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PBEM CW2 looking for player/recherche de joueur

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:31 am
by Gunther

I'm looking for an opponent on CW2, it's the first time i will try to pbem, so if you're used to it, don't expect a lot of me :D
I would be able to play 1-2 turn/day, but i don't have regular schedule in my work so it could be less.

I would rather play as CSA.

Rules are to be discussed.


je cherche un joueur pour CW2, ce sera ma première partie en pbem donc ne vous attendez pas à affronter un adversaire coriace. Je pense pouvoir effectuer un à deux tours par jours. Ayant des horaires irréguliers, cela peut varier.
Je préférerais jouer la confédération.
Pour les règles, nous les fixerons avant le début de la partie.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:15 am
by gwgardner
I'd like to play. PM me if you are still looking for an opponent. I can do generally 1 turn a day, on occasion a couple of days. Campaign scenario.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:27 am
by Gunther
Tread to lock I found my opponent.