no need to cite any compromise in future changes. Changes in settings after a game begun should be based on explanation and mutual agreement. I discontinued my game with him.

But worse was to come, he went on to share my strategies and moves with my other current opponent. Imagine my disgust

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:59 am
by Menschliches.Gehirn
I just felt that I needed to share my situation.

I am still looking for an Union opponent with integrity and experience. Please PM or email directly. Do not post here as I am worried you will approached by the Troll.

Thanks and stay safe

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:29 am
by Menschliches.Gehirn
Just to clarify, Xeja1 is also a victim of the Troll

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 2:43 am
by Menschliches.Gehirn
Hi All,

My PBEM game has been progressing for 3 weeks and we are going towards end of 1861. Kentucky seceded early in August. This is the 2nd earliest I have seen.
I am very satisfied that I have gotten into the level that I have not made any major blunder in my game so far. In fact the current situation is one of the best I have achieved.

Looking for another Union opponent for another game to fill in while the first game is over to my opponent's turn.
I play slow, 2 to 3 days a turn after the lest meaty early few turns. I analyse to anticipate the moves of the other side.
AGEOD (WEGO system) forces and rewards you for detailed planning

Same request, email directly or PM me

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 3:21 am
by Menschliches.Gehirn
No experienced Union Player?

Still looking for a worthy opponent that can progress beyond 1862

Re: CW2: Looking for Union Player

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:46 pm
by Xeja1

It's me again. Would you like to try another?