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Sterling Price

Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:44 pm

187 CSA Sterling Price ldr_CSA_Price NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 10 1 14 General 1 NULL 5 0 1

Adding Cavalryman and recruiting officer. He raised a large number of Missouri troops early in the war. Although he commanded the largest confederate cavalry raid of the war I don't feel he deserves any of the raider traits. His raid was a disaster losing more than half of his men without doing much harm to the union. He was a very unsuccessful general similar to Van Dorn although Van Dorn was a better cavalry leader. He does need a corps commander version. His Army of the West numbered about 20,000 and his Missouri raid had 12,000. I gave him a 1 for attack but am not sure he deserves it. I wouldn't argue with a zero.

187 CSA Sterling Price ldr_CSA_Price $Cavalryman $Recruiting_Officer NULL NULL 6 10 1 14 General 1 NULL 5 1 1

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:13 pm

187 CSA Sterling Price ldr_CSA_Price $Militiaman $Patriot NULL NULL 6 10 1 14 General 1 NULL 4 0 1 Old Pap

Rational: He lived for Missouri, raising a national guard and making it an efficient force, eventhough he was not able to lead it...
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." Mark Twain


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