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Franklin Gardner

Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:14 pm

Franklin Gardner

217 CSA Franklin Gardner ldr_CSA_Gardner NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 43 General 1 NULL 5 1 2

1. Is there a reason for the "5" strategic seems like his only major contribution was making a tough defense at Port Hudson. Would he have been a better commander if wasn't hemmed up in a siege...possibly. Is this enough to warrant a "5" rating? Maybe we should drop to 3 or 4.

2. Gardner seems perfect for the "Fort_Defender" attribute:
From wikipedia entry:
"Gardner immediately undertook an improvement to the defenses of Port Hudson, replacing a partially constructed system of lunettes with a four mile long earthworks extending from the Mississippi River on the southwestern corner of the fort, to the easternmost portion of the knoll on which Port Hudson stood. Earthworks were not constructed completely around the northern side of the fortifications, as the steep embankments were considered sufficient defense. In addition to the earthworks, Gardner instructed his men to create a series of abatis defenses, consisting of cut timbers sharpened at the ends and pointed in the direction of attackers."
"Gardner's command of Port Hudson is considered by many military historians as an example of an outstanding defense of a fortification besieged by a much larger army. Richard Taylor, who commanded the Confederacy's Western District of Louisiana during the Siege of Port Hudson, considered Gardner a victim of the faulty Confederate military policy of immobilizing a large fighting force within a stationary fortification."

Suggested stats:

217 CSA Franklin Gardner ldr_CSA_Gardner $Fort_Defender NULL NULL NULL 1 1 1 43 General 1 NULL 4 1 2

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Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:07 pm

I would give him Fort_Defender.

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:00 pm

3-1-5 with Fort_Defender
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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