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PON - Conflict in Europe

Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:18 am


We are continually looking for new players to replace those who have departed. There are many countries that can be challenging. Please see the list below to see which countries are open.

Many of you may be familiar with the epic Pride of Nations multiplayer game 'Conflict in Europe' as well as 'Conflict in Europe Redux' that ran here and on the Paradox forums for several years.

To quote several participants: "The game was one of my more fun multiplayer experiences" "playing PON with you guys was a great experience" "I find myself remembering the good times and excitement of our game more than anything".

Now a bunch of us from that game have decided that we had such a good time and enjoyed ourselves so much that we're re-opening the game.

We're looking for more players though, so if you enjoy PON or simply enjoy playing a very active PBEM with tons of nations, huge amounts of out of game diplomacy, and just lots of fun, give some thought to signing up! If interested, send me a PM with your email address and preferred nation (as well as a second and third preference).

We play one turn a day.

The list of currently filled countries can be found below. As you can see the grand powers are taken, but there are plenty of exciting nations left and we'll certainly give preference to current players if and when spots open up with the big nations:

Great Britain - bjfagan

Russia - nemethand

Prussia - Alex (leaving within one month)

France - Vezina

Austria-Hungary -

United States - CitizenX

Kingdom of Sardinia/Italy -

Japan - Phil Thibaut

Spain - Phil Thibaut (leaving soon to focus on new games)

Ottoman Empire - Phil Thibaut (leaving soon to focus on new games)

Belgium - Phil Thibaut (leaving soon to focus on new games)

The Netherlands - Phil Thibaut (leaving soon to focus on new games)

Sweden - Phil Thibaut (leaving soon to focus on new games)

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General of the Army
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Re: PON - Conflict in Europe

Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:19 am

We are currently in Late August 1865. We had a couple major wars going, but no peace prevails throughout Europe.

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Re: PON - Conflict in Europe

Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:43 am

Several really good nations up for grabs in our game. Come join us!

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